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Favorite Character?


Level 105
Thread starter
this is my own post but my favorite character is kotone 'koi' y. laresca

more seriously some of my favorites are valentinus wayne, ryuu tashiro, sky b. edgeworth, dylan m. edgeworth, and my own isoroku okinowa just because i like how i developed him


Level 16
Alex 'Ironside' Koji
Kimitsu Koji
Jack Denvers
Hanamaru Saiky
Marcus Rogers
Akane Blackwood
Arisu Koji
April O'(Something, sorry Shadinker)
Suyen Kim
Lukas Blackwood

These characters store precious memories to me and helped make my rp so much more interesting, they're all really well made and honestly should be congratulated. Especially Ironside.


Level 272
Anyway, my list;
Dark Dot -2 years ago, bro was the lead of it. Amazing person and amazing char
Fuyuki Zenkichi - developed myeong A LOT over the IC years
Usagi Hoshi - A QUEEN, I have nothing to say more she's amazing
Brendan MacLeod - long lore with him
Yoshira BLackburn -one of Myeong first friends
Marie Saiky - Was with Myeong in basketball, she was her best friend
Henrik Popovich - long lore with him, Myeong couldn't tell him she likes him and bro died
Kon Koji - Long lore as well, they have a history
Noriaki Saiky - lulu's husband, amazing RP and beo actually affected her, Lulu is a better person with him
Xiang Yu -Except that he's lulu's brother, he has a long history with Annie
Troy Garcia - One of Annie's only friends
Kaiser Beckermann - Myeong knew him for years
Victor Saiky -Although the past of him with Myeong, he did change her; he hurt her but it doesn't matter he's still a good char
Zhang S. Haechi - Annie's ex and a lot of lore behind it; somehow they know for years because of that
Lee Alstrom - The way he spoke with Myeong is amazing, I can't to tell how much it affected all the rp of myeong
Eva Cohen -EVEN if we ignoring the amazing hardcore lore she has, Eva is always trying her best and it's possible to see it in her personaility and everything around her, this is amazing.
April Cohen (A QUEEN) - Annie's only biological child. Annie saw how she's growing up slowly and getting developed, Ash is also an amazing rper Im sad she left
Iris Cortez- Long lore with Annie
Izanami Kamiyami - Gamma is a good rper, and has amazing complex char which made the rp be cool.
Chris Hamilton- bro is banned for 2 years, buti t doesn't matter because Chris actually changed EVERY damn people around him
Kayn Santarossa- hurt myeong, but it doesn't matter he's a good char in general
Ezzelin Corsetti- A LONG lore of him with myeong plus delfina
Katsu(Harisanker's char, I forgot the last name lol)- I don't think Myeong could survive without him, the cancer broke her but he was her hope anyway
Ryo Saiky- he died but, the RP was amazing and this is an amazing char which I believe SHOULD get mentioned for obvious reasons

More chars;
Mike Akihito & HIS dead wife(Knot's char) - cool chars, cool develop although I never rped with Mike Akihito BUT Knot's char was always nice etc.
Ryuu Tashiro
Etsuko Saito
Kiyoko something(Sorry cam)
Haruka K. Houki
Etsuko Kusakabe
Etsuko M. Lekami (yes, all the etsuko r in the list)
Julio. .something(sorry Daku)

gold fish

Level 286
Vouching for Ryuu because god daaaaaamn, before joining Akihito Clan I hadn’t a clue a thing about his character asides from the fact that he was occasionally behind the counter whenever I bought my surplus of checkerboard cookies, and now that Ive been around the clan for a few weeks Im dead set on learning whatever the frick happened to him. Awesome character, you can definitely tell the love thats been put into him.Yeah woohoo yeeeeah

Also Sawa Taigyoku is a phenomenal character, Ive literally never even seen her but that biography is one of the best ones Ive yet to read. Mike Akihito is also a fantastic pick, I havent been around too long but the stories Ive heard about the guy, and the things Ive witnessed myself..Yeah hes cool as hell
Sawa is an absolutely fantastic character. Once she broke into my share house merely to stare at the congregation in the living room. I also just absolutely love the way Heb plays her shes amazing


Level 44
Community Team


Level 11
1. Kayn Santarossa, person who roleplays them is just amazing oocly, and super cool icly.
2. Tsuzura Taikan, alex my belob awesome character, keeps mine in line. Swagger surgeon.
3. All of liiilyn's characters, so sweet oocly, and that carries to ic.
4. All of Kota's characters very funny person, good to hangout with met in my first, or second year of SRP.
5. Sasha and Valentinus nolastnameicantspell. AWESOME COUPLE, SWAG PEOPLE OOCLY TOO. Super friendly ic, yeah.
6. Kiyoko something (not sorry you appeared while i was doing code blue, scary), you appear out of no where and cause crazy things to happen. swag.
7. The EMS director swag person, (whos birthday was yesterday) very funny, also lady D.
8. Mazikeen Smith, there could be a paragraph here if i really wanted to do this, which no but amazing person fr, lov them.
9. Loralie Kuraguri (me)
10. Xeno something (sorry kami)
12. Kiwa something
13. Riven something
14. Beck something
15. all tammy's characters ^ all swag
16. Douglas something (sorry imara) very swag, and funny
17. Christian green <3_<3 my belob
18. hebs characters.
19. metsu's characters.
20. twisty's characters.

