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Ban GangRP


Level 134
Move/Copy the customs. I'm sure that's not something that's hard to do. Ranks are already universal across all RpHub servers.

On your last point, I disagree. I try to roleplay exclusively with those not interested in participating in Yakuzas IC'ly. From what I've observed over the past few years is that the Non-GangRPers are the majority. I don't believe my suggestion would reduce the population of SchoolRP to a number so small that it would be inconvenient to play the game.

Unless you can list other "Way more issues" than that, then your point doesn't hold much weight to me.
Lack of things to do, the school faction is ultimately lacking on RP. Sure we have classes, sports, etc.. is that all there is to school? The entire school displays a lack of good writing, partly due to the students and a shortage of possibilities. Looking at SRP as a whole, the RP is all over. If we remove GangRP, it'll do absolutely nothing besides make people even more bored of the server. I've been in the teacher/professor faction twice, and it doesn't seem like anyone actually roleplays as teenagers. I feel like when I do school roleplay, I'm living a Wattpad fanfic without the drama. "I hate class," "Let's go get drunk!!!", "SPORTS!!!!!". Pretty much all you see. Not only that, many of the teachers RP with students as if they're best friends. Remember, you're that child mentor, not their friend.

Hosting another server would ultimately cost more money. The owners would have to hire a brand new staff team, new modelers, and it's a separate server. It isn't a viable option to copy over custom items; that's like copying FantasyRP ranks into SRP. It's more than just clicking a button and boom "new server!!". It takes preparation. They also need builders to build the map, and this suggestion is the easy route. Instead of FIXING gangrp, adding limitations, and making it something enjoyable, we result in kicking them off to a whole new community. Starting a new server could OUTRAGE the SRP community over little things. It isn't an easy project to take on. With an update/expansion list as extensive as the one we currently have in SRP, I doubt any owners would like to work on an entirely new server project.


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
GangRP is a vital point to this server's existence, as shishi said its particular players who participate in it that make it bad, from my experience with gangRP its fun! I really enjoy it, and I play as an EMS surgeon, dealing with other incidents that aren't just GangRP, what would the other factions do if this was removed? the sewer's would practically have no use, school teacher's/ students would realistically not have much to do outside of school hours, the entire crime faction would have to disband, all of the countless hours people have made into building lore for their characters would be useless, the gang turfs would become obsolete.
Would this involve banning JockRP too? as that contains violence in an incredibly similar type to GangRP.
Have you personally participated in GangRP yourself, extensively? to know the full ins and outs to deem it bannable?
massive -1 from me :/


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Why do we have Yakuza's, mafia, and crime families as if this is the prohibition in 1920's Chicago? Lol
This is based in a small island just off of Japan, not Chicago


Level 134
Also one more point, the yakuza still continues to have a huge impact on the economy and politics of Japan, it'd be unrealistic to NOT have one. The yakuza don't kill, especially not civilians. I don't know where you got the murder stuff from.


Level 86
fyi: We, the lore team, do not set up most of the events. That would be the event team but most of the cop v police stuff is player done, which is super awesome. Major -1

Gangrp is an interesting aspect of the server, it creates conflict that's fairly easy to get involved in. It just needs to get better quality wise, and that's not an easy fix.

Mark 9:42

Level 19
Thread starter

Coming from a debate student, your argument isn't really strong enough for any change to be made.

#1, you didn't prove any harm in gangrp other than failrp. Failrp is going to happen with or without it and it's not like staff spends all of their time solving perm arguments. For example, the gender-neutral bathrooms came out recently so clearly they are working on various things and aren't focused only on gangrp.
#2, taking it away is just going to make the server so inactive because nearly every player has been a part of it at some point. and transferring them to a different part of the server as you suggested would be annoying and difficult to basically start all over on a new map
#3, you're talking about changing a massive part of the server (which you stated yourself) just because you specifically don't like it. I'm going out on a limb here, but I think the majority likes it more than dislikes.
#4, you didn't give any positives that would come from this other than staff having free time. But again, they obviously don't deal with failrp 24/7. Not to mention enriching the school is kind of pointless, combining before/after school and weekends, you spend more time out of school than in school, so filling that free time with gangrp is totally fine and changing the school isn't needed.
#5, while the amount of gangrp is seen as unrealistic, it's also unrealistic to completely eliminate it. This change would be highly unnecessary and detrimental.

