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Denied CarnageRP3: Shop Application. (Shiawasena Konyu)


Level 32

I have two accounts for playing on SchoolRP, CarnageRP Which is my main I play on due to me having the HS Football-Team on the main account and CarnageRP3 is the account I will be using to be applying for this role as it is my free account at the moment.

Yes I do have discord my account is called CarnageRP#6666, I'm in all of the required discord servers for SchoolRP.

Describe your activity on the server:
Within playing the server I am rather active due to the main role I have (Highschool Football Team) I have been playing for roughly 5 - 6 hours a day, So I would have to be active to make sure I don't get taken off the team or let anything happen too to my chances of being apart of the team or any other team there is.

I have been playing SRP for roughly 4 - 5 years now, I first joined when the 2nd city was put into place (Before the Family store was a thing the 2nd city had happy goods in front of the gas station 11/7 and swoubway) From them on I have just been in love with SRP and getting into all types of Role play situations ranging from GangRP to JockRP and much much more. SRP will always hold a special place in my heart as It has been one of the more opening and most welcoming communities I have been apart of and of course I do enjoy live streaming SRP when I get the chance.

I have been playing SchoolRP (SRP) since roughly 2017 or 2018 like I stated before., I joined the server after searching for a Minecraft school roleplay since I used to watch all those YouTube videos of that sort of thing, I joined it for a day and instantly fell in love with the server and the community, I recommended the server to my closest friends who were also the same thing I was into, We all joined as a group (me as Haloxgamez back then, Cycleya809, Maskedmenace4 and another one (I can't remember his IGN) and from that moment we enjoyed playing it and getting into all sorts of roleplay situations some that were gang related as well as some civil things between everyone we met on the server.

Previous applications:
Below will be the applications I have recently applied for within the server; (Key words, PENDING, DENIED, ACCEPTED)

7'5 Application - (ACCEPTED)
Police Application - (DENIED)
Shop Application - (DENIED)

Previous warns/kicks/bans:
I have had warns and bans in the past however they were over roughly a year ago, I have had a recent warn for when I was arguing with staff about the football tournament that happened not long ago,

Shop Wanted:
I would like to own the shop called Shiawasena Konyu. But I will be changing the name of Said shop.

Why do you want to own a shop?:
I wish to apply for this shop because I plan on doing something a little different within the town and instead of having the usual places I thought It would be best If Karakura has there very own Club again, I also feel like this will bring a lot of people together within the shopping district as there isn't a lot of things to do when there is no school to attend or if it's night time, I feel like this would bring more attention to the Shopping District as well seeing as SRP has never had a VHS store within any of there cities.

What do you plan to do with the shop?:
Like I stated the other question I plan on creating this shop into a Club to be able to bring more eyes into the shopping district and bring more and fun RP situations. I also plan on hosting events such as After Parties, Weddings, Graduation Parties and so much more within the store. I also plan on trying to get a Truck for the club as well using microphones on top of the truck to let people know what is going on inside the club and where it is located too.

How Hosting Events Will Work: First off you will need to get in contact with me ICLY or OCLY (Through Discord) you would have to tell me what type of event you are planning on hosting and how many workers you think would be needed and the member list on who would be attending said event. Once you give that info there would be a budget you would have to send me 275,000 (Price could go up depending on how popular events are.) so I can mark down when the event will be taking place and the time and day So I know when not to make an /Advert.

Stock and prices.

Alcoholic Drinks

Beer Bottle - 1000
Corona Can - 2500
Whiskey Glass - 6500
Hennessey Bottle - 7500
Champagne Bottle- 8500
Vodka Bottle - 6500
Vodka Shot - 2500
Rum Bottle - 6500
Rum Shot - 2500
(More Drinks To Be Added because I cannot remember a lot of them
In Future If Accepted.)

Water Gun - 15,000
Toy Sword: Shalamaine - 25,000
Air Horn - 5000
Club Master Raynans - 25,000
(More Toys to Be Added In Future If Accecpted.)


I plan on naming the shop to Club Chroma, I was going to name It Club Apex however that club has already been a thing back in the day and I feel like It would be coping their name So, I'm going to be staying with the name Club Chroma.

