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Combat Command

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Level 65
What's your Minecraft Username?: findouticly
What's the title of your suggestion?: Combat Command

What's your suggestion?:
You know how:

1. When you sometimes go around plaza, and notice 2 people standing in front of each other, very close, and them being surrounded by a circle of people?
Then you join their circle, thinking that they are fighting, but in reality, they are either talking or just arguing.

2. When you're a KPD officer, you see 2 people standing very close to each other, tell them to face the wall, but in reality, they are just standing very close to each other, talking, or just kissing... ew

3. When you're a teacher or school faculty, and you see 2 student very close to each other, and you think that they are fighting, so you tell them to go apart, but then it turns out they weren't fighting.

Those type of interactions can get sometimes annoying or embarrassing, making your character look like a creep... peeking their nose into someones else business.
Thanks to the addition of the /combat command you'll see whenever the interaction is a fight or just a normal talk. The command will add a tag above your head, that would be either black with white text, or red with white text, saying either 'IN COMBAT' or 'COMBAT'.


made it myself in gimp!1704134991256.png

The way how I imagine this works, is that one person sends the /combat command, and the other person sees a message on the chat, something like:


And if the combat was to end, one of the people will resend the command, sending a prompt to the other person, saying:


I can smell the "PeOpLe WiLl AbUsE tHe CoMmAnD!" comments. All I'll say is, people can also abuse the /carry command, but they dont, since they know it'd be annoying to do so. I'd also think there should be a ~30 seconds cooldown, so people wouldnt want to abuse the command.

Whilst in Combat, a message would pop up on the screen every 1-2 minutes, saying:

How will this benefit the server and community?:
By how I see, this might lower down any sort of weird interaction between people, and make everyones lives on SRP easier by showing off that there's something happening. I've seen a few KPD officers and a few School Faculty walk past a fight at plaza or at school, because they didn't know if it was a fight or if it was just a normal interaction between 2 people, since some people take even a few minutes to send small interactions, imagine how long a DetailRP fight will take... Geezz


Level 86

However, as someone who dealt with shrine guests combating in shrine (physical harm, not like Dojo fighting) I usually wait for their action or be around the area personally, same when I was a professor as they cannot really meta seeing me if I am like.. near the area and not close enough for me to spotted icly. But this would be so much easier


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
It's actually not a bad idea at all, however I don't see players utilizing it often of at all because they wouldn't want to let people know they're in combat. It's kind of one of those perfect on paper suggestions but probably wouldn't work too well in practice. Though it could be made a rule, it'd be impossible to monitor every combat situation around the clock to make sure players are using the command.


Level 205
+1 Oh, hey! That sounds interesting.

I am always in favor of clear communication. Fights should be more noticeable, so everyone in the vicinity can make a choice about engaging or avoiding the scene.

How do we make people comply with using the /combat command? I suggest we make all combat encounters outside of this command easily voidable, so people who want a combat to have consequences have an incentive to use it properly and often. This can also help to differentiate between serious combat encounters (with consequences) and playful ruffles (that are 50% teasing and goofing around).
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Level 116
I feel like this is a good idea, however it takes away some things. Then, instead of finding out by investigating the situation that they are fighting, you just look at the status on the person's name. And what Infi said, people wouldn't want to get caught fighting.


Level 65
Thread starter
Then, instead of finding out by investigating the situation that they are fighting, you just look at the status on the person's name. And what Infi said, people wouldn't want to get caught fighting.
If you were to walk by a fight in real life, you would instantly notice there was a fight due to alot of screaming, or noticing the people throwing fists, or even notice them being in a fighting stance, you'd even notice them holding their guard like this:


Which doesn't have to be an act, its just a natural response from the human body to guard itself from any hits sent towards their body, attempting to protect their most vulnerable place, so their head.


Level 116
If you were to walk by a fight in real life, you would instantly notice there was a fight due to alot of screaming, or noticing the people throwing fists, or even notice them being in a fighting stance, you'd even notice them holding their guard like this:

View attachment 56444

Which doesn't have to be an act, its just a natural response from the human body to guard itself from any hits sent towards their body, attempting to protect their most vulnerable place, so their head.
but all the actions in the fight move on part with the RPer, from my understanding. I mean, are the supposed to be throwing punches while they're messaging? I understand where you are coming from though and It makes sense. I'm just thinking in terms of RP. I suppose in terms of seeing them standing there about to attack, that would work.


Level 163
Even though this is a great idea I will have to disagree on this. In reality you don’t walk up to someone and say “I request to be in combat with you” or anything similar to that. As most know SRP is known for its high realism in the community rather than those other unrealistic servers out there. I believe if this command were to be added it wouldn’t add anything realistic to this. Yes, it’s annoying when KPD, someone, or faculty think you’re fighting when you really aren’t. That does not mean your character is a creep or weird they are just checking to see if everything is alright. Then you have those who tend to actually ignore a fight or don’t know that a fight is happening. Well that happens because there is poor communication between both parties involved. If you want a school faculty member to be involved to stop the fight then communicate with them. If faculty does tend to ignore the fight there can be many reasons on why.
1. Both party members already received detention and were told to not cause anymore trouble.
When a faculty member tells you this or in a different way similar to this you are suppose to fear rp and listen to them.

