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Drivers License | FEEDBACK


Level 135
IGN: KnotAlive

DATE: 8/1/2022

WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I’d like to suggest adding a Drivers License model in the server. I believe this would develop more realism towards the server.

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Stating with the above, I believe this would benefit the community and server with more realism. With a driver's license model on the server, this would help give KPD and the Government factions more things to look for. With the KPD side, this would come in handy if they were to pull over someone with a motorized vehicle. For instance, if this was their 2nd time pulling over the same civilian they could add a strike onto their drivers license. After many strikes on the license KPD may confiscate the license for a certain period of time. After time passes by the person may pay a fine to retrieve it. Moving on to the Government faction, a Law could be established as its stated under the Law forum, section Motor Vehicles Offenses “These laws fall beneath the (KMVA) Karakura Motor Vehicle Act, violation of them will result in a criminal record along with jail time, as well as the potential to suspend or remove a person's driving abilities.” The Law that could be established would be that every civilian of Karakura must own a drivers license. This would make more sense as a person driving without a license would act as a crime and would make more sense for the statement of Underage Driving The act of driving a vehicle under the legal age to drive (18)” Which could be added on stating “And/or without a valid drivers license” Even though the drivers license is itemrped, civilians can lie about the license. So implanting the model of the drivers license would create a huge impact for the community and the server itself.

Conclusion: Thank you for taking the time to read this feedback. If you have any questions or concerns please dm me on discord @ KnotAlive#8433.
Have a great day!


Level 131

This can just be itemrp'd, I feel as if taking up space for another model on the server may be troublesome. IDs are already kinda similar.


Level 135
Thread starter

This can just be itemrp'd, I feel as if taking up space for another model on the server may be troublesome. IDs are already kinda similar.
From what I stated it is itemrp'd though civilians can always lie about it and can get away from it. Although IDs do act similar, I believe if they can't add a model they can always add more information towards the ID with a drivers license area along with active strikes/warnings against the license.


Level 101

This can just be itemrp'd, I feel as if taking up space for another model on the server may be troublesome. IDs are already kinda similar.
It won't be troublesome at all, like the I.D's drivers license can be used in the same way, though it wouldn't be a priority


Level 231
-1 Not a fun inclusion, adds another an additional unneeded piece of ID

Players already get annoyed that they need to get a normal ID, now this?


Level 197
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
Honestly, +1 for this, I see ALOT of people on SRP driving all sorts of places that aren't on the road.. I'd be happy to try and encorporate something within the Town faction to accompany this, similarl to the ID system we have currently!


Level 50
I love you butttt
It’s already complicated getting a normal ID dawg and they removed the use of /itemrping normal IDs, don’t want the same for liscense and it would be fun but like I said, it will just be complicated.


Level 143
I don't agree with adding another additional mandatory item for any player who owns a car (which already takes up an extra inventory space on its own.) It's just extra clutter that needlessly increases the size of the resource pack and decreases player inventory space.

Instead of having a special item specifically for this, perhaps extra item lore could be added to the IDs of players who wish to drive vehicles; it could almost be like pseudo-ItemRP, where you don't specifically have a drivers' license item, but it's simply part of your normal government ID and exists as its own separate thing ICly.


Level 194
I love you butttt
It’s already complicated getting a normal ID dawg and they removed the use of /itemrping normal IDs, don’t want the same for liscense and it would be fun but like I said, it will just be complicated.
All you have to do is go to a governor..

I don't agree with adding another additional mandatory item for any player who owns a car (which already takes up an extra inventory space on its own.) It's just extra clutter that needlessly increases the size of the resource pack and decreases player inventory space.

Instead of having a special item specifically for this, perhaps extra item lore could be added to the IDs of players who wish to drive vehicles; it could almost be like pseudo-ItemRP, where you don't specifically have a drivers' license item, but it's simply part of your normal government ID and exists as its own separate thing ICly.
Wallets, please. Something that has like 7 slots and is only whitelisted to cards, books, nd other small things


Level 101
I love you butttt
It’s already complicated getting a normal ID dawg and they removed the use of /itemrping normal IDs, don’t want the same for liscense and it would be fun but like I said, it will just be complicated.
It's supposed to be hard to get a drivers license and I.D considering that realistically the process would be hard to get a registered I.D when applying for one

I don't agree with adding another additional mandatory item for any player who owns a car (which already takes up an extra inventory space on its own.) It's just extra clutter that needlessly increases the size of the resource pack and decreases player inventory space.

Instead of having a special item specifically for this, perhaps extra item lore could be added to the IDs of players who wish to drive vehicles; it could almost be like pseudo-ItemRP, where you don't specifically have a drivers' license item, but it's simply part of your normal government ID and exists as its own separate thing ICly.
Adding drivers license won't take up space ij the resource pack at all and complaining about inventory space is just stupid since you should always have both of these government required things on you, and adding a extra lore section for drivers license doesn't make sense on an IDENTIFICATION CARD and drivers license would add more realism since we already need I.D to buy alcohol and all that why not get a drivers license too?


Level 231
All you have to do is go to a governor..

Wallets, please. Something that has like 7 slots and is only whitelisted to cards, books, nd other small things
Don't like the idea of wallets.

SRP has always had way too bad of a history in terms of their plugin storages resetting or being annoying.

I.E The reason why school bag functionality was removed, the card system used to reset leaving you pennyless and the worst offender of all the wardrobe which was prone to resetting every couple of days

It would be such a major annoyance to lose not one I.D but potentially multiple new ones?

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