I'm not trying to flame you or anything I'm just stating that your argument isn't really there.
Thanks for your feedback, but I disagree:

First off, please don't put words in my mouth. I never claimed the staff members "Spend all of their time solving perm arguments." It's wonderful that they're doing work in the school as well. What I'm saying is there should be even more dedication towards bettering the school since it's what the server SHOULD be focused on.

Your second point is a question that's similar to one asked previously. Here's my answer to both yours and Kana's: "From what I've observed over the past few years is that the Non-GangRPers are the majority. I don't believe my suggestion would reduce the population of SchoolRP to a number so small that it would be inconvenient to play the game."

For your third point, any suggestion is an opinion that belongs to the suggester and the suggester alone. I thought that was given. I'm not representing others' thoughts. I'm representing my own. Please do not paint a narrative that makes me out to be someone speaking on the server's behalf.

For your fourth point, I'm going to quote a reply I made earlier: "We can expand our definitions of "Real life". It's not realistic to witness murders every day on the streets. There's so much more potential that could be discovered. Let it be known I'm not against minor crime, but come on, there's so much more to life than Yakuzas. If they were removed, the server wouldn't become "Unrealistic". Especially a server called "SchoolRP"."
So many more after-school options can be offered on this server other than Gang violence. Broaden your horizons and think of other ways for your characters to spend their time! A major percentage of a city population always being hell-bent on violence isn't realistic at all. Also, the argument "enriching the school is kind of pointless" is hardly solid. This server's foundation is the school. It Always benefits from school enrichment.

For your fifth point, I understand where you're coming from. I think minor crime and fighting are acceptable. Murder should be reserved for special occasions as dictated by the Event team in P2L scenarios already written. This would not only make everything more realistic, but it would also make murder so much more appalling IC'ly to all characters. Murder has become such commonplace in Karakura that it's hardly a significant event anymore.

Again, thanks for taking the time to write all of your thoughts. I appreciate it.


Level 183
where do you think half of srp's community will go? walmart? almost all of srp's community is gangrpers, i think they chose that roleplay for a reason
LOL exactly.. That's why there's alot of GangRP- so if GangRP was to be removed then ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?
Also wasted weapons customs ehhhhhhhh
Making another RP whitelist server that's basically SRP but city ehhhhhhhhhhghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhggg?
You're correct it's going to be denied ehhhhhhhhh


Level 134
For your fifth point, I understand where you're coming from. I think minor crime and fighting are acceptable. Murder should be reserved for special occasions as dictated by the Lore team in P2L scenarios already written.
I agree with this, I've written suggestions in the past to have perms completely determined by the lore team and also players' own choice.


Level 183
Your second point is a question that's similar to one asked previously. Here's my answer to both yours and Kana's: "From what I've observed over the past few years is that the Non-GangRPers are the majority. I don't believe my suggestion would reduce the population of SchoolRP to a number so small that it would be inconvenient to play the game."

It'd be big enough loss of players... Ever went with 80 players on and noticed how nothing is really.. Going? Nothing much yk... Exactly.. And it'd reduce player rate for events, etc.. What a point you brought it's like the less percentage of the server staying

Mark 9:42

Level 19
Thread starter
Lack of things to do, the school faction is ultimately lacking on RP. Sure we have classes, sports, etc.. is that all there is to school? The entire school displays a lack of good writing, partly due to the students and a shortage of possibilities. Looking at SRP as a whole, the RP is all over. If we remove GangRP, it'll do absolutely nothing besides make people even more bored of the server. I've been in the teacher/professor faction twice, and it doesn't seem like anyone actually roleplays as teenagers. I feel like when I do school roleplay, I'm living a Wattpad fanfic without the drama. "I hate class," "Let's go get drunk!!!", "SPORTS!!!!!". Pretty much all you see. Not only that, many of the teachers RP with students as if they're best friends. Remember, you're that child mentor, not their friend.

Hosting another server would ultimately cost more money. The owners would have to hire a brand new staff team, new modelers, and it's a separate server. It isn't a viable option to copy over custom items; that's like copying FantasyRP ranks into SRP. It's more than just clicking a button and boom "new server!!". It takes preparation. They also need builders to build the map, and this suggestion is the easy route. Instead of FIXING gangrp, adding limitations, and making it something enjoyable, we result in kicking them off to a whole new community. Starting a new server could OUTRAGE the SRP community over little things. It isn't an easy project to take on. With an update/expansion list as extensive as the one we currently have in SRP, I doubt any owners would like to work on an entirely new server project.
I love your last paragraph. Great points. I agree with you, I think it should be fixed to be more enjoyable as well as something toned down on violence, as children are the majority of the populace of this server. Again, the staff needs to decide if this server is for children or not. And if it's not, there needs to be an age whitelist or as stated before, the murders and violence need to be toned downed or banned.

