Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
Discord Name & Tag:
Previous bans:
None! I strive to keep my record clean for more opportunities in the future.
Describe your activity on the server:
Throughout the year, as you would know where would be things like summer/Christmas holidays or even just public holidays. When holidays of any kind do occur, they will apply to the time frame of 7am ➣ 12am+ unless there is a change, in which I will contact my higher-up, and put in an inactivity log where I cannot be available. I always have, and I always will be a very active player on the server, though this opportunity will give me more reasons to log on and stay on for longer periods of time instead of just waiting for something to happen.
Week Days
Mondays Usually 3:30pm ➣ 10:00pm Tuesdays 3:30pm ➣ 10pm Wednesdays 6-7pm ➣ 10pm Thursdays 3:30pm ➣ 10pm Fridays 4:30 ➣ 12am |
Saturday 8am ➣ 12am (These are the times and in between when you will see me online, I will usually not be online the entire time) Sunday 8am ➣ 10pm |
Which timezone are you in?
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Accepted - DuckRP - Physical Education Professor
What is your Minecraft username?: DuckRP Do you have any previous bans/warnings?: I have none, I strive to keep my record as clean as possible! What is your time zone?: AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) What is your discord username and discriminator? (e.g. Tippie#6666): .cookeh...
DuckRP - KPD Application
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): DuckRP Discord Name & Tag: .cookeh. (Not tag due to recent updates of discord!) Previous bans: None! I strive to keep my record clean for more opportunities in the future. Describe your activity on the server: Throughout the year, as...
DuckRP - KPD Application #2
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): DuckRP Discord Name & Tag: .cookeh. Previous bans: None! I strive to keep my record clean for more opportunities in the future. Describe your activity on the server: Throughout the year, as you would know where would be things like...
I normally role-play with many different people, some taking off into different paths on SRP while others staying how they are. What I have noticed is that my generation of friends that I have kept throughout the time since I joined the server, many of them have joined factions like KPD, Shopkeeper, school faculty, ect. One of the most intriguing factions on the server to me has been becoming one of the many KPD officers. The Karakura Police Department has always been around, keeping the town/city as safe as possible, even participating in stopping gang wars and many events. Just the thrill of being in the department excites me as I haven't really gone far in SRP, considering I've been on the server for about 4 years now. Instead of being apart of the students faction, I would like to know what it would be like taking a big step up and joining the KPD as a cadet. Many of my friends have urged me on to simply apply cause I have talked about apply for quite a while now but I never thought I would actually be applying with the chance of getting accepted. Getting to know new and different people in a different type of environment could and probably will bring out a better character development for Sora.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I would say considering police are apart of our daily lives, I'd have a decent understanding of how it works. Obviously, me not being an officer ICly or OOcly before, I wouldn't have the full knowledge of how it works. I only have clear understanding of the weaponry, though I will always be striving to learn more about what there is to know about the KPD. The few things I do understand of Police work would include:
Standard Issue Weaponry (All sources have been used from the KPD Information Page) | Weaponry Issue depending on your rank |
Baton Only legal under Police possession Description: A straight, fixed-length baton made of aluminum steel, used by police officers in order to punish or sedate criminals. ☆ Two hit K.O. ☆ Can be mugged [Must have proper mug perms] ☆ Has to be actioned to be taken out unless out of range. ☆ Close-range weapon [TWO BLOCKS]. Police Handcuffs Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry. Description: Stainless steel handcuffs are used as restraint devices designed to secure an individual's wrists in proximity to each other. They comprise two parts, linked together by a chain ☆ Can not be mugged. ☆ All officers possess two pairs of handcuffs. ☆ If you wish to resist being cuffed, you will need to roll out your designated rolling amount within a reasonable time to prevent stalling Police Radio Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry. Description: A constant equipped, plastic waterproof