What the hell man -1
KPs is hard to gain whoever did said action should understand the risk of the action they're doing wtf man. .
Just takes off risk because someone couldn't be responsible for their own actions- will make it very chaotic I'll start
doing everything because in the end of the day I won't lose my char
Please if you implement this disallow cops ability from killing us too because it sounds exactly the same thing. . They remove my character's existence and yes I did CrimeRP or dip or pull a weapon but hey I don't want to be responsible for that like other GangRPers aren't responsible for holding out a weapon on me /:
@Ruin mention bcz I like u
And I apologize if I said something repetitive there's lots of talk can't read through it
Forced / permanent character death is extremely frowned upon in other roleplay communities and we shouldn't encourage it more like we are. Crime faction is overbalancing the other factions a lot already; and, this will help regulate it while also providing it with several benefits (you can refer to some of my replies in this thread / my original post for what these benefits are). Overall, it's worth noting that there are many more benefits than setbacks.
Placing police officers as the main risk factor will force you to think more about what you do as a criminal in-character. Again, take Ironside Koji for an example, as he is one of the most well-known characters within GangRP and has been for the past few years. Prosthettics mentioned in my DMs about thirty minutes ago that he never had any run-ins with arrests. . .and that's because he played it smart. He played it smart; and, in turn, his character got a legendary reputation. You have to applaud that & realize that following suit by putting more thought into your crimes will ultimately bring about pros rather than cons.
One thing I've always slightly detested about permissions is that it is severely limiting (and I've made it clear in one of my replies that I don't like limiting creativity). I have to change the way my character behaves because if she acts the way that she would realistically respond to in a roleplay situation, she would die. I don't want my character to die, like many other people, and therefore I have to shift the way my character behaves to befit this standard. We remove this roadblock by adding OOC consent for kill permissions. Refer to my other replies and the original thread (as aforementioned) for more elaboration. Thank you for giving your input, too! I understand how it can be a bit jarring to read my wild suggestion; but, ultimately, look at it from a different perspective and you might just see what it'll help within the community and GangRP wholly.
i think rather than doing this all at once, the staff team should figure out a way to ease into it a bit better as the drastic change would probably take a toll on everyone and go one way or another very rapidly..if slower change isn't possible then i'd say then it's important to keep an eye on kpd as this is implemented in case there are certain other areas that may need clear debuffing should this suggestion go through, although you're probably going to do that knowing you and your hebwig prowess. not sure what could be done to 'ease' the blow of such a huge change but it was huge enough that my jaw dropped to the floor and i had to scoop it back up like a basketball
This is a great suggestion but also difficult to execute. Like when I've edited rules in the past, we can introduce another timed message in-game that informs people to look at the updated rules. We can also show them a message when they log on and make an announcement in the Discords. . .we can remind people in OOC, too. There are a lot of ways to work people into it, albeit we forsake doing it slowly. If you have any ideas on how we can slowly implement this, PM me over conversations and we can talk it out. I thank you for your comments on the Hebwig Prowess(TM) and I know that the Sophia Prowess(TM) also has amazing ideas to bring to the table. Your input is so, so appreciated!!!
Doing this cold turkey could result in lot of people quittin' or something since gangrping and "killing" has been a big part of srp for quite a while. But maybe adjusting the rules a bit so you would have to have a IC Motive to kill someone and not kill jus cus
Read the thread, if you have not. It might make you re-think the whole concept of people quitting GangRP and how that might benefit things. That sounds absolutely crazy to say (especially as the crime faction lead), but trust me. . .just read what I said and it'll make sense. And if it doesn't, PM me over conversations and I will elaborate. I promise that I am suggesting this with the intention of looking out for GangRP & the server itself. . .I'm not trying to raise hell on anybody. Thank you for your input & I hope you understand!!