Your first paragraph has some interesting points too. However, I've seen the opposite. The teenagers that really do dedicate their time to roleplay often do so privately with those they are friends with. It's not something professors or teachers often see.

Thanks kana again for your insight.


Level 134
I love your last paragraph. Great points. I agree with you, I think it should be fixed to be more enjoyable as well as something toned down on violence, as children are the majority of the populace of this server. Again, the staff needs to decide if this server is for children or not. And if it's not, there needs to be an age whitelist or as stated before, the murders and violence need to be toned downed or banned.

Your first paragraph has some interesting points too. However, I've seen the opposite. The teenagers that really do dedicate their time to roleplay often do so privately with those they are friends with. It's not something professors or teachers often see.

Thanks kana again for your insight.
Thank you as well, I'm glad we could have this conversation. No hate or anything, I respect your viewpoint, and just wanted to give my input.

Mark 9:42

Level 19
Thread starter
GangRP is a vital point to this server's existence, as shishi said its particular players who participate in it that make it bad, from my experience with gangRP its fun! I really enjoy it, and I play as an EMS surgeon, dealing with other incidents that aren't just GangRP, what would the other factions do if this was removed? the sewer's would practically have no use, school teacher's/ students would realistically not have much to do outside of school hours, the entire crime faction would have to disband, all of the countless hours people have made into building lore for their characters would be useless, the gang turfs would become obsolete.
Would this involve banning JockRP too? as that contains violence in an incredibly similar type to GangRP.
Have you personally participated in GangRP yourself, extensively? to know the full ins and outs to deem it bannable?
massive -1 from me :/
Please read this reply here:

Hopefully that clears some things up. There's a lot more things to do other than GangRP.


Level 183
Heyy! What did Chicago do to you?
It has high crime rate.. And Mafia, bar gangs, many crimes... Chicago is basically a TV show

Anyways, don't really have to argue this suggestion is really just- bad... Even if all your points were valid and boosted they're not going to just be like.. Oh, okay, remove GangRP.. There's alot more to it and it's be difficult to remove it by now. Crime discord, weapon customs, rules that used alot of stress and work and been worked on since 2016 with suggestions, a big percentage of the community being involved with the category, etc.

I have heard many different positions on the idea that SchoolRP should not have a "un family-friendly" image due to the majority of the playbase being kids and the like. But as someone who has been a part of the server since its early stages, middle of 2016, I can say from seeing the server develop and grow first hand that the whole concept of gangs being a part of the city of SchoolRP has been developed and tweaked on since about the early of 2017.
So to say that the current and past lore team is unoriginal and should be more creative when coming up with significant server events that do not involve gangs in any form is not the crux of the problem with GangRP lately. GangRP has not always struggled to get across to another player or staff about an issue with a situation ICly, and that has started to be the day-to-day life lately, or more than ever since about a year ago. And as much as I may hate to say this, or as cliche, as it may be to say now, it seems that new players that jump into GangRP have the mindset that many like to apply to GangRPers; they have no care for character development and do whatever they like whenever they want to. This does ring true to a large group of players on the server, but to put EVERYone under this umbrella is foolish. I do not wish to name names, but I've known multiple people whose characters were always a part of gang activities and yet were thoroughly developed over time.
It may be a great idea to say that SchoolRP should focus on school aspects and develop and grow them out. And to move the gang activities and role play style to a separate server, though this is not a great idea. Not only will it cost the server owners more money but as much as it may be against speaking of other roleplay servers, servers made up of a majority of past gangrp people from srp do not last very long. SRP gives these people other options when there isn't any gangrp happening since constantly having this form of RP quickly becomes tiring and overdone.
SchoolRP has had a form of gangs ever since it started to take off, from fights in the middle or out of school campus to a literal PVP-enabled alleyway beside the original family store back a few years. GangRP started with people wanting to develop their characters with new scenarios and the like, though in present times, it is looked down upon due to players putting a sour face on the style of Roleplay. Not to mention that factions in the server, EMS & KPD, live and run off of GangRP. But I am not turning a blind eye towards the school faction, being that I had been a part of it 3 times in the past; it's a struggle to keep it fresh and invite others to join in. But that is another issue with the server, and it is not the style of RP ruining the server. It may just be its players.

