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Accepted DaDank23's EMS Application || Doctor


Level 7

IGN (In-Game Name):
DaDank23 (one for application)
What is your discord username?
Describe your activity on the server:

1-3 Hours
2-5 Hours
2-5 Hours
2-5 Hours
2-5 Hours
1-3 Hours
1-3 Hours

What is your timezone?:
List your current and past applications:
Denied Accepted Denied Denied Denied Denied Accepted Denied Denied

List your current roles on the server:

Grade 12

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I’ve played on SRP for 3 years now, and I have spent most of that time slowly getting involved in gangRP and crimeRP. Upon me making my own gang in the past. I realized that gangRP has been missing the element of roleplay that other factions have, and for that reason I want to branch out and gain as much experience as I can. For a while I disbanded this gang, and have since branched even further into other areas of SRP. I have yet to join a faction, and after a long while of looking at what faction would fit my roleplay style and interest I landed on this and English teacher.
I have played DND for around 4 years. I have always been into playing characters and making stories. I am writing my own novel and I primarily roleplay to help me understand how people would react to the character’s I play, and how I can improve them. Even before I had access to a computer I would roleplay on bedrock the best I could with friends for a number of years, however it was never as organized as SRP. I have also recently gotten into the tabletop roleplaying game cyberpunk RED which prioritizes roleplay over action similar to srp.

What is your motivation for applying?

I was recommended by disgraced angel at first, however I always had an admiration for EMS. After seeing people join the faction and seeing the environment I’ve wanted to join. I have enjoyed the idea of playing a psychiatrist or doctor for a long time, practically since I first began seriously playing SRP around two years ago. I want to get more involved in SRP and haven’t yet joined a faction, and after being denied as a teacher three times I thought this would be the next best option to try to get my foot in the door with. I believe I can play a fun and enjoyable Doctor character and thus I thought why not try my shot.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist):


What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?

You need a minimum of 20 quota points, and a maximum of 40 points to reach the maximum pay of 400,000 yen, however only getting the minimum grants you only half the pay. The ranks are split up into the following, though note I don’t know much and that I have never been a part of a faction.


It’s just as it sounds, this is the role you get when you're first placed into the faction. You aren’t able to do much but maybe prescribe medications and be trained. This is where you learn the ropes and are brought under the wing of the other high ranking members of the faction.


I assume this is where you actually put some of your skills to use. You have finished training and are able to do everything you need to gain quota and do what's needed. It’s at this point you can start rising through the ranks and meet quota, I assume you're able to finally take time off at this rank as well.

Senior Resident:

Senior resident is the position above the standard resident and it’s this position that you begin to have some authority and are needed to be more active, it’s here you begin expanding your knowledge in the field you're in and are able to flourish further. You are also allowed to train the lower ranks as well.

Attending Psychiatrist/Doctor:

Here you have proven to be active and prepared to take on nearly anything, so you are put even higher in the ranks, you are able to do training I assume or at the least able to assist the lower ranks in whatever they need. At this rank it’s more about leadership than anything, as you're only a rank between clinical lead.

Clinical Supervisor:

This is the rank below the Department Lead or the Clinical Lead. This rank focuses on managing the department the best they can, they manage the ranks below them and ensure nothing goes wrong in the absence of the Clinical Lead. They perform the orders of the Clinical Lead, and do whatever needs to be done. They carry down the messages from the lead and ensure they are understood.

Clinical Lead:

They are the head of the department, they ensure the department is meeting quota and that everyone is doing their job properly. This rank is the highest in their department, and thus must ensure the department is doing just as it should. The head of each department reports to the Clinical Manager who ensures the Leads are managing their departments correctly.

Clinical Manager:

The Clinical Manager as said before ensures that the departments are in check, and that all members of the faction are in check. The Clinical manager takes the smaller issues the Hospital Director isn’t able to take care of at the time.

Hospital Director:

The head of the faction, and the one who ensures the faction continues to serve its purpose of helping those characters who are in need. The director communicates with the department heads and clinical manager to see who is doing their job and who is not. They as well are in charge of, well the whole hospital, but what happens event wise with the hospital. What events happen and what events don’t. They are aware of who gets promoted and who doesn’t, and where and when things happen within the hospital. They also are the one informed about events related to EMS, as they need to ensure that they have enough people who can get on during that event.

