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Accepted DaDank's Nurse Applications


Level 7
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
I am eighteen years old.
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:

1-3 Hours
2-5 Hours
2-5 Hours
2-5 Hours
2-5 Hours
1-3 Hours
1-3 Hours

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
No, I have never been banned.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I believe this makes sense as nearly all factions require this.
School Employee Role you are applying for?:
In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Nurses take care of students that are injured among other things. Nurses care for the students, and provide aid to them in any way they can. Like the majority of faculty there’s the head of department as the lead of nurses, while everyone else is one the same rank from what it seems.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
For most of the roughly two years I have spent on SRP I have gained most of my experience in crime and gangRP, I spent this time trying my best to bring detail and story to this aspect of roleplay. During this time I learned to to P2L, and spent it doing rallies/races with Rakkiatsu and Zeros. While I enjoyed and learned a lot from gangRP, I’ve begun to feel the need to expand my horizons and join factions. I started this by joining EMS, and while I was still a gang lead during my time at EMS it marked the slow shift in my goals for SRP.
Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
After my time in EMS I want to find another faction to learn and grow in, and with my attempts to be a teacher, I thought faculty wouldn’t be too bad. A friend of mine recently became a Professor, and with them suggesting that I join the faculty I thought it wouldn’t be too hard to do.
I was active in EMS, and due to that I have a decent understanding of the medical procedures done by EMS, especially the simpler things like concussions, bruises, broken limbs, and cuts. I found an interest in the treatments while in EMS, and due to that I hope that I can do something similar to that in the Nurse role.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: Accepted Denied Accepted Denied Denied Denied Denied Accepted Denied Denied
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Grade [12]


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Jonas would at first simply stare them blankly in the eyes, while he agreed with them their behavior was still well out of line. Thus Jonas would then proceed to give them a warning about their language and lack of respect, letting them know that should they continue he’d be seeing them in detention.
Should this student return or be found behaving in a similar manner Jonas would not hesitate to provide the student with a detention slip. He’d then continue on with his day as if nothing had ever happened, and knowing him he had likely forgotten about the whole thing anyway.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

Jonas at first stands in clear sight of both students before demanding them to stop, should this not work, he’d then intervene forcing both students away from each other before providing a detention slip for one or both students. Should they prove to be injured enough he’d bring them to the nurses before caring to their injuries.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

Jonas would immediately get involved, as his job is to provide care to the students, he'd intervein doing what he can to prevent any harm to come to the employee, or worse the students. After the situation was over he'd gather the needed information before reporting the incident to the apocopate head of department of SLT member.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

Jonas is a reserved person both in and out of the break room, often keeping to himself, but should he be approached he’ll greet them with a warm smile. Jonas is a kind soul, and while may sometimes be a workaholic, he keeps those who he genuinely enjoys as close as possible.
However, to most he’s just a coworker punching in and out. Jonas is aware that he seems distant to others, and part of him not only accepts it, but
enjoys this fact. Jonas doesn’t wish to be bothered by anyone, nor does he mind if he is. At this moment in his life, he only cares if he himself is happy.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

He’d notice the bruising along their right knee before going and grabbing an ice pack with a calm yet swift pace, upon his return he’d simply place the pack upon the bruise with gentle force. His head would then raise to meet his patient in the eye with one knee bent to the floor he’d be kneeling. His eyes a dark coffee brown, and so soothing almost as though he had placed them into a trance. “So tell me, how’d you get this?” He’d say with a gentle smile.

/me He’d inspect their bleeding wound, making sure it was shallow enough to not need stitches before sending his right hand on the hunt within his jacket pockets. Searching for a proper sized bandage he’d reveal a fitting size band-aid from his inner breast pocket before turning to retrieve a bottle of hydrogen peroxide or antiseptic wipe.

/me He’d placed the unconscious student onto the bed before swiftly grabbing a penlight he had within his breast pocket. He’d then gently lift the student’s eyelid before shining the pen light into their eye, as he observed he’d look for signs of dilation before continuing.


