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atjayy | Faction Limitation Suggestion


Level 29


Limiting multiple roles within a certain type of faction(s), specifically the Emergency division.


Tl;dr: you shouldn’t be allowed to be a part of KPD and EMS on two different accounts if the student council/club leader can’t be on teams via another account. The same applies for other factions with limitations.

Okay, at first this seems confusing, but please listen to me. I’ve noticed, as of recently, that you cannot be apart of student council (or lead a club) if you’re on a sports team (mostly because they both tie in with legitimate school roleplay, and whatnot), but why are factions like EMS allowed to be on KPD (or KPD main with an EMS alt) via an alt? I understand that sports and council can often tie in with one another, but it’s nearly the same way with EMS and KPD - they’re both EMERGENCY factions, which are quite similar.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can’t be a professor/school employee on two different accounts either. This limits roleplay, which is sort of a good thing when it comes to these factions (due to how many people apply, who wants to get in, etc.)

Another point I’d like to address is how limited KPD and EMS factions are currently. A good portion of these factions have people who’re part of KPD and EMS on two separate accounts, meaning those who don’t have any experience in an Emergency faction won’t get their chance at it unless a handful of OTHERS leave. Those who are a part of both at a time are, in my opinion, using up a tag. Sure, it may not be a waste, but it’s still entirely unfair to those who can’t be a part of the student council and be on a team.

Players should either be allowed to be on a team and council/club leader, or limit the emergency division to only one faction per player.

Friendly mention: Those who were a part of the council or a club leader before, were forced to give up either their team tag, or their council - they were not allowed to keep it. Therefore, someone must decide on whether they wish to stay in KPD or EMS, not both.
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Level 6
Since every other faction roles are limited, it's just silly for the emergency faction to be the only exception


Level 105

As more and more players join the server daily, the spots for emergency factions (or factions in general) become more competitive. The police and hospital factions are quite similar and their duties intertwine with each other in more than one fields; similar to how other factions such as council and sports operate similarly (as forementioned). So, if players who are on council can no longer be on sports, I think the same rule should be applied to factions that share this similarity to give more players a chance at being a part of these factions, instead of slots being backed up by those on both factions


Level 14
+1 I don't understand the limit to begin with cause most factions (esp school-related) struggle to fill their slots from time to time, so decreasing the amount of people allowed to apply for school-related roles already doesn't make much sense to me. I know the argument is to provide more opportunities for newer players but, in a way, it's creating less opportunities for everybody. If the rule is gonna be enforced from now on then it should definitely extend to every faction to keep things fair.


Level 14
Community Team
Event Team
-1 to limit KPD / EMS factions

+1 to allow players to be in council + sports at once

EMS and KPD have very different jobs. As yes they do still answer to calls, their duties are very different.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can’t be a professor/school employee on two different accounts either.
In my opinion, this rule is right. School employees and professors are very connected factions. Most of their duties are the same: patrol the school, help students, deal with reports, etc. We often talk about "faculty" as a faction, yet EMS and KPD are very different factions.

Players should either be allowed to be on a team and council/club leader
I would actually be okay with allowing players to do both. Council roleplay and sports are very different.

Finally, I'd like to mention that other factions are looked at when applying for KPD or EMS. It is clearly stated in the application rules that players who already are in KPD/EMS have a much lower chance of being accepted into those factions. Being a part of the EMS HU team, this statement is very true. We try to only choose players who are KPD officers as a last choice.


Level 105
In my opinion, this rule is right. School employees and professors are very connected factions. Most of their duties are the same: patrol the school, help students, deal with reports, etc. We often talk about "faculty" as a faction, yet EMS and KPD are very different factions.
Patrolling, helping students, and dealing with reports are general duties that they all share, like how the police faction and hospital faction share general duties. However, all factions have unique aspects to them, regardless of if they share some of their duties with other factions


Level 29
Thread starter
-1 to limit KPD / EMS factions

+1 to allow players to be in council + sports at once

EMS and KPD have very different jobs. As yes they do still answer to calls, their duties are very different.

In my opinion, this rule is right. School employees and professors are very connected factions. Most of their duties are the same: patrol the school, help students, deal with reports, etc. We often talk about "faculty" as a faction, yet EMS and KPD are very different factions.

I would actually be okay with allowing players to do both. Council roleplay and sports are very different.

