What's your Minecraft Username?: Oliverium
What's the title of your suggestion?: Faculty Supervisors for Clubs
What's your suggestion?:
Allow faculty to "join" clubs and supervise them! Faculty have perks that students don't have access to. These perks can add more opportunities to expand club events, meetings, and more.
How will this work?
In the club discord, there can be "applications" on a google form where faculty who are interested can put in an app while the club members decide on who they want to be the supervisor! Just like how shopkeepers hire their own employees, club leaders can hire their own faculty.
Some Perks! (+ Examples)
-- Intercom: Can be used to announce meetings/events, advertise, and more
An article is presented, the club leader reads over it and approves it over the club discord. Great, now for the intercom message, constructed by the person who wrote the article. However, the club leader must grab staff to put the intercom out during school. Because of this, the club is very behind on intercoms, and the staff is handling other problems and may not always respond to DMs about intercoms (we're like 3+ months behind..). However, with faculty, they already have access to intercoms and can certainly put it out each day! Limit it to 1-2 a school day to prevent spam (breaktime, study time, or lunch).
-- Keys: Can be used to get into places club leaders can't
The club leader is interested in doing some acting. Sure they have stages, but wouldn't it be cool to act in a real classroom? As a teacher and students, fire drills, stuff like that. It's a school club after all. If they had a teacher to supervise, they can use their keys to offer up their classroom for a meeting!
-- Adult Supervision: Keeps kids in line, professional, and safe!
Occult club is known to get into danger (remember October? It was insane: cursed dolls/objects, curses, spirits, ghosts, etc). With supervision they can be pulled out of dangerous situations or step to the side incase things go wrong. Faculty can also give them advice (old people wisdom)! Last meeting involved a faculty member (me!) and was able to keep an eye out while they spoke to some spirits. When things went downhill, I was able to knock down the door while they escaped. Safety first!
How will this benefit the server and community?:
-Roleplay: More side-jobs for faculty (in and out of school hours) and more opportunities for clubs!
-Optional: Faculty don't have to take part of this, neither do clubs. It's optional, meaning there's no need to stress out if some people dislike this idea.
-Fixes Journalism Issue: As a club member, we really need a change in order to catch up and keep consistent with intercoms
-Faculty boredom: After school fun times relating to school (when meetings occur). Can give faculty things to do when school ends (or weekends)
-Realism: When it comes to school curriculars, usually faculty takes charge because students running around without supervision is never good. You can't trust these people, especially in Karakura.
What's the title of your suggestion?: Faculty Supervisors for Clubs
What's your suggestion?:
Allow faculty to "join" clubs and supervise them! Faculty have perks that students don't have access to. These perks can add more opportunities to expand club events, meetings, and more.
How will this work?
In the club discord, there can be "applications" on a google form where faculty who are interested can put in an app while the club members decide on who they want to be the supervisor! Just like how shopkeepers hire their own employees, club leaders can hire their own faculty.
Some Perks! (+ Examples)
-- Intercom: Can be used to announce meetings/events, advertise, and more
An article is presented, the club leader reads over it and approves it over the club discord. Great, now for the intercom message, constructed by the person who wrote the article. However, the club leader must grab staff to put the intercom out during school. Because of this, the club is very behind on intercoms, and the staff is handling other problems and may not always respond to DMs about intercoms (we're like 3+ months behind..). However, with faculty, they already have access to intercoms and can certainly put it out each day! Limit it to 1-2 a school day to prevent spam (breaktime, study time, or lunch).
-- Keys: Can be used to get into places club leaders can't
The club leader is interested in doing some acting. Sure they have stages, but wouldn't it be cool to act in a real classroom? As a teacher and students, fire drills, stuff like that. It's a school club after all. If they had a teacher to supervise, they can use their keys to offer up their classroom for a meeting!
-- Adult Supervision: Keeps kids in line, professional, and safe!
Occult club is known to get into danger (remember October? It was insane: cursed dolls/objects, curses, spirits, ghosts, etc). With supervision they can be pulled out of dangerous situations or step to the side incase things go wrong. Faculty can also give them advice (old people wisdom)! Last meeting involved a faculty member (me!) and was able to keep an eye out while they spoke to some spirits. When things went downhill, I was able to knock down the door while they escaped. Safety first!
How will this benefit the server and community?:
-Roleplay: More side-jobs for faculty (in and out of school hours) and more opportunities for clubs!
-Optional: Faculty don't have to take part of this, neither do clubs. It's optional, meaning there's no need to stress out if some people dislike this idea.
-Fixes Journalism Issue: As a club member, we really need a change in order to catch up and keep consistent with intercoms
-Faculty boredom: After school fun times relating to school (when meetings occur). Can give faculty things to do when school ends (or weekends)
-Realism: When it comes to school curriculars, usually faculty takes charge because students running around without supervision is never good. You can't trust these people, especially in Karakura.