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FabulousCookies | KPD Application #2


Level 170
News Lead
Government Lead
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Previous bans:
None on this account, in 2017 I was banned for a bit, appealed and then was let back onto SRP.

Describe your activity on the server:
I’m on basically every day, usually after school until about midnight, depending really on my sleep schedule and my plans for the next day.

Which timezone are you in?
CET - Germany

Do you have Discord?
Yeah, Aania#1997

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:

List your current and past applications:
I’ll only be listing the applications from this account, as I’ve made a few applications over the years,

Greek Language: Accepted
Teaching Assistant: Denied
Officer Manager: Accepted
Swedish Language: Accepted
Spanish Language: Accepted
Mental Illness: Accepted
German Language: Accepted
1st BMD (2018): Denied [Private Convo with Im6]
College Professor (2018): Accepted [Private Convo with The_Lee_God]
Police Application (2018-2020): Accepted [Private Convo with Srav/Wolfenrath]
News Reporter: Accepted

What is your motivation for applying?:
Well, for two years I was a part of the KPD, which had grown on me over the years. I often notice myself tending to see what's going on there and still keeping track of what happens. I don’t really have any other jobs to keep me somewhat busy on SRP other than Staff. KPD was always more than just a weird job, where you dealt with GangRpers, it's also somewhere where I made really good friends and I miss that in a way. It always kept me on my toes and also helped me reinforce rules in players & also help remind myself of certain rules.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
KPD actually doesn’t follow these exact laws, but I do understand the ones that are put into place in SRP.

What are the Police ranks?
Main Division:
Lowest ↦ Highest:

Police Cadet →Cadets are the lowest rank in the KPD and aren’t allowed to do much, they are usually sat at the front desk and do their training, until they pass their cadet test to become Patrol Officers.

Patrol Officer →This is the rank you gain, once you pass your cadet test, they are allowed to patrol on their own (Even though its not recommended) or with their partner, without needing to go with a Higher-Up.

Corporal → Corporals basically set the example of an officer, they train the cadets in physical & informational training.

Sergeants → The same as Corporals, but in this role, Higher-Ups choose if they can be moved to the Detective division. They are also the ones who are next in line to be Lieutenant.

Lieutenant → At this rank, an officer is allowed to have a Glock 17 and use it on targets which are KOS. They are the ones who advise the Captain & Commissioner, and report any issue within the force and also give out suggestions.

Captain → The second highest role, the Captain is the Commissioners right hand, they assist the Commissioners in decisions which affect the force itself and take over his job, if the Commissioner is not available. Usually when there’s an issue, an officer goes to the Captain first, if the issue is major enough, it is brought up to the Com.

Commissioner → The highest rank of the KPD & the faction lead. He oversees the entirety of the force, with the help of the Captain and his Higher-Ups, he makes sure that rules are followed, situations are dealt with, and standards are maintained correctly.

Detective Division

Lowest → Highest:
I am not quite aware in detail what each of these roles is, so apologies.

Detective Constable

Detective Sergeant

Detective Chief-Inspector

Detective Superintendent → They are the equivalent to the Head-Lieutenant, they are incharge of the division itself.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
The police are the ones who keep the balance of good and evil between gangs & the citizens. Their job is to protect and serve and most importantly lock those away who seek to harm the town. Officers are trained from Cadets on a weekly basis, to help them learn the nooks and crannies of laws and what and what not to do as an officer.
They deal with petty crimes of; Disorderly Conduct, underage possession of alcohol. To possession of illegal weaponry and even murder. Their intentions are to resolve issues in a peaceful manner, as in a way, they are a city's peacekeepers.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
GangRP is a major factor in SchoolRP nowadays. Without Police, there’s basically no GangRP. They are the balance and don’t allow constant stabbing left & right, at every hour a day. The large amount of crimes has led the KPD to have a large number of officers, which is about 45 officers.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yeah, that’s understandable. One doesn’t want idiots on the force.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
If you lack as an officer, you won't be able to do anything correctly.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Yeah, without training you’re screwed and you also waste trainers time.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Dealing with GangRpers/ dealing with a strict environment, is a part of the job, if you can’t handle it one shouldn’t apply.

