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DaDankk23's Shrine Application | Maiden


Level 8

IGN (In-Game Name):


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List your current roles on the server:

[Collage] (tag moved to character slot 2 if accepted)


Link any previous applications:

Accepted- DaDank's Nurse Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - DaDank23's EMS Application || Doctor | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - DaDankk23's Maiden Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - DaDankk23's KPD Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - DaDank23's English application | Round Three | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Language Arts Teacher Application | DaDank23 | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - DaDankk23's English Teacher Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?


What is your motivation for applying?

A combination of reasons, both in character and out, I have had an interest in the shrine faction for some time, and have felt the few events it gets rather interesting. Kami, and really shintoism as a whole, has interested me as I feel it’s another insight on Japanese culture that provides a unique perspective. I have a rather complicated schedule in real life, and I still am figuring it out so I require something less strict than past factions.

OOC: my schedule as mentioned, as well as my want to get more involved in SRP as a whole. I have spent a lot of time on this server, and I feel I have little to show for it so I want to make this return worthwhile. Not only this, but I feel that this faction provides a unique roleplay that other factions don’t have. I was last a faculty member and I felt there was a lack of role play between other members of the faction. I’m hoping I get to have interesting character moments with the people in the faction, and the people that visit the shrine.

ICLY: Jane has spent all her life running, fighting, and looking over her shoulder. I feel like this would be a nice spot to show her growth as a person, I feel this would show her turning her life around and making something of herself that isn’t just a delinquent. Since she came to Karakura she’s believed in Kami and spirits, so it only made sense that she’d find an interest in the shrine. She’s had some emotional, and key moments with her roommate at the shrine, and I feel like she’d entertain the idea of becoming a maiden. I say entertain as her first choice would be becoming a lawyer, however character’s with felonies can’t be lawyers or even in the government faction. I feel this is the best option for her as a character, and will give her room to take the next step into this character’s future. Jane has been the character I first really started with, the character I’m most known for, and I believe this faction will be a proper fit for her. She has visited the shrine a number of times, and has expressed her desire to join as a maiden.

What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?

I have done some minor research on Shintoism, as I know the guidelines and procedures done within, and before entering a shrine. I’m aware of surface level things involving Kami, and the different types of Kami there are. The specifics of the stories behind shintoism, and the legends I don’t have a full understanding of. I wouldn’t call myself an expert or anything above a basic understanding when it comes to my knowledge of Shintoism. However, this is not to say I don’t love to learn about the topic. I have been completely willing to expand my knowledge on shintoism, and indeed anything around me. If there is anything I do not know I will speak up and ask any questions I have.

Character Full Name:

Jane R. Genesis-Togomi

Character Title:


Character Age:

Twenty one years old

Character Marital Status:


Character Nationality:


Degree/Certifications (If applicable):

