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Accepted Culinary Professor Application | BagelRp


Level 2

What is your Minecraft username?:

BagelRp (Applying for), _SarahMay_ (College B), LuvnMay (Bear)

What is your time zone?:


What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)


Link all previous applications you made on the server:

BagelRp: (Denied) (Accepted) (Denied) (Accepted) (Accepted) (Denied) (Denied) (Denied)

_SarahMay_ (Accepted) (Accepted) (Denied) (Accepted) (Accepted) (Accepted) (Accepted)

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:

In my opinion I an pretty active. I get on daily for at least a few hours. I do have a full-time job so the days I work, I am only able to be on for about 3-4 hours. On my days off, I am able to get on for a lot longer. Typically I play the majority of my day off. I do have a few characters so I am able to have a diverse selection of personalities to pick from.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:

On SchoolRP, I have been playing for over 3 years. Within those 3 years, I have been given the chance to experience gangrp, criminalrp, familyrp, and animalrp. Within this past year, I have given up gangrp for the most part. Last month I decided to join a gang again, but left it shortly after due to not really having an interest in that type of roleplay anymore. As for familrp, I have been consistently playing one of my character in the Kaizen family. I have taken a strong liking to familyrp and still genuinely enjoy it, but I have been wanting a change of pace lately. As for other roleplay networks, I have been roleplaying for over 6 years. There have been a lot of other roleplays I have been in from schoolrp, campingrp, fantasyrp, and so much more. It is hard to go into detail about these due to how long ago they were. I have really only played SchoolRP for the past 3 years.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:

I have a college bachelors role on my main account _SarahMay_. It has been fun being in college and I plan on going for my masters the first chance I get. Then on my other alt account, LuvnMay, I have a bear role that I play on rarly.

What is the subject you want to teach?:



What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

I am looking for something new to try. A change of pace if you will. I try to push and challenge myself. I have never been a teacher or professor before and I am hoping I can get the chance to. Its not something I have ever done before and its going to be a learning curve. I am always open to new things and I push my self to try something new every day. You can't learn without trying. I am also a very curious person, so my curiosity has gotten the best of me and pushed me even further to apply. I also want to be able to broaden my roleplay experience.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

I would lay out a selective amount of ingredients onto a desk. I would then invite my students up to the desk to select as much or as little of each ingredient they would like. They then would have to create a dish with these ingredients. The only rules would be that they must include every ingredient in some form of way, the dish must be edible, and it has to be neat. Upon the dish being finished, they must present it to the class. If another student would like to try it, they are more than welcome to. They would then be judged on completion, looks, participation, and taste if someone was willing.

I would task my students to create a simple dish like pancakes or a pizza. They would then have to gather their ingredients and work independently to create the requested dish. The catch is, they would not be allowed to look up or follow a recipe. They must create it from scratch and by figuring it out. The dish does not have to be perfect but it does need to look presentable. If they had been tasked with making a pizza, and the dough was under cooked, the sauce was falling off the edge, or even if the pizza was completely misshaped, they would have failed the task at hand. They will then be judged off of completion, looks, and participation.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

For the field trip, I would go into the forest first. Once we get there I would take a head count before slitting my class up into as many groups of 4 are needed. Before sending them off into the wilderness to gather ingredients like berries, apples, fish or any other ingredients they can use for a dish of their choice. Upon them having their ingredients all gathered, I would send their group out to find a way to cook their dish like a hut or a campfire. It would be completely up to them to use their imaginations and creativity to figure out a way to make the dish work. I'd also have a checklist for all of them in books with all the items that could be gathered from the trees, bushes, lake, and the surrounding. They would have to then check off which ingredients were gathered, and then write which ones were used and how they were used in their dish. Upon the dish and their report being finished, they would go to the stage by the pond to present their dish to me and any others around. The report would have to be turned into me before they would be allowed on the stage. When presenting their dish, they would have to tell me what it is that they made and why it is unique. Then I would have the dish passed out to me and 2 others for a taste testing upon giving them a grade.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

Céceilia would walk up to the group and attempt to separate them. She would see if there had been a fight, who was injured, and who had physically harmed another student. If a fight had happened, she would get each side and hand out detentions to those who fought. If a fight had begun to break out, she would call for backup over the radio as she would try and deescalate the situation and break up the fight before handing out detentions. If there had not been a fight, she would ****yze the situation to determine if a fight was going to happen so she would prevent it. She would ask the spartan jocks to step away from the bobcat and for them to move on from the situation.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

Céceilia would stay calm and patient as she reminded the student to work quietly and to get their assignment done. She would also inform the student that if they worked quietly, they would be able to get out faster. If the Student continues to not listen she would threaten to call SLT down to the detention room. She would also hold the student there until the assignment was done or detention was over if the student continued to be disruptive.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?

