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Felons joining teams


Level 75
What's your Minecraft Username?: 3Eco
What's the title of your suggestion?: Felons joining teams

What's your suggestion?:
I'd like to open up the conversation about characters with felons joining a team/being used on teams. I feel as though the rule should be changed to encourage people with developed characters joining teams rather then making them switch characters just to have a tag.
I'd like to clarify, that I am not for people on teams going committing crimes, If they get a felon while on a team I still feel as though they should be kicked off. BUT joining on a team with a felon shouldn't be discouraged since it again blocks out people leaving gangrp and wanting to go into normal teams roleplay with their character they love.

I apologize if any of this is worded weirdly. to make it easier to understand!

Let people join teams/tryout for teams with any character even if they have a felon!

Do not let people stay on teams with character if they get a NEW felon while on said team!

How will this benefit the server and community?:
It'll bring better roleplay to the teams faction, people having more fleshed out characters who has all kinds of history.

Encourages people to continue to use their characters that were involved in gangrp when leaving the gangrp scene.

Creates popular well known characters.

I don't see how any of this will effect anyone's roleplay negatively in the community as well, its a harmless update :D I've had tons of friends wanting to tryout for teams with a specific character they start to develop then get arrested for something stupid like animal abuse, which leads to them completely losing that character and having to start all over again.

꩜rios .ᐟ

Level 60
massive -1

You can continue developing your criminal characters outside of a sports team, you don’t need a tag for it. Keep Gangrper characters outside of sports


Level 104
massive -1

You can continue developing your criminal characters outside of a sports team, you don’t need a tag for it. Keep Gangrper characters outside of sports
What if i wanna make my character develope a love for sports, what if its in da lore.

Give the felons a chance fr, js if they fuck up then theyre out. Free them till its backwards

꩜rios .ᐟ

Level 60
What if i wanna make my character develope a love for sports, what if its in da lore.

Give the felons a chance fr, js if they fuck up then theyre out. Free them till its backwards

Its not realistic for a school to allow a known felon onto one of their sports team

90% of the felons in Karakura usually always have charges like possession of illegal weaponry, assault with a weapon or gang affiliation. Why should we allow characters with that sort of history onto a high school/college team?

ban felons from entering the school suggestion coming soon fr


Level 104

Its not realistic for a school to allow a known felon onto one of their sports team

90% of the felons in Karakura usually always have charges like possession of illegal weaponry, assault with a weapon or gang affiliation. Why should we allow characters with that sort of history onto a high school/college team?

ban felons from entering the school suggestion coming soon fr
SRP isnt realistic lil guy, wouldnt hurt to give someone another chance. What if it depended on the felony id say it depends on the felony if that be the case if its gang affiliation get that thug out of here, weapon posession aight, assault with a weapon is pushing it. Ive seen some greatly developed characters that are felons, they js wanna have fun too ts

꩜rios .ᐟ

Level 60
SRP isnt realistic lil guy, wouldnt hurt to give someone another chance. What if it depended on the felony id say it depends on the felony if that be the case if its gang affiliation get that thug out of here, weapon posession aight, assault with a weapon is pushing it. Ive seen some greatly developed characters that are felons, they js wanna have fun too ts
And they can continue developing these greatly written characters… away from the sports teams!


Level 88
Community Team
Event Team
I can see some cases where an individual with a felony would be allowed to be on a team - maybe accessory to kidnapping, like they could defend that they were forced to be there but now got out of it. I do not, in any way, support massive felonies (anything relating to weaponry or assault or threatening of major assault/murder or straight up kidnapping) to be on teams as that might result in rivalry being unruly and stop the progress that Tippie has made in helping set rivalry to a better pattern that goes with it's current rules. However, if this were to be allowed I'd see it as the same way you'd do a highschooler going to college, the captain would need to ask their respective sports lead if the character/individual would be allowed on the team with their felony. Felonies I'd consider being allowed on the team would be those where the character didn't have a choice to be there or help with it or if it was minor things like drunk driving a long time ago (felonies should have been placed at least 3 months ago). Otherwise, I can see rivalry going horribly, and I don't want that to happen period.

Takeaways: any member trying out with a felony must be confirmed to be allowed in the team after being "accepted" by the respective sport lead, felonies must be at least 3 months old, felonies should be minor felonies (unrelated to any assault or major threat), characters should have actual development.

Thank you for listening to my Ted talk


Level 45

Like what sora said.

IRL if you had a felon or something in most cases you would usually be denied access to represent a college/school, such as for example your scholarship would be taken and you wouldn't be able to play.

So I feel like depending on the felony committed they could be accepted.

Bigger felonies such as murder... assault on government official etc would be a Nono but then felonies like possession of illegal weaponry isn't so bad so that COULD be allowed. However it would have to be taken into account at that point how many other felonies/misdemeanors one might have. If they have MULTIPLE then it would be denied.

So I feel like felons could go on a team however It would be up to the sport lead as to let it happen or nawt


Level 66
this lowkey made no sense
Do you IRL know every felon, every person that's crime related? No. People who do not deal with this stuff, can be clueless. Taking away chance for your character to change and develop themself isn't fair, is it?

꩜rios .ᐟ

Level 60
Do you IRL know every felon, every person that's crime related? No. People who do not deal with this stuff, can be clueless. Taking away chance for your character to change and develop themself isn't fair, is it?
You can still develop your gangrp/crime character, no ones forbidding you from that.. it just shouldn't happen on sports teams

felons realistically aren't allowed at schools, why put them on sports teams? That makes no sense


Level 66
You can still develop your gangrp/crime character, no ones forbidding you from that.. it just shouldn't happen on sports teams

felons realistically aren't allowed at schools, why put them on sports teams? That makes no sense
Then why not every gangrper/crimerper has expelled tag? If you are willing to change and leave criminal path behind, you should be allowed to do that and join team. If this character keeps doing that, there's no obstacle to remove such a person. That's all I will say.


Level 115

I don't see why we are forcing people with developed characters to make a new one so that they can even have a chance at being on the team. By trying out for the team and possibly joining it they are already giving up their right to commit crimes, meaning it is a conscious decision they make; they are fully aware that once they are on the team, they can't involve themselves in criminal activity, so why should we force them to make an entirely new character and build it up from the ground just because they want to be in a sports team?


Level 65

Any arguments against it relating to it not being realistic, SRP isn't supposed to be realistic. And honestly, why not? There have been situations where people turn their life 180 degrees from being a criminal and a felon to being a successful person. People ICly should be given a second chance even if they do have a criminal record, but they need to make sure to not commit any felonies on this character.


Level 27
Community Team
Content Team

I feel like this could be done to some extent. However, there should be boundaries to it, there shouldn't be anyone with any major felonies on the teams. I agree with the above though, I think it should be different for each individual and ultimately decided by the captain going to the lead.

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