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Firefighter role, fire department


Level 1
What's your Minecraft Username?: printsess300
What's the title of your suggestion?: Firefighter role, fire department

What's your suggestion?:
My suggestion is to add a firefighter department to SRP along side with the firefighter role. The fire department would have driveable fire trucks that will be used for responding to calls. Firefighters would have acces to many different equipments they can use. For example a fire hose, fiire extinguisher, ladder (to reach higher or to get ontop of taller buildings), hydrolic tools and bunch of other tools firefighter need in their daily lives when responding to calls (not all tools need to have a model, just the main ones others can be ItemRP'd). We then could also add fire hydrants around Karakura for the firefighters to use for water supply.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This addition to the game would make roleplays more realistic in some aspects. We would then be able to roleplay out having fires anywhere in Karakura, even in our own homes. For example by roleplaying we forgot something on the stove or in the oven causing a fire. And some time ago we had a small fire in the forest that was taken care of by KPD and EMS which isn't really that realistic as in real life firefighters would have taken care of it. The addition of this new role will create more roleplay opportunities for both the people who joined the firefighter faction and the people who are roleplaying a certain scenario related to something that would need the help of a firefighter, for example being stuck in burning building or are just simply roleplaying out a fire being in the house/apartment due to leaving something on the stove unattended. Now it wouldn't only give an oppurtinity to roleplay fire related things but also the oppurtinity to roleplay being rescued. For example rescuing a person or an animal who is stuck in tree or ontop of it or someone who is drowning. This addition would also create an oppurtunity for EMS to treat burn victims. Yes EMS at the moment do treat burn victims (mostly people who have gotten burns from being struck by lighting from what I have heard and seen) but burns are only a small portion of things they treat. This additon could also create an oppurinity to have fire drills at school.
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Level 20
The events of fires are way too rare to add a whole faction or KPD department for it. Giving people the ability to start fires in ANY way will be abused, or done way too much taking the city's population or size. I say its good the way it currently is with KPD getting fire extinguishers, and fires happening just for events and other related things.



Level 1
Thread starter
The events of fires are way too rare to add a whole faction or KPD department for it. Giving people the ability to start fires in ANY way will be abused, or done way too much taking the city's population or size. I say its good the way it currently is with KPD getting fire extinguishers, and fires happening just for events and other related things.

Now that I think of it starting fires in any way would be abused yeah. But then again we could maybe make it so that you have to ask premission from a higher up if you can like start a fire but then again it would/might add more work to the staff and adding some sort of system for the fire starting would be to much work for the devs. And with that it would probaly be the best if we leave fires happening for events and other things. If the addition of a whole faction is uneccesary then we could maybe atleast train EMS or KPD on how to deal with fires when they do accur.


Level 19

As much as I love this idea, it just can't happen right now. There are just not enough events to justify it. Now, as an event tag similar to Spirit, Photographer, Influencer, etc. I think it would be amazing!! Just not as a public faction yet.


Level 22

As much as I love this idea, it just can't happen right now. There are just not enough events to justify it. Now, as an event tag similar to Spirit, Photographer, Influencer, etc. I think it would be amazing!! Just not as a public faction yet.
I agree with this, an event tag for a firefighter would be 10x times better than having a dedicated faction for it, also this has been suggested multiple times, and denied for the same reasons more or less.


Level 1
Thread starter

As much as I love this idea, it just can't happen right now. There are just not enough events to justify it. Now, as an event tag similar to Spirit, Photographer, Influencer, etc. I think it would be amazing!! Just not as a public faction yet.
As an event tag it could work yeah. We could like perhaps have a fire drill event.
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Level 9
I know it's been denied numerous times before however I am actually neutral on this.

I think if things like Spontaneous fire events were to happen and had a 2% chance of happening in different places, it would be a very cool addition to add. It would offer more jobs for different players, more roleplay opportunities, etc. I think to make it work though, the plugin would have to be built first but could work as a low percentage and automatically in different places, then the firefighters could be called. For example, it could happen in public areas, certain apartment buildings, even classrooms- The only issue I do see with this is that if Firefighters are not on, what happens next? (We could make it a thing that you could attempt to put out a fire but would get hurt during it, like have extinguisher models around certain places, you would right click to pick one up and right click the fire, maybe a percentage of the fire would slowly decrease... Firefighters would have a faster decrease on the percentage.)

If it's just added without all of that being taken into account and no plugin is made for fires to occur, I do not see how useful it would be to have them. I also do not think the idea of letting people start fires is a good idea because it could be abused really easily, spammed a lot, etc.

Just wanted to add something to think about for future plugin development and ideas.
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Level 44
Idea is cool, but I doubt we’re getting new factions anytime soon. There’s also not much you can do as firefighter


Level 149
Fires don’t happen a lot on the server. And when they do it’s usually planned for a flash event or even an event by the community event team. If a faction was added it would be rarely used seeing how little fires happen. The faction would practically be useless and not fun to be in.

Plus this topic has been suggested plenty of times and it’s been denied every time. I doubt the result will be changed.



Level 187
Community Team
Lore Team

fires are normally a event type deal, so its not really needed to have a whole role just for it

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