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Ban GangRP


Level 19
IGN: PhayZr
DATE: 3/17/2022
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Ban GangRP completely from the server. Edit: See replies for other possible alternatives. This isn't an all-or-nothing request.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Why do we have Yakuza's, mafia, and crime families as if this is the prohibition in 1920's Chicago? Lol

I'm sure the Event team can be more creative than having the majority of major server events be Gangs vs Police like it has been for the past two years. Also, what kind of server censors swears but allows the stabbing of cartilage in the throat on the streets? This server needs to decide if it's friendly to children or not.

The majority of FailRP, at least from my experience from playing this server for a few years now, comes from Perm debates and GangRP. Removing GangRP would allow more time for staff to make school much more interesting since, you know, school is the FOCUS of the server itself. This isn't a CityRP server so it shouldn't be close to resembling one. Let's pour all our efforts into making the school itself the most engaging and entertaining part of the server.

I'm mostly expecting this to be denied. But I also really hope these points are actually considered. A server with the majority of players being minors shouldn't be home to such violent and disturbing roleplay.

If you want an alternate idea: Make another sub-server, like FantasyRP, that's whitelisted for those gangRPers to play on. (Whitelist being conditioned on their age.) Perhaps even call it "CityRP" and make it a large-scale project for those wanting to pursue government roles and other real-life jobs they can roleplay. I think making a whitelisted city-type server, like Chicago or Detroit, would really be cool. It would give Gang players, Police players, and government players a massive sandbox to form whatever systems they want. This is just an idea right off the top of my head though.

I'm interested to hear everyone's genuine thoughts on GangRP as a whole below.

Edit: There have been great discussions happening in the replies here. Please take time to read all of them! Upon review, I implore the staff to review these replies and discussions thoroughly and consider possible solutions from ALL of the replies. The consensus from most parties seems to be that there is a problem that needs resolving.

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