In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):
Jonas Krause
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Preferred Name: Dr.Krause, Krause, Jonas

Age (Minimum is 25): 30
Gender: Male

Academic Degree: Masters, PhD
Major(s): Physiology
Minors: Nursing

Nationality: German
Known Languages: German, Japanese


In all honesty, I feel rather silly for even purchasing a book for this reason as I don’t believe that I ever plan to reveal this to anyone. I don’t quite understand this desire to document my life, for there is simply little to find of interest, I have lived a normal and peaceful life since leaving home for Japan. I have no enemies, no drama of any kind beyond my studies. I guess, I simply wish to document it for myself. Whether it be for memory’s sake, or to simply share to generations that come after me should there be any. It might even be both options, and yet the reasoning behind it all eludes me.
I suppose I should start this journal by updating it upon my life to the greatest detail I can. I was born in Seehausen Germany, from my mother’s account my father was late and when he finally did appear he stumbled in, nearly plummeting to the floor, and leaning against the metal door frame of her hospital room he gave a drunken smile before attempting to take his next steps. “Leave.” My mother said in a stern tone as she held me in her arms. My father had stopped in his tracks, and a deafening silence coated the room like the stench that covered my father’s breath. The silence would have continued if it were not for my older brother, who was only four years old at the time, entering the room behind my father. My mother’s dagger-like stare seemed to have cut deeply into my father’s drunken eyes, as he then simply stumbled out of the hospital. “Moma, where is daddy going?” My brother said, as he stood at the foot of my mother’s hospital bed with his hands to his sides and wide awakened stare. “Gone, or so I hope.” My mother replied.
It was in my first few months of being brought into this world that my mother and father were divorced. This had little effect upon me, as I was but an infant, however my brother wasn’t so fortunate. The court had decided to allow me to stay with my mother one hundred percent of the time, however my brother would be going between each parent. I’d see my father every holiday, while my brother spent forty percent of his time with our father and the rest with our mother.
I remember vividly my brother’s arguments with my mother, he’d claw, kick, and scream demanding he stay with her. My mother’s face was always so pained when attempting to get my brother ready to go to our father’s. I remember only one time where I saw my father, it was on father’s day, and to this day I vividly smell the alcohol that lined my father’s breath. As the years went my brother began leaving the house more, and more often, requesting to stay at our fathers even. At some point upon him entering highschool I found that I rarely saw my brother.
I remember the silence that filled the vacant graveyard. The only sounds were the songs of the birds, and the glob of snot my brother kept forcing up his nose. Our father was dead, and I had hardly known him. The man who aided in giving me life was shot a drunken man. He bled out alone in ally “Died the way he lived” my mother said. And though I had no money of my own, I still would borrow a few euros from my mother to buy some flowers for him. I remember how quiet it was the first few nights after my father’s death. No phone calls late in the night, no out of nowhere visits in the rain, and most of all no one home but my mother and I. Don’t get me wrong, me and my mother talked often. I remember how we’d have conversations that lasted longer than expected, we’d go through five cups of coffee and three hours of our day simply talking about the things we valued most in this world. There is nothing I wouldn’t pay to speak to her like that again. Two years after I entered highschool, and after my father passed away, I got a phone call from my brother. The rain seemed to rage against the window, pounding upon it like thunder. Flashes of light danced amongst the clouds followed by the signature sound all too similar to artillery fire.
If it weren’t for his calls being few and far between, I’d likely not have been able to say goodbye to my brother.
Although my brother often disappointed me, and often made it difficult to witness his potential being drowned in the same mistakes our father had made. He spoke of being great, and yet he found himself only being greatly misguided. I could feel his hot breath from the other end of the call. His breath was erratic, and upon him first attempting to speak I heard the faint muffled sound of coughing behind the microphone. “J-Jojo, how- how's it hanging, little brother?” His voice was low as ever, yet rasp from exhaustion and cracked from dehydration. I tasted the alcohol soaked breath, and felt the desert like lips that carried the wretched stench. “Armin, are you okay? You sound horrible.” for a moment he said nothing, I couldn’t even hear white noise from his end, till finally he returned. “Yeah, yeah I’m doing just fine.” my brother cleared his throat for a moment before speaking further. “Hey, you think you could hand mom the phone for a moment?” He said. I stood in contemplation for a moment before speaking. “Uh, she’s out right now, I- Why do you need her?”
“I-... I’m bleeding little brother.” It was then the world seemed to have stopped. I don’t remember the rain beating on the window, or the sound of the thunder. I didn’t even flinch at the bright flashes of light. A ringing in my ears began to take over as I slowly zoned out attempting to comprehend the words he had just said to me. “Jojo, listen it’s all up to you now okay buddy?” he spoke but I hardly focused as my eyes began to swell with tears, and my brow began to sweat. Every inch of my body began to shiver like a jackhammer. “Are you there Jojo? You listening?” “Ye- yeah, are you okay?” There was then a moment of silence yet again before he spoke. “Listen, I need you to get out of Germany. I- I am so sorry.” I nearly didn’t comprehend just what he had said to me, as the only thing I cared about was his safety. “Do you hear me? Get out of Germany before the sun rises. I love you little brother.”
“I love yo-” It was then I heard the dead drone of a phone call ended. I was in complete shock, as I didn’t know where to go, who to call, or where they’d even find him. The moment my mother walked through the door she didn't even look me in the eye, as she simply bolted for her bedroom where she began forcefully packing a suitcase. “Jonas, go pack your bags, there’s no time! Go!” she snapped upon even raising my upper lip to speak. “W-what the hell is even happening!?” I said.
“Your brother was shot.”
The rocking of the train cars, the muffled conversations of people I didn’t care about. The setting sun’s orange rays reflected into my eyes as I began to awaken, and found myself sitting in a near empty train headed for Teteyama, and from there I would be taking a flight to Karakura.

