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Faculty not automatic p2k at first sighting.


Level 163

BUT! Here's a silly little idea I have as this is what IRL school uses- What if let's just say each student ICly always has a SCHOOL ID with them? Like a permanent item for students that they cannot remove like the starter apples, and whenever a teacher has to call out their names... They have to check the ID ykyk? It's just a silly idea tho idk man.
I hated school IDs but I think this is a neat idea. It could bring more interest too. As school IDs can be used to get school lunch, vending machines, checking out library books, accessing doors that only work with a school ID keycard, accessing the dorms too and etc. These could be interesting features that could be added if the school IDs got added not just to help faculty members know students but other mechanisms too for the students themselves.


Level 116
I hated school IDs but I think this is a neat idea. It could bring more interest too. As school IDs can be used to get school lunch, vending machines, checking out library books, accessing doors that only work with a school ID keycard, accessing the dorms too and etc. These could be interesting features that could be added if the school IDs got added not just to help faculty members know students but other mechanisms too for the students themselves.
and adults cant break into students only areas


Level 84
Sorry, -1.

You know how annoying to deal with some of y'all highschooler little shits? (/j)
We need the P2K, otherwise EVERYONE is going to feel encouraged to become delinquents.


Level 28
As a former school worker, the job there is already hard and often exhausting as it is, and this would just add fuel to the fire. Instead, this rule as said previously should just remind faculty workers to use common sense and sometimes do look the student up before just going "Ah yes James Smith. I know him!" Without ever interacting with them. But again, it is for every individual own judgement. There will not be a perfect system that will work, but rmeoving their P2K will just caused absolute chaos.


Level 72
Faculty jobs are hard enough and it's definitely easier to know the name and take care of the situation than have to give up because you don't know the name.
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Level 118
-1 Our jobs are hard enough while yes it isn’t fully realistic but you also have to remember for teachers every student besides college ones are on there rosters and for professors all college students are on our rosters so yeah
“Hard” sure bud


Level 118
mans they are a faction worker no need to insult them.
Damn bro they say shit is hard so they put it on themself :skull) I get teachers and professors have it rough but the others like caretaker, nurses, … memory work…


Level 108
Damn bro they say shit is hard so they put it on themself :skull) I get teachers and professors have it rough but the others like caretaker, nurses, … memory work…
they are often needed in the case of a fight going on in school.
eg only caretakers can rly see cctv icly and nurses assist with anything medical and often help w stuff like that


Level 118
they are often needed in the case of a fight going on in school.
eg only caretakers can rly see cctv icly and nurses assist with anything medical and often help w stuff like that
Damn dude but how come 80% of the time I see that AFK tag and when I punch them for a straight minute they aren’t back


Level 108
For like 80% of the time.
man ur generalising an entire faction. if theyre afk thats fine and if i follow your logic its not an issue at all due to the fact they dont do shit right? so why is it an issue.

anyways, the suggestion is fine and it affects them when it comes to school fight so im generally -1


Level 146
Half of you guys just straight up AFK, don’t do shit and are just there for the money.
You're complaining about real problems, but rather than being constructive about it you're just instigating conflict on vaguely relevant threads. Be nicer ):<

Being a faculty member isn't the hardest thing in the world, but it's certainly not always easy. You have to understand that not all faculty are veteran players that know the rules by heart, rather the faction is made up of normal people that probably aren't going to be able to do a flawless job. It's especially difficult when students aren't cooperating with us OOCly (for example, by FailRPing), which is the main source of stress for most faculty.

That said the money thing is 100% true, and the SLT has been aware of this for a long time. There really isn't much you can do to spark intrinsic motivation for people to do faculty work, the higher age and fat paycheck is really the best they can offer. Sure, you can try other external things like special housing (which they did, multiple times), but unless people actually enjoy what they're doing they won't end up trying very hard.

Damn bro they say shit is hard so they put it on themself
This is valid, though. A lot of faculty do complain about things being so stressful and difficult, but don't seem to realize that it's fine to just let things go. Somebody isn't FearRPing in detention? Okay, just let them leave, it's not like they care about the roleplay, there's no point in stressing yourself out over that kind of person. People being annoying in your class? Cool, kick them and move on, if they glitched in just ignore them. Faculty lives would be way easier if they just learned to take the L sometimes, not all fights are worth winning.


Level 108
You're complaining about real problems, but rather than being constructive about it you're just instigating conflict on vaguely relevant threads. Be nicer ):<

Being a faculty member isn't the hardest thing in the world, but it's certainly not always easy. You have to understand that not all faculty are veteran players that know the rules by heart, rather the faction is made up of normal people that probably aren't going to be able to do a flawless job. It's especially difficult when students aren't cooperating with us OOCly (for example, by FailRPing), which is the main source of stress for most faculty.

That said the money thing is 100% true, and the SLT has been aware of this for a long time. There really isn't much you can do to spark intrinsic motivation for people to do faculty work, the higher age and fat paycheck is really the best they can offer. Sure, you can try other external things like special housing (which they did, multiple times), but unless people actually enjoy what they're doing they won't end up trying very hard.

This is valid, though. A lot of faculty do complain about things being so stressful and difficult, but don't seem to realize that it's fine to just let things go. Somebody isn't FearRPing in detention? Okay, just let them leave, it's not like they care about the roleplay, there's no point in stressing yourself out over that kind of person. People being annoying in your class? Cool, kick them and move on, if they glitched in just ignore them. Faculty lives would be way easier if they just learned to take the L sometimes, not all fights are worth winning.

Ocean Man

Level 50
BUT! Here's a silly little idea I have as this is what IRL school uses- What if let's just say each student ICly always has a SCHOOL ID with them? Like a permanent item for students that they cannot remove like the starter apples, and whenever a teacher has to call out their names... They have to check the ID ykyk? It's just a silly idea tho idk man.
School ID's would be nice to have along with Faculty ID's.
While I know us faculties have every students record, It would be cool aswell to have an ID on them that could be used on thier offhand or be wore as a head piece.

Being a faculty member myself, It's quite weird to which I'd prefer the p2k to only their names and records than knowing them to the point of their birthdate and nicknames. The way I've handled this is getting to know the students via classes rather on the spot, usually calling them Mr/Ms (I've done the "Getting to know students than p2k" to my other professor char, fedber).

While I agree that us faculty need P2K, we have to also remember It is quite weird to know them down to the nicknames and birthdays or even outside especially when we really dont know them other than our students in school.

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