Céceilia would give the girls a warning. If they continued she would warn them once more. If they still didn't listen she would threaten them with detention. Even after all of that and the cheerleaders continued she would hand them a detention. If the cheerleaders, Céceilia would confiscate their phones and place them on her desk to be collected at the end of the class.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?

If Céceilia was unable to break up a fight she would call for backup over the radio. She would continue to try and break up the fight and deescalate the situation on top of threatening detention. Upon another faculty member arriving, Céceilia would continue to attempt to break up the fight and threatening detention.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Céceilia Maxi Akage is a 28 year old female. She is 5’1 who weighs about 110 lbs. She is slim yet still fit. She is a healthy woman who always smelled of freshly ground vanilla beans. She always wore make-up and had long wavy blue hair. She had peachy colored eyes and a calm demeanor. One thing that makes Céceilia unique. She has a positive outlook on students, she chooses to see the good in people and she wants to help everyone she can. Cécelia understands some people come from broken families and she understands why some behaviors resemble the home lives of others. She has always tried to be there for people and help them in any way she can. Cécelia herself comes from a broken home. She is someone who will just be that ear if needed, or she will give advice if asked. Everyone has a good verison inside themselves, and sometimes it just gets lost under all the trauma, pain, and/or grief. Cécelia would be pretty casual with her colleagues. She has never really had an issue making friends due to her bubbly personality. She is always eager to make a new friend and be there for others. She is someone to always keep a professional look and behavior while at work, but also be inviting.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

On December 21st 1995, Lili and Maël Akage welcomed their two children André and Céceilia into the world. The Akage family had lived in France for most of their lives before deciding to move to Tokyo, Japan when the twins were a year and a half old. At the age of 3 the twins attended a daycare where Cécelia met Damian Kaizen and they instantly became best friends. Through the years, André and Damian also grew closer. Those three ended up attending the same schools. André and Cécelia were put into modeling at the age of 5. They quickly grew a following on social media thanks to their parents. When Cécelia and Damian were 13, they realized they had feelings for each other and had gotten together as a couple. They dated for 2 years until, December 1st 2012. Damian was turning 15 but the Akage family was moving away. Cécelia wasn’t allowed to go to Damian’s birthday party so she attempted to sneak out. In her little mission, she got caught and was grounded. Her phone was not only taken from her but it was destroyed. She never got to say goodbye or even tell him she was moving. The very next day, the Akage family had moved back to Paris, France were André and Cécelia would become famous models. Cécelia was distraught over moving and never getting to at least say goodbye to Damian. Her parents had taken over her life from her social interactions, social media, and even the money she made. The rest of her life was under control of her parents. Finally one day she had enough. She go into a huge fight with her parents and convinced them to let her get another job working in a day care. She worked in this day care for 2 years. When she turned 18, she enrolled into two separate colleges. She attended a culinary school in which she majored in Culinary arts. She then attended a small community college and took classes in childcare and communication. When she was 20, and had her bachelors, she was able to student teach in a middle school before becoming a full-time Home economics teacher. She was teaching in this Middle school for 5 years as she continued to further her education. When she was 25, she moved back to Tokyo and taught in a High School for 3 years before she was forced to resign due to her parents. Her parents had forced her back into modeling again at the age of 28. This is when Cécelia had gotten a modeling gig in Karakura Japan. While in town, she was reminded of a familiar name, Damian Kaizen. She decided to pay him a visit hoping it was who she remembered it to be. After a long conversation, Damian had convinced her to finally stand up to her parents and to claim her life, so she did just that. Cécelia when back to France and told her parents she has had enough and wanted to have her own life. Cécelia then packed her bags and grabbed all the money she could before moving to Karakura, job hunting.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:

Céceilia Maxi Akage

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Given Name(s):


Preferred Name:

Céceilia or Cece



Gender & pronouns:

Female She/Her

Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:




Current Location:


SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

10 years total. I had begun working in a french day care when I was 16 and stayed there for 2 years. After that I had not gotten back into teaching until I was 20 when I started teaching middle school for 5 years. After that I was teaching in a high school in Tokyo for 3 years before I had to move.

Working Experience (# of years):

I have been working in teaching for 10 years total. But I had been modeling since I was 5 years old.

Academic Degree:

I have a masters degree in Culinary arts, a bachelors degree in child care, and a bachelors degree in communications

Year of Graduation:



Culinary Arts


Child care and Communications

Native Languages:

French and Japanese

Other Languages:


Preferred Teaching Subject:



Additional notes about your application (if any):


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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