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FEEDBACK | Kill Permissions Re-Evaluation


Level 129
Also do want to remind people that this is roleplay, if you want more of a risk factor and adrenaline from your gameplay this is uh, probably not the right genre for you >->

Limiting KPS like this would do wonders in gangrp scenarios because it would force people to actually get involved and think outside the box for once instead of /mE sTaBs cAroTId (and I know people don't use that keybind thatmuch but a lot of copy pasted actions are literally the same thing with more flavour text)


Level 21
if people are fr getting triggered by pixels getting detailrped then they shouldn't be on a ROLEPLAY server, jus my opinnion
I get where you're coming from and respect your opinion, but the fact is that some people join expecting a more slice-of-life roleplay (as the name SchoolRP suggests) only to be brought into crimerp and gangrp being forced down their throats when something goes wrong. I've met a lot of people who don't want to do gangrp but get sucked into it anyway whether first-hand or second-hand through their characters' friends. I totally get where you're coming from, though!


Level 6
I get where you're coming from and respect your opinion, but the fact is that some people join expecting a more slice-of-life roleplay (as the name SchoolRP suggests) only to be brought into crimerp and gangrp being forced down their throats when something goes wrong. I've met a lot of people who don't want to do gangrp but get sucked into it anyway whether first-hand or second-hand through their characters' friends. I totally get where you're coming from, though!
If you really don't want your character in gangrp they wont be, it's really that simple no matter what way you look at it.

Easy problem fixes + obvious mentions

- Make a character that naturally stays out of trouble, your character is not you (not saying you do this specifically bc idk you), you shouldn't base your characters actions on what you would do, you base it off what the character you have created would do, if they're scared of confrontation don't have them getting into fights, it's unrealistic and if they end up dying that's on you.

- If they're looking for a "slice of life" roleplay, then make it that, it's really not that hard. There are some people (like myself) who have had characters since day 1 that haven't died because they simply don't go looking for gangrp/combatrp situations.

- Read the rules, there are tons of rules about gangrp, combatrp and everything inbetween. If you've read the rules enough you'll know how to avoid your character from getting major'd or killed

- If you make a disrespectful character that is hot headed and short tempered they're going to get into fights whether you like it or not, there's a small chance that they don't but it's very likely to happen

- Also, ooc consent for a minecraft character to die or get major'd? So what if I say no? What if I cut someones arm off and they "consent" to it, then when they go to kill my character I just say "no" then what? (I didn't read the original post by hebwig so if that was answered lmk, simply doesn't make sense)

- Don't get that attached to a minecraft character. Cool you like how your character acts or something like that (idk what y'all think when you get attached) But if it's to the point that them dying would affect your mental health you need to take a break from minecraft and go play with a ball or something.

- Last and most obvious, Kps shouldn't be hidden or scarce in the first place, if you do something that would get you killed, then die.


Level 110
Thread starter
If you really don't want your character in gangrp they wont be, it's really that simple no matter what way you look at it.

Easy problem fixes + obvious mentions

- Make a character that naturally stays out of trouble, your character is not you (not saying you do this specifically bc idk you), you shouldn't base your characters actions on what you would do, you base it off what the character you have created would do, if they're scared of confrontation don't have them getting into fights, it's unrealistic and if they end up dying that's on you.

- If they're looking for a "slice of life" roleplay, then make it that, it's really not that hard. There are some people (like myself) who have had characters since day 1 that haven't died because they simply don't go looking for gangrp/combatrp situations.

- Read the rules, there are tons of rules about gangrp, combatrp and everything inbetween. If you've read the rules enough you'll know how to avoid your character from getting major'd or killed

- If you make a disrespectful character that is hot headed and short tempered they're going to get into fights whether you like it or not, there's a small chance that they don't but it's very likely to happen

- Also, ooc consent for a minecraft character to die or get major'd? So what if I say no? What if I cut someones arm off and they "consent" to it, then when they go to kill my character I just say "no" then what? (I didn't read the original post by hebwig so if that was answered lmk, simply doesn't make sense)

- Don't get that attached to a minecraft character. Cool you like how your character acts or something like that (idk what y'all think when you get attached) But if it's to the point that them dying would affect your mental health you need to take a break from minecraft and go play with a ball or something.

- Last and most obvious, Kps shouldn't be hidden or scarce in the first place, if you do something that would get you killed, then die.