communication device used by emergency services. Audio continues to come out of the device, and voice may only be recorded by the radio if activated by the officer. The radio may be placed on the right shoulder or in the hand of the officer. ☆ Can not be mugged. ☆ Action is needed to speak into the device IF in range of opponents. ☆ Can be broken with the use of blunt weaponry. [Requires major assault or kill permissions on officer] Breathalyzer Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry. Description: Breathalyzers are used to measure the amount of alcohol in an individual's breath the individual must blow directly into the device for it to work. ☆ Can not be mugged. ☆ Must be actioned to be used on an individual. X26 Taser Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry. Description: A brand of electroshock weapon made by Axon which shoots two small dart-like electrodes, which stay connected to the main unit by conductors, to deliver an electric current that peaks at 50,000 this reduces dramatically when it reaches the body, this shock causes the individual to be stunned for two minutes. ☆ Can not K.O. ☆ Can not be mugged. ☆ Has to be actioned to be taken out unless out of range. ☆ Must action to fire unless the target is in active movement. ☆ Grants Major Assault Permissions if stunned (or attempted). ☆ Seven block firing range. Pepper Spray Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry. Description: Pepper spray is a lachrymatory agent, a compound that irritates the eyes to cause a burning sensation, pain, and temporary blindness ☆ Can not K.O. ☆ Cannot be mugged. ☆ Has to be actioned to be taken out (rolled) and used (honored). ☆ Grants Minor Assault Perms. ☆ Blinds for a maximum of 30 seconds. ☆ Four block range. Riot Gear Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry. Description: Riot Gear is police equipment that specializes in supplying additional assistance for the officer wearing it. Will only be worn when the officer is responding to a dangerous call. ☆ Hides the identity of the officer wearing it. ☆ Supplies an additional magazine to the officer possessing a Glock 17. ☆ Can not be mugged. ☆ Can not be removed by force. [UNLESS KNOCKED OUT] | PATROL OFFICERS OR HIGHER: Police Badge Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry. Description: A black leather wallet with an ID card and two different golden-colored symbols, this badge will have what department the officer works for, the officer's badge number, along with their rank. Item Description ☆ Can not be mugged. ☆ Must be actioned to be shown to an individual and right-clicked while looking at them. ☆ Only possessed by Patrol Officers and higher. ONLY POSSESSED BY CORPRALS OR HIGHER: Crowbar Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry. Description: An steel bar crowbar with a curved chisel end to provide a fulcrum for leverage and a swan neck to pull nails or pry doors open. ☆ Two hit K.O. ☆ Can be mugged. [MUST HAVE MUG PERMS]. ☆ Has to be actioned to be taken out and used. ☆ Two-block range. ☆ Only possessed by Corporals and higher. POSSESSED BY HIGHER-UPS, SERGAENTS & DETECTIVE INSPECTORS: Glock 17 Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry. Description: The Glock 17 would be a known Service Pistol used by Police Officers all over the world. The pistol is billed as a "recoil-operated, semi-automatic handgun", firing the 9x19mm Parabellum cartridge from a seventeen-shot detachable box magazine. Despite the name, the Glock only holds eight bullets per magazine. ☆ Can KO if shot in the head when the officer is in close-combat range or during hostage situations. [BEGINS BLEEDOUT TIMER & 10-MINUTE K.O TIMER UNTIL SAVED] ☆ Disables the use of arm(s) when shot while aiming at them. ☆ Starts a bleed-out timer and prohibits the use of deadly force from the target when shot in the chest ☆ Slows down target when shot once and stuns targets when shot twice. ☆ Can not be mugged. ☆ Has to be actioned to be taken out and/or to reload if in range of opponents. ☆ When in range and during close combat, the officer must specify who they're shooting and where they're aiming to. In this case, they can only shoot one bullet before their turn is over ☆ When out of range, the officer must only specify where they are aiming (chest/arms/legs). In the case they do not, the bullet will automatically be fired at the target's legs ☆ Thirty-block firing range. ☆ Two block physical range. ☆ Only possessed by Higher-Ups, Sergeants & Detective Inspectors. ☆ Grants KPS if used during a CombatRP situation POSSESSED BY CORPRALS AND DETECTIVES: Police Bike Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry. Description: The police bike is a small vehicle that allows selected officers to move at faster speeds and arrive at calls quicker. ☆ Can not be mugged. ☆ Only holds one person. ☆ High speed. ☆ Only possessed by Corporals+ and Detectives. ONLY POSSESSED BY HIGHER UP OFFICERS AND DETECTIVE INSPECTORS: Police Cruiser Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry. Description: The police vehicle allows for groups of individuals to travel as fast speeds in a group. ☆ Can not be mugged. ☆ Holds up to four people. ☆ High speed. ☆ Only possessed by Higher-Up Officers and Detective Inspectors. |
