In-game Name:
Previous bans (include appeal links):
N/A, and I am not planning to get banned at any time.
Discord Tag:
Do you have a working microphone?:
I do, and have yet to hear complaints about it.
Timezone & Country:
My current country of residence is Belgium and my timezone is CEST (Central European Summer Time)
Links to any current & past applications:
Dutch app | SchoolRP Dutch app | SchoolRP accepted
grade request for alt | SchoolRP accepted
tutor app | SchoolRP denied
French app | SchoolRP accepted
the_8two|chef application | SchoolRP denied
the_8two|tutor application | SchoolRP accepted
The_8two || professor application | SchoolRP Accepted
The_8fourRP || Lawyer application | SchoolRP
Describe your activity on the server:
I have been playing srp for over a few years now and have been a very active player since I first joined the server. I usually am online from 4 hours up to 14 hours a day. I usually get my quotas as a professor done very quickly and like to make journalism reports in my free time. I also attend practices very often in the baseball team and like to involve myself in a lot of different roleplay each time I get online.
What position are you applying for?:
I am applying for the lawyer position!
What is your motivation for applying?:
I have always had a huge passion for the law. I like to study the laws of different countries to see how they operate and what you can, and can’t do there. Furthermore, I was always inspired by courtcases in real life, as I like to put myself in the position of both the lawyer, the victim and the judge to see how I would take these situations differently. I also personally want to have a job in real life that would be related to this position. and I believe this’d give me a good experience of what it would be like to be an actual lawyer and help me decide if this is truly for me.
I also believe this would be a great way for me to involve myself in more roleplay, so I can involve myself more with the server both icly and oocly!
Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I do, and have read through the rules of the town multiple times to get a better understanding of the possible punishments certain crimes can lead to. And what your character is, and isn’t allowed to do.
Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
- I am planning to roleplay with this character as a lawyer of course, to help people in their court cases and answer any legal questions they may have.
- With this character being an adult with this role I will be able to involve myself in father roleplay in my family as I currently have a mother character (Janet) but am yet to add a father.
In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
A lawyer’s purpose is to represent their clients in their trials, attend court hearrings, they’re also required to meet up with their clients to discuss certain things about their case and keep up to date with any newly added laws and finally they are also, and this speaks for itself, supposed to collect any evidence to prove their client isn’t guilty.But they don’t only operate as a defendant but also as a prosecutor. The prosecutor’s objective in a trial is to prove the defendant is guilty, in an attempt to achieve this they are also required to find evidence to support their arguments against the defendant.Lastly lawyers are also allowed to share legal advice and answer legal questions about the law.
Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
I do, as I could be seen as not suited for this position at any given time.
Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
I do, and believe I will exceed these expectations easily. I also listed my activity above and can hereby prove that it will not be a hard task for me to make time for this position and do the best I can!
Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
I do, and promise to never carry out this act.
Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have, and I agree to follow the Government faction’s rules.
Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
I can easily attend any meetings/events unless it’s past 11pm CEST during school weeks, in vacations and weekends however I am always available no matter the time. An exception fort his being however is when I am on vacation which in that case I will make an inactivity log. (this doesn’t happen often)
Full name:
Daigatsu Kekantsu
Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Mr. Kekantsu
Current age:
Date of birth:
8 August 1969
Academic Degree:
Juris Doctor degree
Political science
Work experience:
I have worked as a political science, and economics professor in Belgium, where I lived together with my family before we moved to Karakura.When I first got accepted for my position as a professor I was yet to find my great passion fort his position and had not many jobs in mind but teaching what I was tought to other students like me. It was later that I had gotten a huge passion for this and began applying fort his position in Belgium, to no one’s surprise I was accepted and started to work for a big company. It was later that my family moved to Karakura, it was a little hard for me to leave all my work behind at first but in the end I did go, and I am now searching for a new place to be deployed at fort he same position.
Political background:
I was born in Belgium in a loving family, both my parents were lawyers. Back when I was little I was always fascinated with their work. Their meetings always interested me, when I was around the age of 16 I started watching footage of well-known court cases with my parents this was very inspiring to me back then, and this led me to later study political science and major in this. When I graduated from college with my Juris Doctor degree, I applied for a position in a large company and later became a lawyer at the age of 31. When my son, Brandon wanted to move to Karakura the entire family followed to support him, except me I stayed one year longer in Belgium as I wanted to work one more year there before joining them in Karakura.
Nationality & born location:
I am Belgian, and am born in Brussels in Belgium.
Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Japanese, English and Dutch
Criminal record:
I have a clean record and am planning to keep it this way as you may not have a criminal record if you want to have one of these positions.
What makes you a good candidate for this job?
I am over all a great candadite for this position thanks to my previous working experiences as a lawyer, my time as a professor also tought me a few things. And I also believe I stand out more compared to other applicants because of my early interests in this position as a kid. I also have worked as a highranking mawyer in "this" company in Belgium and believe to have gotten a lot of experience from this. I also believe to be a hard worker, always do my best for everything and try to help out where ever I can!
My accounts and roles:
College B baseball-team (The_8eightRP)
QP professor (The_8two)
College B (Ayolil8boyhere)
Grade-12 Journalist (Ayolil8girlhere)
Cat (The_8fourRP)
Thank you for taking the time to read through this application!
(If this application ends up being denied please tell me what I can do to improve in the near future.)
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