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Bee entering hive suggestion


Level 40
IGN: squallyyo

DATE: 5/8/2023


Bee's being able to enter the hive with a sign.


Yeah, I saw that the last suggestion I did got added by event form, but, barely any bee's go to the hive in the forest, if it was possible to click a sign with bee whitelist to go into the hive. Like the train plugin, it would maybe add more people be convinced to becoming a bee. It would also bee a chill place for bee's to chill as when animal lang comes out they could make plans and such.


Level 37
I love this suggestion, but there isn't a lot of bees in the playerbase or a bee language...


Level 40
Thread starter
I love this suggestion, but there isn't a lot of bees in the playerbase or a bee language...
From what I've heard, their adding soon to bee all languages for animals, such as universal language


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Implementing a suggestion like this will most likely increase the amount of bees there are on the server by opening up more roleplay opportunity
I love this suggestion, but there isn't a lot of bees in the playerbase or a bee language...


Level 146
I refuse to believe that we are unironically trying to increase the amount of opportunities for bee roleplay on the school roleplaying server.

Are they going to clock out of their bee 9-5 in the flower gardens to go home to their bee wife and bee children to enjoy a nice bee dinner with their bee family? But unbeeknownst to daddy bee, his wife is having a bee affair with the neighbor bee, and then they get a bee divorce? But they have to go to bee court to settle bee custody of their bee children, not to mention bee child support. His once beeloved wife cries bee abuse and bee neglect, and ends up with full bee custody of their bee children. She takes half of his beelongings, including the bee house he worked tirelessly his entire bee life (42 days) to purchase. He can't beelieve it. Everything in his bee life crumbles, and he is left a broken bee. His life in shatters, he leaves the bee hive in the pursuit of solitude, in which he could spend the remainder of his pitifully short life without beeing a burden to his hive.

actually nvm i understand now, this sounds sick af, +1!!!!!! so cool!
Last edited:


Level 40
Thread starter
I refuse to believe that we are unironically trying to increase the amount of opportunities for bee roleplay on the school roleplaying server.

Are they going to clock out of their bee 9-5 in the flower gardens to go home to their bee wife and bee children to enjoy a nice bee dinner with their bee family? But unbeeknownst to daddy bee, his wife is having a bee affair with the neighbor bee, and then they get a bee divorce? But they have to go to bee court to settle bee custody of their bee children, not to mention bee child support. His once beeloved wife cries bee abuse and bee neglect, and ends up with full bee custody of their bee children. She takes half of his beelongings, including the bee house he worked tirelessly his entire bee life (42 days) to purchase. He can't beelieve it. Everything in his bee life crumbles, and he is left a broken bee. His life in shatters, he leaves the bee hive in the pursuit of solitude, in which he could spend the remainder of his pitifully short life without being a burden to his hive.

actually nvm i understand now, this sounds sick af, +1!!!!!! so cool!
I ain't reading allat


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it.

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