Thats my top 20 list for right now.. but like theres a lot more people. I got lazy half way down sorry if you didnt get a person message


Level 116
This is legit a year too late cuz I wasn’t even on the forums by the time this was posted BUT I JUST FOUND IT so here’s my favorites! Plus I really wanna share this shit with SOMEONE so everyone in this comment section is my victim

First things first, my favorite character of all time on this server is, even though I may be a bit biased, Allen S. Kyoshiro! He and my character, Karl, are married and they always have the most top-tier interactions in my opinion. Sure they have their issues, but what couple doesn’t??? Just makes it a bit more realistic than them being super wholesome to each other all the time tbh. Allen’s character is also influenced a lot by Karl, from being in a gang to his general personality as of right now.

Second favorite! Sefu Tanaka, thanks to the interactions Karl and he have had in Otake-Tatsu as well as how Sefu is as a general character from what I’ve gathered OOCly too. He’s probably one of the most interesting characters on this server thanks to that, and I also have spotted him ICly a few times now! Hoping to actually interact with him more in the future

Third, another one of my many favorites is Xiang Kaneko. He might be missing at the moment but the few interactions he and Karl have had are actually kinda sweet, especially given the fact that Karl himself had never really had a father growing up! Xiang is pretty much what he needed, albeit coming into the blond’s life a few years too late. Lowkey miss this man to be honest

Fourth! Johnny S. Reeves goes here, as one of Karl’s best friends he has to be in the top five of course. He and Karl are literally brothers at this point, maybe not by blood but definitely in spirit. They’ve been through a lot of shit together and have managed to still be best friends despite everything. The definition of ‘ride-or-die’, in other words!

As for my final character in my top five, it’s Karl himself. He’s seriously a really fun character to play, especially given the fact that he’s morally grey. Acting out how he’d react to situations, as well as his general lore, is some of my favorite things about the character. For someone that isn’t in a faction at all, he’s still gotten to be somewhat known by the community too! Whether that’s through IC or OOC interactions, I’ve gained a lot of friends through this character

Honorable mentions include Dakari Altaha, Karma S. Tanaka, ‘Dyno’ Chou, and any of Karl’s siblings (ESPECIALLY Suzuka)

gold fish

Level 286
This is legit a year too late cuz I wasn’t even on the forums by the time this was posted BUT I JUST FOUND IT so here’s my favorites! Plus I really wanna share this shit with SOMEONE so everyone in this comment section is my victim

First things first, my favorite character of all time on this server is, even though I may be a bit biased, Allen S. Kyoshiro! He and my character, Karl, are married and they always have the most top-tier interactions in my opinion. Sure they have their issues, but what couple doesn’t??? Just makes it a bit more realistic than them being super wholesome to each other all the time tbh. Allen’s character is also influenced a lot by Karl, from being in a gang to his general personality as of right now.

Second favorite! Sefu Tanaka, thanks to the interactions Karl and he have had in Otake-Tatsu as well as how Sefu is as a general character from what I’ve gathered OOCly too. He’s probably one of the most interesting characters on this server thanks to that, and I also have spotted him ICly a few times now! Hoping to actually interact with him more in the future

Third, another one of my many favorites is Xiang Kaneko. He might be missing at the moment but the few interactions he and Karl have had are actually kinda sweet, especially given the fact that Karl himself had never really had a father growing up! Xiang is pretty much what he needed, albeit coming into the blond’s life a few years too late. Lowkey miss this man to be honest

Fourth! Johnny S. Reeves goes here, as one of Karl’s best friends he has to be in the top five of course. He and Karl are literally brothers at this point, maybe not by blood but definitely in spirit. They’ve been through a lot of shit together and have managed to still be best friends despite everything. The definition of ‘ride-or-die’, in other words!

As for my final character in my top five, it’s Karl himself. He’s seriously a really fun character to play, especially given the fact that he’s morally grey. Acting out how he’d react to situations, as well as his general lore, is some of my favorite things about the character. For someone that isn’t in a faction at all, he’s still gotten to be somewhat known by the community too! Whether that’s through IC or OOC interactions, I’ve gained a lot of friends through this character

Honorable mentions include Dakari Altaha, Karma S. Tanaka, ‘Dyno’ Chou, and any of Karl’s siblings (ESPECIALLY Suzuka)


Level 72
3D Modelling Team
alexzandria chiyami
jaehyeon kim
any tojo family member specifically reijirou tojo
mi akihito
any heddo.


Level 102
There’s a list, my friends all be on the list but Snoobs is deffo a fun one. Any child character too.

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