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Crime/GangRP suggestion


Level 34
I don’t necessarily disagree with this suggestion as I totally see where you’re coming from, I do agree that metagaming is a major problem, but I’m also very hesitant to give a major command like /vanish to non-admin members of the community.

Moving KPD members under Adult tags makes little sense to me, considering it’s nothing more than a cosmetic change. Besides not making sense from an aesthetic point of view (EMS -> Government -> Shopkeepers -> Adults -> KPD?), a large number of KPD officers would still appear on the Tab’d Player Spreadsheet.

TL;DR, giving /vanish (or /pvanish) seems too overpowered, and moving KPD under Adults is an ineffective band-aid solution to a problem which deserves a proper cure (one that has yet to be proposed). Unfortunately, and this may sound defeatist, I don’t think such a cure exists. The best we can do is report and move on with our lives. Don’t roleplay with metagamers, and that’s that.


Level 100
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knowing how the average gangrpers are, they prob would, or atleast check that are online in discord
Fun fact: most gangrpers don't even know /seen exists

Plus... we know how most of those people operate if they even thought of that as a choice. Too much work = going to end up not doing it. + A lot of KPD members are always online on discord. They just have alts/don't necessarily have discord only for SRP

TL;DR, giving /vanish (or /pvanish) seems too overpowered, and moving KPD under Adults is an ineffective band-aid solution to a problem which deserves a proper cure (one that has yet to be proposed). Unfortunately, and this may sound defeatist, I don’t think such a cure exists. The best we can do is report and move on with our lives. Don’t roleplay with metagamers, and that’s that.
as a heads up:

The point of this thread wasn't to give a vanish command to KPD because even I saw faults in it before I put it in the thread. The whole premise of the thread isn't to move KPD under adults either. As said in the thread, my goal is to somehow move/get rid of the ability to metagame the tab. The argument "don't roleplay with metagamers" is subjective based on the scenario. In everyday gangrp, you don't really get that choice to decide not to. I'm constantly put in this cycle of helping friends/KPD/saving myself ICly which leads to scenarios where it is impossible TO not roleplay with them. #1, it'd be considered failrp/avoidrp to just ignore them. #2, you won't know if someone is known for metagaming unless you've had experience with them and even I don't remember who is and isn't known for that. It's very bold to assume that all gangrpers metagame to begin with


Level 8
or find a way to force the player base to be unable to see KPD on the tab.

One reoccurring issue I see with KPD and CriminalRP is how criminals will purposely meta the tab. When they see cops aren't on, they attempt their perms and do things a character realistically wouldn't (like run past KPD with a katana/HOLD a katana out for a while because they know cops won't be able to get them). I've also been in situations where people attempt to major/kill my character but the sheer moment they see cops start logging on in tab, they start moving hastily or leave altogether. In my honest opinion, CriminalRP without risk is extremely boring. Though there is nothing currently stopping players from meta'ing the tab besides getting warned- but not even that happens.

I'm not saying to take KPD off the tab (though that could be an alternative), but I wish for a way to prevent people from meta'ing the tab.

easy fix: moving the KPD tag below the adult tag​
+1 Completely agree, I hate it when they do that, its failrp too and most of the time you cant really get proof of it or anything either


Level 343
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Not gonna +1 or -1 this, I highly doubt a command will be added. At the current moment I'm pretty sure it's not possible to move KPD under adults either (due to the way the roles are set up -- same reason shrine can't be moved above). It's a good idea in theory, I myself have noticed how often this happens, especially when I'm in vanish and people don't think KPD are on so they run around with weapons. Best I can say is if you see some blatantly doing things they wouldn't do when KPD are on (running around with a katana out) report it to staff


Level 154
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
I'm in agreement with Hirathex. I haven't put a +1 or -1 on this suggestion, however I feel like even if KPD are moved down on the tab, it won't stop players from taking a quick walk to the station and counting the tags inside. As Hira said, it can and should be reported if players are found metagaming police tags blatantly, I'm just unsure how much good it will actually do as players seemingly always find ways to get around things like this. There's also the /fn command and /seen command that can also be used to see if players are online.

