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DivineCaesar KPD application


Level 25

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Previous bans:
Unfortunately my ban record has not been good on this server, I have had way too many bans. I mixed in with the wrong crowd when I started playing SRP and it just went from there. My last ban was around 9 months ago and I do not intend to get any more bans. The warnings I did get were for trivial things that I didn't know were even rules; but regardless I take full responsibility for all of my actions. At the end of the day everyone makes mistakes and I’ve been granted another chance on the server and haven’t slipped up since.

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server is frankly too much, I have roughly eleven weeks of playtime and I am online as much as possible, when I have nothing to do though like no active RPs I will be on other platforms, however I do hop onto SRP as lot, so a good two or so hours per day when I have nothing on SRP to do, but when I have something I want to do that gives me motivation to play (Such as a job or an active RP) then I will spend around 4-6 hours a day on SRP, I know this because looking at my playtime over the last year or two you can see that I have been very active on SRP!

Which timezone are you in?

Do you have Discord? If so, what is your tag:
Augustus Caesar#8819

Do you have a microphone:

List your current and past applications:

What is your motivation for applying?:
Well, even in the real world I’ve always been fascinated with law and police-work, I intend to become a police officer when I am of age to do so as well! I’ve been around the server for a long time, two years or so, and I have eleven weeks of playtime. I see the police around a lot and for a while I have wanted to join, although I’m always dissuaded by my bad history on the server, I decided to give it a go either way. Recently I’ve been watching a show about real-life police operations, a documentary more than a show really. And it has really peaked my interest once more, while I’m too young to become a police officer in the real world, I might as well try to do it in SRP. I usually don’t apply, and this is my first application in a long time, but I’ve got a sudden surge of motivation so I’m applying here now! On Top of that, I also want to help people on the server. I know that the chance of this application getting accepted is pretty slim, especially because there are so many good applications to pick from, but I want to give it a go regardless.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, I’ve played this server for around a year, maybe two. I have gathered a decent knowledge of the basic laws and conduct that you are expected to adhere to while in Roleplay circumstances, while I must say I do not agree with all the laws of RP, I must admit that without them SRP wouldn’t be the same, The basic laws are stuff that is illegal in every nation. Things like Murder, kidnapping, assault.. But it goes a bit deeper, stuff like j-walking and specific self defense laws where if you go over a certain threshold you too are considered in violation of assault laws, conduct is very self explanatory and anything that you can’t work out through your brain alone you can easily check on the server’s easy-to-find law books.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Well, of course, I am not a real police officer. I do not have in-depth knowledge that a real police officer or detective would, however I know as much as any other person. I watch a lot of police shows and documentaries and I don’t mean those drama detective shows, I mean the real police operation documentaries that go in depth about how they’re planned and carried out, I’ve also seen people be arrested before and I know how the police function on a normal level, I also know that police never go to a situation alone, they have partners for a reason! It is very dangerous for police to go at anything alone, from patrolling which is a big no-no if you’re alone to even just going around your day to day business if there are dangerous people around, everything in the police is about teamwork since you are a public servant your first and foremost duty is to serve the people, but you need to be safe in order to do that which is why it is of the utmost importance that you manage to stay safe and continue your work!

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
From the name you wouldn’t think that the Police would be one of the most vital parts of the entire server.. I mean ‘SchoolRP’ it sounds very peaceful and calm, however SRP is anything but. From Gangs roaming the streets and even claiming and patrolling large swaths of the city itself, to black market deals happening everywhere, the Police are an underfunded organization with limited officers and limited tools that are tasked with bringing order to the city. They are widely hated in RP but do one of the most important jobs, they keep the city safe. They also provide a counter-rp to GangRpers, because let’s be honest, if GangRPers went around unopposed then it wouldn’t be fun for anyone. A lot of GangRPers are scared of Police because they are the one organization that can properly stop them, that is why Police are one of the most important aspects to SchoolRP, without them it would be PurgeRP and frankly very very boring with no power check against GangRPers.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorised to attend or you will be punished?

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?

In-Character (IC) Section


Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Nakada is just your average guy on the surface, he stands at 5’11 so around average, he isn’t overweight; due to his profession it is necessary for him to stay in top shape, so that is why he always makes sure his muscular body remains in such shape. His hair is brown and his eyes blue, he usually puts deodorant on although he showers twice a day so there is really no reason to do so since he doesn’t smell, the most unique thing about him is a few scars on his body, from a medium-sized one on his left cheek to a rather hefty one on his back, he has a few tattoos; mainly a large dragon tattoo in the dead centre of his back and a rose tattoo on his right shoulder. Despite whatever he was feeling at the time, Nakada always puts on a smile. He isn’t the type of person who lets his personal emotions overwhelm him. He also knows many languages. Japanese, of course. But also sign language, Russian and Italian. He is part of a dying upbringing of farmers and agricultural workers which is another unique thing about him.