Finally, I'd like to mention that other factions are looked at when applying for KPD or EMS. It is clearly stated in the application rules that players who already are in KPD/EMS have a much lower chance of being accepted into those factions. Being a part of the EMS HU team, this statement is very true. We try to only choose players who are KPD officers as a last choice.
Most of this is entirely true, and I respect it. I get that KPD is EMS' last choice, but it's the fact that it still happens every once in a while. If players were allowed to be in Council + Sports, then it wouldn't matter anymore. The whole school employee and professor thing was true though, so I can't argue with that. However, as Ghostfire stated, KPD and EMS do general duties similar to one another; reports, patrols, responding to calls, etc. You get the point


Level 266
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
-1 to limit KPD / EMS factions

+1 to allow players to be in council + sports at once
I agree with this. When you're applying to EMS / KPD and already in one of the two, you're less likely to get accepted. I don't think further restricting things is a good idea


Level 233
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Awhile back, this used to be a feature. KPD couldn't be EMS, and EMS couldn't be KPD. One of the major issues ended up being that mostly Hospital Workers would leave the faction in order to join the KPD after witnessing what they do. I personally don't believe there's much point in limiting the factions, as in comparison to Town and KPD or BMD and KPD, the emergency factions have entirely different jobs, and as Hirathex said, both Yonio and I push existing emergency workers to the very back whilst reviewing applications.


Level 105
I agree with this. When you're applying to EMS / KPD and already in one of the two, you're less likely to get accepted.
both Yonio and I push existing emergency workers to the very back whilst reviewing applications.
I disagree. From what I've seen, and what recent waves have shown, more often than not if a police faction member applies to the hospital faction, they will get in. Below's a composite of results for EMS applications since the start of the year, only considering police applicants;


Even before this year, this same trend of KPD members getting into EMS was still very much active

I don't think further restricting things is a good idea
To this I say, why not? In regards to the police and hospital factions, a lot of their general duties intertwine (as forementioned), and although their main duties are very different from one another, they have many similarities that may encourage the staff team to consider making players choose one or the other. Again, it's important to consider that as the player base grows more and more, competition grows, demand decreases, since the amount of slots open stay the same

the emergency factions have entirely different jobs,

In regards to my point made in the last paragraph pertaining to general duties, let's compare this dilemma to Teacher/Professor and Employees. These factions are grouped up under one name, known as Faculty. While their main duties are very different from one another, many of their general duties are shared; similar to how the police and hospital factions, grouped under one name known as Emergency, also have duties that are unique to one faction only, despite them sharing many other duties.

Considering the fact that professors and teachers may not apply for employee, and vice versa, the same rule should be set for police and hospital

One of the major issues ended up being that mostly Hospital Workers would leave the faction in order to join the KPD after witnessing what they do. I personally don't believe there's much point in limiting the factions, as in comparison to Town and KPD or BMD and KPD
The reasoning as to why town and KPD, and BMD and KPD are disallowed from being in the same factions are quite obvious considering issues regarding bias, or the fact that the work these two factions do are literally opposites to each other. I wouldn't say these are fair comparisons when considering the point of this suggestion, when compared to the differences between Teacher/Professor and Employees. In regards to hospital workers leaving the faction for the police faction, it's best to let the player do what they're most comfortable doing, and having the most fun with, should this rule be reinstated. Even if it means leaving your faction, everything considered should be in the general player base's best interest


Level 29
Thread starter
Ghost said what a few of us were thinking.

I understand that you guys strive to accept players who haven't been apart of a faction, especially the EMERGENCY faction. However, again, this rule should've remained in the rule book rather than getting removed. People are bound to leave a faction for another. I've done it, you've done it - we all do it at some point. This is an inevitable feature that comes with a rapidly increasing community such as School Roleplay.

A good portion of EMS is based on helping out the KPD as well, as EMS tends to their needs or responds to calls and arrive on scene. EMS and KPD do everything together, with each faction having their own tasks of course. They're still relatively similar, which is the exact reason as to why I think people cannot be in two Emergency factions. Council Faction and teams are two separate things, which Fred mentioned before.
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Level 110

Why limit roleplay? If someone wants to do both EMS and KPD, they should be allowed to as long as they can handle it. It goes the same for school factions as well. Why can't you be club leader and council, or council and team member? It's been proven that it can be handled, by many people, INCLUDING ME! I was formerly a club leader, a council member, AND a team member, and at one point, a team captain. I had proven that I was able to handle it, and everyone who gave me those roles or the people I passed them onto can more than likely say that I did a good job doing all of them. I understand why some people shouldn't be in multiple factions, but if they can handle it, they shouldn't be neglected the opportunity to do so.

