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Ban GangRP


Level 129
Yes sure gangrp is kinda wild atm, and it should be definetly turned down to be less about killing and being edgy and more about, yknow, actually roleplaying. Like even yesterday, yeeter and some other people were being drama queens in ooc about it trying to make fun of their targets.

But that doesn't mean gangrp should just cease to exist

Hard -1 from me


Level 331
I'm pretty sure that the user who posted this feedback derived from the idea of banning GangRP to doing a revamp of some of the most controversial matters in GangRP, so rather than just saying -1 to the title (Which I do, since I disagree with removing the faction as a whole), I'll post some insights into it

Personally, I do agree that GangRP is a bit unrealistic when it comes to things like realism or stealth, to the point where it's common to see people being stabbed at the plaza, and others not caring whatsoever because they're used to it. I have some ideas in mind to fix this, but if you have any other specific suggestions to fix the issues that you portrayed in your feedback suggestion, feel free to post them and they'll be discussed during one of our meetings​


Level 21
hey guys you know if we get rid of gangrp then cops and the entire government faction is kinda useless... right?

as much as it sucks sometimes with crappy people doing /me stabs carotid. its kind of an essential part of the server, we just need people to RP it out better


Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead

As much as I dislike GangRP sometimes it’s part of the server, without it a good portion of the City faction would have nothing to do.

The issue isn’t even really so much the failrpers, as a lot of the time they’re simply uneducated or made a mistake. It’s more the fact that some aspects of GangRP have gotten very unrealistic (which can be fixed?) and the small portion of players who only GangRP to chop off limbs and kill characters.


Level 272
-1 / +1
NOT banning it BUT, making it be a bit more realistic
e.g putting the spawn as a safezone to make sure people won't stab other people in front of 41781748 people.


Level 88
All I have to say is, THAT COPS WOULD BE USELESS AT THIS POINT. Mostly the only thing that most of KPD does... is focus on Gangrp .. I must say yes some changes should be made but gangrp shouldn't be removed. As I don't do gangrp anymore I STILL THINK ITS IMPORTANT. A lot of roles would be ruined if you got rid of gangrp. KPD wouldn't have much things to do. EMS wouldn't be able to do much. In most cases EMS might just end up with just dealing with people with broken bones, choking, and little things that aren't all that fun to deal with. This is coming from someone who is in EMS. Doing cast on people is very easy and boring... yes its still somewhat fun but when we have something more serious it makes everyone jump to their feet and get to work. Yes gangrp is dumb & bad at some points but.. to make this server fun... you kinda need it.


Level 26
- 1

Though I do see your thought, I feel like this could never actually go away. Most of the players on the server are involved with gangRP, no matter what though it can be rather disgusting, vile and outright wrong for younger players SRP has taken some actions to remove the said "gore" from it, though you cannot abolish something that carries so many players, factions or even lore. The event team can withhold major ideas, and start events but small gangs are formed by IN-game players, making this not an easy subject to remove. Though I see your opinion, and respect it I just think it could never happen within the years of SRP. But, thanks for expressing your said opinion.


Level 57
I agree with what you said, but it's not realistic, most people don't agree, I admit, you're bold


Level 104
As much as I hate GangRP, this will literally NEVER happen.
People are too obsessed with violence. Sorry to burst your bubble kid.


Level 211
Gang RP is really fun when done right. The only problem is the excessive toxicity around it, which, we do our best to punish and avoid. Remove Gang RP and 70% of the community is gone


Level 87
As someone who is interested in gangrp, more so in the “organ” dealing parts of it, I think gangrp being removed is going to be quite a hassle. Firstly, what are we defining gangrp to be? If it’s just killing people specifically then I don’t think that should be removed but possibly be more… restricting to the point it doesn’t happen so often just for others to be like “oh he getting murdered rip”. If you’re defining gangrp to be everything including simple violent fights and small crimes all the way up to killing then what’s the purpose of having a KPD? EMS can survive for like a good while longer than KPD but we all know, including EMS, that it gets boring to wait for someone to break their leg, come in with their mental problems, or wanting to get a check up on a daily basis. So I don’t think it’s possible to remove it though it should be looked at again. Like thoroughly than before. Staff should probably include a little more of what people say: both currently in gangrp and those who used to gangrp before talking to those who are seeing it from an outside perspective. It’s not easy to revamp gangrp and it’s definitely not much easier to remove it entirely. So what’s my opinion? -1


Level 200
Let me say what will most likely happen if gangrp is somehow removed to put it into perspective:

First off, the emergency factions (KPD and Hospital) will both become practically pointless, cops will not have anything to do at all and will quit 100% - as for the hospital it will become way less active as most situations stem from results of a Gang-Roleplay scenario - then the occasional other events.

Second, the law faction in all would become utterly pointless. As there is no well crime going on it will be left with the choices for only some small cases which could be stupid like loosing an animal or something. They have no reason to host trials and as of the moment (from what I can tell) they are mostly inactive. The only one not affected by this would be reporters (speaking of which good job for the reporters / journalists who post amazing stories!)

