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Accepted BetaHater | Medical Science Professor - Faculty Switch from Nurse | Professor Application


Level 15


What is your Minecraft username?:

SigmaHater (Main)
BetaHater (Alternative) [APPLYING]
What is your time zone?:


What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
The table below will be in AEST
Disclaimer: The times will vary from the schedule but I usually get on for at least 4 hours each day. This is around the hours that usually play at… Not exactly though.

The table below would be an outlook of my character activity on the server
Stefana Vero (Main)​
Hunter Yoshida-Togomi (Main)​
Thalia Keli’i (Alternative)​
Mikael Watanabe (Alternative)​
A determined school councillor fighting to make a difference within the school. I’ve had many opportunities for character development as Stefana and have been able to become a figure in the SRP community and create enriched and excited school events with. I attempt to stay consistent with her activity as a character.​
A humorous guy that prides himself in his warm personality, however hides a dark, ruthless side to him. His sole mission is to gather intel for the gang that he is situated in. He’s been a cool dynamic to roleplay with and has shown me different elements to roleplay as a whole. Additionally, he has become a figure in GangRP sector, not a huge one but notable. I am active with his character activity.​
Although newly implemented into SRP as a character, she has been able to achieve minor elements of Character development like making friends, etc. Just gaining status as a character! I’ve been able to manage her development, setting time aside, to use her as a character! I have been able to juggle her well with my other characters!​
A rebellious teen who cares little for the school rules and let alone anybody for that matter. He is seen as quite an delinquent often getting in trouble with faculty for getting himself into fights and overall generic Delinquent type things. Although I do not play this character as often, I do thoroughly enjoy playing this unique side to roleplay with restraint though.​

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I have roleplayed in various different discord servers, going from combat roleplay servers to superhero roleplay servers, etc. It was sort of fluctuating between servers to find my niche concept. That is where I found out about High School Roleplay. I also used to enjoy watching the aphmau and little lizard roleplays and kinda took inspiration as to why I decided to join SRP later on. Nonetheless, I really enjoyed roleplaying as a different part of myself without dealing with the risk of actually changing myself in real life circumstances. I enjoyed exploring different elements of roleplay until I discovered a Minecraft server called SRP. And well, here I am! I’ve been on the server for around 10+ months and I do not regret that decision to click on that link. I have gained so much experience from roleplaying on the server and have gained many friends from doing so, and experience many unique events that no other server can offer.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
Stefana Vero (SigmaHater) - [Councillor] [College] [M]
Hunter Yoshida-Togomi (SigmaHater) - [Grade 12] | Performing Arts Club
Thalia Aiuchi-Keli’i (BetaHater) - [Nurse] (Applying)
Mikeal Watanabe (BetaHater) - [Grade 12]

What is the subject you want to teach?:

Medical Science


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
What intrigued me about becoming a professor for the school faction was that as a nurse I was able to transcend my roleplaying experience significantly, learning so many aspects of MedicalRP and first aid components. It was actually very useful weirdly from a real life standpoint as it brought to light what you should do in a certain situation. It also allowed me to be a role model with many students and even becoming a parent in character, experiencing FamilyRP as a whole. It also allowed me to achieve significant moments of Character development and more roleplay experience. But the reason for the switch of the factions was that being a Nurse wasn’t really for me, I like researching topics and teaching people about stuff that people may not already know whilst creating fun and dynamic ways of learning, I’ve been rather interested in the idea so that is why I wanted to switch as I want to take on more responsibility!

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
Class One: Introduction to Immunology Basics
For the first lesson, I would talk about the different components of the immune system and definition of immunology in general. I would break the class into multiple groups to brainstorm the importance of the immune system and how it is crucial to defend against diseases and overall pathogens. Then I would ask each group what they came up with and to list it onto the board, putting it on a little mind map for them to remember onto the board. I think the aspect of working in groups could help develop a strong camaraderie within the class with fellow peers.