The uniforms will be taken upon suits as well as skirts, Below will be photos of how the skins/uniforms will look like (Some may change in the future this is just a rough idea, The female uniform will only be the reference for now till I can get it created for the shop)

This would be the usual Bartender uniform however, If you do not wish to wear this outfit and you have a female char I will be getting another skin made for the female employee's.


The female skins haven't been made yet however I personally will do my best to get them done as fast as possible, I will leave the reference below of what the Female Bartender Outfit will look like, I'm sure as well that the females can wear these suits however I will give them an option
(Female Ref Below)

This ref will be for the female Employees If they do not wish to wear the main outfit.


This Outfit is for the security guards as they would just need to wear a suit as they would just be walking around the shop checking if everything is alright and going swimmingly.


for the DJS they will be able to wear anything they feel however it still needs to be smart as well.

The Club will have it's own discord where people can go in and check when we are hiring even opening and of course hosting all type of events such as Graduation, An Opening, ECT, The layout will be rather below you will see how the Discord layout would work:

Owner: Me

Employee of the month (King Emoji)





Karakura Civilian's

Each person who applies to be apart of the Club would be given there needed role and placed on the scale wherever they need be,

The Employee of the month role is rather straight forward, I personally would be given them the role plus they would get a 10% raise of there original pay (30,000 each shift. Bartenders keep 40% of all earnings paying the owner (Me) 60%. Employee's will be given the same amount as the Security 30,000 at the end of each shift. The way you would get given this role is by showing up to work on time, Prove that you are the best of the best employee and of course a team player / have rather good teamwork skills as well.

How will your shop be unique?:
Our Club will be unique in several ways, some of which was stated in the section above, all of these points are really good, and involves the community more than others - in addition to this, we will attempt to have consistent opening time which the customers are able to depend on, however, granted that we have the stock to open, and the workers present to open. I believe our Club will be able to do this effectively, and consistently; giving us an edge over the competition of ours, being the other stores. Our Club will be attempting to get the best image within the community as possible, encouraging events for people to be entertained by, giving back to the community and providing the best possible service.

Display area
I will be placing a few "Items" inside display cases as they would seem to hold some dear truths to the store itself. The way this will work is It would be placed outside of the store seeming to be showing our most sold set of item in the store, There will also be signs showing off if we are hiring or not. There will also be two places where this will be located one outside the shop as explained and one will be inside the store with a small stage displaying a few other items such as Brand New Alcoholic Drinks we would be getting inside the store, A Slideshow of what is inside the building.
This image is the Display case inside the shop.


This image would be the place where outside Display would be at showing off the brand NEW Alcoholic Drinks we get in.

This Image is what I would live the Bar to look like with the Dance Floor behind it. (The Dance Floor is the Image below this Image.

Dance Floor With Seats in the corners of the building for people to chill out in.

How many employees are you planning to have?:
Below will be how many employees I plan to have plus with the amount of employees for the certain spot. I won't be paying people instantly as I would need to have some money first for the openings, I personally think that we should wait after our 4th or 5th opening to start paying people there rightful amount.

Thus going forward I have created a small roaster to show how many people I would need and how many people can fit in the spot;

Owner: 1/1
CarnageRP3 | Genki Helvete

Security 0/5


DJS 1/3
CarnageRP3 | Genki Helvete

Some of these slots will change, and the roster may grow, and perhaps shorten as we may be unable to pay the people we hire for the first few openings. (4 or 5th opening I will then be able to pay people as stated before all payments must be handed to me for the first 4 - 5 openings.)

Does your character have any college degrees? If so, list it:
Genki has two College Degree which he studied Business and Admin and pass all needed exams and he has now taken all his experience and knowledge to open his very own Club to bring money into his family.

Thank you for reading this application I look forward to hearing your response. - Carnage.


Level 128
Shop Lead

Thank you for applying for the role of Shopkeeper! Your idea does not fit the theme of the restaurant you applied for. If you reapply, apply for a shop that fits the bar/club theme as this shop is in the convenience section of our roster.

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