Basic activities:

As I’d be a Trainee at first, which is likely, I’d primarily be trained most of the time. However, the things in which I have been trained on I can perform. So in total I’d be sitting at the front desk, and doing all the small things that I was taught as time goes on.
After trainee however it’d be primarily treating patients, sitting at the front desk, helping people at pharmacy, and whatever else people need my help with. The job is about helping people’s characters, so that’s what I plan to do the most.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?

I do, I’d assume this would be the case, and am aware that this is something for any area of SRP.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?

Absolutely, I want nothing more than to be a part of a faction at this point. Thus I will give this role my full effort.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

As said before I will give this my full effort, and thus attend as many training sessions as I can.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?

Yes, I do.

Character’s Full Name:

Jonas Krause

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:

Male He/Him

Character’s Age (if accepted):

30 years old.

Character’s Academic Background

Masters, PhD

Character’s Nationality:


Character’s Marital Status:


Character’s Religious Denomination:

None in particular

Character’s Spoken Languages:

Japanese, German

Backstory (100+ Words)

There sat his journal, a written account of all that he had gone through. It's a genuine leather cover with nothing written upon it, and bound by a matching leather strip tied in a knot. I was hesitant at first, for I wasn’t meant to be in there alone, and most of all not meant to intrude upon his privacy in this way. I mean it wasn’t like he was always this grumpy edge lord. He’s always so calm and collected, and gave his entire attention to you when you spoke.
I hesitated to even place my palm upon the cover, but my hand felt as though it was moving on its own. Upon opening the soft leather cover I was greeted by his butter smooth cursive, and perfect handwriting. I wish I could describe the effort, the effortless downward strokes, and perfect loops that made every letter upon these pages. Every entry within this journal was nothing short of a masterpiece. I suppose I should share just what it was he had written within his masterpiece. The following is my, Maria Strigoi’s, recollection of the contents within Jonas Krause’s journal.
In all honesty, I feel rather silly for even purchasing a book for this reason as I don’t believe that I ever plan to reveal this to anyone. I don’t quite understand this desire to document my life, for there is simply little to find of interest, I have lived a normal and peaceful life since leaving home for Japan. I have no enemies, no drama of any kind beyond my studies. I guess, I simply wish to document it for myself. Whether it be for memory’s sake, or to simply share to generations that come after me should there be any. It might even be both options.
I suppose I should start this journal by updating it upon my life to the greatest detail I can. I was born in Seehausen Germany, from my mother’s account my father was late and when he finally did appear he stumbled in, nearly plummeting to the floor, and leaning against the metal door frame of her hospital room he gave a drunken smile before attempting to take his next steps. “Leave.” My mother said in a stern tone as she held me in her arms. My father had stopped in his tracks, and a deafening silence coated the room like the stench that covered my father’s breath. The silence would have continued if it were not for my older brother, who was only four years old at the time, entering the room behind my father. My mother’s dagger-like stare seemed to have cut deeply into my father’s drunken eyes, as he then simply stumbled out of the hospital. “Moma, where is daddy going?” My brother said, as he stood at the foot of my mother’s hospital bed with his hands to his sides and wide awakened stare. “Gone, or so I hope.” My mother replied.
It was in my first few months of being brought into this world that my mother and father were divorced. This had little effect upon me, as I was but an infant, however my brother wasn’t so fortunate. The court had decided to allow me to stay with my mother one hundred percent of the time, however my brother would be going between each parent. I’d see my father every holiday, while my brother spent forty percent of his time with our father and the rest with our mother.
I remember vividly my brother’s arguments with my mother, he’d claw, kick, and scream demanding he stay with her. My mother’s face was always so pained when attempting to get my brother ready to go to our father’s. I remember only one time where I saw my father, it was on father’s day, and to this day I vividly smell the alcohol that lined my father’s breath. As the years went my brother began leaving the house more, and more often, requesting to stay at our fathers even. At some point upon him entering highschool I found that I rarely saw my brother.
I remember the silence that filled the vacant graveyard. The only sounds were the songs of the birds, and the glob of snot my brother kept forcing up his nose. Our father was dead, and I had hardly known him. The man who aided in giving me life was shot a drunken man. He bled out alone in ally “Died the way he lived” my mother said. And though I had no money of my own, I still would borrow a few euros from my mother to buy some flowers for him. I remember how quiet it was the first few nights after my father’s death. No phone calls late in the night, no out of nowhere visits in the rain, and most of all no one home but my mother and I. Don’t get me wrong, me and my mother talked often. I remember how we’d have conversations that lasted longer than expected, we’d go through five cups of coffee and three hours of our day simply talking about the things we valued most in this world. There is nothing I wouldn’t pay to speak to her like that again. Two years after I entered highschool, and after my father passed away, I got a phone call from my brother. The rain seemed to rage against the window, pounding upon it like thunder. Flashes of light danced amongst the clouds followed by the signature sound all too similar to artillery fire.
If it weren’t for his calls being few and far between, I’d likely not have been able to say goodbye to my brother.
Although my brother often disappointed me, and often made it difficult to witness his potential being drowned in the same mistakes our father had made. He spoke of being great, and yet he found himself only being greatly misguided. I could feel his hot breath from the other end of the call. His breath was erratic, and upon him first attempting to speak I heard the faint muffled sound of coughing behind the microphone. “J-Jojo, how- how's it hanging, little brother?” His voice was low as ever, yet rasp from exhaustion and cracked from dehydration. I tasted the alcohol soaked breath, and felt the desert like lips that carried the wretched stench. “Armin, are you okay? You sound horrible.” for a moment he said nothing, I couldn’t even hear white noise from his end, till finally he returned. “Yeah, yeah I’m doing just fine.” my brother cleared his throat for a moment before speaking further. “Hey, you think you could hand mom the phone for a moment?” He said. I stood in contemplation for a moment before speaking. “Uh, she’s out right now, I- Why do you need her?”
“I-... I’m bleeding little brother.” It was then the world seemed to have stopped. I don’t remember the rain beating on the window, or the sound of the thunder. I didn’t even flinch at the bright flashes of light. A ringing in my ears began to take over as I slowly zoned out attempting to comprehend the words he had just said to me. “Jojo, listen it’s all up to you now okay buddy?” he spoke but I hardly focused as my eyes began to swell with tears, and my brow began to sweat. Every inch of my body began to shiver like a jackhammer. “Are you there Jojo? You listening?” “Ye- yeah, are you okay?” There was then a moment of silence yet again before he spoke. “Listen, I need you to get out of Germany. I- I am so sorry.” I nearly didn’t comprehend just what he had said to me, as the only thing I cared about was his safety. “Do you hear me? Get out of Germany before the sun rises. I love you little brother.”
“I love yo-” It was then I heard the dead drone of a phone call ended. I was in complete shock, as I didn’t know where to go, who to call, or where they’d even find him. The moment my mother walked through the door she didn't even look me in the eye, as she simply bolted for her bedroom where she began forcefully packing a suitcase. “Jonas, go pack your bags, there’s no time! Go!” she snapped upon even raising my upper lip to speak. “W-what the hell is even happening!?” I said.
“Your brother was shot.”
The rocking of the train cars, the muffled conversations of people I didn’t care about. The setting sun’s orange rays reflected into my eyes as I began to awaken, and found myself sitting in a near empty train headed for Teteyama, and from there I would be taking a flight to Karakura.

