Level 38
Basic Information
What is your Minecraft Username?:
How old are you?:
I am 17 years old.
Do you have any previous bans?:
No. I do not have any bans.
What Country are you from?:
I am from the United States.
Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):
I do have a discord, and it is @probablybarlos#1974
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I am fully aware that I will get demoted for inactivity, it is common sense.
Describe your activity on the server & the forums?:
I spend most of my time on the server generally roleplaying or creating models for the server, especially due to the current state of the world, I have been spending most on my time in the server.
Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:
Spanish Application (ACCEPTED)
Ocarina Application (DENIED) (twice)
Korean Application (ACCEPTED)
Custom Script Application: Kazuo's "Dual Wielding" Knowledge (ACCEPTED)
Custom Script Application: Singing Voice (ACCEPTED)
Custom Script Application: Defective Eyesight (ACCEPTED)
Suoobway Shop Application (ACCEPTED)
Custom Script Application: Marijuana (ACCEPTED)
Filipino Application (Alternative Account) (ACCEPTED)
I have roleplayed as a drama teacher, as Samra gave me the option to become one.
School Mentor Application (ACCEPTED)
Custom Script Application: Sociopathic Traits (ACCEPTED)
Custom Script Application: Menacing Glare (DENIED)
Alternative Account's Korean Application (ACCEPTED)
Alternative Account's Spanish Application (ACCEPTED)
Custom Script Application: 6'8" Height (ACCEPTED)
What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:
My motivation in becoming a professor in-game is to get some more experience in terms of teaching as a professor. I have taught as a drama teacher and personally suffered seeing that many people do not take it as seriously as people would in most classes in college. I want my character to become a serious professor who wants to assist with those wanting to pursue that specific career choice. It would be pretty interesting to see what my character could handle, especially after having a few years to fully mature into someone a tad more patient than he was before.
Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:
I have a lot of experience in roleplaying, having at least a year before SchoolRP, joining in mid-2017, playing up to now with some breaks in between. I have learned a lot when it came to acting and grammar and especially learned to stop projecting/taking IC into OOC, I have also mostly used /it or /me, making use of the color codes to speak in my /me's and or using /it to use actions in order to describe my character and his presence.
What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:
Classroom logs are exactly what the name entails, they are logs you must create of the classes you teach, classroom logs are very important as it shows a player's not only inactive, but it tracks how many classes a professor would teach, showing how much the professor is to be paid depending on how many classes they have taught during a month.
As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
Strict rules when being in class include:
1. NO TALKING, especially when the professor, or a speaker, is giving a lesson that particularly requires notetaking or most importantly, listening.
2. NO PHONES, as they are extremely disruptive as it also similar to the disrespect of an individual speaking during a lesson. They must be turned OFF before entering the classroom.
3. RESPECT the staff who are attempting to provide as much useful information to you, and respect those around you. Follow the golden rule, and follow the rules.
4. NO FOUL LANGUAGE at any point in time on school grounds, be a good role model towards other people.
5. NO EATING without permission and, or when it is NOT permitted.
Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):
In general, I used to roleplay fantasy stuff, and later on, I would spend most of my time doing zombie apocalypse Esque roleplay, particularly like The Walking Dead up until I started playing on SchoolRP / Roleplay Hub, where I would get most of my experience in roleplay. Though at first, I had trouble with grammar and many actions, trouble with roleplaying certain situations, over the years, I have remarkably improved in roleplay whether it would be expressing a character's action, and/or expressing a character's emotion whether it would be raging spite of dark sorrow. I have experience in many categories of RP inside of SchoolRP whether it would be as a teacher, a (non-modern carotid stabbing) gang member, it would be interesting to be in the shoes of a college professor as I see college classes are only a little more serious than high school classes.
College-Professor Knowledge
Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete, What is a College-Professor's salary?
