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this is 100% possible with just a few strings in a plugin. I know, since I used to make some small plugins for a SMP server.If possible, combat commands could be consent-based oocly with [ACCEPT COMBAT]
I've seen alot people do /me spectates and they wouldn't do /it even if requested. All I hear everytime is the typical answer "find out icly".If they are fighting, you can do "/me observes" then request them to /it whatever is happening.
If you don’t see them do a /it when requested what makes you think they’re going to willingly put a red combat tag above their heads?this is 100% possible with just a few strings in a plugin. I know, since I used to make some small plugins for a SMP server.
I've seen alot people do /me spectates and they wouldn't do /it even if requested. All I hear everytime is the typical answer "find out icly".
This was my first concern, would it be a tag like how most severs have [AFK] ? If so, there would be potiental for metagame of gangs joining (don't say it doesn't happen, it does), and potiental KPD not patrolling. The command also kind of seems strange in the context of them being in school and being like "LETS DUEL!!!". . What if someone accidentally accepts it? As the person who made the grab command suggestion, I'm gonna have to -1 this one. It kind of just seems like something extra for a part of the server that seems to be dying out. As wethe and Infi said, why would anybody like to actively show off they are fighting? Why would they risk getting caught? The command in itself isn't very practical, though it is cool. You mentioned people wanting to SEE a fight and wandering upon other things, well, why is that on the players. . .? Why seek it out and risk interrupting a situation, just go start your own fight if you wanted to see one.I feel like this is a good idea, however it takes away some things. Then, instead of finding out by investigating the situation that they are fighting, you just look at the status on the person's name. And what Infi said, people wouldn't want to get caught fighting.