At the moment, I'm only in the government faction, because I know that that is all I can handle right now with my schedule. As long as they can balance activity between factions, I don't see the reason why they shouldn't be able to join in the first place. It seemed like a stupid rule in the first place.

This is completely different when it comes to accounts. By all means, feel free to limit one or two roles onto each account, but why do it overall? Most people on SRP originally bought alts just so that they can apply to different factions.


Level 28

Why limit roleplay? If someone wants to do both EMS and KPD, they should be allowed to as long as they can handle it. It goes the same for school factions as well. Why can't you be club leader and council, or council and team member? It's been proven that it can be handled, by many people, INCLUDING ME! I was formerly a club leader, a council member, AND a team member, and at one point, a team captain. I had proven that I was able to handle it, and everyone who gave me those roles or the people I passed them onto can more than likely say that I did a good job doing all of them. I understand why some people shouldn't be in multiple factions, but if they can handle it, they shouldn't be neglected the opportunity to do so.

At the moment, I'm only in the government faction, because I know that that is all I can handle right now with my schedule. As long as they can balance activity between factions, I don't see the reason why they shouldn't be able to join in the first place. It seemed like a stupid rule in the first place.

This is completely different when it comes to accounts. By all means, feel free to limit one or two roles onto each account, but why do it overall? Most people on SRP originally bought alts just so that they can apply to different factions.
This wasn't an argument of whether or not a player can handle the responsibility of being in two similar factions. I think Jay's point was to limit the amount of factions a player is in, so that more spots can open up for different people.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can’t be a professor/school employee on two different accounts either. This limits roleplay, which is sort of a good thing when it comes to these factions (due to how many people apply, who wants to get in, etc.)"


Level 105

Why limit roleplay? If someone wants to do both EMS and KPD, they should be allowed to as long as they can handle it. It goes the same for school factions as well. Why can't you be club leader and council, or council and team member? It's been proven that it can be handled, by many people, INCLUDING ME! I was formerly a club leader, a council member, AND a team member, and at one point, a team captain. I had proven that I was able to handle it, and everyone who gave me those roles or the people I passed them onto can more than likely say that I did a good job doing all of them. I understand why some people shouldn't be in multiple factions, but if they can handle it, they shouldn't be neglected the opportunity to do so.

At the moment, I'm only in the government faction, because I know that that is all I can handle right now with my schedule. As long as they can balance activity between factions, I don't see the reason why they shouldn't be able to join in the first place. It seemed like a stupid rule in the first place.

This is completely different when it comes to accounts. By all means, feel free to limit one or two roles onto each account, but why do it overall? Most people on SRP originally bought alts just so that they can apply to different factions.
The problem isn't your capability to manage your time in both factions. The problem is the fact that you're taking up spots on a faction which obstruct other, new players from taking up a spot. I suggest trying to keep an open mind for other players as you're not the only one playing on the server, many other people who play on the server also wish to be part of a faction and have the same fun you do

This also does not limit roleplay. I'm unsure of what your definition is for that, however, it's definitely not a problem with this situation


Level 29
Thread starter

Why limit roleplay? If someone wants to do both EMS and KPD, they should be allowed to as long as they can handle it. It goes the same for school factions as well. Why can't you be club leader and council, or council and team member? It's been proven that it can be handled, by many people, INCLUDING ME! I was formerly a club leader, a council member, AND a team member, and at one point, a team captain. I had proven that I was able to handle it, and everyone who gave me those roles or the people I passed them onto can more than likely say that I did a good job doing all of them. I understand why some people shouldn't be in multiple factions, but if they can handle it, they shouldn't be neglected the opportunity to do so.

At the moment, I'm only in the government faction, because I know that that is all I can handle right now with my schedule. As long as they can balance activity between factions, I don't see the reason why they shouldn't be able to join in the first place. It seemed like a stupid rule in the first place.

This is completely different when it comes to accounts. By all means, feel free to limit one or two roles onto each account, but why do it overall? Most people on SRP originally bought alts just so that they can apply to different factions.
It's not limiting roleplay, though. If you want to get the experience, apply for it. But applying for one of these roles, you have to be ready to give up one faction for another so another player seeking an opportunity is allowed to. The point I'm trying to prove, is that it's totally unfair that some people are allowed to be in multiple emergency factions, but sports members are ONLY allowed to be apart of a sports team. If they want to be in council, they HAVE to give up their spot on a team just to do that. But when it comes to KPD applying for EMS?

Again, I understand that some people have really good applications, and stand out from the rest, but that doesn't help really prove anyone's point.

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