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Combat Command

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Level 6
Really nice concept that I think can work really well. If possible, combat commands could be consent-based oocly with [ACCEPT COMBAT] type deal so it doesn't get overly abused or smthn. Minecraft has a lot of limitations and it's hard to tell if people are just fighting or having a verbal squabble. Metagaming excuse feels a bit goofy because literally in an IRL situation not everyone is literally [DEFAULT MAN] posing, like you can literally physically SEE someone about to swing at someone else or if they have swung before regardless if you physically witnessed something.
The bigger issue is people NOT using this which is what can get abused and lead into some trouble, that's the bigger issue I can see happening from combatrpers forgetting to use the command or greenie red-tags not knowing how it even works. But that stuff can be swapped around I assume.


Level 146
Seems like an extra step that most people would rather not take, especially since people like being dishonest in order to avoid IC consequences and a red "I'm being bad" tag above them isn't very discreet.

If people are grouped up / close together and you're not sure if they are fighting, you can do "/me observes" then request them to /it whatever is happening. It requires the same amount of honesty as your suggestion, and works just fine in most situations


Level 65
Thread starter
If possible, combat commands could be consent-based oocly with [ACCEPT COMBAT]
this is 100% possible with just a few strings in a plugin. I know, since I used to make some small plugins for a SMP server.
If they are fighting, you can do "/me observes" then request them to /it whatever is happening.
I've seen alot people do /me spectates and they wouldn't do /it even if requested. All I hear everytime is the typical answer "find out icly".


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
this is 100% possible with just a few strings in a plugin. I know, since I used to make some small plugins for a SMP server.

I've seen alot people do /me spectates and they wouldn't do /it even if requested. All I hear everytime is the typical answer "find out icly".
If you don’t see them do a /it when requested what makes you think they’re going to willingly put a red combat tag above their heads?

Like I said earlier and that philbertman42 already mentioned players are just not going to want to do this to themselves as it’s pretty much an auto detain/arrest and a lose/lose situation. Staff couldn’t possibly monitor every single situation to make sure everyone is using /combat either and we’d end up voiding more situations than staff do on a regular basis.

As stated it’s perfect on paper but in practice it’s very flawed and just wouldn’t work in a community that isn’t perfect. Thas my opinion on the matter though


Level 200
I feel like this is a good idea, however it takes away some things. Then, instead of finding out by investigating the situation that they are fighting, you just look at the status on the person's name. And what Infi said, people wouldn't want to get caught fighting.
This was my first concern, would it be a tag like how most severs have [AFK] ? If so, there would be potiental for metagame of gangs joining (don't say it doesn't happen, it does), and potiental KPD not patrolling. The command also kind of seems strange in the context of them being in school and being like "LETS DUEL!!!". . What if someone accidentally accepts it? As the person who made the grab command suggestion, I'm gonna have to -1 this one. It kind of just seems like something extra for a part of the server that seems to be dying out. As wethe and Infi said, why would anybody like to actively show off they are fighting? Why would they risk getting caught? The command in itself isn't very practical, though it is cool. You mentioned people wanting to SEE a fight and wandering upon other things, well, why is that on the players. . .? Why seek it out and risk interrupting a situation, just go start your own fight if you wanted to see one.


Level 200
Community Team
Lore Team
I dont see why we would need something like this, people will just metagame it and it isnt worth having. Like most have said, its just unnecessary extra steps, the whole reason it worked with FantasyRP is cause that was PVP based(Yes you could still roleplay with fighting but when it came to actual wars and stuff, no that was strictly pvp). For something that is SRP with it RP based, it's not something that is needed


Level 19
As someone in KPD I can agree that it can get a little annoying when we come across people fighting just for them to stop actioning when we’re nearby to avoid us seeing their actions and arresting them.


Level 21
concept is cool, but as several others have stated, the execution wouldn't be all that good. if people purposely stop actioning when kpd or faculty get near, that could potentially be considered failrp or avoidrp, which would get them in trouble.


Level 39

I like the concept a lot. Like some people stated, it helps lower the players evade consequences by stop /me it. Plus, it seems more realistic from my perspective; Let's imagine someone is fighting another person, you, as a person with functional eyes, would SEE the fight happening withing far away. By adding this, you could also bring that to RP. For me, being able to see a fight from distance is way more realistic than approaching and realize that they are indeed fighting, something that someone wouldn't do IRL since they would risk themselves being in the middle of the fight. So that's a +1 for me.

However, like stated by people above. I do agree that people could metagame this opportunity. There is also the people that would abuse this command, which I am strongly against it; I can just imagine people walking towards you and doing the command, now imagine this happening in different places at any time. Yeah the staff would be stressing over that. . . And even though I wish that wasn't the case, and people wouldn't abuse this, experience has taught me that people will find ways to take situation to their advantage. So that's a -1.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- Whilst this is a great idea on paper, enforcing and expecting players to do this willingly is a whole other ballpark. For now we'll stick to the way things are, but it's definitely something we'll keep in mind if we ever need such a system.​
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