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[Community] The SchoolRP Iceberg


Level 6
I want you all to know this took me a whole day of writing and looking for info in 3 different devices at once so i hope i get it right

Tip of the iceberg:

greenies: this is commonly used as a term to refer to green tags who are new to the server, the term "fake greenie" or "red greenie" may be used too if the person is a red tag but acts like a greenie or if the person is a greenie because of /setage

not my major: this refers to an event that happened in 2023 where a new mayor was selected, the town of karakura got mad that they didnt get to vote so a riot started, after everything most of the event got voided but it will always remain on the memories of players who were there like myself

/ooc off: this is commonly a joke used to troll/missinform people who want to turn the out of character (ooc) chat off

P2K: this refers to the term "permission to know" which means making two characters immediatly know eachother. commonly used when players create a new character and want to rp with their friends

ballistic masks: This is an item that black market dealers sell to unverified gang members and that is most commonly used amongst ganrpers or kpd.

KPS: this refers to the term "kill permission" in which youre allowed to kill someones character, this requires both ooc consent and icly motive to do so

School time: This entry refers to the school hours in which players are forced to stay in school grounds (unless theyre adult characters or animals)

Make it go on the back: This is a term commonly used when people want their custom item (most commonly a bat) to go in the back of the character model when held in the offhand

second tier:

FantasyRP: fantasyrp was a server that used to be where the mazerunner rp server is now, it was discountinued due to lack of interest afaik (or because it was whitelist only which made people have no interest over it)

Creeper, aw man: creeper aw man is self explanatory its the song everyone kept chaining it for the meme

What a LEGEND!: This is the text that comes up in the srp chat when someone buys something in ths shop, people tend to do "/ooc what a LEGEND!" as a joke congratulating the person for the purchase

Purge events:Srp used to host purge events, those events would take place in an alternative universe with the same characters but none of the deaths were canon in the main schoolrp universe

/it void: This is what most players use when they make a joke (saying something their character wouldnt say, joking around with friends etc etc) and want to delete it or when they accidentaly make a mistake during rp (accidentaly failrping and immediatly correcting it. ex: when they say someones name by not knowing their icly name because they only had their description, or in similar scenarios)

fright night: This entry most likely refers to a dance that was held during hallowen

itsbyoshi :itsbyoshi is the name of the karakura forest and the name of an old abandoned station that you can find if you explore the sewers. around 2019 or 2020 there also used to be ghost inside of the forest that would kill people if they entered

third tier

Among us in hub: From what i was told this entry refers to a secret among us in the lobby that someone found and got a rank for it :D

Sakura daiso:From what i heard this was just like an old store that used to exist, nothing that crazy but some og stuff

Dodgeball team: This may refer to how there used to be a dodgeball team on a different dodgeball plugin but when it got changed the dodgeball team got removed

Dragon canes glitch: There used to be a glitch that caused custom items to be replaced with a "dragon cane" custom, which wasnt event a public item so some people started abusing the glitch to sell someones custom

Club luxe: club luxe was an old club before the one we have now, nothing really crazy about it afaik just og stuff (like sakura daiko)

Cosplay event: Pretty sure this entry refers to an event that was held where everyone (or at least most people) did cosplay and they brought items for their disguises. sadly i wasnt there but it sounds really fun

Fourth tier:

Project HAARP: Project HAARP was a corporation involved in Government experimenting, which included missiles, human testing, and the progress of inventing teleportation. The test subjects were either killed or missing by the experiments, which became public after the bases became a health hazard. Project HAARP is not known for anything more than their missile testing, and their locations were turned into the sewage plant.