Mark 9:42

Level 19
Thread starter
fyi: We, the lore team, do not set up most of the events. That would be the event team but most of the cop v police stuff is player done, which is super awesome. Major -1

Gangrp is an interesting aspect of the server, it creates conflict that's fairly easy to get involved in. It just needs to get better quality wise, and that's not an easy fix.
Thank you for your clarification. I will edit my replies/posts to say "Event team" rather than "Lore team"

Mark 9:42

Level 19
Thread starter

I have heard many different positions on the idea that SchoolRP should not have a "un family-friendly" image due to the majority of the playbase being kids and the like. But as someone who has been a part of the server since its early stages, middle of 2016, I can say from seeing the server develop and grow first hand that the whole concept of gangs being a part of the city of SchoolRP has been developed and tweaked on since about the early of 2017.
So to say that the current and past lore team is unoriginal and should be more creative when coming up with significant server events that do not involve gangs in any form is not the crux of the problem with GangRP lately. GangRP has not always struggled to get across to another player or staff about an issue with a situation ICly, and that has started to be the day-to-day life lately, or more than ever since about a year ago. And as much as I may hate to say this, or as cliche, as it may be to say now, it seems that new players that jump into GangRP have the mindset that many like to apply to GangRPers; they have no care for character development and do whatever they like whenever they want to. This does ring true to a large group of players on the server, but to put EVERYone under this umbrella is foolish. I do not wish to name names, but I've known multiple people whose characters were always a part of gang activities and yet were thoroughly developed over time.
It may be a great idea to say that SchoolRP should focus on school aspects and develop and grow them out. And to move the gang activities and role play style to a separate server, though this is not a great idea. Not only will it cost the server owners more money but as much as it may be against speaking of other roleplay servers, servers made up of a majority of past gangrp people from srp do not last very long. SRP gives these people other options when there isn't any gangrp happening since constantly having this form of RP quickly becomes tiring and overdone.
SchoolRP has had a form of gangs ever since it started to take off, from fights in the middle or out of school campus to a literal PVP-enabled alleyway beside the original family store back a few years. GangRP started with people wanting to develop their characters with new scenarios and the like, though in present times, it is looked down upon due to players putting a sour face on the style of Roleplay. Not to mention that factions in the server, EMS & KPD, live and run off of GangRP. But I am not turning a blind eye towards the school faction, being that I had been a part of it 3 times in the past; it's a struggle to keep it fresh and invite others to join in. But that is another issue with the server, and it is not the style of RP ruining the server. It may just be its players.
Thank you so much for your insight. Very well said, and for the most part, I agree with you! I still stand behind my argument that this server needs to decide if its kid-friendly or not. But if you'll read my replies to others who have similar thoughts as you, specifically in regards to how the players are the problem rather than GangRP as a whole, you'll find I'm willing to support fixes that change this for the better.

See these replies specifically:


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
Please read this reply here:

Hopefully that clears some things up. There's a lot more things to do other than GangRP.
I didn't say that there wasn't, and no not really, GangRP isn't just rolling combat I see the mention of P2L events pre-organised by the event team, the event team are incredibly busy as is, you'd like to put even more work on them? the vast majority of large gand use p2l with scripted scenario's, at the end of the day its a roleplay server everyone should be allowed to do what they'd like, and GangRP is sort of realistic, I don't think this should be banned. and also you failed to answer the questions I asked. do you involve yourself in any form of gangrp?
Thank you so much for your insight. Very well said, and for the most part, I agree with you! I still stand behind my argument that this server needs to decide if its kid-friendly or not. But if you'll read my replies to others who have similar thoughts as you, specifically in regards to how the players are the problem rather than GangRP as a whole, you'll find I'm willing to support fixes that change this for the better.

See these replies specifically:
I do stand by the fact that the server has been in a constant form of limbo when it comes to how it applies censorship. Seeming to have a struggle with deciding whether or not to be kid friendly fully or not at all. There are definite proof that steps are being taken to create a minor safe server though plenty of occurrences still occur to say otherwise. But on the topic of dealing with players, not too on board with a whitelist of sorts since, in my eyes, it wouldn't do all that much in the greater picture.

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