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Bryconium's KPD Application


Level 13
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

[Main] Bryconium (Applying with!)
[Alt] Brycewycey
[Alt] Bryceronio
[Alt] Brycetakesflight

Discord Name & Tag:
My discord username is Brycearonio no tag.

Which timezone are you in?
Central Daylight Time (GMT-5)

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Reporter Application

Counselor Application

KPD Application Pt.1
KPD Application Pt.2

KPD Application Pt.3

EMS Application

Describe your activity on the server:
If I had to rate my activity I believe it would be a 9/10, I am often online on weekdays and weekends, but usually, you won't find me too early in the morning, I enjoy roleplaying on all of my accounts equally but if I am to get accepted int he KPD faction I would commit more then 60% of my time on it, I enjoy sitting in the plaza when I am bored so I meet a lot of interesting people there, I won't ever have a busy schedule and if I am too busy to partake in activities involving the faction I will let someone know., but below is my schedule from when I get on until when I get off or fall asleep.

Saturday Sunday
9:00 AM - 2-4:00 AM 9 AM - 1:00 AM
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday
4:30 PM - 2:00 AM4:00 PM - 2:00 AM5:30-6:00 PM - 1:00 AM5:00 PM - 3:00 AM

What is your motivation for applying?:
I have multiple reasons for applying I will start with the first when I first joined SRP in late 2022 I did not know what I was doing I just joined to troll but I met a couple of friends one to start with is currently apart of the KPD , he and I grew together. coming from being NameMCS to serious SRP players, we also did gain a bond during our time of roleplaying together, we continued to play together and decided we were going to apply for the KPD but he ended up being accepted and I was not, I was kind of upset but I was happy for him, now I am applying once again hoping to be able to roleplay with him while in the faction. One of my other reasons is, because of combatRP I have always been interested in combatRP but I did not want to partake in gangRP and I didn't know any other ways to participate in combatRP other than being inside of the KPD, I also have applied to meet new people and improve my reputation, I want to be an important part of the server while also increasing my roleplay experiences with new people.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I know a decent amount about police work, I would say I have as much knowledge about it as any SRP player that has been playing for a decent amount of time.

First I will list the

Commissioner- Currently Hirathex
Captain- Currently Ecocide
Lieutenant- N/A
Sergeant- Currently Violet3vergarden, strawbarys. lazyah, RexLob, sorathelobo, and eujiin
Corporal- Currently ririluvsme, ConsumingFingers, SupderAwersomeName, Hqrvey_, and windswake
Patrol-Officer- Currently DivingBlues, and lordespapes
Cadet- N/A

Detective Division
Detective Superintendent- Currently 6Pancake
Detective Chief Inspector- Currently lirically
Detective Inspector aslaniy

Detective Sergeant- Currently AirconUnit, oceannawa, ScarLbo, and Jaeyla
Detective Constable- 4Rios, Sylcian, and Shadonky

Front Desk work and bails
The KPD are usually found at the front desk, they have stay there so when someone is needing to be bailed out they are there and if someone needs report a crime or such they are there to help.


Body Camera ( ItemRP )- A constant recording and live streaming waterproof camera attached to the front of an
officers uniform accessible to all on-duty officers.

Breathalyzer- A tool that is available to all KPD and EMS workers, it checks the drunk percentage of someone.
Crowbar- A tool used to pry open doors and containers, accessible to Police Corporals and up.

Disposable Latex Gloves ( ItemRP )- Disposable non-fingerprint-proof gloves worn by all officers, it is meant to be carried on all on-duty officers by default and accessible to all on-duty officers.

Fingerprint Scanner ( ItemRP )- A tool used to scan suspects fingerprints, it can be used to see if the fingerprint matches with another sample from a targets results, it is accessible to all officers.

First-Aid Kit ( ItemRP )- A small sized kit used when an ambulance isn't available, when used it grants 5 extra minutes to the bleed out time.

Gas mask- A mask used to protect your selves from biological threats in the air, it is accessible to all on-duty officers.

Handcuffs- An item that is Accessible to all officers it is used to restrain and detain an individual.

Luminol Spray ( ItemRP )- A spray used to detect dents or blood on the surface of a weapon such as a bat, it is meant to be carried in every uniform of on-duty officers by default.

Pepper Spray- A device that blinds someone for 60 seconds, it is accessible to all EMS and KPD.

Police Radio- A waterproof communicate device used in emergency units, accessible to all officers.

Riot Shield- A large shield of tempered glass by police officers for protection, accessible to all officers.

Tranquilizer- A plastic device used to neutralize threats, accessible to Police Sergeants and Detective Inspectors.