Class Two: Pharmacology Fundamentals
In this class, I would mention different categories of pharmaceutical drugs that are offered at the hospital, whether they are over-the-counter or prescribed medication. I would ask for many opportunities of input from the students, asking them if they have any prescriptions for medication and what was it for? And how does it affect their everyday life and better it. I would then talk about the pros and cons to certain categories of pharmaceutical drugs.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
Field Trip - To the Hospital, we go!
After obtaining permission from SLT to host a field trip out and organizing it with the hospital staff itself, I would take the kids on a trip to the hospital. In this class, they would be hosting a Q&A session with the doctors & general EMS staff, asking what is their general job and what they specialize in. Then they would get a tour of the hospital, taking note of what each room provided and if it related to a certain unit in the hospital. To the future doctors who may be in the class, this could spark their curiosity and decide whether the medical field is the right choice for them.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

Examining the situation, Thalia would approach the students asking what all the commotion was all about as she turned to the entire group of students, standing between them. She would ask them to create some distance as she sorted out what exactly was happening, checking if someone’s hair was wet or their knuckles were bruising, or genuinely any sign of a type of bullying was occuring. I would allocate detention to the college jocks that were in the wrong in the situation and would tell the bobcat jock to head on their way. I would mention to the spartans that they are supposed to be role models of the school and remind them of their outstanding positions in the school, I would radio the other faculty to let them know, if it needs to escalate further I would send a report to SLT about the issue.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Thalia would walk into the detention room, pointing to the bold writing that says no talking located on top of the blackboard, if the student had a genuine question, she would approach them and whisper to them what they wanted so she would not disrupt any other students. If the questions were deemed to be stupid, she would remind the student to be quiet and just finish the task which is mandatory. If refused, she would mention that she would bring it towards SLT

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Thalia was hosting a normal lesson according to the plan, she set out to teach but all of a sudden, she heard a sudden noise from someone’s phone. Scanning the room, she saw it came from a group of cheerleaders and told the group to shut the phone off whilst she was talking. If they persisted in their behavior, she would take their phone for the entirety of the class (ITEMRP). If the student continues to disrupt the class, I would kindly ask them to stop their behavior and if they refuse, I would hand them a detention and simply kick them outside of the class to take accountability of their actions.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Thalia would try to salvage the fight, stopping all physical movements between the two but it was no use for her efforts. She would follow procedure by simply asking them to break it up and step back, warning them and threatening detention. She would radio other faculty to come help for extra support and backup with the situation, getting herself in between them physically. If all else fails, then she would threaten SLT punishment to both parties immediately without hesitation, putting an end to their antics.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Meet Thalia, a captivating soul that embodies the essence of freedom and authenticity in her work. Her infectious smile that radiates a layer of warmth and kindness, building her overall character and charm, drawing people towards her like moths to a kindling flame. Standing at a rigid height of 5’5, she carries herself with dignity and graceful confidence in her stride. Her sheer presence demanded attention yet not commanding as such. Born and raised in the culture of Hawaii, her olive-brown skin bears countless tattoos etched into her skin as stories of her testaments to her strong culture that she stays rooted to. However, sunken into her skin are countless scars & carvings standing tribute to the physical battles she had to endure as a teenager, embracing that is just who she was but not who she is.

Her overall mission to help students discover their full potential and to genuinely help them in that discovery. Although she changed career paths she does thoroughly believe that she wants to help them like she did as a nurse, supporting her love for the school, just shifting her main purpose into more rewarding endeavors. Her personality is quite timid in some regards but is very energetic in others, shifting her dynamic to be quite serious if she requires such a task. She wants to build a bond with the students whilst also doing her job to the best of her ability.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Born in 1996, Thalia Keli’i emerged into the hands of the world equipped with the pure beauty of the islands of Vanuatu, she was raised to adore the ocean tide and the nature that thrived on its dependence. From youth, she was also raised into a normal household, two parents that adored her and a cat that she adored. Though, with every uphill, she quickly learnt that there are downhills. She found out that her mother was murdered from a juvenile gang as she was walking home after work. Thalia’s father was left astray to take over the responsibility and burden of taking care of her.

As Thalia progressed through her adolescence, she noticed her father was in so much pain, the smile she once knew turned into a nod in her general direction. She knew ever since her mother’s death, he will never be the same. As much as she wanted him to change, he never did so she changed to compensate. She became friends with books, studying every letter that followed her wandering sight. Her weekends sat against the white sand of the Hawaiian shore, staring out at the ocean tide and how it would stretch for miles. And she knew that she wanted to help others at their weakest, like her father couldn’t manage to do when she really needed the most.

