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Eye Suggestion | DontEatDaCookie


Level 87
IGN: DontEatDaCookie
DATE: 20/09/2022
Majoring your final eye with consent.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I have seen may people get their eyes taken off them. I personally think your first eye is fair game, But when it comes to your second eye i think you should need consent. Having a blind character for some people can completely ruin that character or make them feel "Useless" to the individual. I've seen many people kill of their chars when have had both eyes taken so i personally think you should need consent to make them blind since there is no surgery to get a functioning eye.


Level 277

some people create their characters with one eye, what happens then? They can't have their eyes majored?
It makes sense because I myself have lost a character to gangrp blindness. It really sucked because I could tell nobody liked to interact with him anymore now that he could no longer do so much on his own.
If Theodore, my one eyed character, lost his eye, he'd still be blind. Of course, making one-eyed characters is always and will always be a risk, but I'm just not sure. By your logic, their eyes would be off-limits. I'm just not quite sure that this is the way to protect it. Tbh i think they should protect against human potatoes too but I don't gangrp so.


Level 160
Community Team
Lore Team

I understand where you are coming from, but that is the risk of GangRP. It will happen. If you are worried about the character that you worked hard on making a backstory for and you are attached to, don't get them in that type of situation in the first place. Now if you allowed your first eye to be taken by OOCly consent(I don't understand why people offer their limbs over to people for 'fun') or even made a character only has one eye, then that is your decision to do so.


Level 99
Community Team
Lore Team

Clever idea but this is exactly the same as how KPS worked. KPS wasn't just there just to be there, it was there as a consequence. If you major someone ICLY and they found out you did it, it's your character's fault for getting themselves in that situation. If you do not want to lose your eye, don't gangrp!


Level 37
-1 sorry hebwig's alt not today /j, no but on a serious note, I don't think it's a good idea personally though, thank you for the suggestion!


Level 60
Funny enough, surgery to get a somewhat functioning eye exists in the real world. The doctors of Karakura can give people a fully functioning arm just as good as the one you came packaged with, if not better. Yet they can't provide a replacement for an eye beyond an over-sized marble


Level 231
I agree with consent to kill. It was something SRP needed and it was so very good of hebwig to get that going, but if we continue to go down this line it will eventually become a state of "Permission to punch you?" which absolutely nobody should want. When GangRPing you've just got to consider that your character is not safe, and your character should have enough fear to know to back out of situations before facing their demise in such a way.


Level 271
gotta -1
Hey, I totally understand why did you make this suggestion but if you see something gore just report it!


Level 114
Massive -1.
As someone who rps with two characters that were both majored to become blind, (one being deaf) it was my fault and my blame to take for letting the permissions to even happen in the first place. Not only does this just ruin the sake of blind characters, it gets rid of roleplay situations and social experiments, as it's not every day you see an eyeless person roaming the streets oocly, but nor is it icly as most of them are just killed off and or brutally murdered instantly if perms are available and consent is given. It's honestly, rarer to see a two-eyed character that isn't a few days old than a one-eyed character.


Level 193
Massive -1.
As someone who rps with two characters that were both majored to become blind, (one being deaf) it was my fault and my blame to take for letting the permissions to even happen in the first place. Not only does this just ruin the sake of blind characters, it gets rid of roleplay situations and social experiments, as it's not every day you see an eyeless person roaming the streets oocly, but nor is it icly as most of them are just killed off and or brutally murdered instantly if perms are available and consent is given. It's honestly, rarer to see a two-eyed character that isn't a few days old than a one-eyed character.
My eyes are bleeding


Level 195
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
-1 Be more careful with giving other player's major permissions on your character if you're worried about these sorts of things

Wrath ⛥

Level 99
controversial opinion time, boys; +1
roleplay is about consent and one's own enjoyment. y'all are really down to straight up blind a character (granted, this may be deserved ICly, than the player is most likely aware of their character's misaction and is more likely to agree) and ruin someone's roleplay experience? sometimes I don't think this community considers that someone's genuine enjoyment on the server is far more valuable than realism sometimes. Similarly to KPS; making it a consent thing is no way a mistake. You're talking about blinding another person's character permanently. Roleplay should have OOCly interaction and discussion, I think, and it's most likely going to be occurring in situations like these anyways, or at least it should be.


Level 27

People tend to bait perms like they're fishing and that's just BS, if their character got themselves into that mess then whatever, go for it, who cares. But unfortunately, a lot of gangrp is just people that wanna destroy other's characters for no reason cause they have throwaway characters and expect everyone else to have one too.

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