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Dad jokes.


Level 200
This has probably been done before, but my boredom exceeds me! So, for that reason. . I'm going to give you all (my lovely community) a challenge.

You all know me for my amazing and incredible jokes, ones that are. . Ground shaking, outstanding, even breath taking. If you don't know, I tend to join Roleplay hub OOC on very random occasions and spread dad jokes and pickup lines. Therefore, as the dad joke EXCELLENCY I want entertainment as compensation for my free entertainment all of these years on the server. I'm greedy.

SchoolRP, for the person who can give me the best dad joke, ill give you either 100k, 3 free skins, or a random item of my choosing. It's all luck.


Guidelines and rules.
1. You must write a joke, it does NOT have to be original but if you copy someone whose already posted, you're disqualified!!
2. You must explain this joke in very.. very serious fashion with a very sophisticated a n a l y s i s.
3. You are able to write a little backstory, a little lore(!), about this joke. Mind you, it has to be your own, and original. Make a story!
4. Staff may participate, but if they win, they will only receive the free skins and the other prize will go to second place in honor of fairness.
5. To submit an entree, you must title your message as this: Professional dad joke! (Name of joke).
^ format and color as you'd like, just make it clear :3
6. Reply to comments sparingly, pls. . Or, use italics! Make it funny, just so we can separate submission from comment
7. If you win, I will spin a wheel for your prize. One additional mystery prize will be on that wheel.
8. The winner will be announced by poll
9. The winner will be chosen on the 30th at 4pm cst to be announced server jester on the 31st of this month.
10. Have fun :). Be silly, include a name or a variant of your name, and have a laugh!

If you need more details, lmk, or dm me on the forms or discord (@Verified_idiot. / Latte). Bye bye now, may we finally answer the question; What is the best joke?
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Level 29
Professional Dad Jokes: Chinese Teacher vs little Misaki

One day a elementary school teacher was bosting about her being Chinese and bosts about her homeland of China to her students. She told her students to raise their hands if they're also Chinese or want to be Chinese. Wanting to be like their teacher their hands explode into the air like flashing fireworks, except for a kid name Misaki.

"Now dear, would you like to be Chinese one day, you aren't Raising your hand?" Asked the Teacher. "No because im a proud Japanese." Explained Misaki.

Feeling a little perturbed she doubles down asking: "Now why are you Japanese?"

"Well my mom is Japanese and my dad is Japanese therefore im Japanese." She explains logically.

Being Furious she then tells her: "THAT'S NO REASON, What If Your Mom Was A Moron and Your Dad Was A Moron, What Would You Be?"

With a smug on her face she replies
"Then I would be Chinese."


Level 27
Community Team
Content Team
Professional Dad Joke: Skeleton Fight!

So, the other day I walked into a cemetery and met a bunch of skeletons- no questions please, I don't know why there were skeletons here..

Anyway, I came across an area full of skeletons. They were all just sitting around, looking bored. Looking like they had nothing to do, so I decided to liven up the atmosphere because the whole graveyard was such a dead vibe.

So I go up to one of them and asked, "Why don’t you guys ever have a good old-fashioned skeleton fight? It’s October, it's officially Halloween season! Get in the spirit!"

A skeleton to the right of me just sighed- weird because since when could skeletons sigh? Anyway, he looked at me and said, "We used to, but it never went well."

At this point I was curious, I wanted to get to the bottom of this, I needed to know why. So, I asked, "Why? What happened?"

The skeleton looks at me with such a serious face and said, "We just don’t have the guts anymore."

And let me tell you, the room was dead silent after that-



Level 15
Not so professional dad joke(s):
1. What did the hat say to the scarf? You hang around, I'll go on ahead!
2. Why do gorillas have big nostrills? Because they have big fingers!
3. What do you call a blind dinosaur? Doyouthinkhesaurus?!
4. What do you call a man with no body, and no nose? No body nose!


Level 200
Thread starter
The Winner of the dad jokes competition for 2024 is. . dramatic drum roll pls
Wait, you thought I was going to tell you right away? Heck no! Here's your joke. .
Hey, have you heard about the guy who started making breakfast at midnight on December 31st? I think he really wanted to make the New Years Toast!

Okay all joking hazards aside some of you had some very funny one-liners. . and amazing stories! Thank you for entertaining my short attention span. So, who did win for the year of 2024? Am I going to make this annual? Maybe, maybe not! But, the actual winner is. .

Thank you all so much, I hope everyone has a good year to come :3 and to our dear winner please dm me on Discord [@Verified_Idiot.] to claim your prize! You will spin a wheel and we shall see what the item is. - Fill the comments with random dad jokes!

Okay, enough yapping, here's one more joke: There was once this book called "How to Solve 50% of Your Problems." So, what'd I do? Obviously I had to buy two!

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