Age: 18
Birthday: 20-Jul
Hometown: ?
Languages: Japanese, English, Spanish
Eye color: Dark Red (currently), Left silver right Red (previously)
Height: 6'2/ 187cm
Build: Ectomorph
Aliases: Vulture (formerly)
Orientation: Straight
Hair color: Dark Gray (currently), Jet black (previously)
Style: Nankai mainly wears dark-colored clothing with unruly black hair
skin color: Tan
Character Voice:
Hobbies: Stargazing, Climbing, Fishing, Exercise, Walking in the woods, writing, hanging out with his girlfriend Rose, studying insects, botany, and reading
Personality: Nankai can be described as Ruthless and uncaring to people he doesn't know but is gentle and always worrying about those he loves he is borderline Nihilistic and puts on a facade of confidence and ego quipping back and forth with others but he's secretly always questioning himself and his personality he hates himself and sees no potential in himself he doesn't know that he's a lot stronger than he seems on the outside he seems composed and calm but is insecure and is a person who needs constant reassurance in his relationships that they won't fail he wants people to say that they love him he can get clingy and almost possessive at times and when he feels ignored he'll push away people or grow distant and stay quiet in fear of them leaving him at the end of the day despite his exterior Nankai is just a boy who wants to be told he's loved and matters hes not confident in his choices and he pushes himself hes self destructive and selfish not caring to see the impact his life has on others and the effects of his self destructive nature has on his loved ones
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Nankai has frequent night terrors and clinical depression He used to be a severe alcoholic but has changed though he does relapse from time to time, he is also highly self-destructive when it comes to people he is close to and is willing to do anything to help them, he is extremely stubborn and selfish and will do anything to protect the people close to him regardless of how he might turn out disregarding the impact his life has on his friends though he seems to be working through that and severe PTSD
Backstory (before Karakura):
Nankai's life from the start wasn't even worth calling a life he was born into a destitute family in a rundown.
neighborhood.Nankai's life from the start wasn't even worth calling a life he was born into a destitute family in a rundown.
He didn't know much of comfort or happiness his mother Aiyana even created a naming scheme for her children making sure that the meaning of the names were powerful Nankai's name quite literally translated to Centipede King Aiyana struggled to provide for her children after Nankai's father had left them in frustration Aiyana would frequently abuse Nankai.
Though to Nankai there was only one upside to his life.
His younger brother Yuta Re to Nankai Yuta was a bright light in an otherwise bleak
life.Though to Nankai there was only one upside to his life.
His younger brother Yuta Re to Nankai Yuta was a bright light in an otherwise bleak
They could both find comfort in the presence of one another Unfortunately for Nankai his already fragile world would shatter.
When Yuta fell ill with a disease
In an act of pure evil, Nankai's mother killed her sick son because he was weak enough to get a fatal disease he didn't deserve to live.
Unfortunately,When Yuta fell ill with a disease
In an act of pure evil, Nankai's mother killed her sick son because he was weak enough to get a fatal disease he didn't deserve to live.
or maybe fortunately in her heartlessness before she decided to kill Yuta, she made sure Nankai was able to watch.
what she didn't anticipate was that Nankai cared about his brother far more than she would ever know and in a moment of pure unbridled rage
Nankai killed his bother stabbing her through the heart though unfortunately, she managed to take out one of his eyes before she died but as she bled out Nankai left leavening her in Agony alone to die what happened next is unknown all that is known is that Nankai reappeared again when he was
18.what she didn't anticipate was that Nankai cared about his brother far more than she would ever know and in a moment of pure unbridled rage
Nankai killed his bother stabbing her through the heart though unfortunately, she managed to take out one of his eyes before she died but as she bled out Nankai left leavening her in Agony alone to die what happened next is unknown all that is known is that Nankai reappeared again when he was
Attending Karakura high only Nankai knows what happened after that fateful day and maybe it will stay that way.
Roseland Brookside/Alive
"I love you Roseland Brookside which is why I'll always worry."
Nankai would meet Rose at Karakura they met through a mutual friend who introduced them to each other.
though in the beginning they were awkward they soon became close friends and after Nankai had several encounters with
Roseland Brookside/Alive
"I love you Roseland Brookside which is why I'll always worry."
Nankai would meet Rose at Karakura they met through a mutual friend who introduced them to each other.
though in the beginning they were awkward they soon became close friends and after Nankai had several encounters with
Rose soon realizes her feelings and confesses to Nankai who accepts her feelings wholeheartedly they are in a stable relationship despite some bumps in the road they are both very happy with each other.
Brianna Mejia/alive
"What the fuck do you want?"
Nankai and Brianna met through association with Rose although calling them friends would be a long shot, they can never be in the same room with each other without arguing or bickering Nankai has recently started to be a bit more kind to Brianna after he had a near-death experience in hopes that one day, they could become friends (reluctant friends at best in his opinion)
Blake Theron/ dead
Family (adopted)
"why? . . . why did you save me Nankai?"