Luminol Spray | A spray used to detect blood on individuals' possessions. Mainly weaponry. |
Flashlight | Maglite Instrument Mag Charger - A long, cylindrical flashlight carried in a flashlight ring. However, the flashlight—which is often heavy—is permitted a great amount of vertical and horizontal freedom which can make the light insecure and uncomfortable to carry. (Is always optional to wear!) |
Key | Used to unlock handcuffs. |
Disposable (Latex) Gloves | Disposable non-fingerprint-proof gloves which are worn by all officers. |
Fingerprint Scanner | Used to scan an individual's finger which can match other fingerprints, to confirm this, you could use fine powders to detect them and can match them on the scanner. |
First-Aid Kit | A minor kit used when an ambulance/EMT service isn't available. When specifically used by an officer, an individual will gain 5 additional minutes before they bleed out. |
Body Camera | A constantly recording and live-streaming waterproof camera is attached to the front of an officer's uniform that is stored and accessed from a cloud database. The camera is not able to be removed but can be covered or destroyed (2 hits with blunt force / 1 stab hit). The camera has the same properties as a CCTV and can view anything from the player's point of view |
Main Division (Starting Division) | Detective Division | Top Higher Ups (Leader(s) of the faction) |
Police Lieutenant | Police Detective Chief Inspector | Commissioner |
Police Sergeant | Police Detective Inspector | Police Detective Superintendent |
Police Corporal | Police Detective Constable | Police Captain |
Patrol Officer | | |
Cadet | | |
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The Karakura Police Department has and always will be important to the server, as they work just like the police we see today in our own lives. Police are around to keep the peace between citizens, bringing whatever interrupts the peace to an automatic halt. Without the police force, Karakura would be overrun by crime and with no one to stop it, eventually the city would be disbanded for safety purposes or there is simply no one to fight against. Karakura is a growing city and the police department fight to protect the citizens and individuals within the city, creating its life. The Karakura Police Department its built up of strong and brave individuals who will always strive to work their way up the ranking system to help defend the ones they love, even if it means risking their life. When signing up for the Karakura Police department, you must understand how much you are sacrificing, which is what makes the KPD force stronger, as they are a group of mentally and physically strong individuals who the citizens of Karakura rely on.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I completely understand and it is my responsibility to continue to strive in the faction as much as I can.
Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes, with me applying for this role, it is to my understanding that I must dedicate myself and my character to the role.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I have signed up for this meaning I must always apply myself to training sessions and anything mandatory.

In-Character (IC) Section
Character's Full Name:
❝ My full name is Sora Matsuomoto-Solas ❞
Character's age (if accepted):
❝ I am 28 years old ❞
Character's gender & pronouns:
❝ I go by She / Her pronouns, I am a female ❞
Character's Academic Background
❝ I finished school in Grade 12 ❞
What languages are you proficient in besides Japanese?
❝ I can speak three languages excluding, Japanese which would be, Spanish, JSL and Russian ❞
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

My character, Sora, is an 18 year old Mexican female. She only has her father, Daichi Solas, and her step father, Tohru Tachitsu ( To my understanding has had a character who had previously been in KPD, inspiring me!). Sora had it rough in Mexico. She had been in the foster kid system for a while, until she had some news. She had been told that a family relative that she had never known, Daichi, her uncle, lived in Karakura. After he found out about her, he immediately brought her over to Karakura and legally adopted her. She has always been the more social type of person, using her own ego to bring herself up instead of bringing others down.