I address every single one of these concerns in the original thread and my replies. I implore you to read them before giving an opinion as each of these have been refuted to disprove concerns about this being harmful for the server (and quality of roleplay overall). Thank you, though, for providing a detailed response that goes in-depth about general worries! I am appreciative of the time that you took to reply.


Level 129
If you really don't want your character in gangrp they wont be, it's really that simple no matter what way you look at it.

Easy problem fixes + obvious mentions

- Make a character that naturally stays out of trouble, your character is not you (not saying you do this specifically bc idk you), you shouldn't base your characters actions on what you would do, you base it off what the character you have created would do, if they're scared of confrontation don't have them getting into fights, it's unrealistic and if they end up dying that's on you.

- If they're looking for a "slice of life" roleplay, then make it that, it's really not that hard. There are some people (like myself) who have had characters since day 1 that haven't died because they simply don't go looking for gangrp/combatrp situations.

- Read the rules, there are tons of rules about gangrp, combatrp and everything inbetween. If you've read the rules enough you'll know how to avoid your character from getting major'd or killed

- If you make a disrespectful character that is hot headed and short tempered they're going to get into fights whether you like it or not, there's a small chance that they don't but it's very likely to happen

- Also, ooc consent for a minecraft character to die or get major'd? So what if I say no? What if I cut someones arm off and they "consent" to it, then when they go to kill my character I just say "no" then what? (I didn't read the original post by hebwig so if that was answered lmk, simply doesn't make sense)

- Don't get that attached to a minecraft character. Cool you like how your character acts or something like that (idk what y'all think when you get attached) But if it's to the point that them dying would affect your mental health you need to take a break from minecraft and go play with a ball or something.

- Last and most obvious, Kps shouldn't be hidden or scarce in the first place, if you do something that would get you killed, then die.
"If you don't wanna get killed or majored just don't gangrp" that statement has aged extremely poorly >->

New players can easily get roped up in it, and even more experienced ones can make a mistake and end up in the cross hairs of perm hungry players, I've seen it happen a lot before. ...also just because you don't get attached to your characters doesn't mean other ppl don't yknow... kps should be really hard to get in the first place, and a character death should be a proper rp yknow, not just /me stabs followed by 9 hours of arguing.


Level 84
If you really don't want your character in gangrp they wont be, it's really that simple no matter what way you look at it.

Easy problem fixes + obvious mentions

- Make a character that naturally stays out of trouble, your character is not you (not saying you do this specifically bc idk you), you shouldn't base your characters actions on what you would do, you base it off what the character you have created would do, if they're scared of confrontation don't have them getting into fights, it's unrealistic and if they end up dying that's on you.

- If they're looking for a "slice of life" roleplay, then make it that, it's really not that hard. There are some people (like myself) who have had characters since day 1 that haven't died because they simply don't go looking for gangrp/combatrp situations.

- Read the rules, there are tons of rules about gangrp, combatrp and everything inbetween. If you've read the rules enough you'll know how to avoid your character from getting major'd or killed

- If you make a disrespectful character that is hot headed and short tempered they're going to get into fights whether you like it or not, there's a small chance that they don't but it's very likely to happen

- Also, ooc consent for a minecraft character to die or get major'd? So what if I say no? What if I cut someones arm off and they "consent" to it, then when they go to kill my character I just say "no" then what? (I didn't read the original post by hebwig so if that was answered lmk, simply doesn't make sense)

- Don't get that attached to a minecraft character. Cool you like how your character acts or something like that (idk what y'all think when you get attached) But if it's to the point that them dying would affect your mental health you need to take a break from minecraft and go play with a ball or something.

- Last and most obvious, Kps shouldn't be hidden or scarce in the first place, if you do something that would get you killed, then die.
There are multiple instances where people made characters that is generally likes to stay out of troubles and inevitably gets wrapped into it.

Not to mention how some new players gets into a fight hoping it would be a small school fight for character development but ends up escalating into something bigger because someone couldn't handle defeat and just goes after them with a spiked bat and a tactical knife.

A single fight does not have to be a death sentence in EVERY single cases and to ANYONE.
A lot of New players and old players came here to the server to ROLEPLAY and not engage in a Strategy, RNG and Text-based PVP that is GangRP as of right now.