After finishing my senior year in Karakura I left for Tokyo where I attended Tokyo university, where I majored in Physiology and minored in Nursing. My time getting my masters in Physiology wasn’t anything of interest as I spent night and day attending to my studies and working at a local coffee shop in order to help pay for my schooling. After receiving my masters in the summer of 2017, though I found gratitude in this achievement, I wanted to know more about the human body, and to do all I could to help the people like my brother as well as those I met while I lived in Karakura. After another five years spent in study I gained my PHD, where I finally decided to move onto residency.
I quickly found myself over qualified taking my residency, as I was at the forefront. I did not hesitate to do anything that was requested of me, and most of all I gained in person experience that I could never place a price upon. It is due to my two years spent in my residency in Tokyo that I felt prepared to return to Karakura to do exactly what I had wanted from the start.

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?
(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen)

Jonas specializes in surgery and emergency medicine, as this is due to his desire to help those in need. With every patient he helps he feels a sense of gratefulness as he believes that he has aided in preventing that person from traveling down the same road as those of his past. He also feels gratitude towards the very idea that he made a difference in someone’s life as he felt like he had very little control over his childhood. It was due to him moving to Japan that he was able to find the strength to carry on, and he wants to show those who see no hope in gaining the same strength that he had upon arriving in Japan. Jonas met people who had lost their fight, and later regained it by turning to crime. Though they were close to him he felt that if he could have been there to do first aid that she would have gone down another path. His goals are simple, and while cheese maybe, he’d do any and everything to be of service.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?

