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[ART CONTEST] Poetry: Wabi Sabi, Spring, and Death [APRIL 7th 2024 DEADLINE]


Level 158
This is an art contest folks (unofficial, but still, very real!) and you participate with poetry!
Celebrate the fleeting beauty of Spring and the poignant truths of life with your verses. Any format and structure is allowed (as long as it would fit into one Minecraft Notebook!) write a Haiku, a songtext, or recite an event in rhyme form ~ it is totally up to you!

Seven poets will have their interpretations of "Wabi-Sabi - Spring & Death" featured in the Tsubasa Report. Each winner will also receive a transfer code for a custom item and furniture!

Participation Guidelines

Embrace the Theme
Let "Wabi-Sabi - Spring & Death" inspire you. Reflect on the mundane, the imperfect, the impermanence of life, the beauty in decay, or the birth that Spring brings.

Submit with Care:
Your poem must be an original creation by your in-game character, who should be enrolled at Karakura High School or College.

Post Before April 8th:
Ensure your poem is shared in this thread (or is linked to the poem post on Onrain with the #wabisabi ) by the deadline (April 7th). Late entries cannot be considered.

Celebrate Others:
Offer encouragement and positive feedback to fellow poets!

Stay Tuned for Results:
Winners will be chosen starting April 8th by a select jury.


Submission Guidelines
Attach (1) your poem, directly in this thread or as link to your Onrain post with the hashtag #wabisabi (2) your IGname, (3) your full character name, and (4) any commentary. (5) Keep the spirit of "Wabi-Sabi - Spring & Death" in mind. Your poem should somewhat relate to the theme.

AI Assistance:
We seek the soul's raw expression; heavily AI-dependent submissions will not be entertained.

The contest celebrates individual interpretations of the theme; hence, one poem per in-game character.

Eligibility and Entries:
Open to Karakura High School or College characters. One submission per participant to ensure a diverse array of insights.

Winner Notification:
Chosen poets will be notified by me about their in-game prize and enjoy the honor of being published.

Further Inquiries?
Direct any questions or seek clarifications via DM on the forum or Discord (bronicesky).
Good luck to all participants!
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Level 158
Thread starter
For everyone asking:
This is not an April Fools joke!
The contest is real. The prizes are real.

Yes! This is about writing poetry. Poems are art. We will have visual art contests this year, but this one is about writing.

Wabi Sabi means:
The word/letter limit is whatever can fit inside a Notebook (buy one in the family store and try to fit the poem in there. The limit is reached when the notebook runs completely out of space.)
(Around 12800 characters including spaces)
But remember: we don't judge by length. It can be as short as a haiku.

Also, members of school faculty, members of the Librarian's Adult Role, and those with characters that are teachers/professors that deal with literature, please reach out to me. You qualify as a jury member for this contest. I want 3+ to 5+ people, that judge the poems. Your jury duty will be compensated.
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Level 103
yall icl i love poetry, if i dont forget abt this i may do a lil silly.

also gl to all others getting involved!!


Level 103
image (12).png

Roughness abounds in every texture and hue, A reminder that life is imperfect, yet true. Simplicity whispers in every scene, Where clutter recedes, and clarity gleams.

In nature's wild embrace, where asymmetry reigns, Beauty blooms in every twist and turn, in every untamed domain. For symmetry may seek perfection, in lines straight and true, But nature's hand paints a masterpiece, in hues of every hue.

From the rugged mountain peaks, to the valleys lush and green, Asymmetry weaves its magic, in every flowing stream. For nature knows no bounds, no rules to bind its art, It paints with strokes of chaos, etching beauty on every heart.

So let us embrace the asymmetry, the wild and untamed, For in its imperfection, true beauty is proclaimed.​


Level 158
Thread starter
View attachment 61540

Roughness abounds in every texture and hue, A reminder that life is imperfect, yet true. Simplicity whispers in every scene, Where clutter recedes, and clarity gleams.

In nature's wild embrace, where asymmetry reigns, Beauty blooms in every twist and turn, in every untamed domain. For symmetry may seek perfection, in lines straight and true, But nature's hand paints a masterpiece, in hues of every hue.

From the rugged mountain peaks, to the valleys lush and green, Asymmetry weaves its magic, in every flowing stream. For nature knows no bounds, no rules to bind its art, It paints with strokes of chaos, etching beauty on every heart.

So let us embrace the asymmetry, the wild and untamed, For in its imperfection, true beauty is proclaimed.​
Thank you for your poem submission!
Please provide your IGname and the name of the Karakura High/College student to whom this poem will be attributed.


Level 158
Thread starter
now if only i could write poetry.
No excuses! Write a haiku!

Express your observations and feelings about nature, seasons, or moments in life.

Here's a simple step-by-step guide.

1. Structure

A traditional haiku consists of three lines.
The first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the third line has 5 syllables again.

This 5-7-5 pattern is crucial.

2. Subject

Haikus often focus on nature, seasons, or fleeting moments in life.

Think about a moment or element in nature that struck you recently. Or a moment in Karakura that stays in your mind.

3. Observation

Reflect on your chosen subject.

What did you see, feel, hear, smell, or taste? Try to capture a specific moment. (or a specific observation or environment)

4. First Line

Begin with a line of 5 syllables.

It might set the scene or introduce your subject. Or tease about the subject.

5. Second Line

This is the heart of your haiku, with 7 syllables. It should add detail or development to the image or idea you introduced in the first line.

6. Third Line

Conclude with another 5 syllables. This line might offer a reflection, a surprising twist, or a deep observation related to the first two lines.

7. Refine

Read your haiku aloud. Does it flow well? Does it capture the essence of what you wanted to express? Does it suck?

Don't be afraid to revise! Sometimes, shifting a word or two can make a big difference (in clarity and impact.)

8. Embrace Imperfection

Your haiku doesn't have to be perfect. The goal is to express your thoughts and feelings!

Green leaves glisten wet (5 syllables)
After the summer rain pours down (7 syllables)
Earth breathes fresh again (5 syllables)


Plaza bustles loud (5 syllables)
He wants to sell alcohol (7 syllables)
They drag him away (5 syllables)

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