What they're like on and off the job?
On the job he is serious and calm, he knows that it’s a job like any other, the only difference being as a public servant he works for the government and the people of Karakura and Japan. He loves his job however it doesn’t really come off that way since he never lets his emotions get to him. He treats everyone respectfully although it doesn’t go further than that because he likes to keep a strict balance between his home-life and his job. On top of this, he doesn’t like to converse with his co-workers mainly because he never knows if one of them will die on the job, especially given Karakura’s nature. Off the job he is much more relaxed, one of his only hobbies is playing video games. He loves to just kick back and have a few games of whatever he wants to play that day. This is mainly because his real life is so stressful that he has to vent it out online, he’s still respectful to people off the job but doesn’t keep the same sense of strict maturity and seriousness, since he likes to enjoy himself he can be found doing anything from going on a date with whatever girl he decides he likes at that time or even going to the shrine, he isn’t religious in the slightest however he loves the history benign the place. Same with the Church, it is very easy to notice the difference between his work self and his off-duty self. Although in a sense he never goes off the job, as a police officer his first and foremost commitment is to the people and government, meaning at all times he has to make sure he doesn’t say anything wrong or do something that jeopardizes his career.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
Nakada’s view on his colleagues is simple yet if you delve slightly deeper it can get much much more complicated. He knows that the job they all do is very risky, anything from being kidnapped by a gang because you arrested their friend or getting a katana in the heart because you tazed a gang leader, he knows that anyone he works with could die and it is very likely due to the career that they are all together in, that being said spending that much time with someone it is very very hard for him not to gain some sort of attachment to them. He tries to limit his activities with his co-workers as much as possible, but he wouldn’t turn down an afterwork hangout with a few work friends if the situation came up, he treats his co-workers as you would expect; with respect that suits their position, regardless of his personal feelings towards them he knows that he won’t go far in life if he makes every little grudge he has into a big thing. His main plans for life are pretty simple and probably a lot of people have the exact same ambitions, he wants to find a nice girl and settle down. Have children and grow old in a family home that he can pass down to his children, he really just wants to do his duty as a police officer and live to tell the story. His short-term goal is really just to do his job well, keep his head down and avoid getting fired.

Born on June fifth, 1995, Nakada Hayashi was the third son of a mainly agricultural family. He lived with his uncle however for the majority of his childhood because his mother died during childbirth and his father was unable to take care of the boy due to his own age and inexperience. His uncle gave him a tough upbringing, going to a local public school since his family were nowhere near rich enough to afford private school, not that he would want it since he was known for not being the posh type. As he grew older, he took a keen interest in his education and spent time abroad in Russia, Italy etc to study. On Top of this, he learnt the languages of said countries. His uncle was always kind to him, at face value at least, but in reality he was pretty distant as he saw the child as a freeloader who wasn’t his responsibility. He made Nakada work long hours on the farm and, well, working on a farm isn’t exactly an easy job for a teenager. This experience did toughen him up though and he managed to cope through hours of schooling where he achieved good grades and then through hours of physical work after school.

When he reached his late-teenage years, he finally decided what he wanted to do and that was to become a police officer. This was for a multitude of reasons. To start, his uncle who had been raising him to this point was mugged in an alley, although it did not leave any serious injuries it really damaged Nakada’s opinion of his community and caused him a slight disdain for crime and the like. The second reason being he was always raised as a traditionalist, he deemed it his duty to give back to the community that raised him and fed him and he saw his way of doing this as protecting them. His final reason for his career choice was simply because it matched his skill set. He was a man who was able to maintain both mental and physical strain and worked well under pressure.

He enrolled in a local college in his town and started studying. His bachelor degree was supposed to be in criminal law, however he decided only a few months into his coursework that it wasn’t for him. He couldn’t bear watching his life go by just for a piece of paper that said he knew what he was doing. So instead he flunked out of college and started working as an intern for the local police station, he gathered what knowledge he could and applied for a cadet program that would give him a degree in law enforcement, signed by the police department.

As the months went by he achieved his little piece of paper that said he knew what he was doing, but this time not from some academic that had no hands-on experience, from the actual police department. With this achieved he decided it was time to get a real job, which leads us to this.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:

Nakada Hayashi

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:
Mr. Hayashi (People he doesn’t know/formal.)
Hayashi (Work colleagues/acquaintances)
Nakada (Friends)
Naka (Close friends/family)



IC Phone number:

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan.

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:


Working Experience:
Nakada worked as an unpaid intern for an animal rescue centre at one point in his life, after that he went on to work as a community assistant and in general worked in jobs where he was mainly giving, not receiving.

Academic Degree:

Year of Graduation:



Native Languages:

Other Languages:
Russian, JSL and Italian.

P.S: Have a good day.


Level 328
Thank you for applying; however, the force has decided to deny this application.

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