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Dumpster's Maiden Application! Pt.2


Level 29
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My recent activity on SRP has involved racing and lore-based events. I also have been a nurse since late February, and I've been highly active on that account and have been trying to be as involved with the planned events and/or school. Besides, when an event is scheduled during my work or school hours, I try my best to clear the day around that time for it. This also includes events for crimerp which I just recently started to become active in This however is not the main thing for me to do, it is more to create relations and lore for the character I play. The character I am applying with is very active around the shrine already as a visitor and I think she'd be an excellent Maiden as ICly she is just in love with everything about it. It would also be a great opportunity to experience a new faction entirely and create some good lore between other people and myself.
I am always active except when I am out of town or at work, as well as school. With the change of schedule due to school, I remain active daily and get on once I am home from either work or school. Which in a day gives me about 4-6 hours on SRP depending on if I have anything to do inside of it. I found Roleplay Hub over two years ago now and since then I have had great experiences with the people I've interacted with and enjoy creating characters that are completely different

My daily schedule! may vary if I have a trip or exam!
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
School - Varies
4:30 PM - 3:00 AM
1:30 PM - 3:00 AM8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
School - Varies
4:30 PM - 3:00 AM
1:30 PM - 3:00 AM8:00 AM - 12:00 AM
On and off for work
8:00 AM - 12:00 AM
On and off for work
8:00 AM - 12:00 AM
On and off for work

Adult + Grade-12, on CouldBeDumpster
Nurse + Adult on my Alt, DumpsterRP

Raccoon on DumpsterRaccon (I'm creative I know)

Accepted I know it says denied, but I was accepted through Discord


Ban Appeals


I really don't know a lot about Shintoism currently, I am starting to study it since I plan to move to Japan for college and maybe even long term. Currently, I know that Shintoism is a polytheistic and animistic religion, following divine supernatural entities known as kami. They are typically seen as just gods but are actually gods, spirits, and ancestors. Shintoism followers also do not believe there is one specific kami to follow, however, the strongest of the kami is the goddess Amaterasu Okimaki, who represents the sun. The religion believes in keeping peace and optimism, as they follow the kami who inhabit the earth. I want to learn more about Shintoism by people who have spent time studying it and following it, even if it is just a roleplay. I think that would overall help me learn as I do struggle with just reading off a document or transcript. So yes, I am willing to learn more about it! I also think SRP has an interesting take on it since kami is being acted out.

If you'd like my honesty, I don't believe my application will stand out as much as other applicants, but I know that if I get accepted then I will be fully committed to the shrine itself and the character playing. For a period I debated on applying to the shrine as another character who was more 'motherly' and warm as that was the appeal I got from the shrine members. However, I decided to apply on the character I am an active shrine-visitor on. In character, I am dedicated to the members of the shrine and adoring of every single person here. The character's father is a priest and mother had applied to be a maiden as well, however, the character died off so they have a new maiden character. She was actively trying to help Sho and the other priests during the October attacks which helped her understand the spirits a lot more than before. Icly, all the good qualities of my character are entirely due to the shrine members who took her in. So Out Of Character, I think my application will just be a simple one, as I'm not very good at writing them, But In-Character it would make sense for me to apply as a maiden, and to the residents of the montesary, I'm already well known ICly and liked by them.

I do, and I am ready to learn a lot more than I do! I have been trying to study Shintoism just for educational purposes. However, I am ready to do it SRPs way as well since I'm pretty sure there are some tweaks here and there.

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My name is Daiyu Tsu, however my birthname is Daiyu Yihan.

CHARACTERS TITLE (E.g. Mr. Mrs. Miss):

CHARACTERS AGE (E.g. 21-80):
I'm 25 years old!



My current mobile phone is (030)-409-8714

No degrees or applications. I was never able to complete my education due to a 6-year coma during my last year of schooling. I am seeking private education through the teachers at Karakura School!

I have been coming to the monastery since I was 18 and it has been where I met both of my parents and some amazing people. I went into a coma for 7 years however and lost all those memories. Since waking I have made new ones where I’ve re-met most of the priests and maidens, as well as common visitors. It’s such a pretty place and I learned that maidens are partially responsible for maintaining that. As well as keeping everyone there happy and healthy, I want to be a part of that. I’d also like to work with my father, Niibu! He seems happy as a priest.
As my memory has been restored, I've realized that working at the Monastery is something I wanted to do upon first meeting Sho. Now that I am old enough and a mother, I would like to have a job that I can enjoy and feel safe in. The Monastery has become a real home for me and I want to protect the people and land at all costs. After October, I learned how hard this job can be as some of the shrine workers almost gave their lives to the people of this town. I would be honored to help them in more ways than just to clear out the forest in future disasters. However, that's only one month of the year, so until then I just would be honored to keep the place safe and clean, respecting its natural landmarks and the people who come upon it.

As of now, my knowledge has dwindled. However what I have learned is that the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery was rebuilt and named in 1617, but the grounds have been sacred for centuries before. The monastery grounds are a safe place for both humans and spirits to be, I believe it’s the priests who were able to put a sort of barrier to keep out harmful yokai from entering the grounds, however, the Kami and peaceful yokai are able to enter with ease. I’m planning to obviously learn everything I can as I continue to visit the monastery, even if I don’t make it as a maiden.

