Level 95
IGN: DontEatDaCookie
DATE: 20/09/2022
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Majoring your final eye with consent.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I have seen may people get their eyes taken off them. I personally think your first eye is fair game, But when it comes to your second eye i think you should need consent. Having a blind character for some people can completely ruin that character or make them feel "Useless" to the individual. I've seen many people kill of their chars when have had both eyes taken so i personally think you should need consent to make them blind since there is no surgery to get a functioning eye.
DATE: 20/09/2022
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Majoring your final eye with consent.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I have seen may people get their eyes taken off them. I personally think your first eye is fair game, But when it comes to your second eye i think you should need consent. Having a blind character for some people can completely ruin that character or make them feel "Useless" to the individual. I've seen many people kill of their chars when have had both eyes taken so i personally think you should need consent to make them blind since there is no surgery to get a functioning eye.