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Denied Caretaker Application


Level 1
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:

I am starting a new job soon! But i usually spend around 4-8 hours on the server everyday!

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

Banned for one day cant remember why!

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

yes i do!

School Employee Role you are applying for?:


In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

I believe a caretaker is also a big part in the high school! As caretaker i will be cleaning and maintaining rooms, vaccuming mopping wiping surfaces and taking out the trash. I know as caretaker one of the roles is also to keep kids inside the school at all times and making sure all the kids are following the rules! Keeping suspended expelled also adults off school grounds. As caretaker i would like to help other staff out aswell with setting up classes cleaning up after a class, making sure the kids are doing the right thing during class and outside of class.. and of course making sure every student is okay and feels safe within the school!

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

I havent been on the server as long as others have been, maybe been playing for 5 months but i personally feel like i've learnt a lot so far and ive been wanting to be a apart of the school since i joined!

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:


What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

Just a grade 12 studnet

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

She's stand there watching the students with her hands on her hips her face frowned, she'd open her mouth calmly asking the students what is going on if they ignored and kept going i would let them finish than solve the problem and ask them to stop once more if they didnt listen the second time both get detention

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

She'd call over the radio straight away before stepping in trying to break the students up and calming them down if they didnt succeed she would call over the radio for more help and give both students detention
If the students both calmed down and listened to me i would simply tell them to walk away from eachother and calm down if they see eachother be the bigger person and walk away so a situation like that doesnt happen again!

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

Would quietly call over the radio to warn others staff about the employee before getting involved to stop the situation and protect whoever the employee is making uncomfortable
if the situation was dangerous i would of course step in too protecting the person and radio over to a higher up tell them about the situation and warn other employees..

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

She;d sit down near the employee she'd make sure the vibe feels right to start a conversation as she loves to talk and get to know her employees! if the vibe feels right she will simple ask how everything is going and spark a conversation and hopefully get to know them!
if the vibe doesnt feel right she will simple eat her food and go on with her day but always making sure the employee is okay!

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

&7She'd grab the slightly heavy bucket placing into the sink, turning the hot water tap watching the water fall into the bucket as it fills it, when the water hit the mark she turns it off placing the cleaning supplies into the water, she'd place the bucket on the ground wiping the water off her hand onto her pants, reaches over to the mop dunks into the bucket of hot water,before pulling the mop up she'd get rid of the excess water and slowly place the mop on the ground cleaning the floor making sure no spot is missed, she'd place a sign saying "wet floor" so students are careful!

&7She hears over the radio that one of the speaker in the building has broken, she'd let a slight sigh out before walking to the janitor's closet, she'd grab some extra tools and a spare speaker and extra wires, as she makes her way she sees the speaker sparking, she'd place the little ladder down stepping onto it , she'd remove the old broken &6wires &7and put the new ones in carefully making sure no spark happens, she'd dust the back off before screwing the back back on, she'd call over the radio telling an employee to test the speaker and it worked! beautifully

&7She'd stand upright hands on her hips her eyes filled with anger, &f"Boys please cut it out or detention will be received to both of yous"&7She'd slightly yell as she clears her throat, she'd step inbetween them looking at them both pointing one of them down to the hallway and the other the oppsite hallway &f"if i see another fight from yous both or if yous dont listen as i said a detention will be coming you're way"&7She'd watch them both walk different ways a slight smile would be printed on her face as she feels she succeed

In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):

Sakura Etsuko

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Preferred Name:


Age (Minimum is 25):




Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:

Very much single

Academic Degree:

Highschool Graduate

Year of Graduation:

Grade 12







Current Location:


Native Languages:


Other Languages:



Sakura Etsuko grew up in a small town in Russia called Perm. She grew up with two loving parents, Setsuki and Alana. She had an eldest brother named Kudo who was a lot older than Sakura. Sakura grew up most of her life alone, her parents always out working or away on business trips and she'd spend most of her birthdays alone. As she turned 18 her brother Kudo showed up out of the blue holding two plane tickets. Sakura was confused and kind of worried "pack your thing we're leaving for good" he said rushing inside throwing a suitcase at her. She would sigh and do as he said, Kudo also scared Sakura as she just would do what he says without thinking about it. She packed away her things and off they went, she had no idea what was about to happen or what her life was turning into, on the car ride to the airport she'd ask "what about Mum and Dad" she said quietly, Kudo didn't answer and focused on his driving, She'd sit on the plane in disbelief that this is actually happening. They landed after a long 9 hours of travel, Sakura didn't feel right, her vibe was off with everything she hadn't seen Kudo since she was little, she'd notice a sign saying "Karakura" guessing that it was her new town. They would arrive at a house with two cars out the front she'd wheel her suitcase up the stairs the door opening she would see three kids smiling at her her eyebrows raised her mind going crazy "my kids yes sakura" Kudo says hopping back in his car driving off they were nearly Sakura's age she'd meet Akira and Kira and Anika "is she our aunty" the little said running to Sakura arms hugging her tight. Sakura returned the hug, feeling very confused and then she would begin to unpack her things. She would think to herself "this is my new life all of sudden.." Things for Sakura changed quickly, she got bad vibes from the house and the area, as she slept she would hear yelling and screaming outside. She would peak through the window noticing masked men fighting and then one of them noticed and she quickly hid under her sheets. As morning came, Kudo was sitting at the table with a pile of paper. He would turn his attention to Sakura looking at her as she walked over reading the paper "Kamaitachi Gang" he then handed her a pen "I want you to become a part of this with me" he said moving her hand to the paper. She shrugged and wrote her name, Sakura Etsuko then she would notice a smile across his face. He quickly got up and left the house once again.
5 long months have passed
Sakura Would be a different person her arms covered in marks spider carved on her left hand, taking care of her nephew and nieces as she was involved in criminal activity she didn't feel the same her family noticed her friends noticed, Saburo and Min-jin would sit her down one night talking to her about how she needs to quit get a job help her family become better and move out of this location as she was looking drained felt so dead to the world, the placed a bit of paper infront of her with job lisiting most were fast food or retail than she spotted one "caretaker at karakura Highschool" a little smile appeared on her face, she'd apply as she waited for the response she would change her life around completely leaving the gang life behind and moving her family to a better location in karakura right next to the beach! she wants to prove to her nephew and nieces that you can succeed in life without crime...

Motivation for Joining KHS:

Too Help others grow with her and become a better person without violence and gang violence involving their life, that they can succeed and do what they dream to do.
Sakura gets movtivation from helping others and helping them succeed ! no matter how hard it could truly be

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):


Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

Im not unique or anything but i took my time as everyone else with their applicants, i think everyone should get a chance but i would love to have this option!


/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?


Level 211

Thank you for taking the time to apply for this position! Unfortunately, I'll be denying the application for the following reasons:
- This application is good but compared to the other applicants and due to not having open slots for the role you applied for I've chosen to deny this application;
- You didn't fully follow the format. Please make sure to use the correct font and follow all steps written here;
- Feel free to apply again at any time! If you have any questions, DM mariav#6666​

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