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Faculty not automatic p2k at first sighting.


Level 15
What's your Minecraft Username?: Resaeus
What's the title of your suggestion?: Faulty needed to look up a student's profile to know their name

What's your suggestion?:
For faculty to not Automatically have P2k on all students as soon as they are created without at least looking up a profile for them.

Explanation as to Why:

First and foremost, faculty having automatic p2k on all students is unreal and ruins the roleplay experience when outside of the school. I've had situations where I have created a brand new character only for faculty to automatically know their name outside of school when they've never interacted. This does ruin the roleplay experience because people from gangs and such can and will go to faculty to describe someone and then that faculty gives the student's real name out to this random person. While yes faculty do know the names of students that should be primarily left to SLT to know the names of all the students because in regular school systems teachers and regular faculty don't have access to all of the students' records and only those that are on their roster.

Ways to counteract this:

Make a rule where that faculty has to have at least 3 interactions with the students' before they automatically know their name.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
It would benefit the community right now by engaging in more roleplay between students and faculty members rather than just assuming and what not.


Level 199
It makes the job of a faculty member harder than it already is. Imagine calling a student out for doing something and you haven't 'had at least 3 interactions' with them so you 'don't know their name', it's harder to identify them and just makes everything harder than what we need it to be.


Level 163
Faculty and school staff automatically have p2k for a reason. I doubt they’re going to remove this from faculty when it’s highly needed. Plus faculty and school staff would have access to the student records via itemrp making them know the students already.


Level 18

The p2k is definitely an example of the trade-off between realism and roleplay/mechanics. I do agree that the automatic p2k for faculty is unrealistic, but it's mainly there to make their jobs easier. Perhaps there could be an interaction that replaces the p2k, such as a school ID. Students are required to show their ID if requested by faculty if they are on campus. A school ID could also be used for other things, such as borrowing books or editing their school transcript. This could be either done through ItemRP or an actual item that is added.


Level 146
This post seems like you're trying to counter one niche gang roleplay tactic, without realizing it would be at the expense of the sanity of school faculty (and without decent reason).

That said, I agree that it's silly when people do "/me describes" and then faculty is able to immediately identify that specific person out of hundreds of potential people. It's bad if the faculty member is dumb enough to actually tell you their info, but it gets worse when faculty starts calling students over intercom because of whatever you may choose to say.

This feels like it should be less of a rule change, and more so a friendly reminder for teachers to use common sense.

The FJ

Level 97
Student: "Hey, some kid with brown hair just beat me up"
Faculty: "Ah, yes, Josephina Rodriguez at it again."
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Level 174

We're sorry to inform u that ur suggestion has been denied for the following reasons:

- what.


Level 121
Honestly, I think it should only apply to school grounds as it'd make more sense, we could say the students have their ID on them or that the faculty have the ability to check their names (since every student from past & present have a record in the school) this would still make their job easier as they'll still know the students. Note that there are hundreds of students, you're not gonna remember & memorize everyone's first & last name and how they look.

I'm neutral on this idea! I think faculty needs p2k/a way to know all students but I also think they shouldn't be able to have this ability outside of school. As you mentioned;
will go to faculty to describe someone and then that faculty gives the student's real name out to this random person.
I've never seen this situtation happen, however it is possible, so I'm in favor of removing the ability of faculty giving out names & identity to people other than police & other faculty members n' higher ups.


Level 29
idk what to vote for this but I agree that faculty shouldn't know students outside of school unless they like, genuinely know the student personally or from prior interactions. It do be a bit jarring when I'm just chillin about in the dead of night and some faculty member comes like "Hey what'chu up to [full name and social security number]"


Level 206
Faculty members knowing all the names of their students in SchoolRP is a requirement for many basic interactions. As (IRL) teacher, I maintain proper class lists, have recurring classes, and get the chance to interact with my IRL students on a regular basis. When you join SRP, it is implied that you were or are a member of the student body at some point, and that the teachers have or had access to your full name.


Level 20
-1 Our jobs are hard enough while yes it isn’t fully realistic but you also have to remember for teachers every student besides college ones are on there rosters and for professors all college students are on our rosters so yeah


Level 116

you just make it so they have ptk on school grounds, but not anywhere else

that way, they can teach classes and such without wasting time, but can still have realistic roleplay outside of school


Level 41
Community Team
Event Team

I quite like the idea of my character memorizing the full names and faces of every single student.
He must not be stopped (pls)

All the other reasons regarding expediency and so on are also valid.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
I think it is unrealistic for faculty to have know perms on every single student. ever. Either I'd like to see faculty at least make an effort to pull out a phone and action to view a student's record based on appearance, or I think that faculty shouldn't be allowed to have "automatic know perms" on every single student outside school


Level 61
Teacher Lead
3D Modelling Team
+1, yet more on neutral.

I like infi's suggestion with some sort itemRP of looking up a student's name in the system and not allowing faculty to do this outside of school grounds.

An addition to this, I think for the sanity of teachers and professors that if a student is in your class, then the auto P2K on sight should be active because classes can get hectic at times and having to action multiple times a second to look up a student's name would personally drive me up the wall.

Or just having it so auto P2K is only on school grounds.
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Level 36
what infi suggested, with actioning to pull out a phone and check the student database might work, but removing autop2k all together will be very detrimental to faculty, both in the aspects of calling on students and locating players for punishment - coming from someone who has been faculty for a long period of time in the past. however, in line with this student database, faculty can have know perms on those who join their classes, and those they locate on the database. they wouldn't be able to access this database off school grounds, hopefully preventing an abuse of these permissions that they gain on the majority of the playerbase
Or just having it so auto P2K is only on school grounds.
^ or this works too :]


Level 89
Community Team
3D Modelling Team
Okay, as an ex-faculty member, I get where some are coming from, the job is hard enough as it is. But on a roleplay aspect, it really doesn't make sense, so what Infi and Lobster suggested is actually good, either pulling out something to check on the database, or the p2k only applies on school grounds.

BUT! Here's a silly little idea I have as this is what IRL school uses- What if let's just say each student ICly always has a SCHOOL ID with them? Like a permanent item for students that they cannot remove like the starter apples, and whenever a teacher has to call out their names... They have to check the ID ykyk? It's just a silly idea tho idk man.

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