Nankai and Blake met after Nankai escaped to the sewers of Karakura Nankai was found by Karma and met Blake there they soon became close and followed whatever Karma did though after both Karma and Nankai left Blake a small resentment grew and throughout the years after the death of Karma without knowing who the true Karma ever was, Blake grew a large hatred towards Nankai thinking his brother had abandoned the ideals Karma built for them and gone off to grow weaker and he thought Nankai had a similar thought and so he resented the older brother figure he once loved but after getting jumped where Nankai scarified himself to save Blake it left Blake baffled and desperate to find Nankai he eventually did and after a talk about Karma and their childhood Blake went off to find his own ideals unfortunately the next time he and Nankai would meet Blake sacrificed himself to save Nankai getting killed in the process while Nankai was forced to watch his little brother die
Karma Ragnarök (formerly Nero Olin)/ dead
family (adopted)
"I will always love you, little brother no matter what."
Karma at the time named Nero was the first to find Nankai and brought him to the old man a father figure to Karma Blake and Nankai who went by the name of Karma Ragnarök Nero showed Nankai around and Nankai looked up to Nero, unfortunately, one day both kids saw Karma dying and as Karma died in their hands Nero took the old man's Name becoming Karma Ragnarök in hopes of finding happiness and closure for their dead adoptive father Nankai's and Blakes relationship was complicated to say the least after the death of their father Karma grew distant and further away like a pillar Nankai couldn't climb the top of but one day, when Karma left the underground Nankai, followed but whatever Nankai expected wasn't reality as when he and Karma met again Karma was a lot colder and more demanding and harsh but what Nankai didn't know is that Karma so shocked from the loss of his father decided the only way to protect his younger sibling was to put them through lots of pain to make them stronger but he didn't see the amount of trauma he caused Nankai who only found out Karma's intentions after death which only added to his increasing Trauma along with seeing his older brother die twice Karmas death would cause Nankai do adopt Karmas name as his middle name
Karma Ragnarök/dead
family (adopted)
"L- . . . Live . . A . Happy . . . Life"
Karma was the adoptive father of Nero Olin, Blake Theron, and Nankai K Re Karma found Nankai when the boy only had one eye and gave him a replacement silver eye which later got destroyed a few years later not much is known about Karma other than the fact that he tried to be the best father he could be with the situations he was given though that didn't mean he was without his flaws as he was the one who started the generational trauma within the small group of broken young men and was the person who got Nankai addicted to alcohol in order to cope with his frequent nightmares Karma was far from perfect but still gave the kids the best he could with all his flaws
Brianna Mejia/alive
"What the fuck do you want?"
Nankai and Brianna met through association with Rose although calling them friends would be a long shot, they can never be in the same room with each other without arguing or bickering Nankai has recently started to be a bit more kind to Brianna after he had a near-death experience in hopes that one day, they could become friends (reluctant friends at best in his opinion)
Blake Theron/ dead
Family (adopted)
"why? . . . why did you save me Nankai?"
Nankai and Blake met after Nankai escaped to the sewers of Karakura Nankai was found by Karma and met Blake there they soon became close and followed whatever Karma did though after both Karma and Nankai left Blake a small resentment grew and throughout the years after the death of Karma without knowing who the true Karma ever was, Blake grew a large hatred towards Nankai thinking his brother had abandoned the ideals Karma built for them and gone off to grow weaker and he thought Nankai had a similar thought and so he resented the older brother figure he once loved but after getting jumped where Nankai scarified himself to save Blake it left Blake baffled and desperate to find Nankai he eventually did and after a talk about Karma and their childhood Blake went off to find his own ideals unfortunately the next time he and Nankai would meet Blake sacrificed himself to save Nankai getting killed in the process while Nankai was forced to watch his little brother die
Karma Ragnarök (formerly Nero Olin)/ dead
family (adopted)
"I will always love you, little brother no matter what."
Karma at the time named Nero was the first to find Nankai and brought him to the old man a father figure to Karma Blake and Nankai who went by the name of Karma Ragnarök Nero showed Nankai around and Nankai looked up to Nero, unfortunately, one day both kids saw Karma dying and as Karma died in their hands Nero took the old man's Name becoming Karma Ragnarök in hopes of finding happiness and closure for their dead adoptive father Nankai's and Blakes relationship was complicated to say the least after the death of their father Karma grew distant and further away like a pillar Nankai couldn't climb the top of but one day, when Karma left the underground Nankai, followed but whatever Nankai expected wasn't reality as when he and Karma met again Karma was a lot colder and more demanding and harsh but what Nankai didn't know is that Karma so shocked from the loss of his father decided the only way to protect his younger sibling was to put them through lots of pain to make them stronger but he didn't see the amount of trauma he caused Nankai who only found out Karma's intentions after death which only added to his increasing Trauma along with seeing his older brother die twice Karmas death would cause Nankai do adopt Karmas name as his middle name
Karma Ragnarök/dead
family (adopted)
"L- . . . Live . . A . Happy . . . Life"
Karma was the adoptive father of Nero Olin, Blake Theron, and Nankai K Re Karma found Nankai when the boy only had one eye and gave him a replacement silver eye which later got destroyed a few years later not much is known about Karma other than the fact that he tried to be the best father he could be with the situations he was given though that didn't mean he was without his flaws as he was the one who started the generational trauma within the small group of broken young men and was the person who got Nankai addicted to alcohol in order to cope with his frequent nightmares Karma was far from perfect but still gave the kids the best he could with all his flaws
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