Byung-ho von Moltke
18 Years Old
Male | He/Him
130 LBS
Byung-ho von Moltke is a 5’10 male with grey hair and a muscular build, his greyish blue eyes shining all around, Byung-ho had messy hair often trying to style it in his free time. Byung-ho has very long hair with a deep German accent which he finds quite appealing to himself. Byung-ho weighs in at around 130 LBS, 58 KG, he tries to act professional whenever he can often only in complex situations in which he might need to use his different looks and personality too. Byung-ho also has many different scarring and tattoos located all around different parts of his body which are mainly covered up by clothing but he has a LOT that represents him in many different ways. A few of the scars came from Korea where he spent a decent amount of time in, Byung-ho ended up coming across a person who well.. created one of his scars with a Machete which he still despises to this day.

Byung-ho has a few different outfits that he enjoys wearing with his blue Kimono being his favorite in his opinion, he is often seen roaming around in this Kimono yet he does have other outfits. He mainly liked to wear soft colors or dark colors like Blue, Grey, Black, and Brown as he finds it more professional in his personal opinion. He only really spends his money on outfits that he needs for special occasions and events that happen around Karakura like a New Year's festival or just small things like that as he doesn’t seem to need new outfits to wear around when his fit perfectly fine.
Byung-ho never really had a full “personality” yet his descriptive aspect was made up of many different things, Byung-ho likes to often look at people’s body language, their different emotions, and speech. Byung-ho can go from being enthusiastic to nice, to funny, and a variety of many different things, he creates a web of these pretty much like a food web but for his personality and the different traits that he possesses in many different things. He tries to make himself change other people’s perspectives of things or other people’s personalities in general, (only really his friends) yet he is sometimes seen fighting other people’s personalities and trying to change them. He can change his personality in many different scenarios when he needs to such as high-level events, or just if he is with his family or friends which he finds quite useful in some situations.
Byung-ho does have a few sides of his personality which are his combative and aggressive side or just his normal and chill side which he uses more often, in his chill side he often keeps his opinions there other than a few people which are more in his aggressive side of his personality or which contributed to growing his aggressive side. He has a few people who often help him with his more chill side. Byung-ho only really uses his aggressive side if he is in arguments with people or he is in a combat-related situation that he needs to focus his anger on and take it out on someone or something. Byung-ho often tries to control his anger which he is often good at and is usually chill unless provoked by someone which could lead to an argument if it needed too.
In all, Byung-ho has a good personality and is seen as a nice person around the town often trying to make friends with people who approach him or just if he wants to in general. He doesn’t really manipulate people and never really wants to in the future yet he just hopes that he can accomplish all of his goals successfully without running into any problems that he many encounter along the way. In the end Byung-ho just wants to have a good reputation as a nice person who likes to do a variety of things around the town which is one of his main goals that he wants to achieve in Karakura. Byung-ho can often see if people are manipulating him or his friends which he often tries to get out of situations when people are doing such which leads him to not manipulating people back so he doesn’t accidentally do it in the future.
Byung-ho never had an official religious belief as he has definitely seen a lot of different things in his time in Karakura, Byung-ho has had encounters with many ghosts in his time in the town yet generally, he would need hard or scientific evidence or explanations to believe something religious. However, he does believe in the spirits of Karakura and the Shrine because he has seen them with his eyes. He tries to generally believe people but from previous experience he can't as much without proof or evidence of something.

This is Byung-ho’s personal motorbike that he is often seen driving around in. Byung-ho received this as a gift from his father when he was 16 years old and could officially drive a vehicle. He has carefully taken care of this motorbike since he received it, repairing it when needed, and cleaning it if it got dirty. He likes to call it “Green Apple” as the color is a really bright green. He only lets a few people drive it which are his brother’s or his close friend Jashawn Drakos Ketsueki.
Byung-ho has trained for a few years now often going to the gym around Karakura and using the punching bags and weights in his free time, doing this has significantly helped Byung-ho grow his strength in grip and just his muscles in general. Byung-ho has had a lot of motivation for training so that he can defend himself in the future and hopefully be able to do multiple different types of things revolving around his strength attribute and how he could use it differently to his advantage if he was in a fight that he needed to get out of or if he just needed to use his strength to pick something up or do something. Byung-ho is often seen at the gym by himself or with his friends who like to train with him which definitely helps his motivation for going to the gym.