2. The faculty member might be afk or they are doing something they were assigned to do by one of their co-workers. They could also be in a rush.

3. Overall, fights in school are very annoying and stressful on the faculty members. The faculty members already have so much responsibilities they have to tend to with their job. With the annoying fights and not listening just adds more stress on them. Which could be a reason why they don’t want to get involved to stop the fights because either: an argument will happen either icly or oocly; or the students won’t listen and not fear rp.

When it comes to KPD officers either misunderstanding a fight that isn’t happening then you can always inform them icly that it isn’t a fight. Mistakes happen there will always be times where someone misunderstands something. And that doesn’t make their character seem like a creep or weird at all. The biggest thing you can do to prevent these things is to communicate with each other. Communication goes a long way.

I also want to say that if this command does get added; I’m not sure many people will use this feature. As most people on this server are used to whatever approach they may use to engage in combat. Therefore I don’t think this is necessary.


Level 65
Thread starter
In reality you don’t walk up to someone and say “I request to be in combat with you” or anything similar to that.
You wouldnt actually say that, its just a prompt that pops up, so you wont get randomly put into a fight with a person you never seen. You dont actually say that, lol.
That does not mean your character is a creep or weird they are just checking to see if everything is alright.
I was accused of being a creep for watching someone "fight", when in reality they were just talking. I know a few people who were also accused of that both ICly and OOCly, but those issues were resolved at this point.
And that doesn’t make their character seem like a creep or weird at all.
As I said above, I didnt mean to call KPD or KSF ( Karakura School Faculty) creeps, I meant it only to those people (NOT KPD OR KSF) who watch someone "fight", but in reality they were just talking.
1. Both party members already received detention and were told to not cause anymore trouble.
When a faculty member tells you this or in a different way similar to this you are suppose to fear rp and listen to them.

2. The faculty member might be afk or they are doing something they were assigned to do by one of their co-workers. They could also be in a rush.

3. Overall, fights in school are very annoying and stressful on the faculty members. The faculty members already have so much responsibilities they have to tend to with their job. With the annoying fights and not listening just adds more stress on them. Which could be a reason why they don’t want to get involved to stop the fights because either: an argument will happen either icly or oocly; or the students won’t listen and not fear rp.
By faculty ignoring fights I meant that sometimes fights get confused with normal talk, making the faculty just ignore it, since they dont want to get into other peoples "talks", whilst in reality, they might be actually fighting.

Why I would love to get that command implemented, is for it to actually be visually seen that the people are fighting for there to not be any confusion by Faculty/KPD. Thats also the reason why I want to see this command get enforced as a rule.


Level 65
Thread starter
I mean, are the supposed to be throwing punches while they're messaging?
In my head, whilst they are typing something in, they are throwing some punches. The acts are just the ones that are set apart from every other, like the action sent is the punch that the character tries their best to sent it onto the person.
I suppose in terms of seeing them standing there about to attack, that would work.
Yeah, like IRL, they wouldnt just stand there like the Minecraft models are and just have their hands down in "marching position":1704143623193.png
I imagine them holding guard, like shown in the photo I sent a few replies earlier.


Level 163
You wouldnt actually say that, its just a prompt that pops up, so you wont get randomly put into a fight with a person you never seen. You dont actually say that, lol.
I was talking about irl. I was making a comparison between the two. Of course you wouldn’t walk up to someone and request to engage in combat with them. Irl you’d probably throw a punch at someone. On the server to engage in combat with someone; the player(s) is used to doing their normal way of approaching their target. Not sending a command to fight.

I’ll even add on to the abusing part you mentioned in your suggestion. Let’s not forget about the gangs out there. They will abuse the command. How? Let’s say someone is in combat and the players have the combat tag above them. A gang member is walking by the fight and notices that one of the players is someone they have permissions on. They can easily abuse this and meta game it.

I also agree with Infi. If this command got added and it was enforced it would put A LOT of stress onto the staff members to ensure everyone is using the command properly and not abusing it or metagaming it. Staff members already have to deal with so much, just adding this would bring on more stress.

A easy way to tell if someone is in combat can either be 1) seeing an action and rolling or p2l or 2) you can always ask oocly if the two party members are in combat or not before approaching them to stop the fight or get involved.

Like I said before the best thing and most useful thing is communication. Communicating with others to prevent issues is your best friend and greatest resource.


Level 65
Thread starter
They can easily abuse this and meta game it.
??? How would it be metagame?
1) seeing an action and rolling or p2l
KPD dont have time to stand 2 minutes in 1 place, checking if they're fighting, they would just go along, ignoring it. If the command was to be added, it would actually BE seen that they are IN COMBAT, like AS I SAID irl you can clearly see people are about to fight/are fighting without them actually throwing hands yet, by looking at their STANCE.
2) you can always ask oocly if the two party members are in combat or not before approaching them to stop the fight or get involved.
"find out icly" "fuck around and find out" thats what they would 100% say.

