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Fire Department addition


Level 25
What's your Minecraft Username?: CTC0
What's the title of your suggestion?: Fire Department addition

What's your suggestion?:
Adding a fire department faction to the server and building to the map.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Adding firefighters would bring more roleplay opportunity for new faction members as well as people who aren't interested in joining the faction, but has interest in roleplaying with a firefighter.
The events that could occur would be not just fires, in which previous fire events were taken over by KPD and EMS. Events like mountain rescues, school fire drills, career days, the classic cat stuck in a tree or people if they so wish, Earthquake rescues as well as tsunamis, which all happen in Japan's proximity.

Here are a few ideas/suggestions of job titles that might be a good idea to add:
Fire chief
- Similar to the director of EMS or Commissioner of KPD
Fire lieutenant
- A higher up position, possibly something similar to a Detective in KPD
- The average everyday role for those who have just applied and been accepted, or for those who have been promoted from volunteer firefighter to an ordinary firefighter, getting paid for their work now.
Volunteer firefighter
- Someone who has applied to work for free as a firefighter, possibly getting promoted, similar to an internship.
- Those who would be qualified enough to go through the training (similar to UT or UP) would get promoted, let go or kept in their current position.
- Could possibly be an internship by itself for college students and/or grade-12 students as well.

I understand this has been suggested before, I noticed people taking an interest in it recently via OOC chat and figured I should at least mention it. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this! It is much appreciated.


Level 95
-1, This has been suggested many times and denied. KPD are Katakura's firefighters. Besides when will they be useful? Once In a blue moon for an event. Firefighters could do medical stuff too but that is EMS job, Overall -1


Level 95
-1, This has been suggested many times and denied. KPD are Katakura's firefighters. Besides when will they be useful? Once In a blue moon for an event. Firefighters could do medical stuff too but that is EMS job, Overall -1
Just to add on for this, Maybe for events there could be firefighters played by event team members since they will only be useful then.


Level 277
Hospital Lead
Model Coordinator
Hospital workers & Police Officers take on the role of firefighters


Level 73
Appreciate the idea but currently EMS workers and the KPD already play the role of firefighters.


Level 61
Teacher Lead
3D Modelling Team
This faction would be completely useless as EMS and KPD already take to the duties that would be traditionally taken up by firefighters. The only possible way I would see this being useful is for flash events and obviously only event team would bare the tag. Unless spontaneous fires were added I see no use for this faction on a day to day basis. But also firefighters are objectively hot so +1


Level 163
There has already been so so many of this specific suggestions in the past. And it will ALWAYS be denied no matter what. The reasoning behind it? Alex mentioned it above. EMS and KPD workers take on this role. Even though fires rarely happen in Karakura they are trained to do so if a fire needs to be put out. Let me clarify this, not little baby fires, I mean huge fires as in the forest on fire or a house on fire. For instance, if I remember this correctly when the Spartan fraternity and sorority house was caught on fire it had to be put out. Every small fire will not be an emergency because you can simply put it out yourself.

If somehow a fire department faction was to be added (which it will never be added) it would be very inactive. That’s because we rarely see fires happen on the server. Another thing is we already have enough factions within the server job wise.

If you are really that desperate to have fire fighters in the server; next time when you set your stove on fire just roleplay putting the fire out and imagine yourself a fire fighter.


Level 6
- Firefighters could not only help out with fire but also rescue missions. I don't know how many times I've seen people get stuck in trees, probably also gives KPD more opportunities to handle their own cases un-related to having a cat stuck in a tree or something.
- Usually firefighters are unbiased compared to Police which the only objective is "SAVE A PERSON" unlike officers who could have bias depending on the complicated situation so maybe there could be less corruption involved but that is debatable.
- Realistically it makes no sense to not have this in an environment where natural disasters happen VERY OFTEN in a real life scenario, while it might be more niche compared to other factions, it could still bring more of a better and interesting roleplaying aspect for our environment.
- Fire departments usually work as safe areas IRL (depending on the country) basically places to go to if you feel unsafe and it's not really AWKWARD to stay around there but this is debatable.
- I've seen a few characters in Karakura that would most likely be stupid enough to stuff their head through fence bars. What are the police gonna do about it? Taze the bars? EMS probably don't got time to deal with that, get the Fire Department to saw the bars off idk.
- The real debate is where is this going to be put under? Is it a different building? Is it expanded from the Hospital or KPD? That's where the real questions come in that could be slimmed down. Even then, the fire faction doesn't even NEED to be that big, it could just be a smaller addition that stems from KPD or Hospital staff. THAT I'm unsure of.
- Firefighters are hot no elaboration.


Level 49
Shrine Lead

I do like the idea of adding firefighters to SRP but there wouldn't be much for them to do. Things could be added to allow more of a use to firefighters but I don't think that would happen.


Level 88
Community Team
Event Team
Fires don't happen a lot, really only when it's an event thing so I agree with kota about event team getting a role with 'FireFighter'
However I think just leaving it to police officers is just fine!


Level 21

I do like the idea of adding firefighters to SRP but there wouldn't be much for them to do. Things could be added to allow more of a use to firefighters but I don't think that would happen.
Irl there's alot we do. But alot of those tasks are already dont by kpd and ems on srp, imo it would be a waste of time and most of the stuff that goes into the department wouldn't be done well in srp. It would be a 30/50 chance of things going to plan. Most I can see the faction doing I'd events but even then what's the point


Level 86

not enough fires (like ones that matter-ish) happening, so like yuh. KPD takes that over, so cool, aren't they?

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