Level 15
What's your Minecraft Username?: Resaeus
What's the title of your suggestion?: Faulty needed to look up a student's profile to know their name
What's your suggestion?:
For faculty to not Automatically have P2k on all students as soon as they are created without at least looking up a profile for them.
Explanation as to Why:
First and foremost, faculty having automatic p2k on all students is unreal and ruins the roleplay experience when outside of the school. I've had situations where I have created a brand new character only for faculty to automatically know their name outside of school when they've never interacted. This does ruin the roleplay experience because people from gangs and such can and will go to faculty to describe someone and then that faculty gives the student's real name out to this random person. While yes faculty do know the names of students that should be primarily left to SLT to know the names of all the students because in regular school systems teachers and regular faculty don't have access to all of the students' records and only those that are on their roster.
Ways to counteract this:
Make a rule where that faculty has to have at least 3 interactions with the students' before they automatically know their name.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
It would benefit the community right now by engaging in more roleplay between students and faculty members rather than just assuming and what not.
What's the title of your suggestion?: Faulty needed to look up a student's profile to know their name
What's your suggestion?:
For faculty to not Automatically have P2k on all students as soon as they are created without at least looking up a profile for them.
Explanation as to Why:
First and foremost, faculty having automatic p2k on all students is unreal and ruins the roleplay experience when outside of the school. I've had situations where I have created a brand new character only for faculty to automatically know their name outside of school when they've never interacted. This does ruin the roleplay experience because people from gangs and such can and will go to faculty to describe someone and then that faculty gives the student's real name out to this random person. While yes faculty do know the names of students that should be primarily left to SLT to know the names of all the students because in regular school systems teachers and regular faculty don't have access to all of the students' records and only those that are on their roster.
Ways to counteract this:
Make a rule where that faculty has to have at least 3 interactions with the students' before they automatically know their name.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
It would benefit the community right now by engaging in more roleplay between students and faculty members rather than just assuming and what not.