Dear Inari, my name is Daiyu Tsu Saisei. I am the daughter of Niibu Tsu and Michiyo Saisei, and I believe you know both. From what I was told, before my incident six years ago I was in love with the monastery and everyone involved. Especially when I was interacting with the spirits, which in recent I’ve met I believe only two of Kitsa’s nice tails. It’s been mentioned before that the monastery is in need of more priests and maidens, especially with how people are starting to gather there more again. Which is fantastic as well! I’ve tried to regain some of what I learned before my incident so I could help my father, but I also want to help everyone else there. Granted, I won’t know much of what I am doing right now but I’m a quick learner and I would love to be a part of keeping the spirits happy and tended to, as well as the shrine itself. It would also be such an honor to work with the people who I’ve grown close to and helped me with my recovery.
Thank you for reading over my letter, I do hope you are in good health and come down to the tea house more often. Sincerely, Daiyu.
New Letter to the new Mitsue-Shiro!
Dear Mitsue-Shiro, my name is Daiyu Tsu Saisei. Congratulations on your new position by the way! When I was younger, I found the shrine in an incident where I was running away from someone who was hurting me, the priest who I met was very kind to me and helped me recover from the wounds I had. I forgot his name sadly but I remember the feeling he gave me, it was warm and almost safe. Since that day I fell in love with the monastery, it was always so peaceful to escape to. After a time, I was introduced to Sho who became someone I looked up to, I started to visit mostly to see him after school, which led to me meeting my father and mother, Niibu Tsu and Michiyo Saisei. Who adopted me after we bonded over a few weeks, and since then they have been amazing. For a time I wanted to ask to be mentored into becoming a priest or maiden, but I was too nervous and also busy with after-school activities, then I was put into a coma. So I never got the chance.
From the time I woke up from my coma, I was welcomed to the shrine by its members and showed kindness. They helped me recover and Kitsa had blessed me with recovery, helping me regain my memories and voice. Before that, she blessed me with recovery to heal injuries that I gained from others.. All of her tails and Kitsa herself, have been a magical wonder in my life. I know that being a Maiden isn't just to help protect and care for the Kami, but I would be lying if I said it wasn't a reason I'm applying. I would like to help maintain the beauty of the monastery as this place has become a home for me. I also now, would like to have the honor of working alongside you and the others I've met.
I hope this letter and the others written by other applicants find you well. Thank you for reading this and considering me as someone to have work with you. Sincerely, Daiyu Tsu.

BACKSTORY (100+ Words):
During a summer stuck in a private school for girls, a 16-year-old girl named Li had snuck out to see a mystery boy from a nearby school. Within a few months, Li found herself pregnant with a baby girl. Li's family was overly strict and threatened to kill the baby once she was born. Li went into labor a week early and stayed in a hospital without her family's knowledge. After 4 days in the hospital, Li was discharged and as she walked by a homeless camp, She offered the female child to a resident named Haoyu. Telling her family she lost the child, she went home, where they welcomed her with open arms.

As the girl grew up in the camp, she was left under the impression her mother had died. Haoyu never claimed to be her biological father however she still saw him as one. This however made her crave the love of a real parent. Though she loved him, she never respected Haoyu's wishes and joined in the trouble of the other camp children. They'd often steal from the wealthy goers in markets and camping out in the nearby woods. At 8 years old, Haoyu told her the truth of how Li had left her with him but withheld the truth as to why. After learning this, she became more violent towards the other residents of the camp. She felt that she was abandoned over nothing since she'd never learn the true story.
On the girls 13th birthday, she returned to the camp after hanging out with the older teenagers. Upon entering her tent she found one of the younger residents standing over Haoyu's dead body.. That night she ended up sneaking into their tent with a large boulder, bashing it onto the young murderers head until it became flat. A smile plastered across her face as she let out cries of agony. Since that night, she became unaware of the emotions expressed by those around her, as her own had drifted away to leave her an empty shell. Once she'd turn 17, she'd hear of an island in Japan called Karakura. The traveler told her that the skills she'd learn would become of great use to the people there. So she left the camp she'd known her entire life, moving to a different country to become a servent to criminals.
After moving to the island she had been introduced to the gangs, choosing to join one of the larger ones, Bonten Manji. There she became trained to fight in close combat and devoted herself to their current lead, Jett. He placed her in the Attack Unit and assigned her to torture others for information. The girls smile from her 13th birthday would form as she did so, however she never needed a reason to torture these souls.
During the beginning of her life in Bonten, she gained a partner who she’d often hunt down others with. His name was Suki Yokuto, however he was referred to as ‘SATE’ within the gang. As they got better in training, they got closer in their personal lives. Eventually the two became an item and inseparable. SATE would tell her that they were ride or dies, in the most genuine way. The girl became aware that he had split personality and was insane, he'd often slap her out of rage and would then remember how he loved her. Crying in apologies for her forgiveness. Every time, she would forgive him and promised she loved him.
Bonten began to grow apart with higher ranked members leaving, SATE followed and begged the girl to join him, saying it would ruin what they had if she stayed with the enemy. After refusing and telling JETT she was scared, SATE locked her behind a false wall covered by a thick bookshelf, where he would plead with her to reconsider, after days of denying her food and getting agitated with her refusal, he decided to become more violent. Beginning to torture her and would let her out of the room for small periods of a time when he would snap back to his reality and realize he was hurting her. After a month, the girl realized she’d be with child and would beg to leave. Even offering to join but he denied her, she never told him of the child. After 2 more months of pure torture, she attempted to kill him during a moment she was able to overpower him. Police came from an anonymous call of screaming from the home, finding her over his bleeding body and ignoring her cries of fear. The girl went to jail for attempted murder with a weapon, meanwhile SATE got away with everything he’d done.
The girl lost the baby and her freedom. Bonten forgot about the girl left behind bars, JETT had left the gang and went into hiding. The friends who knew where she was, chose SATE’s side and never visited.
[W.I.P. Karakura Lore]
TimeSkip ----> After the kidnaping of Daiyu Tsu Saisei by Mefisuto members, where she was tortured by her own friends and members, she had fallen into a 5 year long coma. Awaking after her 24th birthday. MORS plans to reshape his beloved Daiyu into something new, where she'd have no memory of him, had been a success. However he suffered 6 years waiting for her awakening, waiting to see it it truly succeed.