SPEED: ✭✭✭
Byung-ho has taken the time by himself to train his speed as he finds it the most useful to have yet the hardest to actually accomplish and become faster. Byung-ho has ran around the track at the school for a while now hoping to eventually become faster so that he can get around to different situations or just to get to places faster which he knows speed is definitely something that can knock time off of getting something done or getting somewhere. Byung-ho has also trained on the treadmills at the Karakura gym with his friends often running back and forth to places so that he could become faster in the future. He has managed to become faster over time which he definitely acknowledges because sometimes he can even beat his friends in races.
With Byung-ho training many different things besides Strength and Speed he definitely has a lot of endurance when it comes to fights or just simple things like jumping from somewhere to another place. Byung-ho definitely has a lot of more endurance than other people around his town because he knows how to do simple things like.. Working out, Byung-ho often uses his endurance to his advantage because he knows it is really good to have a lot of endurance. Byung-ho tries to bring his endurance up when he has free time or he's not working out. Byung-ho often has his friends or family test his endurance with many different tests that he may come across within the town of Karakura because he knows anything could happen at any given time.
Byung-ho has spent a LOT of time in the water and is often seen swimming around in the school pool or the ocean by himself, he has managed to become really fast in water after a certain amount of time! Byung-ho considered himself as an aquatic animal once from how much time he spent in water, Byung-ho has loved the beach and the ocean ever since he was younger and still does to this day which is why he spends so much time here. Byung-ho tries to bring his friend's perspective on the ocean and swimming up so that they can hopefully be as fast as him one day but they don’t generally see the point in taking that much time to just be able to swim faster in water.
This is another stat that Byung-ho is very good at. Byung-ho has been jumping ever since he was young which definitely brought his calf and leg strength up in general so that he could jump to higher locations or farther distances. Byung-ho has seen his friends not being able to jump as high or far as Byung-ho which definitely was well.. Sad? Byung-ho thinks that from the time he spent trying to become faster he also grew the muscles within his legs so that he could be able to jump higher. Byung-ho still tries to become more sufficient in this to this exact day which he hopes to become better in. Byung-ho often gives out strategies to his friends to hopefully be able to jump as high as him.
Byung-ho has trained for a few years now often going to the gym around Karakura and using the punching bags and weights in his free time, doing this has significantly helped Byung-ho grow his strength in grip and just his muscles in general. Byung-ho has had a lot of motivation for training so that he can defend himself in the future and hopefully be able to do multiple different types of things revolving around his strength attribute and how he could use it differently to his advantage if he was in a fight that he needed to get out of or if he just needed to use his strength to pick something up or do something. Byung-ho is often seen at the gym by himself or with his friends who like to train with him which definitely helps his motivation for going to the gym.
SPEED: ✭✭✭
Byung-ho has taken the time by himself to train his speed as he finds it the most useful to have yet the hardest to actually accomplish and become faster. Byung-ho has ran around the track at the school for a while now hoping to eventually become faster so that he can get around to different situations or just to get to places faster which he knows speed is definitely something that can knock time off of getting something done or getting somewhere. Byung-ho has also trained on the treadmills at the Karakura gym with his friends often running back and forth to places so that he could become faster in the future. He has managed to become faster over time which he definitely acknowledges because sometimes he can even beat his friends in races.
With Byung-ho training many different things besides Strength and Speed he definitely has a lot of endurance when it comes to fights or just simple things like jumping from somewhere to another place. Byung-ho definitely has a lot of more endurance than other people around his town because he knows how to do simple things like.. Working out, Byung-ho often uses his endurance to his advantage because he knows it is really good to have a lot of endurance. Byung-ho tries to bring his endurance up when he has free time or he's not working out. Byung-ho often has his friends or family test his endurance with many different tests that he may come across within the town of Karakura because he knows anything could happen at any given time.