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character, how she looks, what makes her unique?
Amelia Rossi is a young female, who has been trained since she was a child to be an officer. When approaching her, one first notices her darker hair, which is a darker shade of brown, toned slightly with purple hair. She has sharp facial features, which is framed by her hair. Her eyes seem to be sharp - almost constantly semi-glaring, once could see a slight strictness when looking at her. Coming with her job, Amelia can be seen to have an athletic and semi-muscular build, as she stood between 5’9 & 5’10.
Not much actually makes her unique, but one is her skill and very driven to do the job right and perfectly. Most cadets who join the KPD, lack in skill or knowledge of how the force is structured. Whilst Amelia researches and finds which laws are to be strictly followed, she finds the minor details in things, which she can tend to ignore.

What’s she like on and off the job?
Megan tends to be very strict and respectful whilst working, of course when new to a force, she is more up-tight, making sure she makes no mistakes and so on. She keeps this behavior most of the time, but becomes more comfortable after a while, still of course maintaining respect to not only higher-ups, but also lower ranking officers.
Amelia, actually tends to not want to go off duty, she becomes rather bored. And becomes simply annoyed when not being able to do her job. On duty, she’s there to do her job and that’s it. Not really there to become buddy buddy with everyone.
When she does actually go off duty, which is every million years. She becomes a goofball - being immature and just laid back, usually wanting to have a night of much alcohol and good expensive food.

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Amelia sees her co-workers as people she trusts with her life, she expects them to be able to do their job and not screw up, usually tending to want to have a stronger relationship if she gets a partner. She wants to have no drama between two officers, always wanting to be neutral with all officers.
She plans to continue to work in law enforcement till she becomes to the age where she retires, or well, dies, let's not hope for the latter though. IF retired, her plan is to become a teacher for law enforcement or become a police instructor at local police academies.


Amelia was born on July 4, 1992 into a fairly wealthy family in Washington DC, America. Her family leaned heavily on law enforcement; her father, his father, and so on served either as police officers or as soldiers. On her mother's side, she was famous for her reputation as one of the best lawyers Washington had to offer.
As one would expect from Amelia , her future career would be either a lawyer or a police officer. All through her schooling, she was primarily known for her extra-curricular activities, ranging from athletics to martial arts and football. This resulted in her being a renowned athlete and competitor in the community.
By the age of 16, Amelia had started an internship at her local police station where her father worked, where she was taught fundamental tactics which were taught to officers as part of their basic training.
This internship took about half a year, during which she even assisted in developing a profile on certain criminals. During this period she wrote down what the officers did on their patrols and frequently even went on patrols with them.
At the age of 17, because she was eager to see the other career path she could pursue, Amelia began an internship in her mother's law firm. Which, in short, she deemed to be a somewhat boring career option. Based on the many stories her mother had told her, everything sounded thrilling, but while sitting in the courtroom all day long, hearing people shouting and having to sort through documents - that bored her - all she wanted to do was get involved and go out.
So she finally graduated at the age of 18 and went to university to become a Police Officer.

Skipping over four years, Amelia joined the local police department, moving up quickly within three years and being considered one of the best female officers that the department had. By the time she reached the five-year mark of duty there, an issue arose, making her distraught and ashamed of the American police force. When a young African-American male was gunned down by her colleagues, she was unable to stand there with them, and resigned from her post there.
Uncomfortable with remaining in Washington, she chose to move to Italy, where her parents had made the decision to retire. There she started her career as an officer, prior to that she had to improve her Italian. As soon as she had perfected her Italian, she began to serve in Italy. By knowing that the Italian legal system was better, she became more confident in what she did and how she served.
Two years later, Meg was skimming through articles about crime when she stumbled upon a town named Karakura. This is what peaked her interest in Japan and the crime situation in that particular city, which was, to say the least, bleak.
After four years, she was finally ready to make a difference by perfecting her Japanese. She traveled to Japan and inspected the city - seeing that the town still needed more officials to help its situation.. She rented an apartment outside of Karakura and began her application to become a police officer in Karakura.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:
Amelia Rossi

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:



IC Phone number:

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan.

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:
4 years

Working Experience:
Worked for 5 years as an officer in America, and then 4 years in Italy.

Academic Degree:
Bachelor's Degree

Year of Graduation:

Law Enforcement


Native Languages:

English & Italien

Other Languages:

Heya there :D


Level 136

- Welcome back to the police force. You'll start your journey off as a Sergeant

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