A college professor is supposed to keep the college students engaged within the subject, lecture, or lesson as they are also supposed to give assignments or even projects to get a certain grade. They are to successfully give a lesson that students should be able to absorb, using that information for exams, quizzes, or tests that are to be given after the set of lessons. Simply put, a college professor's biggest goal is to help the student succeed by giving them the tools to graduate. A college professor's salary is around ¥250,000-¥300,000 after teaching ten or fifteen classes, an additional ¥50,000 would be earned after teaching an extra five classes.
Character Knowledge
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?
Daijo Jocaro would stand tall at a towering 6’5” with a strong, muscular build. He would have a greatly shaped symmetrical head with a strong, and sharp jaw coated with a slight beard, down to his chin. Having slightly long and black hair, he would also have hazel, bold eyes with turquoise color contacts that would make his glare not only a tad more off-putting, but unique, with his thick, medium rounded eyebrows. Mr. Daijo would wear a white coat and a white, usually flat-brimmed cap, somewhat resembling the style of a character in a popular anime series.
He would carry a stern and serious outlook on students with the glare he carries and the lack of a smile in his defined lips. He nearly seems like he would probably throw a student out of the window if they throw something in the classroom, despite his serious and respectful attitude. Towards the other professors, he would act quite laid back, though, mature as he observes them. Mr. Daijo would give constructive criticism in order to help improve their teaching, showing a good amount of admiration to the professors who take their job as seriously as he does.
Daijo Jocaro at first glance would have a deeply stern personality, though, easy to flow with, with the right actions. Outside of class, he would be a bit of a quiet individual, quite difficult to make a conversation with. He would be very much of a reserved man, speaking as little as possible, but making comments when it seems necessary. Though he would carry the same amount of sternness as he would outside, Mr. Daijo would be very interactive during class as he would be dedicated to teaching, giving as much knowledge as he can, and taking constructive criticism while he is at it. He carries a serious determination to get tasks done with his own work.
You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?
“If there was a group of sport-team members, I would remind them about how old they are, as they are supposed to act mature with their current age. If the shouting does not stop, I will warn them of the consequences and command them to cease from yelling. If it persists, they will be written up and brought up to the staff to let the staff, and even the dean decide what happens to them as a result of their immature behavior.”
A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?
“If a College-Student is not paying attention and completely disturbing the environment, they will immediately be warned to stop acting immaturely before being written up and, or will be sent to the dean. College-students should be able to act maturely and should be fully aware that abusing and acting immaturely with their rank would result in their removal. There should be no excuses.”
Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:
/mel would have deeply inhaled and exhaled as he walked onto the podium, carrying a serious glare as he stood up in his tallest posture, straightening the set of notebooks in his big hands before looking at the classroom. He would have furrowed his thick eyebrows as he looked at the student.
/mel would have stepped towards the whiteboard with a patient expression as he had begun writing on the board, showing the anatomy of a sea star as he would have pointed the marker towards one of the legs, that would have been brought up to show what was on the bottom. “Anyone know what these are called?” He would have looked at the classroom with patience, jamming a hand into his pocket while he tilted his head.
/mel would have stepped up at the podium as he carried an intimidating glare towards the disruptive students. Putting both of his hands inside of his pants pockets before speaking in a raucous and clear voice, with his eyebrows furrowed. “If you have no intentions in learning in the academy, and here to simply disrupt and cause a misconvenience towards your own peers, leave the academy and seek another career choice.” He would have spoken in a spiteful and annoyed tone as he kept his chin up, scowling.
/mel walked around the room idly as he observed the students around him, his hands jammed inside of his pants pockets while he scowled with dedication and rigor. Looking over at a student’s work as he would have then continued to stroll at a slow pace until he had come back onto the podium, taking his hands out of his pockets.
/mel stepped over to his main desk as he sat down in his office chair. Idle, he would have given a moment to lean against the chair as he looked over the working students. Putting his hands on the desk, he leaned forward as he looked through the notebooks that had just been turned in, taking a pen and writing inside of them, carrying a focused expression.