Obtaining a academic scholarship at the University of Hawaii, she decided to study a double bachelors, majoring in Marine Biology and Nursing. She found the workload to be hefty and struggled to manage. Whilst her friends were at parties, she was at her dorm studying until her eyes were sore. She didn't have a normal college life. Though with persistence, she managed just fine. When she was 24, she achieved her two bachelors in her chosen study. It was the proudest, she has seen her father in a very long time. He even smiled at her graduation, a smile that she learned to cherish.

She began her adult life, struggling to figure out how to be an adult and what to even do. She made the rash decision to sign up to be a part of a marine biology research project. Being accepted, she was excited and pumped to be allowed this opportunity. She traveled amongst the several seas, discovering what lurked in the oceans underneath. After 3 years, she urged for change. She decided to quit her job as a Marine Biologist on the research project. She couldn't bare another night at sea. She went to spend a couple months back with her Father.

Her father seemed to have changed drastically, he seemed to smile more. His house wasn't filled with beer bottles, plastered across the kitchen counters. And well, he finally managed to get his life back together and begun doing law enforcement courses at the local community college. She noticed small nursing job at the local hospital so she worked there as an assistant nurse until she got enough funds to be able to sustain herself for some time.

But what the time was right, she knew it was time to leave, so she bid her father goodbye. Moving to the next place that caught her eye, which happened to be Karakura. And she fell in love, it was a more settled change in her life. Being around a year in Karakura, she decided to apply to be a nurse at the local school whilst she gained more presence in the town.

Once finding out that she was accepted for the new nursing position at the school, she jumped into it energetically. She loved her job even boasting about it to a local reporter named Freya Astley-Togomi and got her name within the local paper, but she wanted change, she wanted to inspire others to reach her full potential and teach others that not always your plan A works out!

When she became pregnant with her first child, Reina Loke. She decided it was time for her to make the leap into a new career path, which is becoming a professor. Attending night classes to extend on her bachelor of Nursing which was a PHD, the nights were exhausting especially dealing with her child and studying. She eventually graduated with her PHD which was a huge achievement within her life, finishing it when she turned 32 years old.



Full Name:

Thalia Aiuchi-Keli’i
“Hello there, My first name is Thalia… And my surname is Aiuchi-Keli’i..”

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
“I believe I am a Miss… So put it as that!”

Given Name(s):
Thalia Rhea
“Well, Thalia is my first name as you know… My middle name is Rhea.”

Preferred Name:
“Call me Thalia, people also like to call me Thalz… But it doesn’t matter nonetheless.”

“I am 33 years old in age.”

Gender & pronouns:
Female | She/Her
“I am Female! And my pronouns are She/Her.”

Religious Denomination:
“I find that I resonate with the shrine and its aspects ever since I’ve moved here, so I guess my religion is Shintoism!”

Marital Status:
“Oh uhm, I am very much single for that matter. Never have been married or anything like that… For the time being.”

“I was born in Hawaii, I would say that my nationality is Hawaiian.”

Current Location:
Karakura, Japan
“Yeah, I am a current resident here! So I live here so just put that down!”

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

Around a year of teaching experience
“The college that I did my PHD at for Nursing, put me as a placement as a teaching assistant for a professor there. I loved the opportunity to help the student’s with their work and provide my expertise insight to assist their given task.”

Working Experience (# of years):
10 years of working experience
“I worked as a nursing assistant at a local hospital in my youth and that’s what made me fall in love with nursing. But then I got offered a position as a marine biologist for several years until I discovered Karakura. Then after that, I applied to be a school Nurse at this school and now here I am! Eager to teach Medical Science at your institution.”

Academic Degree:
Dual Bachelor’s degree - Marine Biology & Nursing
PHD in Nursing & Education
“I did two bachelor degrees which were Marine Biology and Nursing… Then recently I just obtained my PHD in Nursing & Education.”

Year of Graduation:
2011 - Dual Bachelor’s Degree (University of Hawaii)
2023 - PHD in Nursing & Education (Karakura College)

Advanced Nursing Practise

Educational Leadership

Native Languages:

Other Languages:

Preferred Teaching Subject:
Medical Science


Additional notes about your application (if any):

Last edited:


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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