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French Language Application - ninycold


Level 2
IGN : ninycold

Languages your character already knows : Korean

Language you're applying for : French

How does your character know this language? : Niny has been adopted by two families, the Kurashis and the Senovas. As she spent time with the Kurashis, she realised most of them spoke both Korean and French. Her father realised she couldn't speak French and immediately proposed to teach her. Niny was happy that she could try and learn and though there was some failures, Niny was persistent that she could learn it. She's been recommended online classes and multiple books to help but she was stuck at some point, she had both her dad and his best friend give her extra lessons to get over it but after a few months, she's gotten over it and after about a year she's learned to speak French fluently.


Level 28
Thank you for your application! After talking over it with the team, we have decided to deny it.

- Improper format. Bold the questions.
- Lack of detail. Try to write about what hardships they faced while learning the language. Sid they have a problem with sounding the words out? And how long did it take?


Level 47
Thank you for your application! After talking over it with the team, we have decided to deny it.

- Improper format. Bold the questions.
- Lack of detail. Try to write about what hardships they faced while learning the language. Sid they have a problem with sounding the words out? And how long did it take?


Level 37
Thank you for taking your time to apply, after talking with tha homies I have decided to tell you this is the wrong part of the forums to be posting this for more information take it up with my manager diez nutes thank you for reading!

ps. go to character applications-authorization applications for this <3

this is just a joke dw much luv have a gud one <3


Level 84
Community Team
Lore Team
A simple mistake! So you know next time head to the Character Authorised applications to post your language application.


Level 118
Thank you for taking your time to apply, after killing all my friends and leaving the server. I have chosen to tell you, no. JUST NO.


Level 9
IGN : ninycold

Languages your character already knows : Korean

Language you're applying for : French

How does your character know this language? : Niny has been adopted by two families, the Kurashis and the Senovas. As she spent time with the Kurashis, she realised most of them spoke both Korean and French. Her father realised she couldn't speak French and immediately proposed to teach her. Niny was happy that she could try and learn and though there was some failures, Niny was persistent that she could learn it. She's been recommended online classes and multiple books to help but she was stuck at some point, she had both her dad and his best friend give her extra lessons to get over it but after a few months, she's gotten over it and after about a year she's learned to speak French fluently.
I've decided to deny your application due to the lack of detail, Please use proper formatting next time aswell!
Feel free to try again at any time!​


Level 116

Thank you for your application! Unfortunately, we have decided to deny it for the following reasons:

We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy. . .


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