DATE: 9.4.2023
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Change the faculty radio messages back to the green they used to be, similar to call messages.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: It will be easier to read the messages in chat. Right now, the white text of the radio messages makes them look very similar to normal chat, which makes it harder to keep track of conversations. Changing the text to be green like it used to be will make it easier to distinguish from other messages.
How they look now:
There's also the fact that when you whisper in the radio, it makes your whisper white too, when it should be light gray. It is disorienting.
DATE: 9.4.2023
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Change the faculty radio messages back to the green they used to be, similar to call messages.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: It will be easier to read the messages in chat. Right now, the white text of the radio messages makes them look very similar to normal chat, which makes it harder to keep track of conversations. Changing the text to be green like it used to be will make it easier to distinguish from other messages.
How they look now:

There's also the fact that when you whisper in the radio, it makes your whisper white too, when it should be light gray. It is disorienting.