Being a college student in Karakura, Jocaro "JoJo" Daijo would have spent the majority of his life in Karakura after moving from Takeshima. Marrying young age of nineteen with a beautiful woman with a red streak in her black hair, Mr. Daijo leaves the town of Karakura until he had graduated and earned his bachelor's degree within the four years, before earning his Master's degree within two more years of hard work. Mr. Daijo would have become a loving father of one at the age of 27, as well as wanting to continue to pursue his life as a marine biologist, as a result of passionate and deep love for marine life as a child. Studying many things about the creatures that inhabit the sea, whether it would be a Giant Oceanic Manta Ray or a Bottlenose Dolphin. Despite originally having a fear of the unknown in the ocean, he eventually got over it after getting experience in scuba diving.
Within the year of experience, Mr. Daijo moved back to Karakura with his wife and daughter to settle in his closest friend's estate as he searched for a job to provide for his current family. Continuing to study marine biology and explore the oceans, Mr. Daijo had begun to think of individuals who are and would be interested in the career he had pursued. Though he had originally expected to be extremely impatient as a teacher or an instructor, his seven years of being a father had taught him extremely well in being patient towards those around him. Inspired and passionate, he had decided to try to become a college professor in Karakura Academics, where he was determined to teach the new era of people who could, or possibly will discover new things in the deep blue sea.
In-Character Information
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Daijo Jocaro
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): "JoJo", "Caro",
Preferred Name: Mr. Daijo, formally.
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: N/A
Marital Status: Married
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years): N/A
Working Experience (# of years): 2
Academic Degree: Master's, Bachelors.
Year of Graduation: 20XX (Year undefined, as time is quite complicated in SRP.)
Major(s): Biology, General. Marine Sciences, Marine Biology
Minors: Chemistry, Zoology.
Native Languages: Spanish, Japanese.
Other Languages: English, Korean.
Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No.
Preferred Teaching Subject:
Marine Biology
What is your Minecraft Username?:
How old are you?:
I am 17 years old.
Do you have any previous bans?:
No. I do not have any bans.
What Country are you from?:
I am from the United States.
Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):
I do have a discord, and it is @probablybarlos#1974
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I am fully aware that I will get demoted for inactivity, it is common sense.
Describe your activity on the server & the forums?:
I spend most of my time on the server generally roleplaying or creating models for the server, especially due to the current state of the world, I have been spending most on my time in the server.
Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:
Spanish Application (ACCEPTED)
Ocarina Application (DENIED) (twice)
Korean Application (ACCEPTED)
Custom Script Application: Kazuo's "Dual Wielding" Knowledge (ACCEPTED)
Custom Script Application: Singing Voice (ACCEPTED)
Custom Script Application: Defective Eyesight (ACCEPTED)
Suoobway Shop Application (ACCEPTED)
Custom Script Application: Marijuana (ACCEPTED)
Filipino Application (Alternative Account) (ACCEPTED)
I have roleplayed as a drama teacher, as Samra gave me the option to become one.

School Mentor Application (ACCEPTED)
Custom Script Application: Sociopathic Traits (ACCEPTED)
Custom Script Application: Menacing Glare (DENIED)
Alternative Account's Korean Application (ACCEPTED)
Alternative Account's Spanish Application (ACCEPTED)
Custom Script Application: 6'8" Height (ACCEPTED)
What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:
My motivation in becoming a professor in-game is to get some more experience in terms of teaching as a professor. I have taught as a drama teacher and personally suffered seeing that many people do not take it as seriously as people would in most classes in college. I want my character to become a serious professor who wants to assist with those wanting to pursue that specific career choice. It would be pretty interesting to see what my character could handle, especially after having a few years to fully mature into someone a tad more patient than he was before.
Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:
I have a lot of experience in roleplaying, having at least a year before SchoolRP, joining in mid-2017, playing up to now with some breaks in between. I have learned a lot when it came to acting and grammar and especially learned to stop projecting/taking IC into OOC, I have also mostly used /it or /me, making use of the color codes to speak in my /me's and or using /it to use actions in order to describe my character and his presence.
What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:
Classroom logs are exactly what the name entails, they are logs you must create of the classes you teach, classroom logs are very important as it shows a player's not only inactive, but it tracks how many classes a professor would teach, showing how much the professor is to be paid depending on how many classes they have taught during a month.
As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
Strict rules when being in class include:
1. NO TALKING, especially when the professor, or a speaker, is giving a lesson that particularly requires notetaking or most importantly, listening.
2. NO PHONES, as they are extremely disruptive as it also similar to the disrespect of an individual speaking during a lesson. They must be turned OFF before entering the classroom.
3. RESPECT the staff who are attempting to provide as much useful information to you, and respect those around you. Follow the golden rule, and follow the rules.
4. NO FOUL LANGUAGE at any point in time on school grounds, be a good role model towards other people.
5. NO EATING without permission and, or when it is NOT permitted.
Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):
In general, I used to roleplay fantasy stuff, and later on, I would spend most of my time doing zombie apocalypse Esque roleplay, particularly like The Walking Dead up until I started playing on SchoolRP / Roleplay Hub, where I would get most of my experience in roleplay. Though at first, I had trouble with grammar and many actions, trouble with roleplaying certain situations, over the years, I have remarkably improved in roleplay whether it would be expressing a character's action, and/or expressing a character's emotion whether it would be raging spite of dark sorrow. I have experience in many categories of RP inside of SchoolRP whether it would be as a teacher, a (non-modern carotid stabbing) gang member, it would be interesting to be in the shoes of a college professor as I see college classes are only a little more serious than high school classes.
College-Professor Knowledge
Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete, What is a College-Professor's salary?
A college professor is supposed to keep the college students engaged within the subject, lecture, or lesson as they are also supposed to give assignments or even projects to get a certain grade. They are to successfully give a lesson that students should be able to absorb, using that information for exams, quizzes, or tests that are to be given after the set of lessons. Simply put, a college professor's biggest goal is to help the student succeed by giving them the tools to graduate. A college professor's salary is around ¥250,000-¥300,000 after teaching ten or fifteen classes, an additional ¥50,000 would be earned after teaching an extra five classes.
Character Knowledge
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?
Daijo Jocaro would stand tall at a towering 6’5” with a strong, muscular build. He would have a greatly shaped symmetrical head with a strong, and sharp jaw coated with a slight beard, down to his chin. Having slightly long and black hair, he would also have hazel, bold eyes with turquoise color contacts that would make his glare not only a tad more off-putting, but unique, with his thick, medium rounded eyebrows. Mr. Daijo would wear a white coat and a white, usually flat-brimmed cap, somewhat resembling the style of a character in a popular anime series.
He would carry a stern and serious outlook on students with the glare he carries and the lack of a smile in his defined lips. He nearly seems like he would probably throw a student out of the window if they throw something in the classroom, despite his serious and respectful attitude. Towards the other professors, he would act quite laid back, though, mature as he observes them. Mr. Daijo would give constructive criticism in order to help improve their teaching, showing a good amount of admiration to the professors who take their job as seriously as he does.
Daijo Jocaro at first glance would have a deeply stern personality, though, easy to flow with, with the right actions. Outside of class, he would be a bit of a quiet individual, quite difficult to make a conversation with. He would be very much of a reserved man, speaking as little as possible, but making comments when it seems necessary. Though he would carry the same amount of sternness as he would outside, Mr. Daijo would be very interactive during class as he would be dedicated to teaching, giving as much knowledge as he can, and taking constructive criticism while he is at it. He carries a serious determination to get tasks done with his own work.
You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?
