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Crime/GangRP suggestion


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What if they needed to report a crime but unsure if a KPD member was online.
As Barbs mentioned, they still have a way to see + you're allowed to ask them to log on.

Even so, what you said still somewhat classifies as meta'ing the tab. Your character has no perception of the 'tab'. In other words, your character shouldn't say "Okay! I'm not going to call the cops because the voice in my head says there are no cops online."

Even if there ARE absolutely ZERO cops on, Yonio said that it is still assumed that the KPD station is ALWAYS full of officers.


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My -1 was regarding a plugin to hide them in tab, which is where I am strongly against.
Even then, that is not what the purpose of this was as it was merely an example of a way to combat it. As said earlier, moving tags down wasn’t the point of this post either

Sumi Ishida

Level 2

it would be great for some solution for tab metagaming to be created. Nearly every time I've witnessed or heard about someone exacting permissions it's always precisely when no KPD are online. Although it's possible for characters to get away scot-free even if KPD are contacted and online, there's really no current threat of them getting in trouble for crimes with all the metagaming that goes on, and even more so, a lack of fearRP because of it. No one fearRPs the security cameras either, so many crimes blatantly happen right in front of security cameras. I think it's not just a good improvement for the sake of ensuring people don't abuse the system, but also for improving the quality of roleplay that characters are forced to have if there are potential consequences to their actions. In order for a crime to take place without consequences it'll make characters have to put more thought and planning into their actions before carrying them out. I'd love to see what sort of grandiose schemes people come up with as a result.


Level 4
or find a way to force the player base to be unable to see KPD on the tab.

One reoccurring issue I see with KPD and CriminalRP is how criminals will purposely meta the tab. When they see cops aren't on, they attempt their perms and do things a character realistically wouldn't (like run past KPD with a katana/HOLD a katana out for a while because they know cops won't be able to get them). I've also been in situations where people attempt to major/kill my character but the sheer moment they see cops start logging on in tab, they start moving hastily or leave altogether. In my honest opinion, CriminalRP without risk is extremely boring. Though there is nothing currently stopping players from meta'ing the tab besides getting warned- but not even that happens.

I'm not saying to take KPD off the tab (though that could be an alternative), but I wish for a way to prevent people from meta'ing the tab.

easy fix: moving the KPD tag below the adult tag​
+ 1


Level 4
or find a way to force the player base to be unable to see KPD on the tab.

One reoccurring issue I see with KPD and CriminalRP is how criminals will purposely meta the tab. When they see cops aren't on, they attempt their perms and do things a character realistically wouldn't (like run past KPD with a katana/HOLD a katana out for a while because they know cops won't be able to get them). I've also been in situations where people attempt to major/kill my character but the sheer moment they see cops start logging on in tab, they start moving hastily or leave altogether. In my honest opinion, CriminalRP without risk is extremely boring. Though there is nothing currently stopping players from meta'ing the tab besides getting warned- but not even that happens.

I'm not saying to take KPD off the tab (though that could be an alternative), but I wish for a way to prevent people from meta'ing the tab.

easy fix: moving the KPD tag below the adult tag​
+1 I LOVE THIS IDEA, 'crime time!!!' No. do crimes without metagaming!!!!


Level 113
Overcomplicates things massively. If you catch somebody using tab to metagame then perhaps report them?
How exactly do you "catch" someone pressing tab? for all we know, they don't care (they probably do) but you can't prove anything. For all we know, they could've just barely pressed tab to see if the light blue tag for Officer was there and continued on with whatever they were doing.

I personally don't GangRP but this would definitely benefit since you can't really know if cops are gonna come arrest you in real life, you don't know what cops are on duty in real life and you don't know where they are in real life, so moving them down the tab list would benefit, maybe not when the city tab is pretty empty, but it would benefit.


Level 231
How exactly do you "catch" someone pressing tab? for all we know, they don't care (they probably do) but you can't prove anything. For all we know, they could've just barely pressed tab to see if the light blue tag for Officer was there and continued on with whatever they were doing.

