Level 4
Out-Of-Character Information
What is your Minecraft username?:
What is your Minecraft username?:
How old are you?:
16 years old
Do you have any previous bans?:
Pervious ban was for asking to be banned due to needing some space for personal reasons.
What Country are you from?:
Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I fully understand.
Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:
On the server I'm mainly EMS as an active psychiatrist, I am on daily unless I am sick which can be rarely. I also have a college account but I'm hoping to get Office secretary or this. I'm not active on the forums unless I'm applying with applications or checking out how my friends are.
Do you have any previous bans?:
Pervious ban was for asking to be banned due to needing some space for personal reasons.
What Country are you from?:
Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I fully understand.
Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:
On the server I'm mainly EMS as an active psychiatrist, I am on daily unless I am sick which can be rarely. I also have a college account but I'm hoping to get Office secretary or this. I'm not active on the forums unless I'm applying with applications or checking out how my friends are.
Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/nictotine-office-secretary-application.27514/ (Waiting)
https://schoolrp.net/threads/nictotine-school-nurse-application.26551/ (DENIED due to no spaces left.)
https://schoolrp.net/threads/kanashiiis-psychiatrist-application.22058/ (ACCEPTED)
What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:
My motivation for becoming a college professor is that I'd like to icly or even oocly they might catch an interest, teaching people about different art styles and about artists whom might've been famous or help them peruse their interest in being artistic or maybe even inspire them more to be interested in it.
Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:
The roleplay experience I have is EMS and CollegeRP.
What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:
Classrooms logs are important so you know who has been in the classes and who hasn't attended to them, they also let other professors know who has been and who hasn't for college strikes as well, please do correct me if I am wrong though.
As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
The strict rules of being a professor is that you must make sure all the students are listening and not jumping around. Making sure that they are behaving during the time they are in classes and working hard for their future but to also be keeping them motivated if they need help making sure that they can ask a question if they are unsure.
1.) No phones on during the time they are in class unless they are doing research of the topic with permission.
2.) No disruptions in the classroom in any form if disruptions are seen to be happening and do not listen after being told to stop, they will be told to leave the classroom in a polite manner.
3.) The other important rule is making sure the students all arrive in time with the correct items needed if it's from notebooks to information that's needed for the class of the day and being taught the correct information to remember for quizzes and tests.
4.) Making sure everyone is speaking in Japanese with no cussing in the classroom or even speaking without permission to speak as it's rude and can disrupt others.
5.) Making sure everyone is being save with the resources that's given taking the classes seriously.
Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):
So I used to originally be a college student icly before applying to be a cop for CopRP and didn't see it as my thing, I then went to work as EMS and still do work for EMS as a full active psychiatrist and I would like to try out something new as I think it would be pretty nice to try out.
College-Professor Knowledge
Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete, What is a College-Professor's salary?
The role of a college professor is that they are meant to fully support students during the time they are in the course, teaching them the correct information to make sure they've got the best education they can get with all their hard work, they need to make sure that they've completed all their logs and provide evidence that the classes took place. They also need to make sure that students stay motivated during the classes and make sure the classes are serious but enjoyable at the same time so they don't lose interest in any of it. The salary for the college professor is 300,000 from a total of 15 classes per month, they can gain more money for completing more classes for an example 20 classes get 350,000.
Character Knowledge
https://schoolrp.net/threads/nictotine-school-nurse-application.26551/ (DENIED due to no spaces left.)
https://schoolrp.net/threads/kanashiiis-psychiatrist-application.22058/ (ACCEPTED)
What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:
My motivation for becoming a college professor is that I'd like to icly or even oocly they might catch an interest, teaching people about different art styles and about artists whom might've been famous or help them peruse their interest in being artistic or maybe even inspire them more to be interested in it.
Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:
The roleplay experience I have is EMS and CollegeRP.
What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:
Classrooms logs are important so you know who has been in the classes and who hasn't attended to them, they also let other professors know who has been and who hasn't for college strikes as well, please do correct me if I am wrong though.
As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
The strict rules of being a professor is that you must make sure all the students are listening and not jumping around. Making sure that they are behaving during the time they are in classes and working hard for their future but to also be keeping them motivated if they need help making sure that they can ask a question if they are unsure.