Stun Blaster- A stun device used by officers to prevent a target from moving or fleeing a scene, accessible to all officers.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

I do acknowledge that if a training is held and I am online, I am needed to attend or else I will face punishment.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Let out a sigh

"The names Hirohitō Yāmašakăyachī."

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
Sat there for a second lost in thought
"I am twenty-eight years of age."

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Answered almost immediately
"I am a male, my pronouns are He/Him."

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Responded almost immediately
"I have a Masters degree, I majored in Forensic Science, and I minored in biology."

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Would sigh for a second before responding

"I do know two languages other then Japanese, Korean, and Chinese, I am also looking into learn Japanese sign language also known as JSL."

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Hirohitō Yāmašakăyachī is a decently tall male standing at 5'11" He claims to be 6'0" with shoes on though, Hirohitō is a muscular man he is on the more chunky side but he had extremely toned muscles on his arms, and he his ears were inflate he had cauliflower ear, his body on the other hand he had somewhat of a dad bod, he did not have abs or anything flashy just a meaty stomach, his thighs were pretty large due to him working out a lot, he wore a size 7 men in shoes, he had extremely small feet which was quite odd, his face had a decent amount of acne and his skin quality was not that good, he had a slight stubble on his chin. He had a large scar on his left eye cutting into his eyebrow. He had a slight slouch that took away a couple of inches from his height, but at times he stood up tall and straight when needed, his hazel eyes were always observing everything around him, he paid attention to every little detail, and he surprisingly quiet, he looked like he would be the talkative type, . He had a very odd sense of humor, he did not usually make jokes he was just naturally funny at moments and even when he heard funny jokes he kept to himself, he always seemed professional besides his poor posture.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
in a professional situation Hirohitō Yāmašakăyachī is going to always be quiet, he is just not a very talkative person, he keeps good posture and eye contact in the situation and he makes sure to examine the room and he does not let his guard down especially in professional situations, Hirohitō would use everything that he learned in his past in the future carefully examining everyone and everything.

In a casual situation Hirohitō Yāmašakăyachī is pretty chill he is extremely laid back and quiet but when he feels like talking he just talks about stuff thats not relevant he is an old soul he reads the newspaper watches old shoes, he is just an old man in general, he lectures people a lot as well no matter what age you are he is just that type of person if he really trusts the person he would stop forcing his posture and regain his "slouch".

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
"Co-workers, hmm. My outlook on co-workers is pretty positive I believe if we both are wishing to achieve the same goal then there is no problem at all, I do enjoy co-workers due to the company as well sometimes I find myself to be lonely. Teamwork.. I believe teamwork is necessary for almost everything in life, what do they say? Two brains is better then one.. Something like that, I do not see myself as a leader though I am usually in the back following instructions unless I believe they are unruly but sometimes I can be a leader if needed."

What's your character's backstory?
February 14th, xxxx that was the day Hirohitō Yāmašakăyachī was born, his father was a rich business man that was never at home and his mother was one of his fathers maids, he wasn't supposed to have been born but it ended up happening, his dad had around 7 kids, Hirohitō really didn't know how many kids his dad had, his dads wife hated him due to his mom having a kid with her husband. He was a child and she was still praying on his downfall, he was born in Kyoto, he was homeschooled for his entire elemnetry time, he just stayed home studying practicing he was always a chubby boy but he didn't know that he thought he was normal weight but he was a little bit over. After a while his father decided to send him to Private school, this was one of the worst decisions his dad could have made.

Hirohitō made a lot of friends on his first day at school he was now in 6th grade and he was enjoying life he had food his mom everything was just great, his friends always did ask him for money odd? He didn't question it he thought in his head "As long as they are my friends it doesn't matter!" He gave the money and they would all run away laughing they rarely ever hung out with him but he thought that was normal and that was how it is having friends. He was a very energetic child he loved to horseplay play fight all of that jazz. He always put his hands on his friends jokingly but they did not like that, but he continued he just didn't know how to keep his hands to himself, it stayed this way for a little bit until he was in 7th grade that summer he was invited to go hang out with his friends, they just ended up asking for money, this time he asked them why they always needed money from, they tried to avoid the question. He gave them the money but he was weirded out so he just continued to follow the bunch, he was getting tired extremely fast every time they walked up steps he would start breathing heavy so they kept having to slow down and he was wondering how they could walk for so long. They hung out but Hirohitō felt excluded it was like he was just tagging along and they were all friends, so he decided to leave. While he was walking out he decided to stay a little bit longer but when he walked back inside of the arcade room he heard his "friend" call him a Fat loser and said the only reason they hang out with him is because he has money. Hirohitō was hurt he decided to go home and started eating some more. He just cried at home and continued to eat.