Sora has long black hair, and a strongly tanned skin tone. She has beautiful green eyes and is normally seen wearing a jacket hung over her shoulders. When she walks around the school of Karakura high, normally there would be fights and chases, a group always at the front gates and simply just people walking around. Though, it would be a challenge to teach, she has always wanted to work with the school faculty and help in other people's education. She is often told she can be really chatty when talking to people, which builds up a confident characteristic for her. She is able to speak in front of large groups of people without hesitation.
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Sora, being her social self would simply involve herself in any ongoing conversations, even possibly starting one up that would involve everyone to include themselves. Instead of taking this as just a normal chat, she would normally be taking mental notes about her co-workers in a way to get to know them more, knowing what they like to talk about more than what they don't. This would only be a situation when her and a few others were off-shift, however if they were on-shift she would always greet them with a simple wave or a hello and a smile!
Considering that she had found herself in a professional situation, Sora would simply keep silent unless told, or asked to speak. Unless her and a few others were on patrol, she would keep in her place, instead of stepping out of line. During a patrol, Sora would always keep her eyes everywhere at once, keeping alert of her surroundings, but still saying something to break the awkward silence every once and a while.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Sora being a chatty, yet a responsible person, she would always enjoy to have co-workers around her being free to talk to her rather then simply sitting in silence until given a task. Co-Workers are there to help out in almost every situation while at work, you simply can't function without some help from co-workers. Even though she would be starting at the bottom, she always will respect anyone around her, whether or not they have a higher up position. Instead of competing with others to get higher up the charts, she would always be looking up to her higher-ups for more advice as they clearly have more experience than her in the field.
When working in the Karakura Police Department, you need to give your full trust to your co-workers around you, even if it goes against all of your instincts, just as you should have their back no matter what. Without being able to work with your teammates, you will not be getting anywhere, only driving the situation further downhill, giving the opposing side an opportunity to strike, hurt or even possibly killing you and our co-workers. To some they might just seem to be random people in the department that want nothing more than power, but they need to put it behind them, knowing that there are more lives than just theirs so instead of going into the field alone, they will always have backup ready and waiting for them.
Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower? Why?
While reading this application, Sora seems to come off more of a leader than a follower, always striving to become her best self, while still carrying others up with her. Even though joining the force, she will have to listen to others, not herself she is more than willing to continue listening to others for much longer, just so she could learn more and more about her job so when it comes to her time, she can also help out others as much as possible. She has always seen herself helping out people that are newer to things learn more than what they knew. She has never properly seen herself as a follower, but she will do what she can to work her way up while still making sure her other co-workers don't fall behind.
BACKSTORY (100+ words)
Sora Matsumoto-Solas had a life story that spanned continents and encompassed both tragedy and resilience. Born in Mexico to loving parents, her early years were marked by happiness and warmth. However, the idyllic life she knew would soon be shattered by a devastating house fire that left her orphaned at a tender age. The fire was a nightmare that would haunt Sora for years to come. She lost her parents, her home, and everything familiar in one tragic, fiery swoop. Left with nothing but the memories of her family, she was thrust into the uncertain and often harsh world of foster care. It was a tough journey for the young Latina girl, as she navigated the challenges and uncertainties of a system that was often ill-equipped to provide the emotional support she so desperately needed.
Years passed in foster care, and Sora's longing for a stable, loving family never waned. It was during this difficult period that a glimmer of hope emerged. The adoption agency managing Sora's case made a connection with a distant relative, a man named Daichi Matsumoto-Solas, who lived in Karakura, Japan. Daichi, Sora's uncle, was the key to a new chapter in her life. Daichi Matsumoto-Solas, a kind-hearted and compassionate man, opened his heart and home to his young niece. Despite the cultural and language differences, he was determined to provide Sora with the love and support she deserved. He introduced her to the rich and diverse culture of Japan, teaching her the intricacies of the Japanese language, and helping her adapt to her new life.