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What duties do Shinto Priests and Maidens have?:
Both Maidens and Priests share the duties of maintaining the health of the shrine by keeping it clean, mostly positive energy, and keeping the Kami in check. They are constantly there to speak with the spirits and make sure that they don’t harm others and they also protect them from citizens attempting to bring harm to the spirits. At the end of each day, Maidens do chores around the shrine and often go down the mountain to water the plants around the city.

What are the steps needed to be taken at the purification trough before entering the Shrine?:
When entering the shrine, there is a purification trough that possesses a ladle. A person must take the ladle in their right hand and pour the water over the left to cleanse it, then swap the ladle to the left and repeat the process with their right hand. This purifies the visitor before entering the sacred grounds.

How are offerings to a Kami performed?:
When an offering is performed, with a Noshi paper the item given is written at the top and your name is listed on the bottom. If the offering is cash, which is often preferred then it would be placed in either a noshi-bukuro or just a plain envelope. With food, it’s often non-perishable things or traditional meals

How do you perform a tea ceremony ritual?:
A tea ceremony ritual is performed with a tea bowl placed on a traditional tatami mat, though it isn't required if not available. With the tea bowl facing the person in front of it, it should be picked up in their right hand and placed on their left palm. Using the right hand it should be turned 90 degrees clockwise and taken a few small sips, then placed back onto the tatami or whatever is available.

Explain what a Tamagushi, Ofuda and Kagura Suzu is and what they're used for:
A Tamagushi is usually a sakaki tree branch but can also be an evergreen branch if the seasons don't allow Sakaki, and shide will be placed on top attached to the leaves. The branch represents our hearts and spirits while the shide represents energy and spirit, when presented to the Kami.
Ofuda talismans are wooden or paper planks with the name of the shrine they came from and the indication of their protective value written on it. Certain Ofuda are made with a specific purpose (protection, love, safety) and placed where they are needed, often facing the east or south.
Kagura Suzu’s are used in a kagura dance and are a set of twelve bells in total. three tiers of bells suspended by coiled brass wires from a central handle, two bells on the top tier, four bells on the middle tier, and six bells for the bottom tier. The Kagura Suzu are meant for praying to ward off natural disasters and for good harvests.

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How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?
Daiyu's interactions have always been seen as 'off' due to her inability to feel empathy as well as her brain damage. She is currently learning from the Priest, Niibu Tsu, her father, how to interact with those around her respectfully and to be kind to others. With guests now she is polite to them and she's actually been mistaken as a maiden by a few guests due to her Hanfu attire, which is red so they get confused. She does answer their question and tells them she isn't a maiden while directing them to a shrine worker. Often she likes to show off her newborn baby to curious guests who seem to enjoy the cute bundle.

You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
Daiyu's learned the hard way not to be on the roofs. She now knows the rules of where she can and can't hop around so she's been telling others to get off the roofs if they're there. If accepted, she'd remind the guests that they aren't allowed to be on the roofs or be doing whatever it is they are doing wrong (yelling, swearing, etc). If they aren't listening to the rule she'd have to point out that it's strictly against the rules and could lead to a days blacklist, which Daiyu would like to avoid as blacklisting others wouldn't be fun to deal with.

(OPTIONAL) Based on your character; which other Kami would they worship?:
Daiyu was originally raised in China where she was taught to worship the Shangdi, 上帝. However, due to the fact that she was raised in a homeless community, the people there did not believe the Shangdi were real or believed they were just bringing them harm in life, as their prayers weren't answered. So Daiyu has never thought to worship the Shangdi and only learned of worship once she had been introduced to the Karakura Shinsei Monastery.
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