players online

Bank Savings Account


Level 4
What's your Minecraft Username?: Keagan_
What's the title of your suggestion?: Bank Savings Account

What's your suggestion?:
I would like to suggest a "Bank Saving Account" where you have an option in the bank menu to either deposit your money into just a regular account or a savings account where your money can grow over time, for example 6% interest per annum but i guess the annum could be every in real life week or something, just something for people who don't have jobs or don't have any real income besides the allowance and fishing.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
It will benefit everyone by allowing more money into the cycle of the server and allow easier access of buying items.


Level 45
NEUTRAL - leaning towards more -1


- I feel that it would add a slight bit of realism into srp meaning a more in depth experience regarding banking as a whole


- If for example I had 6 million, it would mean I would obtain 360k every oocly week at 6% interest, which at that point, people could leave factions, along with icly shops and never need to work. Therefore I feel like it could bring that once people gain a certain amount and put it in there, they would be able to quit factions/jobs which will mean ah huge reduction in overall roles within srp which could affect the shop faction, such as not enough genuine employees to function, or say the teacher faction, without teachers then it would mean that the school side to the RP on the server would practically fade.
- There is already some issues with money in srp, adding interest etc might make bugs worse

How to overcome it

- To overcome it, I feel the interest rate should be very low at 1%, or that the higher amount of money you have the lower it is, along with making it maybe every month or 2 months not every week.

I am more lenient towards a neautral/-1 ( out of 100, 100 being positive, 50 being 50/50 and 1 being no, a 25) on this because it could lead to a drop in players applying to factions (if its pure money motivation) I see why it may be useful for lower income players, however for more or less the overall big picture I feel like it wouldn't be a good idea
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Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team

we already have a money issue as it is, we dont need to add onto it.


Level 66
NEUTRAL - leaning towards more -1


- I feel that it would add a slight bit of realism into srp meaning a more in depth experience regarding banking as a whole


- If for example I had 6 million, it would mean I would obtain 360k every oocly week at 6% interest, which at that point, people could leave factions, along with icly shops and never need to work. Therefore I feel like it could bring that once people gain a certain amount and put it in there, they would be able to quit factions/jobs which will mean ah huge reduction in overall roles within srp which could affect the shop faction, such as not enough genuine employees to function, or say the teacher faction, without teachers then it would mean that the school side to the RP on the server would practically fade.
- There is already some issues with money in srp, adding interest etc might make bugs worse

How to overcome it

- To overcome it, I feel the interest rate should be very low at 1%, or that the higher amount of money you have the lower it is, along with making it maybe every month or 2 months not every week.

I am more lenient towards a neautral/-1 ( out of 100, 100 being positive, 50 being 50/50 and 1 being no, a 25) on this because it could lead to a drop in players applying to factions (if its pure money motivation) I see why it may be useful for lower income players, however for more or less the overall big picture I feel like it wouldn't be a good idea
Is there anyone working in factions just for money? Because I thought most of the people join factions for roleplay experience, not for money. It’s RP, things like items and money here are just an small addition.

6% grew would be too much, but 2% for example? Per ooc month? It would encourage people to save their money. And opening saving account can be also extra paid (for example 250k, you pay only once for it)

With my correction for suggestion, I’d be +1, without it - neutral.


Level 4
Thread starter
NEUTRAL - leaning towards more -1


- I feel that it would add a slight bit of realism into srp meaning a more in depth experience regarding banking as a whole


- If for example I had 6 million, it would mean I would obtain 360k every oocly week at 6% interest, which at that point, people could leave factions, along with icly shops and never need to work. Therefore I feel like it could bring that once people gain a certain amount and put it in there, they would be able to quit factions/jobs which will mean ah huge reduction in overall roles within srp which could affect the shop faction, such as not enough genuine employees to function, or say the teacher faction, without teachers then it would mean that the school side to the RP on the server would practically fade.
- There is already some issues with money in srp, adding interest etc might make bugs worse

How to overcome it

- To overcome it, I feel the interest rate should be very low at 1%, or that the higher amount of money you have the lower it is, along with making it maybe every month or 2 months not every week.

I am more lenient towards a neautral/-1 ( out of 100, 100 being positive, 50 being 50/50 and 1 being no, a 25) on this because it could lead to a drop in players applying to factions (if its pure money motivation) I see why it may be useful for lower income players, however for more or less the overall big picture I feel like it wouldn't be a good idea
Alright i see what you mean with 6mil to 360k so then maybe they could set a limit to how much you can put in, say 500k, then you'll only be getting about 30k but the interest rate could also just be lowered as well.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- We may do this, however it would be limited to X% per year up to balances of X. So, if it were 4% of balances up to 1,000,000 and you had 10,000,000, you'd only receive 4% on 1,000,000 of your balance spread across a year.​

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