Hirohitō was obese by the end of the summer and his father was disgusted with him so he told him if you do not lose some weight you are out of my house, and thats what Hirohitō did, he didn't talk to anybody at school, he would use one of those gripper things under his table and he would squeeze his grip strength was getting crazy! He focused in class while working out, he was tired but he didn't want to show it. He repeated the same schedule Wake up, workout, shower, school, workout, eat, shower, and sleep. Everyday he even began training in Brazilian jiu jitsu, he practiced inside of his room which he turned into a gym it had a punching bag in there, a set of weight, a treadmill, and all other sorts of stuff. He continued that throughout the year, by his 8th grade year he was fit and that summer when everybody had got back everyone was shocked that, that person was him, he had gained muscles and he had gotten a lot taller, The kids who used to use him for money tried to "reconnect" but the damage had been done, he was not going to forgive any of them, no matter what they tried to do. He was closed off and to himself, he really wasn't even worried about them anymore he was more focused on working out, his one weakness was abs, he could never get abs no matter how many crunches and sit ups he had done he just couldn't get them. He had really just gave upon abs, he really wanted to do some more jiu jitsu, thats all he was worried about now.

Hirohitō is now 18 and he is going to college he already knows what he wants to do, he wishes to go to college and get at least a masters degree life was rough at his home so he decided he wanted to move out as fast as possible, he decided to go to a local college in Kyoto, he planned on learning Chinese, and Korean while in college. He also planned to Major in Forensic Science and minor in Biology, he studied in college learning new things, meeting new people, he didn't meet anybody trust worthy he is a pretty quiet guy he doesn't like to communicate to much. He had still kept up on his working out and eat healthy. He was studying Korean at the time because he believed it would be useful in the future. It took him around 2 years to learn Korean fully, he was proud of himself for learning regular Korean dialogue he was now planning on learning Mandarin. He was going to learn that after graduating, he graduated the year after he learned Korean. He was proud of himself and decided since he wanted to be a police he should move to a far away island in Japanese called Karakura and send out an application to be apart of the KPD, he is waiting for a response till this day . . .

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

Responded almost immediately
" No, you can not own a pocket in Karakura if you are to be caught with pocket knife you will be placed under arrest and you will receive a fine."
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Pause for a second tapping his feet as if he was thinking about something before answering
Multivitamins,¥3,500, The maximum purchases someone could make are 5.
Iron Supplements,¥2,500, The maximum purchases someone could make are 3.
Melatonin,¥3,000, The maximum purchases someone can make are 3.
Wooden canes,¥7,000, The maximum purchases someone could make are 2.
glasses, ¥4,00, Maximum purchases someone could make are 2.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
Seemed to have paused finding a way to phrase what he was planning on saying
" If I saw my co-worker physically abusing an inmate I would ensure that my body cam was on and then I would rush in and attempt to assess the situation I would tell the co-worker of mine in a stern voice to step away from the criminal, if they were to refuse I would take measure to restrain the officer by placing the co-worker in handcuffs and then I would rush to the inmate to ensure that they were fine, I would then call EMS and higher-ups to report what had just occurred."
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
"If I witnessed my co-worker being assaulted it honestly depends on the situation if it is just one individual I would rush in and to help my co-worker by restraining the individual assaulting my co-worker placing them in handcuffs, now if it is more then 1, possibly 2 or 3 I would first call for back up and examine the area ensuring that nobody saw me, after I had called for back up I would then wait a little while if it is taking to long for back up to arrive I would rush in and attempt to place them both under arrest if they were to comply that would be it, if they dont I would try my hardest to get my co-worker and me out of there as fast as possible, if I ended up getting my co-worker I would take off and make sure I at least got photo evidence of who they were and what they looked like on my body-cam, I would then share the footage with the higher ups to help find the bunch.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
"If I found out that one of my co-workers was corrupt and helping criminal organizations, I would ensure to get some of it on video so that I am not just accusing them of something I do not have proof of making sure I am not seen, I would collect footage for a little bit and then let a higher up know I need to inform them about something and let them know about it and also show the higher up the footage, after that I would not medal into it anymore and let the higher-ups handle the rest."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
Scoffed due to the question being extremely easy to answer
" I would first give the perpetrator a fine and go along with my day, if the perpetrator fails to pay the fine I would detain the immediately and take the to the cells."
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Level 344
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied on the basis of your applications detail & reputation.

What can I do to increase my chances to be accepted?
The fact that you've been denied this time doesn't mean that you can't be accepted
anymore! If you're interested, below are some pieces of advice that could improve
your chances to be accepted during future application waves.
- Please use to better expand your knowledge of what KPD does for your next application.
- We suggest applying for other factions / community teams to improve how other players see you and to boost your chances at becoming apart of KPD.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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