Level 10
"Changes can be good" Well No they can't if you a players cant lose their characters the answer is simple. stay out of gangrp, No need to ruin it for the few that are willing to lose their characters in order to have fun in this
> The few that are willing to lose their characters in order to have fun in this

Those are the targetted players we want to drive away. Unsurprisingly, a lot of GangRPers spend more time creating 500+ word essays on how they slash an artery on your neck instead of developing their character. I don't know you very well, but from your suggestion and previous brief interactions I've had with you I'll make the assumption that you, too, are one of those players (you can correct me if im wrong, as I said its only an assumption). This is a good suggestion for MANY reasons, but the main one is that it would ENCOURAGE roleplay within the GangRP community and DISCOURAGE the same boring rinse-and-repeat act of baiting perms, getting them and finally, using them.

This is a roleplay server. Naturally, one should be able to roleplay!


Level 10

I am not going to sugarcoat my reasoning. Many Gang Roleplayers kill characters just because they want to without having a good IC reason to. Of course, there are still those who properly roleplay out the circumstances and kill for a good, valid reason. I applaud those people! However, the vast majority does not seem to share that sentiment. I am speaking based on what I've witnessed and experienced. Also, let's face it. Many Gang Roleplay characters nowadays are throwaways. I know that I'm going to be flamed to hell and back for saying this, but once again, I am speaking from what I've witnessed. Like hebwig's point states, I believe this change will drastically decrease the amount of throwaways made while laying the foundation for more developed characters to be made and played. Like others before me have stated, gangRP is often comprised of copy/pasted actions.

HunterHamster captured the essence of it perfectly when they said GangRP is more of a strategy RNG text-based PVP than anything now. I sound like a broken record with the amount of times that I've said this over my time on this server, but please. This is a roleplay server. A school one, at that. If you don't want to plot things out, story-tell, and write rather than copy/paste and roll to kill, why did you choose a school roleplay server of all places?


Level 11
IGN: hebwig
DATE: 03/07/2022
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Make kill permissions only possible to be used if the person consents through OOC means to have their character permanently killed. This is the suggestion simplified down to one sentence; but, it goes a bit more in-depth. Bear with me, the crime faction lead, and take my input on how this would benefit & what other changes would come with it.

Roleplay communities, outside of Minecraft and within Minecraft, frown upon permanent/forced character death. Completely deleting a character from a setting’s existence is really ridiculous and one of the many reasons why GangRP has the reputation it has (which then leads to other issues within said portion of the server). Requiring that kill permissions become an OOC consent-based system will limit these deaths, promote players into writing fleshed-out characters, and discourage those who oftentimes use throwaways.

Please note that this suggestion has already been discussed with a few staff members, including the owner. This thread is being created so that players can give their input on the suggestion. We value feedback and would like other perspectives before going through with the suggestion above. If possible, read through every point mentioned before making a response as they are to be considered in any feedback.

Again, take the above into account. These are not the only changes that would take place in the next few weeks (if enough feedback is given and considered); but, these are the ones that are just related to this massive change. If you choose to respond or react to this feedback, please give reasoning behind it as this thread is being monitored by staff and will be reviewed by staff when the next period for reviewing feedback messages rolls around.

Thank you for any input! Both myself and the staff members of SchoolRP are grateful to you, for both reading this thread and for potentially leaving a response. Note that if you have any other points/benefits worth mentioning, this thread will be edited to include them. Take care.
-1 a million times. This would ruin 99% of gangrp. Some 12 year old can rush up to someone if they have major, yank their eye out like madara did to kakashi then dip and when the gang tries to kill them they start to whine in looc abt them not consenting to die. Yes, I do agree abt the simplistic and generally idiotic murders being copy pasted. However, people do plan murders and a lot of them are 1st degree. I'd understand changing the aftermath so the murderer has a lot of trauma or PTSD and after tons of murders general insanity but this can be abused so much if you really think about it. Another reason is because tons of people only play srp to kill other people in fights or gangwars. If some greenie with a red tag joins and commits god knows what against a gang then says "I am a peacefull rper U CANT KILL ME AHA BOZO" which will happen I can guarantee it (le toxicity) idk a SOUL who would appreciate that. After you think about the system as a killer and not just a victim, It isn't a good idea
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Level 110
Thread starter
-1 a million times. This would ruin 99% of gangrp. Some 12 year old can rush up to someone if they have major, yank their eye out like madara did to kakashi then dip and when the gang tries to kill them they start to whine in looc abt them not consenting to die

Hey! You should read my other replies and the actual thread itself. I am certain that they clarify a great deal of your concerns & prove that there are many more benefits to this, rather than setbacks.


