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Azayaka Fuyu-Kenshi

Azayaka Fuyu- Tenshi
View attachment 4794
First Name: Azayaka
Surname: Fuyu-Tenshi

Preferred Name: Azayaka, Aza~chan or Fuyu~chan
Aliases: Angel of Winter
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Height: 5'6
Weight: 90lbs (without wings)
Build: Skinny
Skin Color: Pale White
Eye Color: Silver/grey
Hair Style: Long usually worn down, straight
Hair Color: Silver/grey
Fashion: Most of the time it's just a white dress, pillowcase like.
Abnormalities: Has wings and ice powers
Date of Birth: Feburary 3rd 2001
Place of Birth: In a cloud somewhere in the sky
Nationality: Angelic
Race: Angelic
Sexual Orientation: straight
Religious Beliefs: Catholic
Political Beliefs: none
General Appearance

Appearance: Skinny and weak looking

Personality: Shy but very caring and nice once you get to know her

Diseases/Illness: She is in a way allergic to the air. The air around her back in the clouds was more pure and the air on the earth hurts her lungs. It causes her to cough violently (if bad enough coughing blood and or vomiting) and increases with time. It can kill her if it gets bad enough.

Character Voice: (umm.. XD) I'm not totally sure. I've never thought of it before besides it being whisper like and shy. Its sweet sounding like a belle.
Equipment: She always wears a silver anklet given to her by her older sister gave her. It's a silver chain with a wing charm. She has no real equipment yet.

Clothes: She usually wears a white pillow case like dress. That is usually it.

Hobbies: flying and using her powers to create things and help other when they are not scared of her.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: She is blind mostly. She can't see things clearly. She can see fuzzy blobs and some shapes (not clearly defined.) She can also see colors.

Skills: Winter powers. (ice, snow, etc. Kind of like Elsa from Frozen XD)

Querks: like to fly during the night time. She is like a child of the moon. A very special Angel.

Family: She had a mom and a dad but they died and her older sister Annabella took care of Azayaka with her Boyfriend Matt. They were a cute little family.

Backstory: As a small child Azayaka would wonder why people didn't see her as normal. Maybe it was because of her ice powers, the fact that she had incredibly strong wings or her blindness. She would constantly get bullied even when her parents were alive. When Azayaka was 6 years old her parents supposedly died on some kind of "mission". Annabella her sister who was 17 at the time with her boyfriend Matt took care of her and gave her a special angelic charm that would not let anything bad ever happen. It is a little silver tattoo looking thin on the center of her power back. She learned how to fly early and better than most of the kids her age. Her mother once told her that "You don't need eyes to fly." Azayaka stands by this still and she uses her other 4 senses to help her fly quoting: "I never needed to see to know how to fly..It just came to me. Like I could see..without seeing." One day when Aza was sitting looking at the blurry stars a group of kids from her school came up to her and started to push her around. They hurt her wings and she fell down to the earth and crashed hurting them even more. This is where her story begins.
Azayaka2.jpg Azayaka.jpg


Level 152
Alright, decent productive work on that description of this character, honestly it's a good job on your first try. Although there are a few things you're not allowed to do here.
Abnormalities: Has wings and ice powers
Date of Birth: Feburary 3rd 2001
Place of Birth: In a cloud somewhere in the sky
Nationality: Angelic
Race: Angelic
Sexual Orientation: straight
Religious Beliefs: Catholic
Political Beliefs: none
General Appearance
This lot, must be changed. You cannot roleplay as an angel on the server, only as a human which has no superpower related ideas. You start as a student who's a human and you proceed to grow up by age until you reach grade-12 and then you can apply to be a worker/employee at the school and pick the age of your character. Although, that does not give you the right to have superpowers, you roleplay as a human like in real life. You could also or work part-time at a shop owned my one of the fellow members, but this doesn't affect your age or anything. It only affects your character's time with school and work-rate.

Skills: Winter powers. (ice, snow, etc. Kind of like Elsa from Frozen XD)

Querks: like to fly during the night time. She is like a child of the moon. A very special Angel.
Yeah, make sure to work on those attributes and then your character would be thought of a character in sight of realism. No worries, the first try is not always the best but make sure to read the rules thoroughly then make an attempt at making a character biography. Nice try mate. :


Level 1
Like Kelvin above said. SchoolRp is meant for Realistic Roleplay not some angel or demon stuff.. You are meant to be a NORMAL human being.

Azayaka Angel of Winter

Level 1
Thread starter
jeez, I'm not rly sure why this isn't allowed. I..i dont know what i can do. I feel so limited now. Why does it have to be humans? isn't that boring..? No super powers either..? why and how..? did something happen where it got banned?


Level 152
jeez, I'm not rly sure why this isn't allowed. I..i dont know what i can do. I feel so limited now. Why does it have to be humans? isn't that boring..? No super powers either..? why and how..? did something happen where it got banned?
It's called SchoolRP for a reason... It's not one of those fairy tale things you find in movies. A student, which is a human. Realistic Roleplay, is what makes SchoolRP a thing. Again, I say this. Read the rules thoroughly so you can have sensible reason of what you're doing here. And sorry to get all rude, but honestly, if you feel so limited and want to RP as an angel you can easily search for another server. Please just listen to us, we're more experienced with the server rules and we know how to make characters. Yes again, thank you. I hope you learnt something this time.