After his ten years of schooling at Tokyo University, he spent two years as a resident at the Tokyo University Hospital. He spent this time soaking in all the advice he could gain from his position. He as well offered to do everything he would be permitted to do. Jonas objectively went above and beyond while as resident in Tokyo. His Japanese during his college years was mediocre at best, however during this time he was able to become fluent in Japanese. He made some decent friends while working, however most of his peers found him either distant or a distaste for him. He stood out from his peers due to his excitement and determination to help any and everyone that he physically can.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?

Jonas has no other work experience beyond his two years as a resident in Tokyo, as he had only one goal in mind, and that was to help the people of Karakura. His goals are simple, and he knows that. And, yet he doesn’t care how cheesy his goals are as it means all the same to him. His lack of other full on experience means he’s still learning, as he soaks up all the knowledge around him like a sponge.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?

Jonas, having spent ten years of his life in Tokyo university, decided that going back to school would be a waste of time, as he felt that it was now time to use his PHD and Masters degree for something. However he did consider the idea of going back to school to gain a bachelors in something he didn’t even know about.

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Jonas stands around 5’10”, he has beep brown eyes that are comparable to coffee beans. His chocolatey brown wavy hair seemed as though it was weighted by nothing. His hair poofy and uncontrollable, it’d seem as though it had a mind of its own. When not on duty he’d primarily wear dark academia style clothing. With his tweed jacket, white dress shirt, and orange tie. He’d give a calm, and soothing presence when speaking to people. He had always been a good listener, and he shows this with his upright posture and wide innocent eyes. His gaze seemed that it could tell no lie, his calm soothing gaze would give the impression that he has set himself into your world. With a gentle smile he’d show his loyalty, like a dog he’d simply stare with no thoughts beyond that of which he was staring at.

How does your character act on and off duty?

No matter if he is on duty or off, he’d be exactly who he is. Calm and collected he’d give everyone who speaks to him his full attention. When treating a patient, or when doing something, he’s fully focused on nothing beyond that. Upon being interrupted he’d simply gesture towards them that he’ll be done in a moment before finishing with the task at hand. On duty he’s hell bent on getting the job done, and nothing else but getting the job done. When off duty he’s a fair bit more relaxed, and less up tight, however still remains his formality. He’ll often keep to himself in both situations, the only time he really gets fully comfortable around people is when he’s known them for an extended period of time. He’ll often turn down doing outside activities with co-workers, and acquaintances.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?

While he does work well in a group setting, he’d prefer to work on his own. He excels when working by himself, and rather not having to find words that he knows in German but not as much in Japanese. Though he’s considered fluent, he still gets caught up on certain things here and there. Often he’ll have to ask for definitions for certain words, or will have to ask for help when trying to describe certain objects. While his ability to work with others isn’t as strong, or preferred, he still isn’t hesitant to ask for help when needed. He prioritizes getting the job done above all.

What plans does your character have for the future?

After going to ten years of college, he plans to work and live a happy life serving the people of Karakura. This was his goal after all, so till he has had enough of helping people he'll keep working. He has considered a different future than that, but never felt too confident in it. As this is his true passion. Jonas finds a deeper joy in healing those who need his help, and nothing more. He’s a people pleaser, and beyond doing that for a living he hasn’t thought about doing much more.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?

Most perceive him as isolated or even disconnected, however once you have gotten to know him he begins to show you that he truly is trustworthy. When people have gotten beyond his isolated nature, they begin to realize they have made a bound that he will not let go of. He is loyal to a fault, and upon being given the word he’ll bend over backwards for you. However, Jonas sees himself as a rather weak being. Many see that he has a strength, a strength in the mind above all really as his will power out matches most. However, he believes that he is weak willed, and often easily played. While he isn’t so wrong, he believes that he’s seen as either a background prop, or a tool. Jonas doesn’t quite care if that’s how people perceive him, as he thinks that it’s justified in a way. Jonas thinks that he has done this to himself, and has chosen this path. These were the cards he was dealt, and he is just happy with them.
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Level 237
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, we hope you are excited to hear that you have been accepted! You will be contacted in regards to setting up your roles shortly.

- In order to proceed, you will need to join the Karakura Emergency discord (CLICK HERE) to receive your roles.
- You will also need to be online in order to receive an introduction and the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as a Hospital Worker.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 6pancake - via discord and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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