1.) No phones on during the time they are in class unless they are doing research of the topic with permission.
2.) No disruptions in the classroom in any form if disruptions are seen to be happening and do not listen after being told to stop, they will be told to leave the classroom in a polite manner.
3.) The other important rule is making sure the students all arrive in time with the correct items needed if it's from notebooks to information that's needed for the class of the day and being taught the correct information to remember for quizzes and tests.
4.) Making sure everyone is speaking in Japanese with no cussing in the classroom or even speaking without permission to speak as it's rude and can disrupt others.
5.) Making sure everyone is being save with the resources that's given taking the classes seriously.
Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):
So I used to originally be a college student icly before applying to be a cop for CopRP and didn't see it as my thing, I then went to work as EMS and still do work for EMS as a full active psychiatrist and I would like to try out something new as I think it would be pretty nice to try out.
College-Professor Knowledge
Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete, What is a College-Professor's salary?
The role of a college professor is that they are meant to fully support students during the time they are in the course, teaching them the correct information to make sure they've got the best education they can get with all their hard work, they need to make sure that they've completed all their logs and provide evidence that the classes took place. They also need to make sure that students stay motivated during the classes and make sure the classes are serious but enjoyable at the same time so they don't lose interest in any of it. The salary for the college professor is 300,000 from a total of 15 classes per month, they can gain more money for completing more classes for an example 20 classes get 350,000.
Character Knowledge
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?
The female would stand at 5'4 in height she would have short dyed grey hair that would be cut into a nice neat bob with a side fringe, she would have clear blue eyes with a pale skin tone with a beauty mark under her left eye to, to match with her face she would have a calm voice with a French accent to go with it. The female would always have a straight standing posture meaning she wouldn't slouch at all during the time she's at work or off of work.
**Personality of the character I'll be using.**
The female would always be calm and collected, she would be highly organised with her classes or the work that is needed to be done but she will always remain serious when there's someone disrupting the class for others that want to learn. She would always be kind and caring but she would always make sure to help others when it's required but most importantly she's very mature, and she would be known to be a workaholic meaning she's fully dedicated to her job.
**Her outlook on the students;** Her outlook on students will always depend on how they act but she will always feel the need to want to help them learn as much as possible during the time they are in classes of her own, She would like for them to have a great future and grow up to having the things they want in life like a good job that they enjoy having but she will never judge anyone for how they act and always remain polite towards everyone.
She would treat the teachers like she would treat anyone else with pure respect and kindness, if they required help she would always be happy to help them if they asked or needed, but she would always keep things professionally no matter what it is.
For her future she hopes to teach for as long as she can until she has to retire as she wants to teach people many things during her classes with the topic she wants to teach about, she would hope to settle down eventually after her teaching career is finished with and she would like to go back onto her enjoyed hobbies, she mainly focuses on teaching other than retiring.
You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?
If a group of sport-team members were shouting in the halls I would approach them and ask them to quiet down in a calm and kind tone showing no frustration or anger as it can worsen things. If they didn't quiet down I'd tell them to take it outside of school or to stop otherwise I'd have to call the principal.
A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?
if a college student was disrupting my class and not listening to what I am saying to them I would kindly tell them if they don't calm down and listen I will have to kick them out my class and inform the college dean that they weren't behaving in class if they continued, I'd give them two full warnings before kicking them out of my class and telling them next time they come into class they need to behave other wise they'll be reported to the Dean.
**Personality of the character I'll be using.**
The female would always be calm and collected, she would be highly organised with her classes or the work that is needed to be done but she will always remain serious when there's someone disrupting the class for others that want to learn. She would always be kind and caring but she would always make sure to help others when it's required but most importantly she's very mature, and she would be known to be a workaholic meaning she's fully dedicated to her job.
**Her outlook on the students;** Her outlook on students will always depend on how they act but she will always feel the need to want to help them learn as much as possible during the time they are in classes of her own, She would like for them to have a great future and grow up to having the things they want in life like a good job that they enjoy having but she will never judge anyone for how they act and always remain polite towards everyone.