Level 110
Thread starter
Thank you to everyone who has given their input so far! Each opinion is extremely crucial to the staff members who will make the final decision on this suggestion in the next following weeks. I am grateful to those who took time out of their day to make a response and clarify their concerns to me.


Level 104
Im too lazy ;)
Not to be disrespectful or anything but if you're too lazy to read at least one reply y'know go through the thread a bit and develop an actual response you're prolly one of the reasons gangrp is the way it is, messy and undeveloped, respectfully go through the thread before developing an opinion, again respectfully


Level 110
Thread starter

With kill permissions, it adds fear and risk into SRP. Without it there isn't much fun in majoring somebody knowing the worst that can happen is an arm cut off or an eye which doesn't necessarily effect the gameplay at all. With KPS people are afraid of their character dying OOCly, resulting in an ICly fear.
I've read the thread and all the benefits and while I do agree it will get rid of some of the toxicity issues, it's just not worth it in my opinion.

Hey! You should read the original thread and my replies to others. It details several benefits that would reap themselves if this update were to be put in place. They may sway your opinion.


Level 6

It's a good concept but i think this appeals more to the casual players who aren't good/understanding enough to gangrp/combatrp effectively. I feel like it should be difficult where your character can be killed without ooc consent but you can reuse that character after a certain amount of time like 1-2 months but everything about their lore is wiped except for background information to character. I think that will be a better way to keep the gangrp community engaged and keep the casual community happy.


Level 110
Thread starter

It's a good concept but i think this appeals more to the casual players who aren't good/understanding enough to gangrp/combatrp effectively. I feel like it should be difficult where your character can be killed without ooc consent but you can reuse that character after a certain amount of time like 1-2 months but everything about their lore is wiped except for background information to character. I think that will be a better way to keep the gangrp community engaged and keep the casual community happy.
-1 50% of srp that gangrp will quit just bcs of this dont kill the server even more...


This suggestion benefits both those who treat GangRP as a game and those who treat GangRP as roleplay (even though the latter is what we encourage most & what should become the general mindset). I've explained thoroughly in my other replies and the thread itself of how this is a beneficial addition, all in that: there are new and much more pressing risks that exist, you are now somewhat required to think about your crimes in a more intricate fashion to avoid these risks from imposing on your character, and more lore/roleplay-based deaths will surface from this suggestion. I do not want to re-explain concepts that I already have several times; so, I can only point you to my replies to other players. Head to the other pages of the thread and CTRL+F, and search for my name. I hope that this helps to convince you and I thank you for providing your input!


Level 53
+1 / -1

This might be a good thing to add this to the aspect of gangRP/combatRP, a lot of the times the toxic side of gangRP takes the fun out of it for everyone as usually using perms such as Major or KPS turns into a LOOC argument because the person involved does not like it but on the other hand it could also reduce the toxicity of gangRP a small bit as listed by others within this thread also will give people a chance to actually create characters within gangRP and actually put more effort then usual into them. Normally individuals that gangRP on here do not put much effort into their characters as most likely that character will end up dying and would be a bit waste of time. I also feel there needs to be some limit on how much you can not agree with KPS, like only twice or three times a month maybe you can say no as I feel people would abuse this suggestion if it is implanted into the server rules, there needs to be a balance of this rule but also of how gangRP works. Overall though this is a good suggestion that may possibly save gangRP as its been sinking for years ever since it has changed a few years back and bring back possibly the old days where not many were toxic in this type of roleplay.
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Level 84
I think its actually not that bad to remove OOC fear, people do everything to make sure their character doesn't die and if you GangRP'd for a while you'd know theres too many people that complain to the fullest about absolutely everything, stall, and all the likes, so they don't genuinely roleplay they try to wrap up the situation asap and that leads to very low quality RP. But if they aren't 24/7 afraid of dying then maybe they'll start RP'ing scenarios out more, giving more detailed actions, etc.

For now I'm on the fence with this KPS suggestion, I still really think NLR should be included alongside this (when you get NLR'd you forget how you died, not everything), I also think an unofficial team should approve of some rare KPS but its not as important as I think NLR is going to be.
Personally, I'm completely with this suggestion, just for the sole reason that i feel like GangRP is no longer a Roleplay thing, but more of a Strategy, RNG and Text based PVP


Level 14
As a few others said before, most gangrpers simply just copy and paste the same action (/me slices carotid) or something along those lines. This is just boring and provides little to no decent roleplay. A lot of people try to just rack up as many kills as possible just to flex, that's what gangrp has become. With this rule change I feel that gangrp will be better as a whole.

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