One of the most significant changes during this transformative period was the shift in Sora's identity. Her original name, Ciela, meaning 'sky' in Spanish, had a profound significance given her heritage. However, in honor of her new life in Japan and to embrace her newfound connection with her uncle, Daichi and Sora decided to choose a Japanese name for her. They settled on "Sora," which also meant 'sky' in Japanese, signifying the continuation of her journey and the limitless possibilities that lay ahead. Adapting to her new identity, Sora Matsumoto-Solas gradually embraced Japanese culture and way of life. The bustling city of Karakura became her home, and she immersed herself in its vibrant community. Sora attended school, made friends, and experienced the wonders of Japanese festivals and traditions.
As the years passed, the scars of her early trauma began to heal, thanks to the unwavering love and support of her uncle, Daichi. Sora's resilience and ability to turn adversity into strength were a testament to her character. She had not only found a new family but had also discovered a sense of belonging and purpose in her life. Sora Matsumoto-Solas's journey from the ashes of tragedy to the expansive skies of opportunity was a testament to the power of love, family, and the human spirit. Her story served as an inspiring reminder that no matter where life took her, she would always have the strength to rise above the challenges and reach for the limitless sky that bore her name.
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
❝ No, carrying even a small blade around Karakura is illegal, and if caught with it you will be charged with possession of illegal weaponry, also being given a jail sentence with a set bail and release date. "
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Paracetamol ↠ MAX Purchase: 3 ↠ Cost: ¥1,500
Multivitamins ↠ MAX Purchase: 5 ↠ Cost: ¥3,500
Iron Supplements ↠ MAX Purchase: 3 ↠ Cost: ¥2,500
Melatonin ↠ MAX Purchase: 3 ↠ Cost: ¥3,000
Cough Syrup ↠ MAX Purchase: 2 ↠ Cost: ¥6,000
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
❝ Seeing this, before taking any action I would simply figure out of they were armed or not. If armed, instead of intervening for my own safety, I would hurry along and report this to the closest higher-up, immediately showing them to the situation. I would remain a far distance from the situation as the higherup consulted with my co-workers. Once it was deemed safe to come closer, I would radio to the Karakura Hospital that I was, or another officer was bringing over an injured inmate and take it from there. And further actions towards my co-workers would not be any of my business, but only my higher-ups. ❞
❝ If however, my co-workers were un-armed I would approach with caution, though silently radioing a higher-up to the situation. To prevent any further damage done to the inmate, I would confront my co-workers as the higher-up made their way over to the situation. I would continue to confront them and keep my ground, not backing down even though I would be out numbered. I would proceed to do this until the higher-up took control of the situation as I radioed over to the hospital that me or another officer would be coming in with an injured inmate immediately. Whatever my co-workers punishment for this was, was not my business, instead I would leave it at that, not pestering or bringing down the guilty co-workers. ❞
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
❝ In this situation, I would assure that none of the officer's weapons had been taken off of them, while doing so I would radio for a higher up and any back-up if needed. While waiting for others to arrive, I would make my way over to the escalating situation, quickly pulling the officer out of range from the inmate. If the inmate tried to lunge towards both of us again. I would do what I could to stall the situation, even if it meant having to drag my co-worker back every time until back-up arrived. While the inmate was detained once more, both me and my co-worker would radio down to the Karakura Hospital that we would be coming down with an injured cop. The inmate would be charged with assault, bringing their bail up higher and their sentence higher. ❞
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
❝ Immediately after learning about the corruption of my co-worker I wouldn't ponder on it. Instead, I would leave off and report it straight to my higher-ups no matter if I was threatened or too scared to. For my safety and everyone in the department, I would assure that the offer was detained and so was the citizen that they were conversing with if we could find them, were detained. From there on it would be up to the higher ups and commissioner as to what would happen to both the cop and whoever they were conspiring with. ❞
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
❝ This would cause a straight up report to my higher up, keeping my loyalty to the department I would not take any sum of money from an inmate or someone on the streets. Once the citizen/Inmate had been reported or detained I would take them in for further questioning, and depending on what the charge is, if there even is one, I would set a bail and a release date for them. ❞
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