She would treat the teachers like she would treat anyone else with pure respect and kindness, if they required help she would always be happy to help them if they asked or needed, but she would always keep things professionally no matter what it is.
For her future she hopes to teach for as long as she can until she has to retire as she wants to teach people many things during her classes with the topic she wants to teach about, she would hope to settle down eventually after her teaching career is finished with and she would like to go back onto her enjoyed hobbies, she mainly focuses on teaching other than retiring.
You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?
If a group of sport-team members were shouting in the halls I would approach them and ask them to quiet down in a calm and kind tone showing no frustration or anger as it can worsen things. If they didn't quiet down I'd tell them to take it outside of school or to stop otherwise I'd have to call the principal.
A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?
if a college student was disrupting my class and not listening to what I am saying to them I would kindly tell them if they don't calm down and listen I will have to kick them out my class and inform the college dean that they weren't behaving in class if they continued, I'd give them two full warnings before kicking them out of my class and telling them next time they come into class they need to behave other wise they'll be reported to the Dean.
Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:
/me The female would look towards the class as she pointed towards the board, she would start speaking in a calm tone that everyone would be able to hear as she started getting the books ready. "These will have information on the artist you'll be learning about today, please be sure to read over everything twice so you don't miss out on anything as I will be giving a test after this making sure you all read through it."
/me She would show photos from her folder as went around showing the whole class the picture of the beach that would have a sunset on it as she spoke. "This is a picture of the beach- Can you explain to me what personality the picture shows off, and How does it make you feel as well? Sometimes photos have a meaning behind them with a certain feeling."
/me The female would look around as she spoke to everyone in a calm tone. "I'd like some of you to raise your hands to tell me what you know about photography and what artists you might know? Photography isn't just about taking photos it can be learning about the geography and the right locations to go to for it, It can be about social stuff, and other things as I will tell you through out the lesson."
/me She would stand at the side of the door as she let everyone out of the classroom one by one, collecting the books she had given them with possible tests in them. "I will make sure to tell you each your scores if you got them or done them."
/me She would go up to the induvial who would be asking for help with a calm facial expression, she would speak with the individual about the question. "So with this certain area you'll need to do research on this part because you are meant to be collecting information and make a poster about it and then explain or even draw what you think."
The female would be fresh and born in France who was fully raised their from a baby, When she was younger her parents raised her with pure care and attention, She would have a sister and a brother who would be slightly older than her. The female started going to school at the average age that they are meant to be going at and she made many friends who were supportive and they had different interests like sports or anime even, Ukyo would even go to a club as she took a big interest in art as it could come in many forms like fashion, photography, drawing, make-up, painting, and many more. As the female reached her teenage years like 13-15 she choose her choices of classes to be art and photography, she studied very hard into gaining passes on her exams for those main things along with Japanese and English as two different topics. The female was also quite good with history and geography which would be important for learning in artistic ways. She would have a side job which would be working at a café once she hit the age of 16 years old as a side job to help keep things with her parents like rent as she started to become more mature and independent with her life, she even went the way to buy herself a camera for going out on her hobbies like photography. The female would reach the age of going to college and she started working up to getting qualifications for art and photography. The female would have finally paid off with her work and got a diploma in photography and get a HND certificate for her first few years at college soon earning a TESOL certificate into her adult years with years and hard work training. The female soon moved to Karakura in Japan for the new life she wanted to be an art teacher for the students to share her knowledge as she wanted them to peruse with the lives they wanted to have.
In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name:
Miss Hyo H. Seung
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
Miss Seung
29 years old
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan.
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years): 3 years of working experience from when she lived in France.
Working Experience (# of years): 4 years of different working experience
Academic Degree:
Bachelor of Arts Degree
Year of Graduation: 2016
Liberal Studies
Art history
Creative arts
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Japanese and German
Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
TESOL Certificate.
Preferred Teaching Subject:
Photography or art history
Nothing extra
Additional notes about your application (if any):
Do you have any questions?:
Do you have any questions?:
Uhh- please correct me if I've gotten anything wrong but I've got no other questions, all I can say is thank you so much for reading through this!