After finishing my senior year in Karakura I left for Tokyo where I attended Tokyo university, where I majored in Physiology and minored in Nursing. My time getting my masters in Physiology wasn’t anything of interest as I spent night and day attending to my studies and working at a local coffee shop in order to help pay for my schooling. After receiving my masters in the summer of 2017, though I found gratitude in this achievement, I wanted to know more about the human body, and to do all I could to help the people like my brother as well as those I met while I lived in Karakura. After another five years spent in study I gained my PHD, where I finally decided to move onto residency.
I quickly found myself over qualified taking my residency, as I was at the forefront. I did not hesitate to do anything that was requested of me, and most of all I gained in person experience that I could never place a price upon. It is due to my two years spent in my residency in Tokyo that I felt prepared to return to Karakura to do exactly what I had wanted from the start.
Upon being employed at the Karakura Hospital, I found myself far more exhausted than I had in my residency in Tokyo, this only proved my understanding of Karaka’s need for medical and mental health. However after spending twelve years in schooling, and practice I found my focus slipping. I felt what I could only assume was, burn out. Even now I find it rather disappointing. I had spent all my life in school, reading books, diagrams, and paper after paper. I wrote more reports upon what I had learned than those who published the sources I had cited. I was a scholar full through, and after years of perseverance I had finally been granted what I had prepared myself for. Yet upon spending my hours sitting at the front desk, treating patient after patient, I found myself demotivated. Oh please do not misread me, while I fully expected the difficulty of the job, I found it was not the work itself but a trouble of the heart.
After a month of working at the hospital I resigned, and began pursuing other methods of implementing my skills. I swiftly found an opening for a school nurse in the Karakura High School/College. And it was then I felt that I would hopefully find relaxation along with being paid enough to feed myself. I fell into unhealthy habits while in my studies, from hardly eating, to insomnia, I found myself searching for reasons for treating my body this way. Though I now hope that with this new development, that I may readjust all that I had done in the pursuit of knowledge.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):

I wish to simply put my abilities to use, without the worries of shaky hands and other potentially catastrophic mistakes. I wish to spend some time relaxing now that I have achieved the knowledge I had so greatly desired. Part of me wishes I had not spent so much of my youth studying. So I wish to potentially impact the youth of this town, as I know they are the driving force of Karakura. I know that many of them are born from harsh environments just as I, and due to this I wish to aid them in any possible way I can. A nurse cares for the students they take in, and if not anything, I plan to do just that.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

I feel it would be unfair of me to equate my experience to others, as I know that even while in the hospital I was on the more over-educated side of things. However, to avoid repeating myself I will say that I will put the students first, and that I will go above and beyond for them no matter the circumstances. I don’t care if I’m on the clock or not. If I see a student of KHS injured in any way I will do all I can to care for them.



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Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:


Level 202
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction! Please send me a DM on discord for the next steps!

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