“If there was a group of sport-team members, I would remind them about how old they are, as they are supposed to act mature with their current age. If the shouting does not stop, I will warn them of the consequences and command them to cease from yelling. If it persists, they will be written up and brought up to the staff to let the staff, and even the dean decide what happens to them as a result of their immature behavior.”
A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?
“If a College-Student is not paying attention and completely disturbing the environment, they will immediately be warned to stop acting immaturely before being written up and, or will be sent to the dean. College-students should be able to act maturely and should be fully aware that abusing and acting immaturely with their rank would result in their removal. There should be no excuses.”
Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:
/mel would have deeply inhaled and exhaled as he walked onto the podium, carrying a serious glare as he stood up in his tallest posture, straightening the set of notebooks in his big hands before looking at the classroom. He would have furrowed his thick eyebrows as he looked at the student.
/mel would have stepped towards the whiteboard with a patient expression as he had begun writing on the board, showing the anatomy of a sea star as he would have pointed the marker towards one of the legs, that would have been brought up to show what was on the bottom. “Anyone know what these are called?” He would have looked at the classroom with patience, jamming a hand into his pocket while he tilted his head.
/mel would have stepped up at the podium as he carried an intimidating glare towards the disruptive students. Putting both of his hands inside of his pants pockets before speaking in a raucous and clear voice, with his eyebrows furrowed. “If you have no intentions in learning in the academy, and here to simply disrupt and cause a misconvenience towards your own peers, leave the academy and seek another career choice.” He would have spoken in a spiteful and annoyed tone as he kept his chin up, scowling.
/mel walked around the room idly as he observed the students around him, his hands jammed inside of his pants pockets while he scowled with dedication and rigor. Looking over at a student’s work as he would have then continued to stroll at a slow pace until he had come back onto the podium, taking his hands out of his pockets.
/mel stepped over to his main desk as he sat down in his office chair. Idle, he would have given a moment to lean against the chair as he looked over the working students. Putting his hands on the desk, he leaned forward as he looked through the notebooks that had just been turned in, taking a pen and writing inside of them, carrying a focused expression.
Being a college student in Karakura, Jocaro "JoJo" Daijo would have spent the majority of his life in Karakura after moving from Takeshima. Marrying young age of nineteen with a beautiful woman with a red streak in her black hair, Mr. Daijo leaves the town of Karakura until he had graduated and earned his bachelor's degree within the four years, before earning his Master's degree within two more years of hard work. Mr. Daijo would have become a loving father of one at the age of 27, as well as wanting to continue to pursue his life as a marine biologist, as a result of passionate and deep love for marine life as a child. Studying many things about the creatures that inhabit the sea, whether it would be a Giant Oceanic Manta Ray or a Bottlenose Dolphin. Despite originally having a fear of the unknown in the ocean, he eventually got over it after getting experience in scuba diving.
Within the year of experience, Mr. Daijo moved back to Karakura with his wife and daughter to settle in his closest friend's estate as he searched for a job to provide for his current family. Continuing to study marine biology and explore the oceans, Mr. Daijo had begun to think of individuals who are and would be interested in the career he had pursued. Though he had originally expected to be extremely impatient as a teacher or an instructor, his seven years of being a father had taught him extremely well in being patient towards those around him. Inspired and passionate, he had decided to try to become a college professor in Karakura Academics, where he was determined to teach the new era of people who could, or possibly will discover new things in the deep blue sea.
In-Character Information
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Daijo Jocaro
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): "JoJo", "Caro",
Preferred Name: Mr. Daijo, formally.
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: N/A
Marital Status: Married
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years): N/A
Working Experience (# of years): 2
Academic Degree: Master's, Bachelors.
Year of Graduation: 20XX (Year undefined, as time is quite complicated in SRP.)
Major(s): Biology, General. Marine Sciences, Marine Biology
Minors: Chemistry, Zoology.
Native Languages: Spanish, Japanese.
Other Languages: English, Korean.
Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No.
Preferred Teaching Subject:
Marine Biology
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