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Ask me Anything | Aania addition!


Level 185
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I love this ideaaaa SO much!

What inspired your Minecraft name? (:

I originally went by AllTheCookies. So during my first time as staff, you can probably see screenshots of little [Moderator] AllTheCookies. But after awhile I really hated being called Cookies, cause it made me feel like a little child LOL. So went with the easiest option, wham bahm, Aania!


Level 65
If you could give me some, any tips on learning Deutsch?
It's mandatory to learn in Poland just like English, but I have no idea how to get better at it.


Level 73
Hey Aania,

As you and I know, you have been in this community going as early as 2017 and are probably the longest lasting staff member on the server as well.

Thousands of remarkable and unique roleplayers joined and quit this server throughout the past decade, you are one of them— Inevitably, you will quit in the future, do you think there will come a time when you can't support SchoolRP anymore given your age & real life ambitions?

lamby :3

Level 39
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why do u eat so many sandwiches? pls eat something other than sandwiches.

and my other question, what steam game do you WANT.


Level 108
What is your opinion on the current state of CrimeRP as a whole. We are all aware you... endeavour. But is there any points that you perhaps- disagree with the rules or find them annoying. Or even the opposite. some rules you like to take advantage of or even use to your own benefit.


Level 185
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If you could give me some, any tips on learning Deutsch?
It's mandatory to learn in Poland just like English, but I have no idea how to get better at it.
Honestly, my best tip is watching shows in German. Even if it sounds silly, kid shows work great! Cartoons as well. You learn simple sentence structure and vocabulary!

Hey Aania,

As you and I know, you have been in this community going as early as 2017 and are probably the longest lasting staff member on the server as well.

Thousands of remarkable and unique roleplayers joined and quit this server throughout the past decade, you are one of them— Inevitably, you will quit in the future, do you think there will come a time when you can't support SchoolRP anymore given your age & real life ambitions?

Of course. There's no doubt about it! But I don't know when it'll be. It could be next week, next month, next year — even more than that! But there will be a time where it'll be my last time speaking in OOC, and my last time logging on. That's inevitable!

why do u eat so many sandwiches? pls eat something other than sandwiches.

and my other question, what steam game do you WANT.
Leave me and my comfort food alone, Miss potato head.

What is your opinion on the current state of CrimeRP as a whole. We are all aware you... endeavour. But is there any points that you perhaps- disagree with the rules or find them annoying. Or even the opposite. some rules you like to take advantage of or even use to your own benefit.
Honestly. I don't like GangRP / CrimeRP nowadays. There's no Roleplay in it. It's all about points. Who gets the most perms, who can get the highest target. There's no real stakes.

When GangRP was on the rise, I was majorly part of it. The tension that was there when one gang member was in anothers turf. Nowadays it isn't that much fun.

I do of course, do the occasional crime related stuff. But only with people I really know. I think a rule I really do enjoy, is that P2L. It's my favorite when fighting, especially when you combine it with rolls!

I appriciate the rules a lot. As a former KPD member, before all these rules were implemented, a lot of it was so tiring. I'd lose characters over the smallest things and it got quite annoying! (I think I lost 18 characters during my time in the KPD)


Level 0
I kinda was on the search for a little place in the world, where I could escape from everyone for a bit! Not the happiest reason, but at the time I really needed it!

Staff team — I think I just wanted to help out the server that'd I'd been apart of for so long. The first time around, I was motivated to and with my role in the KPD and at the time, it was good to have a staff member who could help with gangrp situations (even if I didn't handle them particularly well)

The second and this time around, I saw that fundementally the staff team and community had gotten better and healthier. So I wanted to help people out, mainly with the focus for people who were getting bullied or shut out for no reason.

Yeah!!! I love all my faction members. You've been doing great! :D

I was actually part of the first college football team when it was established, then the college cheerleaders and then the female football team! I think team wise, I'd probably join track. Mainly because it's then I can flex 100% acro on one of my ALTS.

Doesn't matter who, you're like two peas in a pod :)

My first experience was probably what made me love SRP so much in the first place. Spawning into the server, I was a bit confused, but instantly met a group of older players. Back then, people would often wait at front gates for newer players and welcome them!

With that group, they gave me a tour and taught me basic commands and rules and how to set up characters! For awhile they were my main group, till I drifted away from the server but returned. I'm a bit bumbed that I have no screenshots of that time or know those individuals names, but I do appriciate them :) their introduction to the community really is something that stuck with me.


Level 206
In your personal opinion:
What have been the most fundamental changes to SRP (either in its rules or features) that were so impactful that they changed the feel of the server as a whole?


Level 185
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In your personal opinion:
What have been the most fundamental changes to SRP (either in its rules or features) that were so impactful that they changed the feel of the server as a whole?
I believe the biggest change. Was the switch from one singular owner to two.

Now people don't remember much about Duckings, but he's still around. Simply running things from behind the scenes. While KimiNoUso takes the lead of most everything else.

SRP always had a massive change when it came to the new owners being chosen. If it was either from Im6 or now Kimi! Without I feel the server wouldn't be where it is today :D


Level 115
If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what song would you choose?

Oh and also out of curiosity: how do you manage to STINK that badly?!!?! YUCK!!!!! (love you aania pls dont fire me from reporter thanks)


Level 185
News Lead
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If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what song would you choose?

Oh and also out of curiosity: how do you manage to STINK that badly?!!?! YUCK!!!!! (love you aania pls dont fire me from reporter thanks)

I'll have to go with My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark aka Light Em UP, by Fall Out Boy

Ps: you're fired


Level 185
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I respect the FoB. On topic, are you an album listener or a shuffle playlist kinda guy
Shuffle Playlist. Vibes? All of em.

Only really listen to an album in sequence when it's a new one and I'm figuring out which song I like


Level 206
Will you be there in 20 years? When the SRP Legacy Server is being opened? For all those who missed out on the original and all the old people who long for the nostalgia?

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