Highschool Diploma


“Same Damn Life”
The scratchy and gruff sounds that my heel made as it slammed against the freezing concrete beneath. Bouncing my knee, the toe of my left shoe bent in a right angle, the cuffs around my wrist jingled a sorrowful tune that bounced off the concrete bricks that made the walls around me. Elbows resting upon my knees, open to the world through torn slits in the black denim jeans that covered the laces of my converse. The cuffs of my pant legs soaking wet, and covered in clumps of glossy white snow melting before falling to the floor. I still remember just how my shoulders and hair were covered in snow slowly melting, I remember just how the only thing that kept me from freezing that night was her jacket. I still have it even now, her black bomber jacket, soft corduroy on the outside with puffy insulating nylon lining the inside. All along the torso and sleeves were hand stitched, bright pink, hearts made of felt.
My black silky hair cut in a side shave, and sopping wet as it clouded my vision in a thick veil. Hunched over, and head tilted to the left, I glared at the floor as if I wished to see it bleed. It was only then I realized the blood that covered the near black bruises along my knuckles. A venomous sting surged throughout my arms, from my biceps to the individual muscles and tendons that controlled the movement of my fingers. With every vibration caused by my heel bouncing off the ground, a reverberation of sickening pain traveled from my wrist to my fingertips. I sat on a concrete slab that started at the wall and ended at the metal bars left, the block patured from the wall behind me for around three feet. The whole cell’s perimeter was around three feet by seven feet, and had a eight to nine foot high ceiling. Only illuminated by the dim buzzing fluorescent lights in the hallway beyond my cell, I could see a stainless brushed metal toilet with the sink embedded into the top. The sink, toilet, combo was so spotless I had assumed it was never used once with how my reflection showed so clearly.
The sound of boots echoed throughout the hallway beyond my cell, and soon I saw the deep navy blue of his button up covered by a pitch black tactical vest and two golden badges. Molded into the golden badge upon his left breast read Chehalis Police Department. W.A. , while the other was a gold rectangle resting over his left breast pocket reading R. Cornell in thin black lettering. His face made me think of an old sponge if it was left out to dry in the summer sun, cracked and dry. Hell if I were honest, his whole body looked like it was about to snap at any second. His six foot frame like a gorilla, hunched back and all, his posture was like you took a pipe wrench to the back of his neck. Guess years of sitting in a cruiser, or at a desk, would do that to you. He had deep hazel eyes, slanted and mournful, they seemed to gaze at the world with pitiful remorse. The way he’d often look at me reminded me of an old bloodhound, slow and dying, wishing it could stand up to comfort you. His deep recessed sockets, wrinkled skin, hands rough as sandpaper, and slicked back silver wire combed behind his ears and head. He stood before the thick steel bars, staring at me in silence. I didn’t bother looking at him, I had preferred to sit and watch the shadows dance upon the brick wall ahead of me. When you are surrounded by the buzzing of fluorescent lights, time seems to slow to a crawl. Two minutes begin to feel like two hours, two days even, and you begin to lose all sense of what you're even doing there. It sickened me, I felt like there was a rag covered in oil stuffed down my throat. It all felt like I was suffocating the air around me was thin, fucking toxic, like I was in a room full of mustard gas.
“Been a bit ain’t it, miss Genesis?” Cornell said, his voice was gruff and smokey. He sounded like what you hear coming from a cowboy in a western. Like Clint Eastwood, only if he was resurrected from the grave and given three beers before being flatlined again. I said nothing, couldn’t say much if I had wanted to, my voice shot and my mouth dry. No, dry is too mild a word. My tongue was a cat’s tongue, like velcro, and seemed to stick to the roof of my mouth with a scratchiness akin to eating shitty cereal. I had wanted to eat nails, all just so I could lose this feeling I had. Not just in my mouth, no, throughout my whole body. What I felt wasn’t sadness, remorse, or shame. Hell I wasn’t even angry, I had felt that all too much by now, I felt empty. Like I had my stomach ripped out through my throat, or my chest. I felt like I had lost all I had left inside me.
“The fuck is it now?” I said, I sounded like a dog toy without its squeaker. Nothing but air flowed through my throat, and volume to anything I said was a pipe dream.
“You’re interrogation, I have to ask you questions, but I want to ask you something. Not as a cop, but as well, as a guardian of some kind I guess.” He said. I looked at him with daggers for eyes, I didn’t care to even turn my head, giving him the side eye I spoke.
“That’s what you think you are to me then? A guardian, a guiding light that I just turned away from?” I said. Cornell then placed his right hand upon the back of his neck before adjusting his navy blue collar pulling it away from his neck desperate for air.
“Do me a favor, and stop talkin’ will ya?” I added.
“I just want to know what she did to have you lash out.”
“Don’ yer ears still work old man? Shove it.”
“I just want to know what happened.”
“Yeah well I’m still tryin’ to figure that out myself!” I said. He talked the way that a warm farmer’s coat felt in the snow, warm and soothing. I only wish I had been nicer to him, but things are different now, I realize that I was pissed not at him but at myself. It was my stupid rage that got me here, it was my stupid addictions that got Jenny killed, my stupid blind punches that put my own mother in the hospital. It was my fault, and it’s for these faults I mourned. It was for these mistakes that I found myself here.