New map?: new map is probably talking about how there was a rumor once that we'd be getting a new map (never did but it was a debate for a while). this also lead to the joke "new map?" when an update was announced, the srp map is slowly updating but building a whole new map would take way too long which is why theyre slowly updating certain areas and not everything all at once

Kusoge: kusoge was the first ever anonymous message board in srp. Lots of gang planning in there but nothing really "crazy" about it (crazy for srp at least)

Helicopter crash:the helicopter crash was basically an event where KPD were lifting off at the police department and crashed after five seconds into the KPD. im pretty sure a commisioner died there too
that's what the scrap is beside the KPD window

gcnome crashes: this entry may refer to how usually when the server crashes people jokingly ask "what did oli do now" (oli being gncme) or it may refer to how every time the server crashes oli makes dad jokes on the lobby

herrington v popovich: pretty sure this was the first canonical court case that took place in srp.Popvich was suing KPD and the myriad towers for unlawful misconduct, and Herrington the old commissioner was representing the myriad towers. It was mostly important since it was the first case that took place in 2021

fifth tier:

Salmon slapper:Salmon slapper was a mi****me where you just slapped people with a salmon within an arena and the last person on the platform won

asylum: There used to be an abandoned asylum in the map, besides that i dont have a lot of info on it

kage's city riots: kage riot was a riot event where the bank was burnt off then it got turned/restored into the town hall we have now

beach hub: This entry may refer to the beach events they would do when the beaches would usually be empty but during the events theyd like add the beach decorations and all stuff

sewer dwellers:This was a Halloween event played by event staff where they basically just flocked around the sewers and had automatic kps if they found anyone

lunchtime monitors: This entry refers to an old role called "lunchtime monitors" that got removed pretty soon after its addition

takashima high school:takashima high school was the school area before karakura high

enchanted rods:This entry may refer to the fact that you can fish enchanted rods so it may have gotten patched with the fishing plugin that we currently have

sixth tier:

grandpa allowance: This may refer to the amount of allowance you get depending on your role/age? not entirely sure. (I couldnt really find any info on this one)

2019 snowstorm : Pretty sure this refers to a time where karakura got a big snowstorm and people could throw snowballs at eachother since the map was covered in snow. there was also a foreign virus and everyone was advised to wear gas masks during the event to avoid the spread, basically a lot of teamwork. the symptoms of the virus made it so if you didnt get medically treated withing 30 days your character would die, it took 16 characters in total as far as my research goes

tanzanite & saphire: This entry refers to other gems you could get before, im pretty sure they were removed but you could get them by doing parkour in the mountain

clones: This entry most likely refers to a glitch in which players would log off but the avatars would still be in the map which made them look creepy

RPH team UHC: Im guessing this entry refers to an UHC event, some people seem to have complained that it was supposed to be hunger games then got changed to UHC from what i could find.
Pretty sure it was also FRP vs SRP UHC but not entirely sure

Diamond hoes: This entry refers to how almost half of the items are actually just diamond hoes or iron horse armor, which is why if you dont update your resource pack you may see people carrying or wearing one

White trident: This entry may refer to a glitch related to the command /am where it would either show a white trident on your hand as you right clicked

seventh tier:

forest maze: the forest maze was a way to enter the itsbyoshi forest, it was really difficult apparently

eden tree: This entry refers to an event where an old tree was burned down then got replanted.

whale: there was a yacht event during the opening of the beach where you can like find whales and other sea creature stuff. this entry is either refering to that or the super yacht you can rent out to see the whales

dragon balls: This entry either refers to a custom item of dragon balls or some hidden dragon balls around the map. not entirely sure

11/7 explosion: 11/7 explosion was an event with the old 11/7 in that alleyway its self explanatory it just kinda boomed one day

Zombies:is probably referring to the zombie event that happened around halloween where the event was an au of a zombie apocalypse (sounds really fun sadly i wasnt there for it)

You begin to feel uneasy...: "you begin to feel uneasy" was a message you got if you got affected by a virus during an event in december. it was around 2019. but you were protected from the virus if you wore a mask or cover

Special thanks to svftbun/meloai for helping me with this she gave me most of the info so shes the real MVP here

thanks for reading <3
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Level 116
Helicopter crash:the helicopter crash was basically an event where KPD were lifting off at the police department and crashed after five seconds into the KPD. im pretty sure a commisioner died there too
that's what the scrap is beside the KPD window


Level 39
SALMON SLAPPER WAS MENTIONED!!! I WAS AN ABSOLUTE PRODIGY AT SALMON SLAPPER!!! I think there was a leaderboard at one point and IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY I was on it for quite some time on my KimiWasa IGN >:D

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