Level 104
You can always make your char interesting from its backstory, i currently have 2 char's and they are both very different and unique! Remember that the flaws of your char is what makes it more fun to rp with, at least thats my opinion.
Here are my char if you wanna check it out:
Theres also alot of other cool ideas such as: (PLEASE REMEMBER NOT TO COMMENT ON THEM, IT WILL BE REVIVING THREADS)


Level 1
jeez, I'm not rly sure why this isn't allowed. I..i dont know what i can do. I feel so limited now. Why does it have to be humans? isn't that boring..? No super powers either..? why and how..? did something happen where it got banned?
Listen sweetie. I'll place this down in basic mode for you.. This is SchoolRP (SRP) Keyword is SchoolRp, When it comes to realism that's SchoolRp. Think about it, Realistically would you see an angel flying around and freezing human beings? To add on, NORMAL Human Rp can be fun too. Even if it doesn't involve 'Powers' or 'Demonds' to the least. If you can find yourself a nice group of friends of what-ever suits you. On SchoolRp it has a variety of things you can do. So, It wouldn't be AS boring as you would expect it to be.


Level 104
Adding to what Sovietic said, there are a variety of things to do such as:
-Making clubs
-Making gangs
-Applying for roles
-Getting a job
-Going to school
-Fighting (I personally find fighting something fun while rp'ing)
-Sleep overs (We all do them, dont deny it)
-Rp'ing your char's flaws
-Graduating high school, graduating college, becoming an adult
There are many more that you may find fun, im sure other people also have things to rp so it will always be fun.


Level 1
Adding to what Sovietic said, there are a variety of things to do such as:
-Making clubs
-Making gangs
-Applying for roles
-Getting a job
-Going to school
-Fighting (I personally find fighting something fun while rp'ing)
-Sleep overs (We all do them, dont deny it)
-Rp'ing your char's flaws
-Graduating high school, graduating college, becoming an adult
There are many more that you may find fun, im sure other people also have things to rp so it will always be fun.
The elaboration on my message is genuinely appreciated, @Mity


Level 104
Lets fix up your application (Not that its wrong, but lets see how it would look just so you can know)
Azayaka Fuyu- Tenshi
View attachment 4794
First Name: Azayaka
Surname: Fuyu-Tenshi

Preferred Name: Azayaka, Aza~chan or Fuyu~chan
Aliases: Angel of winter (No being angels)
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Height: 5'6
Weight: 90lbs (without wings)
Build: Skinny
Skin Color: Pale White
Eye Color: Silver/grey
Hair Style: Long usually worn down, straight
Hair Color: Silver/grey
Fashion: Most of the time it's just a white dress, pillowcase like.
Abnormalities: Has wings and ice powers (No ice powers and wings)
Date of Birth: Feburary 3rd 2001
Place of Birth: In a cloud somewhere in the sky (Just.... No....)
Nationality: Angelic (No)
Race: Angelic (No)
Sexual Orientation: straight
Religious Beliefs: Catholic (Ive never seen a catholic angel even though angels arent allowed on schoolrp but still)
Political Beliefs: none
General Appearance

Appearance: Skinny and weak looking

Personality: Shy but very caring and nice once you get to know her

Diseases/Illness: She is in a way allergic to the air. The air around her back in the clouds was more pure and the air on the earth hurts her lungs. It causes her to cough violently (if bad enough coughing blood and or vomiting) and increases with time. It can kill her if it gets bad enough. (You cant be allergic to air, and you cant be born on clouds)

Character Voice: (umm.. XD) I'm not totally sure. I've never thought of it before besides it being whisper like and shy. Its sweet sounding like a belle.
Equipment: She always wears a silver anklet given to her by her older sister gave her. It's a silver chain with a wing charm. She has no real equipment yet.

Clothes: She usually wears a white pillow case like dress. That is usually it.

Hobbies: flying and using her powers to create things and help other when they are not scared of her. (I think you know whats wrong by now)

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: She is blind mostly. She can't see things clearly. She can see fuzzy blobs and some shapes (not clearly defined.) She can also see colors. (This is a nice flaw)

Skills: Winter powers. (ice, snow, etc. Kind of like Elsa from Frozen XD) (Yeahh, no)

Querks: like to fly during the night time. She is like a child of the moon. A very special Angel. (no)

Family: She had a mom and a dad but they died and her older sister Annabella took care of Azayaka with her Boyfriend Matt. They were a cute little family.

Backstory: As a small child Azayaka would wonder why people didn't see her as normal. Maybe it was because of her ice powers, the fact that she had incredibly strong wings or her blindness. She would constantly get bullied even when her parents were alive. When Azayaka was 6 years old her parents supposedly died on some kind of "mission". Annabella her sister who was 17 at the time with her boyfriend Matt took care of her and gave her a special angelic charm that would not let anything bad ever happen. It is a little silver tattoo looking thin on the center of her power back. She learned how to fly early and better than most of the kids her age. Her mother once told her that "You don't need eyes to fly." Azayaka stands by this still and she uses her other 4 senses to help her fly quoting: "I never needed to see to know how to fly..It just came to me. Like I could see..without seeing." One day when Aza was sitting looking at the blurry stars a group of kids from her school came up to her and started to push her around. They hurt her wings and she fell down to the earth and crashed hurting them even more. This is where her story begins. (I didnt read much of this but any angelic things or any godly, heavenly or cloud birth thing is wrong)

Other than that i think the thread is nice, im not saying its bad im just showing how to improve. After all Its not what you did bad, its how you were able to fix it

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