I personally don't GangRP but this would definitely benefit since you can't really know if cops are gonna come arrest you in real life, you don't know what cops are on duty in real life and you don't know where they are in real life, so moving them down the tab list would benefit, maybe not when the city tab is pretty empty, but it would benefit.
It happens all the time actually, instances were players openly say "Oh, there's five cops online rn.", or notifying you if an enemy gang is in attire or not, Usually its people on your own side and you've got to call them out for it. Everybody who gangrp's would know this to be a common practice. My statement said "If you catch", which yeah usually implies people are doing wrong nearby you by openly admitting it, which is again -- quite common


Level 77
I' not sure about the command portion of this but +1 either way.

A lot of people metagame tab when any KPD are online, which just removed a lot of the risk factor.


Level 95

Although it will be good for gangrp since ive heard many people in vc's mention that no KPD is online so they can safely gangrp it could also cause confusion. Most people check tab to see if KPD is on and then go to the station to report a crime, if they dont see KPD is on they could be waiting for a while for nothing.


Level 100
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+1/-1 Although it will be good for gangrp since ive heard many people in vc's mention that no KPD is online so they can safely gangrp it could also cause confusion. Most people check tab to see if KPD is on and then go to the station to report a crime, if they dont see KPD is on they could be waiting for a while for nothing.

In case you weren’t aware, it’s automatically assumed that cops are in the station 24/7 even if none are online. If you walk to the station and find 0, you can ask in the emergency discord for one to log on/come to the front desk


Level 21
or find a way to force the player base to be unable to see KPD on the tab.

One reoccurring issue I see with KPD and CriminalRP is how criminals will purposely meta the tab. When they see cops aren't on, they attempt their perms and do things a character realistically wouldn't (like run past KPD with a katana/HOLD a katana out for a while because they know cops won't be able to get them). I've also been in situations where people attempt to major/kill my character but the sheer moment they see cops start logging on in tab, they start moving hastily or leave altogether. In my honest opinion, CriminalRP without risk is extremely boring. Though there is nothing currently stopping players from meta'ing the tab besides getting warned- but not even that happens.

I'm not saying to take KPD off the tab (though that could be an alternative), but I wish for a way to prevent people from meta'ing the tab.

easy fix: moving the KPD tag below the adult tag​
+1 But about what you said 'Gangrp isnt fun without risk' Gangrp rn is 0 risk because most stuff are done with consent or are pre-determined.


Level 100
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Gangrp rn is 0 risk because most stuff are done with consent or are pre-determined.
Idk what you guys are up to but I can’t relate to that at all

With Otake, we don’t do consented stuff ever- i mean, yeah we used KPS a while back but that was because the player who was killed consented to KPS if they were to leave and betray Otake; that’s what he ended up doing. in other words, nothing was pre-determined at all and the consent still had a LARGE risk because KPD did end up actually getting involved. we didn’t plan KPD to get involved when we did it- why? because nothing was pre-determined

And for pre-determined stuff, there’s ways to determine what you want to do without determining the outcome. For example:

Otake’s kidnapping event with Itaru Saiky does more than just prove that you can determine just a little bit beforehand then do the rest ICly. Cloud (Itaru’s owner) consented to kidnapping BECAUSE there was already beef and drama that had been escalating for around a month oocly. After he consented, we didn’t tell him how we’d do it. We just pre-determined that one day, we’d find him and kidnap him- and that’s what we did. He didn’t expect it the day we did it neither

adding onto that, it’s NEVER fun to determine the outcome. during this event, we had the Akihito clan, KPD, Saiky family, and college football team all after us. we did not AT ALL plan any of that, it just happened. there were parts during the event where we even almost got arrested. none of that was determined nor planned. we just went with the flow

Gangrp is 100% risk worthy only if you make it. When doing events, you can just plan the basic outline such as “hey, this event will include us kidnapping your character” but plan the rest ICly. Another recommendation is to occasionally do events where there’s a chance KPD will be involved. there’s a risk there knowing you don’t know whether or not your character will be in cuffs or dead at the end of the event.

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