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Denied CouldBeDumpster's Shopkeeper Application!


Level 30


What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):
I would prefer not to say it publically, I can always DM an admin my age. I'm an adult as well.

What is your time zone?:
Pst-Timezone. However, I tend to live off different time zones depending on how it benefits my work.

Describe your activity on the server:
7.5/10. I've been in the Roleplay Hub community for over 3 years now. My activity has always been consistent except for the time I was banned and had a broken PC. Besides that, I try to get online at least once a day for a few hours at a time, unless I am out of town or busy with work. My recent activity on SRP has involved racing and lore-based events. I also have been a nurse since late February, and I've been highly active on that account and have been trying to be as involved with the planned events and/or school. Besides, when an event is scheduled during my work or school hours, I try my best to clear the day around that time for it. This also includes events for crimerp which I just recently started to become active in This however is not the main thing for me to do, it is more to create relations and lore for the character I play.
My activity during the school year may range from being active 3 hours a day to being on every other day as I am studying to be a nurse. I don't plan to let my work pile up however so I can still be active on the server, I do enjoy it as I've found a lot of friends in the community.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

I know it says denied, but I was accepted through Discord
Ban Appeals

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
Nurse, Adult, Grade 12, and Raccoon!


What shop are you applying for?:
If accepted, the shop will be renamed Toizarasu!

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
It's been on my mind to apply for a shopkeeper for a few years. My friend and I had planned to purchase a lot of customs to make a unique alcohol store, however, in recent months, I've bought a lot of children's customs, such as cribs and babydolls. I was told by some friends that I should open up a toy store or baby store. Now just a baby store wouldn't work as most of the IC community are under 20, which means that they can't have kids. So I was thinking of a toy store with even a play area for younger characters.
Being a shopkeeper seems like a really fun thing to play as, especially since it's a public space that I get to design and run, since well I am a bit **** when it comes to building and layouts.I got to watch as an old shopkeeper made a store and made suggestions on how she should put the signs and register, it was really enjoyable to be a part of that and it did push me to debate applying more. With my new schedule of nurse studies, I know it would be harder to maintain a store IClybut with a good store manager, we'd be able to open up every week if possible or allowed since I do want the store to be very active throughout different time zones. Lots of people don't get a chance to go to stores as they open for times that are when the most people are on. Which works! However, I know a lot of people who can't get on during those times so I'd try to open for times that work for other countries!

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
I plan to make the shop more mystical-themed and almost like a Disney movie. I want to get furniture that can be sold, all scattered around the shop of giant stuffed animals as decorations. I'm thinking of making a spot in the store for a little play area for young members and IC babies since the character I want to run the store has a baby! She's the inspiration for the store. Maybe it could be a jungle gym or just a small playground. I have a vision, It's just hard to put into words as I'm bad at explaining things. However, I think it would be a huge hit to have something like Disney having that walk-through castle in their stores or Toys-R-Us having a car area for kids to test cars. I was thinking something along the lines of that but, Minecraft!

What will you sell in your shop?:
I plan to sell mostly toys, including my own customs! Which includes cribs, babydolls, frogs, etc. I want to get even more if this gets accepted with more of MY irl stuffed animals and toys, since I have a lot and they would be really fun to have in the game. I know that there are a lot of stores that sell toys, that's why I would try to get as many customs from others and myself so it can be unique, including some of the popular old toys.
Screenshot 2024-08-12 120407.png
These are some examples of the customs I have purchased and can sell! I have more currently in the making!! (Lunchbox is already sold in separate stores)

How many employees do you plan to have?:
The maximum number of employees would maybe be 20, I want to have at least one of every time zone that's common in SRP just so I'll always have an employee to work at any odd time I open! I'm thinking 8-9 at the minimum!

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Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:

General question, would I be able to change the whole layout of the shop if I get accepted?
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