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Buff fishing prices


Level 16
What's your Minecraft Username?: CriminalRP
What's the title of your suggestion?: Buff fishing prices

What's your suggestion?:
Fishing prices is not really enough for big items or anything important after hours of fishing. Grinding your ass hard just for multiple full inventories is not really fun to begin with. How may you change it. Increase the prices of sold fish I will tell you why?

However the prices are pretty realistic I think we should raise it just a tad bit higher while staying in the more realistic range. We don't want people to get rich in 3 hours after fishing it would be too op.

The only reason i think it should be buffed is the fisherman pay in Japan is
2,212,301 yen per year, or 1,064 yen per hour.
its unrealistic to get only 2-5k worth in fish for a full inventory sometimes however the pay already seems somewhat realistic it just needs to be increased a bit.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
By raising the prices higher it will benefit the community a bit when it comes to fishing in general and make it a more considerable way of making money


Level 12
I think this would be fair since you barely make profit off of rods. I get around 6k per rod, and taking away the 2k you spent on the rod, you're really only making 4k profit. I feel like this would be a lot better for newer players who need to pay for apples and end up having no money for other things since they don't know other ways of making money. Yeah so this would be a lot better.


Level 27

I say buff the durability of the rods or, better yet, make more expensive rods that catch better fish (the old rod title of the current fishing rod implies that there is better rod to be had, I think it'd be cool to add better fishing rods like in Pokémon)


Level 331

While I'm in favour of making the fishing system more profitable, I feel like buffing the fish price won't really fix the issue of how boring it gets. I like the idea proposed by @stormii. That way, there will actually be some sort of progression in it and reward players who have been fishing for a longer time


Level 163
I agree with @stormii’s idea this would help motivation for those who want better fish/prices if it came to that.


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
Stormii and Yonio said it all if I am honest, I don't think that Fishing needs a LARGE boost with money(Since you can get 200k a day from fishing), but that stops most people is how boring it is. Now, having a boosted rod or able to upgrade the rod like we can cars would be an idea. Yeah it is a new plugin or editing the current plugin, but it would be cool to see


Level 118

I say buff the durability of the rods or, better yet, make more expensive rods that catch better fish (the old rod title of the current fishing rod implies that there is better rod to be had, I think it'd be cool to add better fishing rods like in Pokémon)
Completely right in this, I agree how we should get better rods, expensive etc. But buffing prices will be a no to me



Level 95
Instead of rod progression better fish the better the fishing attribute %. (I don’t remember if there even is one, think there is though if not kinda weird)


Level 16
Thread starter
Instead of rod progression better fish the better the fishing attribute %. (I don’t remember if there even is one, think there is though if not kinda weird)
better fishing attributes don't even change how you catch fish as much


Level 15
+1 It costs money for the rod, you can only get 2 inventories of fish in before the rod breaks, having to buy another one... And it outweighs the profit you get from the fish so you end up with less profit. Making the fish a higher price, could help increase the profit so people actually want to use the fishing plugin for money.



Level 13
I am going to say +1 for that because it starting to get boring on fishing and i dont wanna spend my whole day fishing


Level 84
Fishing Update?

Okay I'm a bit +1/-1 on this, especially with some of the replies, Buffing the Fish wouldnt really affect much, but buffing the rods itself just makes it boring but longer.

I feel like Fishing can be made fun or have some form of interests behind it, It has been something I've taken interest in lately especially from other servers like FishOnMC, the way they make it interesting is that each area of fishing has their own specific fishes tied to it and catching one can be considered Tiny -> Small -> Average -> Big -> Massive
That's another variable to add to the fish sizes, which affects it's price, However having a fish that can encourage motivation to catch is also another thing, Something very rare, much rarer than the Bluefin Tuna that we have right now, Fishes that are essentially 1 in a 1000 catches or something like that, which sells the most out of any fishes, maybe in the 50k range, and so these fishes can be rare actual fishes or local legendary fishes (River Monster style).

It adds a goal to fishing, a sense of accomplishment to catching one, and can give a decent payout. (Other fishes needs to be buffed too of course to match SRP's economy). And it allows for storytelling to help with Karakura as a growing Island town.

I would honestly model the super rare exclusive fishes ngl.

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