How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?

Jane often comes off harsh, her words as sharp as her gaze, however you can guarantee she isn’t going to lie. Her honesty reveals her heart, and when push comes to shove she’ll be the one standing at the frontline. She often keeps to herself, won't put her nose where it doesn’t belong, she knows better than get involved with things that don’t involve her. When guests cross the first torii gate, and enter the shrine grounds, Jane will show them a politeness rather foreign to her. Her life in Karakura has only made her hash, unforgiving, but this is a new life for her. All she wants is peace, and to refine the lessons she learned from the street to a fine edge. Guests will see her as a teacher, an alternate view to the spiritual world. She’ll offer conversation, and ask questions, not just simply let guests know of her presence before disappearing. She’ll ask them how their day was, what they plan to do in the shrine, and if they need assistance. She’ll spend every day, working, caring for the shrine as she knows it is the home of the Kami. She sees the monastery as a sanctuary for her own mind.
Around the other staff members they’ll find someone similar to the guests, but much more jaded, someone who’s bad habits slip through and consume her. Often she can be found drinking when outside of the monastery, and when she’s had her fill a drunk sorrow fills her heart. She’ll speak on her stories, life as a punk, as a street rat, as a gang member. She’ll tell her coworks the lessons she learned, the people she met, and the fates those people met. She wants to inspire others, to deter those who have the chances she didn’t to live good lives. She wants the people around her to live long, happy lives, surrounded by the family she couldn’t seem to have. The people closest to Jane find that she’ll be there through thick and thin, that she’ll defend them even if it means she dies. When talking to Jane it becomes clear that she doesn’t care for herself when compared to what she is willing to do for the people around her. Is she the most healthy person? No, she’s an alcoholic, she’s depressed, she’s willing to go through hell over the wellbeing of others. But even with that all, she is the best older sister figure you could ask for, the person who’ll sit in your corner, the person who picks you up and sends you back out to fight. She was many people’s strength once, maybe she can become someone else’s?

You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?

At first she’d attempt to be polite, for things like hopping on rooftops and such, she’d give warning. She understands the reckless nature of youth, however the moment they begin to ignore her or disrespect the Kami, she may resort to old habits. Her harsh tongue, her fierce fury, and her curled upper lip like a snarling dog. She’ll completely avoid violence, that life long gone, however she’s not above chewing people out and calling the police. She’ll do what she sees necessary, so long as it is within the boundaries that her occupation allows.

Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?

If you asked her, she’d say “To find peace,” or “To slow my life down, life ain’t just ‘bout cousin’ a ruckus.” To put it simply she’d tell you that she wants something more from life, beyond black eyes and bloodied knuckles. However the reason she gives is just a story, a lie, one to fool herself. In honesty she wants to use this as a method of refining herself, not just in body, but in mind, in soul. She had always believed in spirits, Kami. She’d pray when things got tough, when things were more complicated than her own emotions, but even still she felt unrefined and unfinished. She felt like the blade of a forgotten katana, rusted and dull as a butter knife. She hopes that in this move she’ll become something more, better than what she was when she started. In college she knew that whatever came of it, would only become useless in Karakura. She was attempting to study law, she had wanted to become a lawyer, only to realize that the Karakura Bar Association won’t pass people with felonies. So she dropped out two years in, she chose to find ways to impact the city in other ways beyond law.
She has already talked to some of the staff at the shrine about joining, and hasn’t turned down a chance to interact with the staff members there. So to her, if she doesn’t get this job, there is no hope. She believes that should she not find this peace, she’ll find herself dead by the hands of another. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Justice holds a double edged sword, and thus our choices have consequences.
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Level 49
Shrine Lead

Welcome to the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery! As a team we have decided to accept your application as a maiden.

Make sure you are in the Karakura Town Discord (Here) to get started!

If you have any questions please DM me on discord via randomlyaccepted.​

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