Third, the BMD will be completely wiped out. With no Gang-Roleplay the existence of a black-market will become pointless and will just be there for affect. (Unless they switch to something else illegal branching out the ideas, but still no one would be able to majorly use it)

Fourth, Gangroleplay (as we have established) makes up most of if not the majority of the server. Id say barely any of the player-base hasn't atleast done Gangrp once and there is many people who enjoy the idea for the roleplay (not everyone is perm hunger) as brought up, the Yakuza and I have personally interacted with newer and older, well-known and not at all known gangs - this cannot be capped at all a general faction and solely relates on the player-base.

I read a point earlier that stated it should depend on the character, I fully agree with that as do others - if we can find a way to implement this and control the power-roleplay and fail-roleplay plus all other factors, I think it would be a solid solution. But the comes the issue of the player base and toxic players + players who only know one type of gangrp. I think the community just needs to realize it isn't a pvp game but something you should invest lore into.

Anyways, aside from my little rant - basically if you take away Gang-Roleplay, you are taking away the main pillar for the server to run. As stated above almost all the factions, besides the school faction / other roles like animals / adults, will come crashing down. This will stem into most if all of the server dying down extremely quick. Its moreso about finding a solution to the community which is near impossible as you can't control how people act / think.

Anyways! Does this thread include combatrp or gangrp solely? Cause that will also change quite a bit - aside from this, tl;dr removing gangrp will practically kill the server within a month if not less. Okay bye srp have a good day!
Staff has adjusted the rules to allow people who just wanna role play without the gangs possible. If you don't scam, swear at people, and stay friendly then you wont be involved in gangrp. It takes no creative brain cells to insult people using the same five swear words repeated by everyone. Just like with any type movie or show this is a antagonist and a protagonist. And each role depends on what side of the battle you are on. Without bad people then there wouldn't be good people. I was totally against gangrp when I joined the server. But I have opened up to the idea to accept it. The idea of a gang fighting is kind of over board and unfair when it comes to a 4v1 fight. There doesn't need to be all on wars. A simple 1 on 1 would work fine if the owner wanted to eliminate gangrp but keep crime that would be fair. Me personally I don't like the idea of groups fighting groups especially without simple guidelines. Which in this game is hard to learn as a new player. I think there should be a max of 4 peoples per fight unless people are trying to stop the fight them more people can join in. In public how many time dose the fight get broken up? A lot. The people who break up the fight usually never become the next target either. I think people should be allowed to break up a fight and hold someone down if need be without getting perms on themselves. I feel like now when i see a fight, there's no point in me helping to stop the fight, I don't think anyone wants to see a fit and its annoying when you cant stop it without you becoming the target. public places shouldn't be fighting zones. I also get confused when people are actioning and rolling on school grounds maybe there can be a different action for combat actions so people can tell if its for fun or for real.


Level 200
In public how many time dose the fight get broken up? A lot. The people who break up the fight usually never become the next target either. I think people should be allowed to break up a fight and hold someone down if need be without getting perms on themselves. I feel like now when i see a fight, there's no point in me helping to stop the fight, I don't think anyone wants to see a fit and its annoying when you cant stop it without you becoming the target. public places shouldn't be fighting zones. I also get confused when people are actioning and rolling on school grounds maybe there can be a different action for combat actions so people can tell if its for fun or for real.
This part is so so true

Emiyo | Layla

Level 37
Okay, so the main point you all are missing is that its the players who are making gangrp bad. Nothing about the lore or anything is making it remotely bad. If you see someone being toxic, failrping, or anything, report it. You cannot possibly expect a big portion of SRP to be removed. that would rid tones of factions useless.
reporting doesnt effect them- they are gonna do it again

Emiyo | Layla

Level 37
"If you want an alternate idea: Make another sub-server, like FantasyRP, that's whitelisted for those gangRPers to play on. (Whitelist being conditioned on their age.) Perhaps even call it "CityRP" and make it a large-scale project for those wanting to pursue government roles and other real-life jobs they can roleplay. I think making a whitelisted city-type server, like Chicago or Detroit, would really be cool. It would give Gang players, Police players, and government players a massive sandbox to form whatever systems they want. This is just an idea right off the top of my head though."

"The majority of FailRP, at least from my experience from playing this server for a few years now, comes from Perm debates and GangRP. Removing GangRP would allow more time for staff to make school much more interesting since, you know, school is the FOCUS of the server itself. This isn't a CityRP server so it shouldn't be close to resembling one."

If the players are so terrible, then at the very least there should be a whitelist system in place. In almost every GangRP scenario I've witnessed, the staff is always around in LOOC resolving a "Perms debate". Regardless this roleplay shouldn't be present on a server with minors anyway. Hence my earlier point: "what kind of server censors swears but allows the stabbing of cartilage in the throat on the streets? This server needs to decide if it's friendly to children or not."

This community doesn't really like to problem solve. Instead, everyone wants to have staff handle everything when the systems could be changed to prevent such occurrences anyway. I can name other issues besides gangRP where this concept of "Just report it to staff" rather than actually problem-solving plagues this server.
i like the first idea!!! seems cool

Emiyo | Layla

Level 37

gangrp can be kind fun at points yet if gangrp was removed the server would die out, most people here are here for gangrp and to be toxic ngl- anyways bye<3

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