Byung-ho has spent a LOT of time in the water and is often seen swimming around in the school pool or the ocean by himself, he has managed to become really fast in water after a certain amount of time! Byung-ho considered himself as an aquatic animal once from how much time he spent in water, Byung-ho has loved the beach and the ocean ever since he was younger and still does to this day which is why he spends so much time here. Byung-ho tries to bring his friend's perspective on the ocean and swimming up so that they can hopefully be as fast as him one day but they don’t generally see the point in taking that much time to just be able to swim faster in water.
This is another stat that Byung-ho is very good at. Byung-ho has been jumping ever since he was young which definitely brought his calf and leg strength up in general so that he could jump to higher locations or farther distances. Byung-ho has seen his friends not being able to jump as high or far as Byung-ho which definitely was well.. Sad? Byung-ho thinks that from the time he spent trying to become faster he also grew the muscles within his legs so that he could be able to jump higher. Byung-ho still tries to become more sufficient in this to this exact day which he hopes to become better in. Byung-ho often gives out strategies to his friends to hopefully be able to jump as high as him.

Byung-ho has 2 parents which he loves dearly, he has not really seen them for a few years since he moved to Karakura but often calls them to check in on how they are doing. His parents always loved Byung-ho dearly and he never planned on replacing them as they have not done anything wrong to him.
Deno von Moltke | Brother | Alive
Ryu von Moltke | Brother | Alive
Annika von Moltke | Sister | Alive
Jashawn Drakos Ketsuki | Very Close Friend | Alive
Byung-ho never really had any "official" enemies that he really despises and he does not plan to gain any in the future.. hopefully.

Birth Year’s: Byung-ho was born in Berlin Germany on Feburary 18th 1990 in a small hospital around his city. As soon as Byung-ho was born his parents saw him as unique or special, Byung-ho was always a curious child often roaming around his house looking at different things or just trying to do things that a normal child wouldn’t. Once Minjun grew older to an age where he could start doing things he often tried to help out around the house doing normal chores, trying to earn extra money for his parents, and a lot more. He never really got to spend time with his parents because they were always working and he was always with a babysitter. Byung-ho was a single child and didn’t really make many friends at school until he was older but he still tried to be positive and help others out.
Karakura: After Byung-ho completed his work and all his studies Byung-ho decided to move somewhere, He spent around a month studying places with different sceneries and good geography around the world which he stumbled across Karakura Japan, a small town with roughly around a population of 1000, or more? Byung-ho then decided this was where he wanted to spend the rest of his time on this planet, Byung-ho spent a while getting packed and ready before it was eventually time for him to get on the plane and leave, Byung-ho then got on his plane before heading off to the town of Karakura. After Byung-ho arrived he took a moment to get off the plane staring at the various different sights around the town as it was quite new for him, Byung-ho began to walk around the town before stumbling across the Estate Agent, Byung-ho ended up looking around for an open apartment where he could lay down for a bit and relax, After Byung-ho ended up coming across an Apartment he decided to rent it out for a while. Byung-ho spent a lot of time in Karakura getting used to everything in the town and hoping to get a good job in the future.
As Byung-ho eventually got used to Karakura he wanted to try to learn a few languages with the spare time that he had leftover, Byung-ho spent a lot of time researching which languages were most used within Karakura and which ones he would need to know for the future which helped Byung-ho later in the story. Byung-ho decided on 2 languages that he wanted to learn which were JSL and Korean, Byung-ho was already fluent in German which he has known since birth.. He was born in Germany so why wouldn’t he know it..? Byung-ho spent around 3 and a half months on each language using many different strategies to hopefully become somewhat sufficient in. Byung-ho studied with his friends who spoke both JSL and Korean having them often quiz him so he could try to learn from it and get more experience in having conversations in both languages. Byung-ho often went to the public library in Karakura to read different books about both languages and what was different.. As JSL was well, Japanese Sign Language, and Korean was a full language. Byung-ho knew that knowing JSL would be very much needed for him to progress in the future and to have conversations with deaf people that may only be able to communicate through JSL. Byung-ho eventually got a good hang on both of these languages after he spent individual time studying them with his friends and family and by himself at the same time.
Please do not take any of this information ICLY (In Character) without permission directly by me, unless you already know icly!
Lore is a W.I.P I will add more later.
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