That said, my opinion is neutral. Though it is a well thought out suggestion and could work in a perfect community, I don't really see it working too well and causing players to use external methods like checking discord, using the /fn command, and more in order to see if KPD are online.


Level 100
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however I feel like even if KPD are moved down on the tab, it won't stop players from taking a quick walk to the station and counting the tags inside.

I suppose this is a problem that doesn't have a cure as of now.

I hope that in the future, there's a way to combat this. This doesn't even go for when cops are offline or not. Although not recently, I've seen people say "cops are in riot" in /looc after seeing tab- which makes them hide as if their characters knew to begin with. It's honestly boring and distasteful in terms of creativity to roleplay


Level 154
Government Lead
Build Coordinator

I suppose this is a problem that doesn't have a cure as of now.

I hope that in the future, there's a way to combat this. This doesn't even go for when cops are offline or not. Although not recently, I've seen people say "cops are in riot" in /looc after seeing tab- which makes them hide as if their characters knew to begin with. It's honestly boring and distasteful in terms of creativity to roleplay


Level 34
The point of this thread wasn't to give a vanish command to KPD because even I saw faults in it before I put it in the thread.
Apologies for specifically pointing out those, then, that's on me. I focused too much on the ways you put in the "How does this help?" section rather than the actual feedback/suggestion field itself.


Level 118
Neutral/Leaning -1

+1 / Pros

This honestly makes it really annoying when someone checks to see if any form of KPD is actually online. When they do meta to check if they are online so they can gangrp it's kinda just stupid at this point. Moving them below adults is actually amazing. Not sure about the command though. Moving them below adults would make it harder to see if any KPD is on which also leads onto my

-1/ Cons
What if someone needs to call the KPD?? What if they needed to report a crime but unsure if a KPD member was online. Who would they call next?? EMS? As well as, what if there were no adults online or only a few to where you could see at least 1-2 members max from the KPD? This doesn't really stop crimes from happening unless KPD is hidden. For example : In the plaza there's a crime happening. Someone's limb is being removed in broad daylight (Stupid but it's happened to me) and nobody can see if KPD are online otherwise it'd just be stupid to call them.


Level 9
-1/ Cons
What if someone needs to call the KPD?? What if they needed to report a crime but unsure if a KPD member was online.
people call all the time while no cops are online / only one is present on tab. also, the KPD have a channel in the discord that receives and posts all in-game calls! there's little sense in not calling just because we aren't visible — we're still watching.


Level 9
everything i could say would just be a reiteration of ivette and ghost's suggestions, but i'm in huuuge support of the tab idea


Level 199
-1/ Cons
What if someone needs to call the KPD?? What if they needed to report a crime but unsure if a KPD member was online. Who would they call next?? EMS? As well as, what if there were no adults online or only a few to where you could see at least 1-2 members max from the KPD? This doesn't really stop crimes from happening unless KPD is hidden. For example : In the plaza there's a crime happening. Someone's limb is being removed in broad daylight (Stupid but it's happened to me) and nobody can see if KPD are online otherwise it'd just be stupid to call them.
All calls in-game are recorded in the KPD discord, as mentioned from barbs, and maybe remove the tab for just criminals? I'm not sure if that's possible but if it's not then we still have the KPD discord recorders


Level 231
By moving the KPD tag below adults? That doesn’t overcomplicate things at all (ignoring the command thing I mentioned because again, it was just a random idea)

And it’s not as easy as “report them if you think you caught them” because by experience, 90% of the time they don’t get punished since there’s never enough proof + it makes it less tedious on staff members if they don’t need to deal with it to begin with. in summary, it’s hard to prove it and it’s easy to lie one’s way out of.

I respect your opinion though
My response was based on the initial suggestion you made which did not touch upon placing them lower behind adult tags at all. I agree that moving them below adult is perfectly fine, My -1 was regarding a plugin to hide them in tab, which is where I am strongly against. I think moving them lower is a pretty mild solution, but it doesn't really overcomplicate anything in my eyes, so.

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