Thats what THEY always say, its like their favourite word or sum... ignore my name


Level 87
Community Team
Event Team

I just want to say my own experience and how this would help out a TON. As a KPD member I've seen multiple people just close and some of the times they're fighting. Everytime I appear everyone stops actioning so I don't even know if it's a fight or not, it wouldn't be metagaming due to the fact that if they're in the combat mode then they'd appear to be fighting, which means you would see ICly that they're fighting!

Along with as a teacher I've seen people just standing really close to one another and it turns out they aren't even doing anything so I stopped and wasted my time staring at them for no reason. Along with this there is often times that there is a misconception they are fighting and a faculty member gives them detention but they really weren't even doing anything so then there's this big issue. Would definitely help defeat that!

Often individuals say "Find out icly" or don't even say anything at all and this system would really help with getting rid of a lot of that. With that if an individual abuses the /combat command by having it on without being in combat then there can be a /combat disable command or something like that that staff members can use in order to stop them from using the command for an allotted time sort of like how they can ban someone from criminal rp for a selected amount of time! It'd just be the inability to combat rp for the selected time.


Level 73
FantasyRP had a somewhat similar system to this, which was very helpful in determining who was or wasn't in combat (they also had multiple times of avatars to differentiate between teams). This was for PvP obviously, but this could definitely work on SRP's CRP/combat system. +1


Level 163
Everytime I appear everyone stops actioning so I don't even know if it's a fight or not, it wouldn't be metagaming due to the fact that if they're in the combat mode then they'd appear to be fighting, which means you would see ICly that they're fighting!

Along with as a teacher I've seen people just standing really close to one another and it turns out they aren't even doing anything so I stopped and wasted my time staring at them for no reason. Along with this there is often times that there is a misconception they are fighting and a faculty member gives them detention but they really weren't even doing anything so then there's this big issue. Would definitely help defeat that!

Often individuals say "Find out icly" or don't even say anything at all and this system would really help with getting rid of a lot of that. With that if an individual abuses the /combat command by having it on without being in combat then there can be a /combat disable command or something like that that staff members can use in order to stop them from using the command for an allotted time sort of like how they can ban someone from criminal rp for a selected amount of time! It'd just be the inability to combat rp for the selected time.
As a former student council member let me explain a few things. How things worked is if someone came up to a Student Council member to report a fight we'd let them explain to us the situation or where the fight was at. If we were taken to the scene and actually witnessed the two individuals fighting we'd break it up and give both of them a detention slip. However, if we went to the scene and no fight was happening. We'd ask both individuals if everything was alright. We'd also look for signs such as recent bruising or any other physical injuries that can be used as evidence of a fight. If there was clear evidence and witnesses as well then detention slips would be handed out. We wouldn't just take a student's word for it and find those individuals and hand them a slip saying they were caught fighting. When really the student who reported it could've been lying to us to get those individuals in trouble.

Seeing how you are a teacher stopping to look and see if two individuals or more are fighting not only to see that they aren't isn't a waste of time. As a school faculty member isn't it your job to ensure students are following the rules and not breaking them? I think it is which means you were making sure no rules were being broken. When it comes to detention you shouldn't give the students who were "fighting" a slip unless there is physical proof such as bruising from physical fights or other witnesses. You also shouldn't just take word for it from another student because they can be lying about it to get the other one in trouble. If you go up to someone and give them a detention slip without an explanation or no evidence of an actual fight from them; then it's on you for not taking these steps in before deciding if they get a detention slip or not.

When it comes to the term "find out icly" this is not an issue, that individual has a right whether or not to share that information with you oocly. If they want you to find out icly then find out icly to see what's going on. If the /combat command was added it would most likely be abused. The carry command gets abused every so often whether that's players glitching in through doors or getting up to places where they aren't supposed to be.

Going back to the metagaming comment you made. Seeing a tag above their head mentioning combat means you know they're in combat through out-of-character means. You know that not your character; you are not going to see icly that they're fighting unless an action is sent and if you're in range of that action and see it then you can step in. Just in general gang members don't want to be caught as Infi said. If they see a KPD officer in their uniform and they're doing something illegal they want to get away. Even in general no one wants to get caught fighting or doing illegal things so of course they are going to want to get away if KPD shows up.

As I mentioned before if this combat command gets added this will bring more stress on the staff members when problems occur. Because this command can get abused. Staff members aren't going to sit in vanish mode to stare at a fight 24/7 to make sure they are using the combat command correctly; they have more important things to worry about. I mentioned this in my other responses, communication is your best resource when it comes to things like this.


Level 105

I've been in the police faction for approx. a year and a half now, and it's very likely that I've missed up to ten different fights on patrol solely because people stop actioning when I get close, or it's simply unclear if they're fighting in the first place. Realistically, fights aren't going to just pause when an officer shows up, so this would make things much easier for us in the very least
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