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change bail prices

Blade S. Kikuchi

Level 5
Thread starter
However, that isn't quitting SRP and others quitting gang rp doesn't exactly go towards you right? If someone truly loves gangrp and wants to do it that's great!

There are multiple ways of not getting caught in a crime and a lot of ways to get out of having to bail yourself out. Yes, people don't always have multiple gang rp characters, so you can take a break! Perhaps join a faction to help pay off your bail. Personally, 400k isn't that much, but it is a plentiful amount, especially when you're not in a situation where you're constantly earning such money to help with that or spending an abundance.

In the situation where you were caught, I wouldn't blame the KPD or the bails as the bails are fairly reasonable. I'd just call it unlucky and work my way to get through with it, y'know? With bails it's also easier for KPD, since if the bails were lowered felons would be out and about more and would just make their job harder than it most likely currently is.

Apologies I did go overboard with my constant replies, if you have anything else I recommend my DMs! Discord is - soratheonly
i get where your going at yes but some people dont just have the money laying around and dont have a job icly they just auction flip but you gotta find something that it worth buying that someone will buy


Level 18
Okay so

no. Here’s some explanation to why this isn’t something anyone wants or why it doesn’t need to happen.
1. You did a crime, logically it will never be cheap

2. 200k isn’t bad if you are working icly, or something on another account. If you dont then, that’s just out of luck

3. if you don’t like jail, don’t do crimerp

4. It seems you haven’t been apart of crimerp(Assuming) in a while. If you didn’t notice it’s community, a lot of people really don’t care about their character getting jailed and make a new gangrp character 2 days later or wait to gangrp on another character

5. you can bail them out when you get the money or someone else will.

6. if you are scared of bail and going to jail on another gangrp character. Then make your character have better icly decisions

7. I think a lot of people would be rather happy to have prices actually higher if it caused people to quit. It’s very dumb to quit over being jailed over one character even though KPD oocly allows people to leave as a new/switch character.


Level 89
Community Team
3D Modelling Team
200k is nothing compared to those I personally know that has 2.8 mil bail, and that's not the only person who I know who has them, but did they ever quit gangrp? no.

Yes they took a break from it, but now they're back in action with a new character because they didn't let a simple bail stop them. And they're working on bailing themselves right now too while still using said new character.

Thats why there's a saying in my country "puro dahilan, walang paraan." which roughly translates to "always making excuses, but don't even work." You do the crime, you do the time it's simple as that.

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